The condition of this apartment is shows that she lived there like that even before she left them. Poor kids had to be traumatize that they never tried to go outside. So sad
ОтветитьSo just because they were found at 15, 13 and 11 please please remember they were officially left at the ages of 10, 8 and 6(ish) what 10 year old knows about cleaning etc. Please remember that.
ОтветитьThe unfit mother should be made to live in those conditions. I hope she never sees the kids again.
ОтветитьHow can someone blame the kids? They were abandoned, frightened, hungry... They didn't know what to do.
ОтветитьHorrible for the children but god bless the mens who went in and clean it up
ОтветитьFound a fb acct for her. DNT SPEEAK MUCH. Brags about her career. More info on her personal life.
ОтветитьThanks Gisela I know it must have been hard for you to talk about this case.This is the worst case of child neglect. I literally cried. Those videos are horrific and to think they were living and breathing all of that. Big hugs for those little ones .
ОтветитьPerfect reason why some people should not be able to have kids
ОтветитьI doubt these fathers tried …More dead beat Dads
ОтветитьWhat about HER Mother? The childrens Grandma?? Charge her ass too! How you go 5 years and never see your grandchildren and they rt thr across town? 🤔 😡
ОтветитьThis is 25 mins from my house and it makes me SICK!! Problem is in Pontiac and Detroit there is probably even more homes like this maybe just not so extreme… All libtards should have to come live in one of these cities to see how people getting free shit really live!! They will literally have kids just to get more money…
ОтветитьThe neighbors, school, family FAILED THESE CHILDREN ASWELL!!!
ОтветитьI like this judge. She gets it.
Thank you so much for giving these beautiful kids a defense and sharing their story in such a respectful way
Thankfull that these kids were saved and they will soon thrive! 🩷
ОтветитьYESSSS judge 🤍
ОтветитьWas this a rental? In that case there would have been yearly inspections and if it was in a complex they would have done fire inspections etc. Someone would have seen it if so.
ОтветитьI can’t wrap my mind around this Seriously heartbreaking
Ответитьhow did the attached neighbours not hear them through the walls.
ОтветитьThe mother should be locked up in there and made to clean that place!!
ОтветитьPoetic justice awaits. Trust the process of the female inmates not tolerating this. They know when she enters the prison and, they are waiting for her. Believe that the hot coffee is already brewing for her warm welcome when she walks into the chow hall! And no, that burning hot coffee is not going to be poured in a coffee mug, but thrown in her mug!
ОтветитьThe neighbor who was in part 1 also had the last name Gross. I wonder if they are related?
ОтветитьIt could have been such a nice home
ОтветитьYour reporting/sharing of information on cases pulled from the headlines is so factual and more importantly compassionate ..thank you for what you do ❤
ОтветитьI wonder if she was estranged from her parents.
ОтветитьWhy have children if you just going to leave them alone and w/ o food and clean clothes. They’re small who doesn’t know how to clean themselves. Poor children.
ОтветитьShe don't have no 25 million which is 10% of a 250 million Bond.
ОтветитьI just can't help but side-eye those girls in the club partying wild with their makeup on point but happens to be mothers😶
ОтветитьDid she or the landlord turn off the water?
ОтветитьThis case is upsetting hope they get all the ❤and support they need.
ОтветитьImagine if there was a fire in that house. All that trash would go up, and escape would be so hard. So glad those kids have been discovered
ОтветитьWhen parents can't or won't parent, they blame kids.
ОтветитьMy question what landlord lets you slide on rent for 3 months??? Then he calls for a welfare check?
ОтветитьDid owners not do inspections
ОтветитьOut of all the True Crime podcast, yours is the Best😉
ОтветитьI can't believe there were children living in that trash😢 Unbelievable!
ОтветитьI bet this property was owned by someone who lives out of the state or out of the country. There is no way the owner lived locally and never got an inspection on their property.
ОтветитьShe also was a teen mom so what was her upbringing? If her parents didn’t raise her right then how could they raise their grandkids
ОтветитьI don’t understand why these kids just didn’t walk out of the apartment. They were teenagers not small children. What did she do to frighten them so bad they wouldn’t come out
ОтветитьI wonder how the children are doing now. Prayerfully in a loving, clean and non abusive environment. It's going to take time,
ОтветитьShe also didn’t post any pictures of her kids on Facebook people didn’t notice that that’s crazy
ОтветитьIt’s horrific to know that these poor children were left to fend for themselves. They had no idea how to take care of each other let alone a house.
ОтветитьHello from Fayetteville NC
ОтветитьGood on the judge for 250 million dollar cash only bail. Nice to see someone looking out for these kids.
ОтветитьFor anyone new to this channel, "Shame" doesn't mean the same to South Africans as it does to other English speakers. It’s not a judgement like "Shame on you!", it’s an expression of empathy and sometimes affection 🙂
ОтветитьI can't believe how these children were failed That nobody in her family who hasn't seen those kid's 5 years Was concerned Like where are they why haven't we been seeing my grandchildren And what about the school system These kids have been in school 5 years No 1 in her family Was concerned That they haven't seen her with her children in 5 years what about her friends she sure could parade her ass on facebook half assed naked She need The same way She had those poor children live Now it's gonna take a lot of therapy To rebuild these these children back again And I'm so sorry that the world has Has failed these beautiful children I can't even imagine the horror They lived in that house
ОтветитьMy heart breaks for these three children. I wish them nothing but love and happiness from here on out.