Dead by Daylight in Summary

Dead by Daylight in Summary


2 года назад

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Evan had inherited much from his father. The estate. Its workers. Its disasters. Its maggots. His mother - drowned, forgotten - would likely have never approved. She had left nothing for Evan. That's why the bear had taken her. It is why it was Evan's job to set traps in the deep woods. It is why his uncle had lost half a head. It is why his father's story was always changing. The wealth his father had left him was not earned; it was something to be lost through weakness. It was why those socialists - the maggots - writhed in the soil, yearning for an earned early death. Evan had to be strong. It was why he had survived. For a time. He knew more than his father. Now. The sketches he had once drawn drifted to bloodied soil, in tatters. Like golden coins spilling from a corpse's pocket. The bodies always rose now. Carried away by the black hands. Like distorted bear claws. The traps could not kill the bear. They could only slow it. His father's story was still being rewritten, but Archie - now long dead - had always been its killer. Embers of another survivor's body scattered like fired paper, as the bear pulled another victim into the sky. The tatters fell to his feet. Drawn upon that page was the image of his father, in the costume of a bear, killing his mother. Evan scowled at bent knee, taut spring set to the crack of a new trap: Archie MacMillan, father, teacher, and bitter enemy, had been a furry. "Cringe."


This is my first animation in Clip Studio Paint instead of Toonboom, which is why it looks the way it does. It took a few months of work, as I learned how everything worked. It almost didn't export!


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