2nd Law of Thermodynamics explained: Things get more random over time | Stephen Wolfram

2nd Law of Thermodynamics explained: Things get more random over time | Stephen Wolfram

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Sabotage Sabotage
Sabotage Sabotage - 19.09.2023 19:43

Heat created from entropy in a constant state of flux, similar to cbr, triggered by quantum locking, in a vacuum, the friction of the interaction between hot and cold created electromagnetism that binds everything together in an amount of time,across the multiverse, currently unmeasurable, paradoxically the evidence obtained to describe it in fact describes the thing in which we consider unmeasurable because the term measurable defines a fixed or solid state in the classical sense. I don’t need to throw a ball to know that gravity still exist. I’m not sure if steady state theory would support this idea but that what I like to believe.

Guy Mercier
Guy Mercier - 14.09.2023 22:37

To understand Entropy... just look at the room of your children... that is Entreopy :--)

Emin de Boer
Emin de Boer - 13.09.2023 23:58

He's talking a lot of non-sensical gibberish words in sentences arranged to hide it's non-sensicalness ..

Dylan Sumiskum
Dylan Sumiskum - 12.09.2023 10:25

So does that mean that Wolfram has a "many worlds interpretation" to the measurement problem when he talks about the Ruliad being this structure of all possibilities?

Бедный Помещик
Бедный Помещик - 09.09.2023 19:25

Что значит "rulead"? Примерно по смыслу догадываюсь что это, но сомневаюсь что вполне угадываю.

Jason Stillman
Jason Stillman - 09.09.2023 05:14

I find it surprising that the 2nd law can't be derived from the mechanics of motion.

Jason Stillman
Jason Stillman - 08.09.2023 10:22

So the perceived entropy of a system is the consequence of our ignorance of the system?

Schmetter Ling
Schmetter Ling - 05.09.2023 02:00

The second law doesn't have anything to do with randomness. All it says is that heat flows from hot to cold, unless we do something about it... like turning on the refrigerator. :-)

Jay Kay
Jay Kay - 04.09.2023 01:55

There is a reason why this guy remains the youngest winner of the Marshall award.
Insane level of intelligence, and applied intellect.

Kevin Casson
Kevin Casson - 02.09.2023 23:20

What does discrete mean 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂. What a liad of bullshit!

JJKimbreaux 🧿
JJKimbreaux 🧿 - 30.08.2023 16:22

This is me trying to figure out whether my marriage is worth saving. Short answer- it's not.

Ox wood Br
Ox wood Br - 30.08.2023 10:50


Stephen Duplantier
Stephen Duplantier - 21.08.2023 15:26

What if the Ruliad had a secret? Maybe it’s not the universal “calculus ratiocinator” it wants to be, but has a hidden antagonist—a calculus irrationcinator , an evil twin running on a deviant mathesis.

A secret no-rule, deviance easily proceeds from Wolfram’s entire project: enough iterations turn simplicity into something like complexity. This hard-won “deviance” principle is a new order (new science) implicate in Wolfram’s infernal little boxes—a hidden, no-rule automaton which sneaks in.

The whole thing should be called the “Anarchiad”—the leaky non-sum total of almost-all heterogenously-logical (Maruyama) and Peircean abductively (il)logical processes and events.

The Anarchiad is not a thought experiment. It sits on and describes an electric plasma universe, a cosmos which calls for a higher mathesis universalis based on well-understood electrical experiments and not based on the thought experiments and abstract mathematics of Einstein, or Alice in Quantum Mechanics Wonderland, or the sheer perversity of statistical obsession with entropy. Accounting for every particle feels for all the world like a dreadful New Science of the Universal Panopticon, keeping every particle a prisoner it’s a Carceral Universe.

The cosmology of a plasma universe is as harsh as any other, but at least escapes Wolfram’s theological temptations. Another universe is maybe possible—a plasma Anarchiad universe with a jazzy feel playing way cooler blues.

The Ruliad mustn’t be allowed to claim that a no-rule is just another rule. Unless that is it finally admits that it is really the “No-Ruliad,” or as I call it, the Anarchiad.

Boyan Iontchev
Boyan Iontchev - 15.08.2023 14:13

in short, if God exists, he doesn't exist

Jeff Mccombe
Jeff Mccombe - 15.08.2023 11:34

Lex should interview Marko Rodin and dive into the Vortex Math paradigm, the torus vortex equilibrium.

Zero-G - 08.08.2023 01:15

He spends 100% of his time explaining the preexisting ideas of it, and 0% of his time explaining what his actual version of the idea is. Look I already know all that shit, just tell me your version.

Vic8962 - 03.08.2023 14:56

Randomness is subjective... Zoom out far enough, and Order reveals itself.
Order equates design.
Design equates GOD.

Pray 🙏

Phillip Barnard
Phillip Barnard - 22.07.2023 09:44

The second law is behind evolution........!!? N'that?

Phillip Barnard
Phillip Barnard - 22.07.2023 09:42

This explains evolution, the order persistent, the useless discarded for reuse!!!!!?

Marcilio Carneiro
Marcilio Carneiro - 13.07.2023 20:47

I think Stephen is talking about consciousness.The problem with a big capacity of reasoning is not seeing some very simples things.

Marcilio Carneiro
Marcilio Carneiro - 13.07.2023 19:14

The volume 5 of the Berkeley Collection also had a good influention on me in my graduation

FUN SPLASH! - 11.07.2023 22:42

Haha yeah I guess if your working with steam engines you’d come to the idea that energy dissipates in the form of heat. But what about other engines? Sounds like this law become too general and is confusing a lot of people now.

Yea things tend toward disorder but they also tend toward order as-well. There are cycles or order and disorder. If this is actually a law of the universe then where is the scientific experiment showing that it’s true?

Mathew Shore
Mathew Shore - 07.07.2023 22:26

I really didn't think I'd ever have the opportunity to listen to the people I have brilliant thanks sxx

Linuxkuri Bose
Linuxkuri Bose - 24.06.2023 23:04

There is a library known to have taken Sadi Carnot's book off the shelves because the book was "too old".

Paul L
Paul L - 24.06.2023 16:29

Science is a contradicting religion worse than any other religion. Entropy increases yet we are the most complex entity in the universe. Not to mention phenomenal consciousness.

Poly Mathematics
Poly Mathematics - 18.06.2023 00:02

Matter and energy falling into a blackhole is not becoming more dissociative, quite the opposite, it is consolidating and reverses entropy.

4running away
4running away - 17.06.2023 15:15

5g enters the chat yall

Adelina Moldoveanu
Adelina Moldoveanu - 09.06.2023 18:55

Lex you drink coke?

Keaau Brandon
Keaau Brandon - 02.06.2023 01:54

Very much enjoyed this convo Lex Thanks!

Yvonne Hyatt
Yvonne Hyatt - 30.05.2023 11:02

Lex, your father knows all of this knowledge too. Maybe better 🧐

Corkpop - 29.05.2023 23:50

Is it possible to share the timestamp in the description, im listening to the full cast now and would skip over what i listened to here.

John Dutchman
John Dutchman - 29.05.2023 08:30

🎶Memorex Turtles . . . all-the-way-down !🎵🎶

Craig Collins
Craig Collins - 26.05.2023 10:29

And Yet You Can't :) lol
Who were you talking ....Rule 30 I accept :) Thanks for all you work! You Rock!!!

nickinskeep - 26.05.2023 09:00

Bro's got that elders scrolls npc voice at certain times

Brennan Esposito
Brennan Esposito - 25.05.2023 06:25

I love the long clips 🫶 what a lovely conversation. Thank you, Lex <3

Jason Schorn
Jason Schorn - 24.05.2023 16:32

Why call it a case of order to disorder? Isn’t the “disorder” just another version of order as the two “things” re-assimilate relative to their surrounding?

Common P
Common P - 24.05.2023 12:48

2nd Law of Thermodynamics: you DO NOT talk about Thermodynamics!

Timothy Farris
Timothy Farris - 24.05.2023 05:23

The concept of order and disorder could be a function of the observer

Timothy Farris
Timothy Farris - 24.05.2023 05:22

The number of micro-states increase

JOHN STEICHEN - 23.05.2023 11:11

Second law of thermodynamics = Even your Cadillac will rust eventually 😂

Rubén Angel Varisco
Rubén Angel Varisco - 23.05.2023 07:28

What if the primitives are different from the primitives he decides to creates? Frankenstein is not unique, as mathematics are not unique, and each one describes not reality, but own reality. The probe I'm correct is the increasing growing of theories of universe, probing one more time the same thing: entropy is always increasing, but order is always present in our perception. Better religion than mathematics to perceive the reality.

Putuma Gqamana
Putuma Gqamana - 23.05.2023 07:10

This limitation of computationally bound observers sounds like some sort of uncertainty principle, or a manifestation of it in large macroscopic systems. New corny joke: the second law of thermodynamics, Heisenberg's uncertainty principle and computational irreducibility walked into a bar, that turned out to be a black hole. They all got sucked into a singularity.

Dojo Turnbull
Dojo Turnbull - 23.05.2023 02:57

Therefore, God being all persistent through the ruliad , is by definition, incoherent. 😂

Paul The Merciful
Paul The Merciful - 22.05.2023 20:22


Narayan Khanal
Narayan Khanal - 22.05.2023 14:29

❤❤❤❤very impressive!!

Rh Hernandez
Rh Hernandez - 22.05.2023 07:39

The more information the more it last to execute the comandment. Massive black holes stop the time while on dark space it s been exexcuted at the speed of dark energy.

D T - 21.05.2023 17:47

This is actually a huge problem I have thought about for a long time also. For example, we are told the Sun is hotter in its core than on the surface. Space is a vacuum with no energy and is therefore super cold. According to the laws of thermodynamics, heat therefore moves from hot into cold and disperses - in fact, that is how the heat from the sun gets to us, and warms our planet. However, if this alone were the mechanism, then sun spots become a problem. Sun spots are regions of the absence of heat and light which shows up on the surface of the sun, even though there are massive nuclear explosions on the surface. If the sun is hotter at its core than on the surface, which would be the cause under relativity, because for it to have the gravity it has it has to be denser with more mass in the core, then we have a problem with the 2nd law of thermodynamics since heat should be dispersing from the denser and hotter core into the area that creates a sun spot and there should be no sun spots. Instead, heat somehow disperses into the vacuum of the universe from the surface of the sun and leaves pockets of total black darkness and absence of light and heat on the surface of the sun. Acc to thermodynamics, this could not be happening.
