Firas Zahabi: Some People Don’t Know the Reality of Violence

Firas Zahabi: Some People Don’t Know the Reality of Violence

JRE Clips

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@bilalkhares4932 - 07.02.2024 17:22

Tbf I think the guy panicked because the laptop was gonna be crushed, he should have then calmed down when Firas asked him and should have just stopped the chair instead of smacking it, a laptop is expensive to a lot of people.

@Kreamstyle627 - 07.02.2024 01:47

I assume everyone can fight and I try my best not to underestimate people.

@redhotchillipepper9917 - 27.01.2024 23:33

He is making millions and you idiots are believing this BS. Be in that world… nothing will change. He will be a billionaire next and you sheep follow his nonsense ! 😂

@jojombo3459 - 27.01.2024 21:06

I don't agree with Joe on combat sports and bullying. My bully in high school was a heavyweight boxer when I was weighting 110 pounds.
He sure was insecure in some aspects of his life and combat sports didn't fix those. Some days, you could see that he just took a beating in a match and that he was angry and more insecure so in those days, you can make sure there was no escape for me. Very fucking unfair.
In fact later on in high school, he met 2 other new dudes who got kicked out from other schools and that did boxing too and guess what? they all jump me (although I was 140lb there).
I can really see how bullying can affect weak minded people to the point were they commit horrible shit because of how unfair its is and it really stays in your head for the rest of your life.
I cringe every time Joe repeats '' we should teach kids combat sports so they don't bully''.

@dhruvsomaiya5589 - 19.01.2024 00:44

Imagine everyone knows how to fight and we’re seeing people arm bar each other in bar fights.

@jlear8 - 18.01.2024 15:04

Some people who think they're hard have no concept of it whatsoever.

It's like Doctor Strange when he's doing his spells from that book; the warning is at the back of it and that is life.

You put yourself into a situation thinking you're in a movie, you watch UFC or boxing, thinking there's a referee to protect you once you get battered, or maybe you are on the tip throwing hammers down.

The three things no one ever thinks about in that situation is his mate tooled up behind you, or when you get knocked to the ground and then.same mates stamping on your face, or you fucking with the wrong fella and his mates see you, find out where you live, threaten you, your family, your house...
or the legal aspect of it, living in the UK the law on reasonable force is as vague the colour of air.

Remember there is no fucking referee to stop it, only yourself to walk away because when you open that box that shit will.follow you around and catch you out when you least expect it

@TurkMovement - 17.01.2024 03:54

Most people are privileged and feel good about themselves when they tell someone else off.

@bobdole7292 - 17.01.2024 01:36

Drones on and on and on about violence isn’t worth it and a laptop isn’t worth it and then proceeds to escalate the situation. What a joker

@jamesashfeld4230 - 07.01.2024 06:48

I love telling stories where I'm the tough guy

@NicholasA. - 07.01.2024 06:14

You guys want to talk about insecurity and all but people fight for all sorts of reasons not just insecurity. 😂 How do you know that these various people that Mr. Zahabi encountered have never been in a fight before? I'm talking about the guy on the airplane whose laptop Mr. Zahabi crushed and the guy that Mr. Zahabi encountered while he was driving and maybe others that you might have discussed for that matter. How do you know?

@KornFlace - 27.12.2023 16:53

Many bullies out there are not insecure at all 💀

@davehollis66 - 10.12.2023 04:23

I’ve trained kick boxing and played football from 7 until I was 23, that thought of walking in somewhere and feeling exposed is eye opening. Physicality isn’t instilled in some people

@BenWeeks-ca - 07.12.2023 08:01

How would you describe the requirements of a minimum level training that Coach Zahabi referred to everyone ideally having?

@xodusgraphicdesigns3384 - 03.12.2023 18:38

I don’t go to school because I’m scared I will be jumped my my classmates :(

@ruhalfoyls - 22.11.2023 15:18

Im a pretty big guy and i got in a few scraps when i was younger. I found out im a true pacifist. Each time i ever hit some one i immediately felt scared i did dmg. So now even if the other guy is wrong i often just apologize and move on. Not worth the stress (also am i the only one who feels less physical pain when i get a blue eye then when i give one. My hand always feels messed up for a week or so, wile most of the time my eye feels fine after a couple of days.)

@kubapiwowarczyk599 - 21.11.2023 03:05

This posturing of trained guys, posing always as these "humble, respectful(tm)" dudes, it really sounds outtdated and belonging to the previous, era of pretending.

@BigDaddy-je2nq - 20.11.2023 21:14

My experience being bullied is it’s not just the insecure people doing it, the teachers project their own insecurities when dealing with it too, I got punched in the stomach for no reason infront of a teacher and they just stood there, I ground’n pounded the guy and a teacher lifted me off with her foot between my legs, they were more concerned about me fighting back than the other kid walking around punching people

@neonpersonishere - 20.11.2023 18:47

He doesn’t either. Dude has always been in regulated professional “fights”. Go fight in a war.

@ayush20019 - 19.11.2023 10:19

For some reason i have started liking joe rogan and his podcasts at the same time I started like MMA on 12 Nov

@benjisisler2579 - 15.11.2023 23:20

A lot of bullying is done by ppl with training too though

@TylerEubank - 15.11.2023 21:23

Agree but also think this guest was pumping his ego up by embellishing how scared he made people feel

@martynilsson4731 - 14.11.2023 09:13

Put alcohol in the gym and people fight in the gym. Also - even if you are trained and able to inflict violence, you'll gonna be fucked too, if you injure someone.
Didn't think that one through guys.

@chicken29843 - 13.11.2023 22:01

Bullies are sociopaths. Teaching them to fight will only make them more brutal

@julienleboulch7747 - 11.11.2023 22:59

I had been practicing judo for ten years and still to this day I never want to spark any bad emotions around me cause I know some people are irrationnaly good at winning fights, and i always get confused on why do people think it's so ok to be mad and everything but I am sure they've just never been in a fight that's why. I just can't put myself in their shoes man.

@darylpettiford4900 - 11.11.2023 05:59

Jumping out of a car to challenge a stranger to a fight is asinine. This is a excellent way to get shot ran over or if you win get arrested for assault. This guy doesn’t understand violence.

@Akira-kd6us - 09.11.2023 14:16

America has given its citizens a pass to act tough even if they're untrained, what this man is saying isn't wrong if anything it's morally correct but it's funny coming from someone who I assume lives in US.

@TheInternetShow12 - 08.11.2023 04:26

He sounds like a bully. Tryna fight someone over a chair

@fishnow1560 - 06.11.2023 10:40

So teach me how to fight

@zak61221 - 05.11.2023 12:04

Funny they think everyone who doesn't do martial arts feels insecure around other people 😆

@michaelperez3887 - 01.11.2023 04:12

America school system sucks.

@miker20 - 31.10.2023 00:43

Typically if someone is gonna drop out they are gonna do it regardless of what the law says..

@AndeanPuma5 - 30.10.2023 23:17

Loud mouths are always suckers

@miquelr2353 - 30.10.2023 21:25

My country school is obligated till 18

@miquelr2353 - 30.10.2023 21:25

My country school is obligated till 18

@Cmon-Man - 24.10.2023 11:39

The whole time watching this I was remembering the years I bartended/bounced some really big clubs in S. Calif. then they finally brought it up. Myself and the fellas I worked with on many, many occasions we would tell people, “stop and think about what is about to happen if you continue “ a few times thankfully they weren’t so drunk to not understand, most times, they were taken down real quick. Absolutely correct, people don’t understand the reality of violence

@user-dz5fi4ok9z - 24.10.2023 05:39

Yep fighting is one thing people don't want to be in because it can end your life or there's nd if not can really lead to someone getting missed up real bad

@kenh.5903 - 23.10.2023 20:17

"Hardly see a fight at the gym but you see fights at bars all the time"

Don't you think maybe that's because alcohol is involved?

@Bffgjhyfffgg - 23.10.2023 01:44

Most valuable lesson I learned during my Taekwondo training to black belt was the best solution to a fight is to avoid it at all cost.

@andrewcarey6116 - 22.10.2023 21:27

If you feel insecure walking into a room of people just because you don't have violent training you got some serious psychological issues

@danielhance1467 - 22.10.2023 10:28

This is why i hate these woke idiots that say words are the same as violence. I've been in so many fights at this point and have lived around violence my entire life, and the one thing I'm glad i learned, is that one day someone will know more then me when it comes to fighting.

@QUEENSBRIDGE_10TH_ST231 - 22.10.2023 04:25

I live by a certain rule, don’t fck with people because you never know who you’re fcking with.

@RayBidwell - 20.10.2023 18:06

Must have been a white guy

@BeatniKkers - 20.10.2023 01:35

You can drop out of high school at 16

@ExOccult - 19.10.2023 21:42

People who never learned what survival is ....

@ottofumbler7267 - 17.10.2023 03:44

See how he immediately changes his recollection from "punched" to "palmed"? What other lies are embedded in his story? He could do himself a huge favour by reframing the narrative in his own mind, and learn from his mistakes.

"Respect is everything, respect is huge ". Without asking, he encroached on someone else's personal space. He wasn't expecting the other person to have their say (by pushing the seat away), and when they did, he apparently tries to intimidate them. The laptop wasn't the problem here.

Respect isn't just about how you talk to others. It's how you treat people in general.

Our storyteller escalated the exchange, and can't take responsibility for his embarrassment of not being respectful to his fellow passenger. This is textbook entitlement. So, instead of doing the right thing and apologising, he can't park his ego, and shuts down the conversation. He doesn't tell us what he said, but I'm guessing it was a thinly veiled threat of violence, because that's what the clip is about.

Flying is not a pleasant experience for anyone. Sit down, shut up, and stay in your space until it's over. If you feel you need to recline your seat, politely ask the person behind first. And if they politely decline, then respect their wishes.

Some airlines have removed the seat recliner function exactly because of space invaders like him.

Joe is a much wiser interviewer than he comes across here. I think if this conversation took place today, he would have challenged his guest on their behavior in that example.

It's sad it wasn't obvious to Joe's guest, but a simple apology on that day for a genuine mistake would have completely avoided any sense of antagonism, and he probably wouldn't even remember that moment in his life, and be happier for that fact.

@voidofmisery4810 - 16.10.2023 20:54

“I train in a gym and fight, man these ppl that don’t really don’t know what its like”
agreed 😂

@ronaldaragon5687 - 16.10.2023 00:10

The fact that violence can explode at any time, is a risk. There are those in this world who will open up at any moment. There is always someone who can take you out, and you never know who it is.

@servantofallah9425 - 15.10.2023 19:09

U look back and ask for permission when adjusting seat towards back. Its simple and easy
