The making of SOBO - Sydney Olympic Broadcasting Organisation

The making of SOBO - Sydney Olympic Broadcasting Organisation


2 года назад

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@whophd - 16.10.2022 17:04

Wow where did you get this?

@kingaroykid - 21.02.2024 02:03

Thanks for posting this video. Fascinating to watch and also and important public piece of Olympic history and legacy.

@McCross96 - 25.07.2024 04:10

My third time watching this video. I always remember of this when the Olympics month comes and It´s crazy to think that after 24 (!!!) years the graphics package remains basically the same, only with the obvious updates. I always get curious to see if there are any big changes in the upcoming events... For Paris 2024 seems that remains the same style!

Sydney 2000 was definitely a very important mark on the Olympics history! Thank you so much for this amazing video! Wished that other events like Athens 2004 and Beijing 2008 had similar content. Thank you.

@helenmcgregor1318 - 19.08.2024 03:16

It's so important to remember how complex the broadcasting of the Olympics is and how SOBO achieved its own Gold in 2000.
