Elliott with 2 T's Breaks Silence: Exposed (The Full Interview)

Elliott with 2 T's Breaks Silence: Exposed (The Full Interview)

Joseph Shepherd

3 дня назад

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@ThisApp - 17.07.2024 17:14

Joseph, there’s still time to delete this video and not platform this person

@jhoserovi29 - 17.07.2024 17:26

Elliott is not being accountable about the words use and the context it implies, not once in the interview He said I made a mistake when it came to the RPDR events, he got stuck in a victim role. Missed opportunity to actually be accountable and honest and simply say: Hey, I am from the south, I was raised thinking this is normal behavior, I never seek growth and educate myself, now I am.

@henrybae276 - 17.07.2024 17:39

15 minutes into this and I just hope she says once I WAS WRONG and take accountability for the way she has unintentionally hurt people. versus simply venting and crying about her own pain.

@user-tx8ts1fw4w - 17.07.2024 18:08

I think the glaring issue is that Elliott just isn’t that likeable. I’m sure she means the world to those who love her and that’s great, I want everyone to find their family and be happy. But when it comes to drag queens with very upfront and confrontational personalities who you kept accidentally insulting, they just don’t like her. She didn’t come across well on tv, her cast mates clearly don’t like her, she’s said what she needed to, the queens have responded as they needed to, and I think you all should just move on from this. We won’t see Elliot on AS or VTW, but she’s a great performer and does what she does. Just move on babe, because I’m so sorry to say: the other girls don’t care about you.

@user-tx8ts1fw4w - 17.07.2024 18:13

‘I thought ratchet was empowering’

Elliotts verse:

‘My hair is snatched,
You looking rach’
Compared to me there ain’t no match’

Wasn’t quite said in an ‘empowering’ way was it….

I’d have a lot more respect if she could just say: ‘look, I wanted to be liked. I said and did things I thought made me fierce, turns out I was just an annoying lil f*g insulting people. I won’t do it again and I’m sorry to anyone I hurt, let’s move on.’ But no, it’s the sad eyes and the ‘I grew up with chickens’ angle

@zacmakeup - 17.07.2024 18:13

Elliott is a professional victim. Zero accountability or recognition of her past actions. It’s not hate, it’s just facts! Full of bs excuses.

@Anotherbrokenegg910 - 17.07.2024 18:22

I don’t think Joseph was the best interviewer for this. He just didn’t want to have too much of a back and forth and just let her whine for an hour with no pushback or actual conversation.

@Javier-zw9sx - 17.07.2024 19:39

This truly strikes me as ignorance not only on the racist and transphobic comments but as someone who truly doesn't understand social queues and social interaction in general.
I don't think she's transphobic nor racits but rather someone who still doesn't get what the issue is. And she needs to understand that sometimes it's not the other person job to educate, go yourself do the research and even after that if the person don't want to forgive you that is still valid.
I can see that some progress have been done but still needs to catch some of the undertones of the whole situation and APOLOGIZE publicly to Symone, Kandy, GottMik and the other people after doing that to them personally not expecting a response out of them.
She truly can have a redemption and be an example of how can someone educate themselves on this issues being ignorant but she stills see them as villains as I can tell

@jhoodsd - 17.07.2024 20:25

What’s wrong with being a queer Trump supporter? I don’t believe her but I also don’t agree with anti- Trump extremists that want to put her down for this!

@asian6oy - 17.07.2024 20:31

you can't teach an ignorant dog new tricks I guess 🤷🏻

@ri0tfairy - 17.07.2024 21:01

Girl apologize and own up to your mistakes to your CASTMATES. Before coming on the internet and trying to clear your name with pure yapping.

@The123lucas321 - 17.07.2024 22:41

Learn from your mistakes, APOLOGIZE for what you’ve wronged, learn some more, improve, restart and get better, some stuff that we need to do as a person in this always evolving world! She’s missing a few things, specially acknowledging her mistakes and apologizing before trying to get a rudemption

@freakingbored - 17.07.2024 23:47

u need bob AND the naacp????

@matildo4ka7 - 18.07.2024 00:31

Never apologize to your bullies. Shine your light no matter what. You had depression and they targeted you. Shameless people and boring performers. Please don't FIX yourself for others.

@hausofdownboots - 18.07.2024 00:32

I hate where this fandom has come to..

@hausofdownboots - 18.07.2024 00:36

Lets not act like half of this fandom isn't the most toxic ever the moment they too get the platform for it...

@cocosmom2852 - 18.07.2024 00:42

“I missed out on what I was looking forward to most Fan Art” 😅!?? Nd “how could I have known” girl you been alive for 29 something years u watch tv cmon u see the current climate … ur well aware 😅

@matildo4ka7 - 18.07.2024 00:43

Thank you Joseph for this video. Eliott was ABUSED and targeted by mediocrity. Fly high Flamingo queen, never deem your light for others 🙏

@daeyannahdavis - 18.07.2024 01:04

I wanna like Elliot but something is just screaming ….. I wanna get an all stars season in! 😬

@beeiceton8824 - 18.07.2024 01:05

Elliott girl you spent most of this video saying "how was I to know??" but admitted that Kandi told you during filming that you were out of line? Why is her reaction to upsetting people "that's awful but why didn't you say?" You should be asking YOURSELF why your castmates felt incapable of telling you that you were out of order. If Kandi told you and the behaviour continued, then what is Gottmik supposed to do when you repeatedly say things to make him uncomfortable? Tell you to stop and then still suffer through it when it continues anyway? The accountability wasn't in the room with us at ALL. Blaming bigotry on idiocy is a weak excuse. How were you supposed to know?? Read the room. Listen to your castmates. Think before you speak. Obey boundaries set out to you by other communities. Idk, maybe just don't say nasty shit like that??? The past social media posts just solidified that her "stupidity" is less accidental and more intentional because she literally said she knew she was being controversial but wanted attention. Sounds like the same has continued on, and is now a different type of victim complex. Please stay away unless you can learn to say sorry without saying sorry BUT

@cocosmom2852 - 18.07.2024 01:15

This was a waste anyone acting like this is an apology is delusional and if u believe him u must be easily manipulated cuz cmon bro

@Peter-hz5nk - 18.07.2024 01:38

Kandy is a piece of work. The fans hated her when she argued with Tamisha. Now her and her minions switched gears onto Elliott so that the fans could focus on her and not Kandy anymore. She knew what she was doing. The fans are just oblivious and all of a sudden love Kandy.

@Peter-hz5nk - 18.07.2024 01:43

Bring Elliott on Allstars for her rudemption already… Her main rudemption is her reality check, she needs it.

@Kahnum_0318 - 18.07.2024 01:47

This subpar “interviewer” and this bigot ?! Distasteful and disturbing honey.

@cocosmom2852 - 18.07.2024 01:52

Mocking Got Miks “I don’t know” and saying it was ingenuine when that has been pretty much ur only response! Is crazy af 😅 I dnt get how ppl like Elliott exist seriously I know ppl like him nd it baffles me how u could be so delusional with such audacity 😅

@Peter-hz5nk - 18.07.2024 02:03

People need to realize that at least Elliott is trying to change. That other one has always been the same and possibly will never change. That’s why Tamisha put her in her place… the bathroom. Her mouth is a toilet and has crap on it daily.

@iactr3807 - 18.07.2024 04:32

I strongly suspect Elliott is autistic. The lack of awareness and ability to pick up on social cues is staggering. There’s also very high levels of unconscious bias & ignorance in Elliott which she’ll admit to but won’t actually apologise for, which to an autistic person why should they apologise for something they aren’t aware of? It’s her entire defence here - ‘I didn’t know that’. She needs to get diagnosed I think. The other girls didn’t treat her well either and Kandi is a disgusting bully too so The truth is somewhere in the middle with this one.

@everynameiwantedwastoolong6887 - 18.07.2024 04:56

This whole drama is actually insane, no one in the real world would care about any of this. Y'all are dogpilling on someone you don't know, because of something two other people that you also don't know said, and because of one video where she used a word that came off very very poorly.

Nina Bonina is literally reviewing AS9 and blocking out Mik's face on her thumbnails, because Nina is actually transphobic, but people are still giving more flack to Elliott for hearsay, old social media posts (that aren't even that bad), and one moment where she spoke poorly.

@ostbaez - 18.07.2024 06:03

She asked
For this and it made her look worse

@linlewiss27 - 18.07.2024 07:20

Think she's lying about the Cadillac she hates him SO much, but it says TRUMP clearly he supports what he wants to support. This the problem yall bullying people to vote how YOU want them no no no if she wanted to vote for Donald duck then that's her business sadly that is the truth. So its sad she can't be honest without hated but welcome to the world aka drag ran fans

@Rattythefatty6 - 18.07.2024 08:12

Elliott with her delulu fans in the comments

@vincent5th - 18.07.2024 10:02

Elliot, I'm a trans girl, and after this interview I just want you to know that I love you. This takes a lot to do, and I hope people see that you really are doing your best to fix things. I have been that awkward kid always trying to fit in, and I did the same if not similar stupid stuff. I'm a very progressive person politically, and honestly you could of went down the whole right wing rabbit hole and made a ton of money if you honestly were a racist/transphobe, but instead you're doing the right thing and working on bettering yourself. I used to think you were cancelled like everyone else, but now, I really see you as a strong person, and I hope the best for you in the future.

@bryangarcia5781 - 18.07.2024 11:12

still taking no accountability

@MsElectricLover - 18.07.2024 12:02

Granted, she’s making excuses instead of owning and recognizing her mistakes and wrong remarks, those things are wrong, but I don’t think those things are justification enough for the severity of the punishment that the fandom and fellow queens have subjected her to. There are far worse things that are worthy of a cancellation. Maybe she doesn’t know any better, however I’m sure she’s learnt from all of this and she won’t run her mouth like she used to. She deserves a second chance imo

@thefreshmaker001 - 18.07.2024 13:34

Jo, you had the chance to push further for awareness. I'm disappointed.

@jens1639 - 18.07.2024 13:44

Working on improving your image is never a crime, but failing at recognising the harm you do, is still harm caused. Saying "I am sorry you felt that way" is a polite way of telling you, you are overreacting. Elliot is not a lost cause at all, but she needs to work herself out of her mindset of the victim here. I don't think RPDR did a lot of good for her. It feels like it resulted in a reinforcement of the views she was brought up with. Not blaming the other queens for not educating her, since they did not attend a show just to work overtime in giving history lessons in the workroom. It's a shitty situation.

@Blasfamous8 - 18.07.2024 15:47

Damn she apologized, she ate humble pie and like any other person tried to explain her thinking or lack of when she did one politically incorrect thing or another. Let’s be real tho so many RPDR stars have done and said racially insensitive and transphobic behaviors. Many of whom actually performing in full black face. Or how about Raven on Grindr putting down black and Asian individuals, IE? And wearing makeup that borders on blackface after posting negatively about people of color? She gets a pass because she’s “legendary”…? I think Elliott is coming from a place of ignorance, not hate, and should be taught instead of repeatedly punished. She became the representative punching bag for every Ru girl that the fandom has chosen to overlook and forgive. Drag queens have been historically politically incorrect and now there’s this invisible line where these ladies get passes when they’re popular enough or crucified if they get a bad edit onscreen. Elliott is no angel but these other gals have decided to bully her as she’s the weakest link with the least support that they didn’t like in the first place. Kandy calling her Elliott with 3Ks everywhere (and she did lol) jumped all over this one here to take the hate off of her and to lash out for kicks and act out her mean girl fantasy. There are legit bigots and transphobes and racist assholes in the world, Elliott clearly wants to try harder, and why do we have to “cancel” her and not teach? This queens not the enemy but she’s been turned into the poster girl to lash out at in place of the other, bigger stars that have said “Sorry, that was a mistake, it was a different tkme, etc”, same as her, that the fandom let slide. Is it ok to collectively bully someone because they said or did something stupid?

@daltoncv - 18.07.2024 15:57

She aight

@rezahamedani3134 - 18.07.2024 16:04

I genuinely feel bad for miss Elliott. I hope she finally gets her redemption and maybe one day she recovers all the joy she missed from being on drag race. Imagine getting the call with all the butterflies in your stomach and thinking your whole world is gonna change, and it changes... in the most horrible way possible.

I hope karma serves well to all the people responsible for this. But you go, miss Elliott!!!

@enchantingunboxing - 18.07.2024 17:22

That season was incredibly toxic, cliquey, divisive and there was a group of mean girls who looked down upon the last 6 who entered in the porkchop room. Elliot clearly was socially awkward and said stupid shit and those conversations should have been kept private and intimate with her cast members. Grace should have been given and ostroize and condemn individuals in public is absolutely horrid. Especially with such a toxic fan base the show attracts. Kindness, compassion, patience, and grace are what the world needs. Not black listing individuals in public. Elliot said STUPID ignorant 💩 from lack of awareness, and exposure to culture and it's takes a real one to sit someone down in private and support them in living in their greatness and wanting them to do better. ❤

@dustinmartinez3824 - 18.07.2024 21:40

I wanna know how bob read her

@adrianmercuri8956 - 19.07.2024 02:03


@xdcksgmd37 - 19.07.2024 02:43

Here is someone trying to be friends with her cast who want nothing to do with her. She tried to understand and address people’s concerns but y’all still hellbent on canceling her. Wicked sad. This is how y’all create enemies out of allies and y’all should be ashamed, she is trying.

@dxcksxcker9881 - 19.07.2024 04:04

This whole situation is just really sad. I think Elliott is genuinely a good person and has no bad intentions with anyone. As a someone who lives by the west coast in Belgium, i do understand what Elliott is saying about being ignorant about certain things. People need to understand that some topics aren’t talked about in all areas and because of that, it happens that you may say something without any bad intentions, but still kind of is offensive towards someone who knows better than that person. Throughout this interview, i felt the harm that has been caused on Elliott by not only the fans, but also the rest of the cast. I’m not saying that the things that have been said in the past are okay, but as queer people we are all outcasts in this world and the fact that we are making each other feel like crazy people instead of trying to educate each other on certain things disappoints me. While Elliott wasn’t trying to harm someone, Kandy and Gottmik did try to harm her. In that podcast with Violet, Gottmik was acting like a bully and it left a bad taste my mouth. Kandy and Elliott should have a talk about this situation because without talking about it there’s no way things could get cleared out. I’m proud of Elliott for standing up for herself and clear things out herself since no one wants to listen to her. I want to end by saying that i don’t feel any hate towards any queen in this situation, but it was just very poorly handled. Lets just hope that things can get better for Elliott from now on.

@kimypooh1466 - 19.07.2024 05:46

Sooo what did they do??

@darrinho7792 - 19.07.2024 06:31

