the TRUTH about C++ (is it worth your time?)

the TRUTH about C++ (is it worth your time?)

Low Level Learning

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Low Level Learning
Low Level Learning - 19.11.2022 17:10

What do you think? Is C++ any good?

Subutay Soyak
Subutay Soyak - 28.09.2023 01:33

If you want to be an amazing developer learn math calculus well. Then pick c++ or rust. Done. If you want to be a cool developer go play with web tools. 😂

soadsam - 27.09.2023 15:17

as someone new to programming a theme im starting to notice is it sounds like every programming language is hated by 90% of the population and the other 10% are the users

Artem Luzik
Artem Luzik - 27.09.2023 04:11

I am C++ Unreal Engine developer. And imho Unreal has the best kind of c++. You have all features of c++ (because it's c++, duh), but it's wrapped in very nice and shiny Unreal's framework. It's powerful as c++ and simple and safe as some c# or whatever. You don't need to know about all scary c++ stuff to work in UE, but if you want - you're more than welcome.

Sean Burke
Sean Burke - 24.09.2023 13:26

The problems with C=+ lie not in the language, but in the behaviors that it encourages in the people who use it. It is very well-suited to passive-aggressive strategies against ones coworkers.

Artin Zareie
Artin Zareie - 23.09.2023 11:04

Well, C++ is a low level language easy to learn for high level programmers I guess, it offers oop which is so great and easy to use for someone who started programming with python or C#

AmeliaBuns - 21.09.2023 19:21

C++ is ugly and annoying but to be fixing it would be very simple

antonio wanton
antonio wanton - 21.09.2023 13:39

How was that tweet written in 2001 if Twitter wasn't a thing until 2006

Ditz3n - 19.09.2023 22:09

C++ is key, as long as you know how to use it. The latter is what people lack. 👆

Ditz3n - 19.09.2023 22:05

Bjarne is the King. Went to the same University I currently are taking my degree in software engineering at! Second semester in!

m t
m t - 18.09.2023 12:59

I 1000% agree with your approach. I started my career in software with assembly language (many, many moons ago), learned C with K&R's first edition and now use C++ for a lot of simplification. Understanding the hardware level interaction before learning the higher level languages has made me a much better developer and debugger. After, a bit exaggerated millions of lines of commercial code, I still enjoy programming every day in retirement.
Thank you for your insights!

extoxyshred - 17.09.2023 17:57

Don't have a choice im five weeks in at occc and my proffessor is requiring us to use it i dont understand a thing and i am failing her class but i want to be an ethical hacker for my career

master chief
master chief - 15.09.2023 11:36

People who liked this should check out Rust if you haven't already. Defo an amazing experience is awaiting you.

warny1978 - 14.09.2023 21:58

I don't like C++ because I know that i'll write bad code with it. It's powerfull as fuck, but it's it can be powerfully crappy if you don't program with very strict guidelines.
I admire those who can, I prefer to avoid.

occam raiser
occam raiser - 14.09.2023 16:17

Please add my name to the 'C++ is shit' list.

Louis Duran
Louis Duran - 13.09.2023 09:01

I gave up on C++ about 13 years ago when C++ 11 was about to be ratified. By this time I had already been programming in C# and other languages and it was good to see certain features from more modern languages being added to C++. But the syntax and the compiler messages when using those features was just brutal. I became less productive than with other languages. C is great for low level programming. C++ was a good tool when there were no other tools at the time. But 20 years later, I don't see the value of C++ if I were to start a new project.

Borca Tudor
Borca Tudor - 12.09.2023 21:15

@LowLevelLearning Is it not a superset instead of a subset like you said in the video?

Yllaño Jay Valido
Yllaño Jay Valido - 11.09.2023 11:03

C++ is made intentionally to become as fast as C (slower slightly) but complicated and secure to tackle complicated systems like AAA games and systems programming. Also, what other programming languages offers technically available also to C++. It's the best general programming language that can be used to any software specialization.

People hates C++ probably because of C++ Primer book. This books doesn't give you a fully direct tutorial but instead, focusing on the details of C++ and redirecting the main course to stuff that you actually don't need as a beginner. There are other alternatives like C++ Programming: from Problem Analysis to Program Design and Modern C++ for Absolute Beginners that teaches you how to code directly using C++ syntax.

Karen Mkrtumyan
Karen Mkrtumyan - 09.09.2023 23:20

The "much better" wasn't really much better :D
both were meh, and the codes didn't even do the same thing :D

Roman Laskavyi
Roman Laskavyi - 09.09.2023 17:14

If you DREAM become master GAME DEVELOPER, than - yes.
If u have 4-6 hours a day for self studying - yes. If you are single, no girlfriend, no family , no (beer)friends, nothing that can take your time - than YES.

Siergiej Szut
Siergiej Szut - 07.09.2023 14:37

For who was that video created? It just says "C++ may be bad cause templates make bad code, hard abstractions(showing mFoo and Bar function names + smart_pointer + `std::` prefix to lengthen and of course everything in 1 string(it's about all the pics in these video)". Yeah, guys, this language can be bad if you write code as bad as possible, can't read compile errors with && cause you've never heard about rvalue and forward references etc. About advices it's actually kinda joke. 
1. Learn C first. Every person I know, who work on c++ more than 3 years for great companies or on high pos for tier2 company tell the same thing I fed up with working with awful C-libraries and C-code although. It's not the same language. You don't need to know C at all if you learn C++. Saying it as the person, who learned C++ as a first lang in age 18 by myself.
2. Avoid sugar. Ahah. I don't even want to crucify. But the example is wtf. Showing for-loop on iterators, which everyone will write as (auto& item : collection) (works basically equally), even if it's already written as usual for-loop it's ok. It's absolutely readable syntax which everyone would understand in a moment. After that showing some weird for-loop with separated int and comment `much better`. NO IT'S NOT. 
Why don't every video maker care about info he spreads. It's absolutely trash video that can mislead many.

Unamazed Theist
Unamazed Theist - 04.09.2023 18:47

Born in 1983. C and C++ are easy and simple.Snowflakes will be snowflakes.

stickyfox - 04.09.2023 14:23

If you're learning to be a programmer right now, it would be well worth your time to become an expert at generative AI. Learning a mid-level procedural/OO language was crucial in the 16-bit era but today it's almost a historic curiosity.

To be a professional you're still going to need the math and CS fundamentals, but you can write a complete user application without touching a text editor; and it's only going to go up from here.

The J.G. Adams
The J.G. Adams - 30.08.2023 00:09

For loop by index is good and all until you switch to different std container.
I wouldn't call it sugar if it provide better security. The index loop is the sugar here.
I started with C++ and it turned out to be for the best because you literally has to unlearn C if you want the best of C++!
The Mix of C and C++ is not good. But, not impossible to fix.
Stuff like .c_str() convert c++ string to const char*. But, with an overhead cost.
We shouldn't use const char* but rather string for safe and reliable string manipulation.
And string_view is a replacement for const char* as a read only parameter.

I could go on. But in my opinion C++ is awesome in spite that you have to decide what to do with many stuffs.
Once you figure it out, you can make C++ look like another language!

Slapper - 29.08.2023 22:15

If you learn c++, you can learn 80% of the other languages in a week.

Summer - 29.08.2023 18:54

starting with C++ is still better than starting with Python

pretro - 29.08.2023 11:13

every time i meet a beginer programmer, there's a 70% chance they want to learn c++. out of those 70%, only 10% actually use any c++ on the regular, and the rest of them either use it every once in a while or haven't even touched it in years.

Brayden Buchanan
Brayden Buchanan - 28.08.2023 06:34

C++ is a good language to learn, even though it makes you want to shoot yourself in the foot it is really good for making video games, using it in embedded systems, etc. When you learn the C++ the basics are a little easy to learn, but when learning advanced stuff some of it can be a little confusing

xTriplex - 26.08.2023 01:34

People with brain cells love it and people who lack brain cells don't. It's that simple

Edwin Martens
Edwin Martens - 23.08.2023 23:01

C++ is my favourite programming language. If I have a choice I will chosse C++ anytime 👍

(But I like C and Pascal as well )

James Munroe
James Munroe - 21.08.2023 16:31

Re: caveat 2, "avoid sugar," it's not that features like iterators should be avoided, but that their appropriate use cases need to be properly understood so they can be used properly.

Ken McDavide Fernandez
Ken McDavide Fernandez - 18.08.2023 11:54


Garaktar TV
Garaktar TV - 16.08.2023 12:03

if you understand c++ means that every new language becomes way easier to learn, like 1 weekend and you have a good grasp of the new one.

Isaac8074 - 16.08.2023 06:03

c++ is awesome and unique way to write code which is different than many typical programming languages due to syntax. I'd recommend someone to learn it after you learn a OOP based language like java/C#/C to understand how code works better. It took me a while to understand the syntax until I came back to learn it after mastering an OOP language. It is in every OS when you get a new computer.

yuzar - 16.08.2023 01:43

tbh code in whatever the fuck you want as long as you're not looking for jobs, cuz you are a software engineer not a X language programmer only

brokoryfoods - 13.08.2023 19:10

C++ syntax is really bad. Java for example feels way more elegant than C++.

Boltkiller96 - 12.08.2023 23:04

c++, the best language of all tme (after c)

Hello World
Hello World - 12.08.2023 20:26

Useless and pointless video.

Frank Kim
Frank Kim - 11.08.2023 18:36

A lot of waste of time for original coding and more for the later coders!

nexovec - 11.08.2023 12:54

Could have been good if they adhered to at least one of the three founding rules of the language.

Kende Korcsmaros
Kende Korcsmaros - 11.08.2023 02:00


Jhon Wilmer Pino
Jhon Wilmer Pino - 05.08.2023 08:26

I learned C but still hate C++

Troy Rose
Troy Rose - 02.08.2023 06:52

Idk a out doing C first. My intro to engineering course was in C and I was so lost the whole time. Same with VHDL in intro to EE. However I took something called "Progressive concepts for engineers" which was actually just "Learn C++" and I got 100% without much effort.

Pawan Singh Dogra
Pawan Singh Dogra - 01.08.2023 16:14

c++ is ultimate beast.

Mehrdad Akbari
Mehrdad Akbari - 31.07.2023 23:42

There is no reason to learn c++ if you want to make your life easy learn python or c# and if u want make yourself miserable just try to learn c or assembly there is no need for c++ except games

pilotcoding - 31.07.2023 18:28

C++ is the best thing happened to programming world
