Apostate Aladdin goes after Apostate Prophet

Apostate Aladdin goes after Apostate Prophet

Friendly Exmuslim

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@apriljoy1094 - 10.07.2024 18:26

Glad to visit AA. He seems like a mature and balanced thinker. And has morals. Genocide shouldn’t be overlooked in anyone no matter how much you liked them in the past.

It’s not appeasing to make a stand against genocide. It’s decency

@apriljoy1094 - 10.07.2024 18:22

Glad to visit AA. He seems like a mature and balanced thinker. And have morals. Genocide shouldn’t be overlooked in anyone no matter how much you liked them in the past.

It’s not appeasing to make a stand against genocide. It’s decency

@apriljoy1094 - 10.07.2024 15:57

I agree with AA. I think the problem of AP is that he views Israel through the lens of antisemitism in Islam and has fallen totally for Israeli propaganda ie gone from extreme to another without dissecting whether any extreme positions are good or from any neutral lens.

Basically anything Muslims believe is bad therefore anything they don’t support is good.

I found AP interesting as always secularist but I think he’s tipped over into bigotry now

@apriljoy1094 - 10.07.2024 15:44

I agree with AA. I think the problem of AP is that he views Israel through the lens of antisemitism in Islam and has fallen totally for Israeli propaganda ie gone from extreme to another without dissecting whether any extreme positions are good or from any neutral lens.

Basically anything Muslims believe is bad therefore anything they don’t support is good.

@helpanimals- - 05.07.2024 19:17

It's called being thin skinned. Unfortunately, happens a lot in today's society. I encourage people to learn about stoic philosophers like Marcus Aurelius and philosophy.

@jendrizzyy - 25.06.2024 17:58

Thanks for this video, I've got a soft spot for AA, I feel like he's like the baby of the community and needs to be looked after. Glad to see that you're looking after him.

@Snowforest60 - 24.06.2024 19:51

Aladdin needs to understand people respond to beliefs and attacks against them differently, ap probably got influenced by David to take the claims in a more humorous manner in order for the attacks on his life, his wife, children to not be as impactful as the Muslims want them to be, and if that allows AP to keep churning out content I don’t see an issue with it, from what I’ve realised people who have a more snarky tone forwards Islam tend to do better in this space, godlogic is new to the scene of debunking Islam and he already has 170k followers because his willing to show teeth when it’s required. We need people who are willing to bite back it’s why godlogic, David, ap can survive in speakers corner while frankly if apostate Aladdin went to speakers corner the Muslims would steamroll him because of his lack of willingness to show his teeth or bite back, if every one who did anti Islam videos were like Aladdin this movement would have died years ago

@sladechimera2837 - 24.06.2024 05:41

Israeli Muslims are usually very different from Gazan Muslims so many Jewish Israeli people don't understand the religious inspired hate that other Muslims have for them so it's fair enough for AP to want to educate an Israeli on that subject

@Rico-Suave_ - 18.06.2024 18:52

David is using your anti Islamic channel to promote anti Muslim hate propaganda

@Rico-Suave_ - 18.06.2024 17:43

I don’t care about making fun of Islam, it’s the collaboration with the similar dogmatic religion, you have zero integrity when you make fun of Muslims for saying stuff that Christians also say, have the balls to say Christian have similar bullsht claims

@nigelsookram882 - 05.06.2024 16:04

Thats why your community is trash!

@anntares172 - 05.06.2024 10:49

The better way to go about this would have been to present his perspective on issues and let other voices in the anti-islam space coexist and let us form our own opinions. Making an attack video against some of the very few exmuslim creators is not it.

@feastlife1904 - 29.05.2024 06:17

aren't David Wood and Robert Spencer besties?

@OFFICIALRAMKO - 27.05.2024 21:49

You are a hypocrite. If you claim to be an atheist than you should critique Jewish and Hinduism. Both of these have a far worse view on women for example. Judaism views all "goyim" as animals. You guys are such c*cks to Isnotreal.

@kynelighn - 26.05.2024 11:16

Well the nature of Christianity not about hatetred,hatefulness is Love.

@Chi-for-4 - 16.05.2024 19:14

What I see of all this is unfortunately as much as Aladdin seem to have left islam but he’s inner Muslims is coming through. Dictating how people are to speak, behave, live their life, who to be friends with and what to believe is right out of the Islamists playbook.

@Chi-for-4 - 16.05.2024 17:56

Who gives Aladdin the right to dictate how people should feel about their own ex religion and how to express them. Everybody has a different perspective due to their own experiences. While we have grape and death threats throwing at us so casually on the social media platforms by Muslims, who is Aladdin to say how we’re supposed to feel or express our feelings. Once again another person who wants to censor ex Muslims and try to dictate how to or not to criticize Islam or Muslims.

@edres7563 - 09.05.2024 19:35

The huge elephant in the room regarding the palestine issue, is Islam and its in built anti semitism and supremacist goals of world domination, colonisation and subjugation of everyone. There are serious numbers of people in the muslim world, with deep pockets and even deeper faith, who have been working for the last 100 years to restore the caliphate by any means, whether it be through violent terrorism , or through the political strategy of using democracy, to subvert it and to ultimately end democracy; as well as through the demographic strategy of creating muslim majorities in every nation, who will be the brainwashed madrassa educated proxy pawns to bring about demands for shariah and muslim appeasement in every area of society. ANyone who points this out or resists, will be shut down as an islamaphobe.

I am an ex muslim woman of 2nd generation bangali immigrants in the uk where islam is currently being fuelled by muslims into the mainstream, where they are taking over key public institutions and politics. We not only have to fear the muslims who want us dead for being apostates, but now also the british state and police itself, which is aiding and abetting the rise of islamic domination in british society. People here in the uk are actually being detained under the mental health laws, simply for calling out muhammad's marraige of 6 yo aisha in public.

Muslims are organised and their leaders and politicians are pushing hard for control in many areas, where in a couple of generations, they have shifted the demographics to outnumber the native people, and they are now emboldened to behave in all manner of outrageous ways and double standards, and victim mentality. ANy one who says anything is labelled an islamophobe and shut down, or arrested and detained or charged with hate speech, even though quran itself is an entire book of hate speech!

Yes it is the muslim leadership who is doing this and creating this scishm in society, but all this is enabled by the indoctrinated muslim masses, who are educated and primed for acting as the proxy or pawns of their leadership. Islam indoctrination creates a seperatist mindset in the believer, and we cannot ignore this reality, if we wish to survive with our values of freedom and pluralism intact.

@edres7563 - 09.05.2024 18:52

Clueless, non practicing muslims can be good people. But faithfull and knowledgeable muslims are always potentially dangerous people. This is because Islam the ideology is the problem. Take the ideology out of the person, and you have neutralized the threat of danger. This is why is it important to keep on showing the dangerous real world actions of violent muslims who are basically acting under the influence of islam, as well as talking about the barbaric teachings of islam.

@edres7563 - 09.05.2024 18:48

You should watch the live stream by AP and DWood, where they examined this video by AA. It turns out that AA was disingenuous and dishonest about AP, and actually misrepresented much of the information that AA used to criticize AP and thus show him in a bad light. I used to like AA and supported his channel, because even though im not a fan of his approach, i recognise that its beneficial to some people.

But when I realised how AA blatantly lied and misrepresented AP's tweets etc, I can no longer support someone lacking such basic intellectual integrity. I have unsubscribed from him, because i feel he is either completely foolish, naive and gullible, or he is actually dishonest. EIther way, people like him enable the cover that islam needs to keep on brutalising and destroying the lives of countless people, both muslim and non muslim alike.

@edres7563 - 09.05.2024 18:21

The point of robert spencer and his jihad watch streams, is about showing the actual real world harmful effects of the islamic ideology when enacted by devout muslims who actually understand and follow the quran and sunnah to its fullest extent. It is a serious issue that needs to be reported on in my view, because of the actual real world danger that islam represents to all non muslim people and the civilisational values that make up our free societies, which is fundamentally opposed by islam. And these violent muslims who are shown by robert, are the actual realisation of islamic scripture and teachings in practice, and we ignore these cases at our peril.

I am an ex muslim and we all know first hand, the harmful effects of islamic indoctrination, which is oppositional and anti everything that we value in our lives and which enables us to live freely and relatively safe in the West. It is important to show cases of muslims acting barbarically under the influence of islam, as a crucial strategy in the fight to criticize and dismantle islam for the well being of all humanity.

To say that we cant show these cases, because it might induce hatred against muslims, is playing into the very hands of those who try to shut us down with accusations of islamophobia. The world needs to see the dangerous effect of islam on the minds and behaviour of those muslims who act out the hateful islamic teachings of muhammad and quran.

In my opinion, it is islam that is the problem, just like other hateful ideologies such as nazism and racism etc. There are many people who are born into and indoctrinated into these hateful beliefs by their parents, but never go out and commit actual crimes, even if the fervent minority among them, actually DO. We would never give a pass to any person who adopts and enacts the violent ideas of any other hateful belief, such as racism, or nazism, just because ''not all racists or nazis are violent''. SO why is it ok to give the same pass to violent members of islam?

Many muslims are clueless and are innocent because they were born and indoctrinated into this religion, and many never fully explore the teachings itself, nor practice islam properly, ie they are bad muslims according to quran and sunnah., which means they are good people. Those that DO practice islam fully, and are good muslims, because they are faithful muslims, means they are always potentially bad people. Lets not tiptoe around this reality.

@that_boi5551 - 06.05.2024 21:13

I like AP but his alliance with david wood which is a pastor from another problematic Abrahim religion is disappointing

@Yakkityyak248 - 29.04.2024 02:01

I can't watch AA. I very quickly become miserable.

@s.c.1903 - 27.04.2024 20:55

I wish they get along once more, they are highly intelligent and joint work is much needed.

@akibanu007 - 21.04.2024 11:04

as an ex-muslim I used to like almost all the contents of AP until his extremely biased stunt in recent israel-palestine conflict. he has now become a far right zionist propaganda machine.

@zooby-rl7gf - 18.04.2024 06:10

I really think this was Alladins cheap shot at boosting his subscriber base by reaching a wider net of AP viewers. Jealousy is a strong motivator

@romanski5811 - 17.04.2024 20:36

I think you should be more nuanced regarding the "whiteness" and "anarchism" of Aaron Bushnell. I hate it when people use the term "whiteness" when referring to systems of oppression, privilege and (history of) racism and such, because of the unnecessary confusion it invokes in non-leftists. People automatically assume it's about white skin color similar to how right wing racists focus on skin color, but that's not what is meant by it as an academic term.
But I agree that people should stop using it, just speak about oppressive systems without this potential for this confusion.
Also, political anarchism is very much different from the colloquial use of the term "anarchism" by which most people just mean chaos or violence. And it's a very broad term.

But even as a leftist, other than these things (and a few small other things), I really like this video of yours, I agree with most of what you said. You should do more long live reaction videos.

I guess the left-right divide is also present in the ex-muslim community like it is everywhere it seems.

@savannahs5439 - 16.04.2024 11:44

i agree with you that ap has his own audience and that's okay, but i agree with aa that it's absurd to broadcast a christian guy who makes fun of unrealistic stuff when he believes in unrealistic stuff himself and criticizes immoral stuff when his religion teaches immoral stuff too. they might agree on one thing, which islam is ridiculous, but they don't have the same base to do so.

also your defense of "i like him, he's a good guy, he's my friend" is not very argumentative and your reasoning of he did this one thing once that i value therefore i tolerate everything else he does is not valid.

@unitingthecults - 14.04.2024 14:10

i watched to the end. i'm amazing. :)

@Professor4555 - 10.04.2024 04:44

Abandoning your whole identity, your family's believes just to suck on another man's childish and ridiculous beliefs as the one you left is mental retardation

@Professor4555 - 10.04.2024 04:41

AP is fkking hypocrite and grifting charlatan, fkk him honestly

@DoctorX-jc8cj - 09.04.2024 11:17

I'm with AA on this one

@joshridinger3407 - 06.04.2024 05:05

'i've never seen david wood say anything bigoted or dehumanizing'
aa shows an example of him doing exactly that
'ah well i'm sure he didn't mean it'
plays clip of him saying he totally meant it
'ah well it's all jokes. the psychopathic christian nationalist can't actually mean what he says, because he was nice to me, personally'

@user-bn7di2nd9g - 04.04.2024 00:21

apostate phroophet is working for christian misiionery not for atheism he is supporting jews which is violation of atheism principle therefore must be condemn i am unsubscribing him and will continue to expoose such fake athiests.😮

@wycliffew.woduor1748 - 01.04.2024 17:11

Ahsante Sana Bwana Samir. I have a greater affinity for AP compared to AA. I think the former's humour does the trick. AA to me is too serious in delivering serious issues.

@Salo1378 - 31.03.2024 11:31

AA is right i agree with him

@mcgullible5212 - 30.03.2024 15:29

AP the raging anti Islam "ex-muslim" who defends Judaism despite claiming all the religious are equally wrong lol.

@santa634 - 29.03.2024 14:38

There is no middle ground when it comes to occupation, land theft, locking the whole population in concentration camps, and also committing genocide against them. If anybody supports that, they are evil, and you can't play that game where you guys claim we don't know geopolitics; knowing geopolitics is irrelevant because it is not complex, and if it were so complex, why take sides or have an opinion before you learn about it? Occupiers don't have a right to lock up the whole population. You guys are the type of people who will tell slaves to stay in their cages, do what their masters tell them to do, and never fight back for their freedom. If you fight back, you're a terrorist, but only if you're a Muslim. I guess if you people want respect, you should be supporting all previous colonization, ethnic cleansing, apartheid, slavery, and genocides to be seen as consistent in your beliefs, but don't do the thing where you only apply to one and not the other; it exposes your hatred and double standard. They are babies being starved to death on purpose by Israel. We have reached a stage where the people being occupied are blamed because they don't want to give up their last piece of land.

@BantuNiLo - 28.03.2024 01:24

Your just making excuses in this video

@BantuNiLo - 28.03.2024 01:21

AP hates Muslims he was atheist he would have said to david wood Christianity is bs as well
