There is no reason for this book to be as long as it is😑
ОтветитьHey you have an uncle and he is going to die soon! a few months later. Hey you have spoilers
no uncle but now you have money and siblings
After seeing many versions of this book in movies I wanted to see what the book was all about. So glad for this reading because my mind wonders so when I read. Such a wonderful job done.
That was a great journey, enjoyed every moment 💙💙
ОтветитьWhen stuff happens and you still have 6 hours of left...
ОтветитьSo wonderful to revisit as an adult. I read it several times as a child. I can appreciate more of the dialogue now.
Ответить✨When your two options are pedophilia or incest ✨
ОтветитьThank you for having this available. It was a lot easier to understand while reading along.
ОтветитьI found this audiobook in January 2019 and I still come here regularly, at least a few times a month bc nothing puts me to sleep faster than this reading of this beautiful book
ОтветитьI love the spiritual nature of this story, and the scriptures .
ОтветитьThis is excellent, but the way she pronounced "St John" as "sit jin" was really taking me out of it
ОтветитьI'm on the last chapter :(
ОтветитьMy mum loves these books... Shes actually what inspired me to read the Brontë books!! Everytime i go to haworth i always feel like i belong there, and i think Jane Eyre is why. Also my middle name is Charlotte because of her!!! And my mums middle name is Emily because my nana loved Wuthering Heights!!! I think this is a beautiful book, and whoever read this has a wonderful way of reading, i aspire to be as diverse as she is <333
ОтветитьThat was fantastic! It was my first time hearing Jane Eyre, I had a vague idea of what all was going to happen from having seen portions of the film as a kid, but even knowing what I did, this was a marvelous book! Thank you so much for this.
ОтветитьExcellent reader. Wonderful production. Thank you for the joy
ОтветитьThank you. The best book after the Bible.
Ответитьgoated book. i hate reading, still do, but this one’s pretty good.
ОтветитьBeautifully read. I really enjoyed listening to this reading 😊
Ответитьforever grateful! Thank you <3
ОтветитьI love this book!
And the mini series from 2006
This book reads like a Victorian era fanfic and i love it for that
ОтветитьThis was amazing thank you!
ОтветитьTo all the younglings reading this book for school,
I had to read it for high school, and I keep returning to it year after year. It sticks with you
Might be the lesbian in me but no money will make me want to be with Rochester, people who wanted Jane to return to him I hope you get help
ОтветитьAnybody else think Jane is an enneagram 9?
ОтветитьI’m not going to lie- this is one of my favorite books ever!
ОтветитьI'm so glad for the audio book, enjoyed the story but I should've just chose Fahrenheit 451—thanks to my procrastination.
ОтветитьSt John- the original gaslighter
FYI- 20,000 lbs equals $3,272,466.68 in 2024.
$818,116.67 per cousin.
i don't think i would have been very successful in finishing reading Jane Eyre without this audiobook. thank you!!!!
ОтветитьThomas George Harris Michael Thomas Scott
ОтветитьGarcia Robert Jones Ronald Hall Linda
ОтветитьAnderson Brian Gonzalez Angela Jones Shirley
ОтветитьPlease pronounce perseverance correctly! The emphasis is NOT on the second syllable, but on the third...'per-suh-veeur-ens'.