I've only discovered channels like this recently, after the algorithm saw me listening to 'The Stick of Joseph' four hour long hauls. I appreciate the good listen, and testimony of you sisters. I'm years late to this shindig, and would soo love to have people to talk about stuff like this with. One thing, on the Book of Abraham- you are operating under the assumption that the Smithsonian was being honest with the Church, and the scraps they presented are the originals. The more you delve into Smithsonian history, the more dishonesty you'll find. (See 'giant bones' and Hebrew stones flipped upside down and called Hopwel for example.) I have more thoughts on all the subjects really, but don't want to write an essay. Thanks, again.
ОтветитьBrian Hale is an anthologist not a historian. To rely on him is no way to answer people's questions about polygamy history.
ОтветитьThere is no evidence that Joseph had sex with any other woman than Emma.
ОтветитьI don't believe Brigham. He is the one who brought forth 132. He said it was from Joseph but there is no evidence. Read 132 out load, it's not of God. I32 contradict with itself. The pioneers never practiced polygamy as put forth in 132.
ОтветитьWhat is the name of the video on initiatory by Jasmine?
ОтветитьJasmine, doesn't the new and everlasting covenant have to do with polygamy?
ОтветитьChanging the narrative at its best! 👏🏼
Ответить“Fair and white skin” not fair and white animal fur….. come on
ОтветитьWhy is this explanation coming from you and not the prophet?
Deflecting at its finest. “Animal skins…. 😅”
I can only explain how my iPhone works on the most basic level….By what I understand the things it does are impossible….nevertheless I take advantage of the benefits I receive by using it.
ОтветитьI can’t tell if the host is actually unaware of these major issues or if she is just playing dumb…. There is a huge difference between “I was living destructively and that’s why I left the church” vs “I read the history and oh shit they not only lied about it but they covered it up too!”
Those that actually look into the details of the issues and don’t just eat what they are fed will see right through the apologetic bull crap.
ОтветитьJasmine, about 50+ years I read Sandra Tanners book and found the veil was parallel to the mason veil ceremony.
ОтветитьThe value I've gained from the book - 99% . The little worries = 1% maybe
Ответитьbook of abraham facsimile being 10,000% incorrect. Literally no reasoning out of that one.
ОтветитьI don't get the scripture plus app. It's like gospel library but less. I don't understand the advantage.
ОтветитьYour were humble and teachable then and now.
ОтветитьWhat she says at the end is very important with The Gospel and everything in life .
Take your time with decisions esp serious ones . Haste makes waste
Until something way better comes along, I am sticking with the true church. I have studied other churches and religions and nothing resonates with me and my solid beliefs. Humans are not perfect and neither are any organizations. Heaven is perfect and that is where we all want to be one day. Life is too short to give any energy to doubt and half truths.
ОтветитьAlso, I respect both of you for your fair scholarship and approach regarding plural marriage. I know in today's world many LDS women are infected with the disease of radical feminism.
Nonetheless, although, it was not always so because I remember as a 15 & 16 year old I was mightly embarrassed by my ancestors practice of polygamy. However, I can say, approximately 50 years later I am not very proud of my ancestors practice of plural marriage. The journey to gain an understanding and testimony of plural marriage from my teen years to now was not always easy but was not insurmountable either, but rather , one of commitment to be an impartial fact finder. Through intense study of the prophet Joseph his life and times reveals his pure heart and noble disposition. His life simply doesn't demonstrate debauchery or salaciousness. To those who have truly taken the time and effort to know Joseph Smith his purity of heart, forthrightness and charity clearly demonstrate his main motives are simply not sexual and lustful practices and intent.
It should also be expressed that as time progressed the prophet began to learn the process of establishment of plural marriage which would become more refined and efficiently practiced during brother Brigham administration. Joseph Smith was learning through trial and error. Nonetheless, at least from my review of the material and history of the prophet Joseph's practice of polygamy, I do not observe or notice any clear violations of Levitical law. No doubt, it is conceded by myself that Joseph was in violation of Greco-Roman law . Those type of Greco-Roman violation of law will only be disputed by the most polyanish.
However, D&C 132 and supporting tenants were not given according to the requirements of Western Greco Roman legal concepts and practices. The revealed word to the prophet Joseph expressly exempted the precepts of western Greco Roman law. The revelations and revealed word to the prophet expressly instituted Ademic, Davidic and Abrahamic law , whereupon , much was codified in the Mosaic Leveriate law.
Thus, it is well settled pursuant to the Leveriate law a married man can marry and have sexual relations, including sexual intercourse with an unmarried women. 8n fact, pursuant to the Leveriate law the first wife is not required to give her consent. The only Leveriate requirement is that the married man and unmarried woman specific intent is to have a long term marital relationship, rather than a one night stand. Hence under the kegal system of the Leveriate the prophet Joseph was not in violation of the law of Adultery nor fornication.
Additionally, pursuant to the Leveriate law if the married man have sexual relations with a married woman abandoned by her prior husband or the prior husband expressed an intend to abandon his wife under Leveriate law she would be deemed separated and / or divorced and thus free to unite with another suitor . Hence if these married women had been abandoned or their husbands expressed an intend to abandon or even a neglect of his wife. Pursuant to Leveriate law she was free to enter a sexual relationship with another nan.
Therefore, pursuant to western Greco Roman law the prophet Joseph could be considered an adultor and seducer at common law. Notwithstanding the prohibtions in Greco Roman law did not apply since D&C 132 expressly conditioned the practice of polygamy on the works of Abraham and the laws of the great parrarchs .
I am very impressed with both of you young ladies.
Just a few comments what you are dealing with today many in my generation also dealt with in the early 1970s.
My recommendation is try not to get caught up in the instruments of translation, albeit, seer stones, Urim and Thumin, diving rod, hat & stone, whatever. ( Getting a jury to considered a myriad of often conflicting, confusing, even inconsistent mechanics, methodology, means and usurpations is an old attorneys trick. Why? Because the oft conflicting & inconsistent mechanics found in mintiua more often than not creates doubt. For example , witness X said the car ran the red light; Witness Y said the car stop at the red light. Camera Z is blurred as to the red and green light but shows the car acceleration at the time of the yellow light
Nonetheless, the ultimate undistributed fact is that the car broadsided in the intersection another car killing the driver of the impacted vehicle Thus, to add to the confusion re the vehicles status re the traffic lights should not obscure the overall fact that the speeding vehicle broadsided another vehicle killing an occupant.
Likewise, in an analogous methodology, both , in terms of the book of Mormon and the book of Abraham there is committed to print a written word. Confusion over the specific mechanics and exact methodology of the hows of translation may never be resolved pre millinium. Nonetheless, the written printed word can be meticulously researched , pondered , cross referenced and studied. A prayerful witness can be sought and obtained. ( It doesn't matter the where's and how's the methodology of translation because the ultimate divine purpose is the inspired contents of the specific work, be it revealed thru a finger writing on a wall, a liahona , urim and Thumin, seer stone or celestial dream or vision. It is the ultimate power in the work product which will reveal the truthfulness of the fruits of the prophets labors.
Jasmine please try to get the song Every Grain of Sand into hymnal
ОтветитьJasmine is such a treasure!
ОтветитьTwo choice daugbters of God
ОтветитьPresident Nelson said in women’s conference that endowed women have the priesthood. The priesthood is the power to enact the power of God. We create human beings! What does that tell you?
ОтветитьJasmine you rock!!
ОтветитьCan someone please provide scientific sources for resolution of anachronisms
ОтветитьJoseph had no expertise in translating ancient languages, the papyri served as a catalyst for receiving revelation.
ОтветитьApologetics has nothing to do with the truth, rather it subjectively defends a standpoint. There is nothing to defend, the truth defends for itself - without a brown stone
ОтветитьI didn't hear any hard questions answered.
ОтветитьGreat video. Thanks for sharing
ОтветитьI as a female member Do Not need nor want to Hold the Priesthood in the same text as men. I know I can exercise it in many ways…
ОтветитьIs the iron rod the word of God? Is the fruit of the tree of life the love of God? The scoffers in the Great and spacious building have power! Only those who heed them not are not deceived.
Please answer the questions I asked above, because if they are true, the people on the covenant path can be deceived and lost if they heed the scoffers from the great and spacious building.
If you have tasted of the fruit of the Tree of Life, and know of it's goodness, and have felt the unspeakable joy it gives them what more do you need? Do you need someone to tell you it's not true? Is there something more you need to find that you are curious will be better than the joy from the fruit?
As far as Galatians 1: 6-9 . The other gospel Paul is speaking about is that circumcision is necessary for salvation. People who consider themselves Christians do not understand Paul. If every time Paul says works ,even when he says righteous works as in Titus, if you add, OF THE LAW OF Moses, you will begin to understand Paul. Paul was teaching the Christians in the New Testament that none of the works of the law of Moses can save, which means deliver, anyone from sin, because none of the works of the Law of Moses require a person to change from their spirit to keep them. For example, does being circumcized save you from sin? No! Nothing about circumcision causes you to act differently. Does eating a kosher diet cause you to be delivered from sin? No! However, if you never hate anyone are you saved from those related sins? Yes. If you love all people you will never murder anyone. Will never committing adultery deliver you from sin? No! However, if you do not even lust after a person who is not your spouse you will never commit adultery, you are delivered, saved from those related sins. And the thing is with lust is lust can be applied to anything that takes us from the worship of God. All of the Law and the prophets are fulfilled in Christ's teachings and His atonement. Now read Christ's sermon on the mount in 3 Nephi. How is every jot and tittle of the Law of Moses fulfilled in Him?
If you understand Paul and the thinking of the Jews during the New Testament days like I do, you will know that the words in the sermon on the mount by Christ in 3 Nephi are only Christ's words. President Kimball said to not try and prove the Book of Mormon. I can prove, however, that the teachings of the Church of Jesus Christ of latter-day Saints are the teachings in the Bible. I can prove using only the Bible that only the Church of Jesus Christ of latter-day Saints teaches correctly the word for f God.
Jasmine started out a little soft touch on her rebuttals, and then brought her strength in her ability to articulate the English language, and apply that ability to defence of the faith in a very valiant way. Hannah Stoddard is the only defender of the faith I have seen who is better at it than her.
I love the theory that women have been given charge over bringing life into the world and men are in charge of bringing us into the presence of God - it’s like both women and men need assistance from the other to accomplish their given roles - makes sense why men have such a small (but significant) role in bringing life to the earth! Just like our duties are smaller (but significant) in bringing people to God
Ответитьthanks sisters, Very beautiful work
ОтветитьI’m so tired of the men have the priesthood women have kids rational. Women don’t have kids without men. I think this reasoning trying to make sense of the unjust situation we find ourselves in, and I do not believe this is God’s plan for us.
ОтветитьI was dissapointed when the host didn't appear to have any context for some of the questions, entirely leaning on the guest to explain it
ОтветитьReally great both of you 👍
ОтветитьThe Holy Ghost has witnessed to my very core that the Book of Mormon, and the Book of Abraham are indeed the words of God. By living the principles taught in both books I have become a better person. I am a questioner by nature and God has taught me through His Spirit these books are true. Personal revelatory experiences have also confirmed them to me.
ОтветитьI will say this on ordaining women to priesthood offices- lets talk about it when the sisters lobby the Lord to give men 8 more years of life and multiple orgasms. Only joking a little.
ОтветитьJasimine I greatly appreciate your defence of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Your voice is needed! However, please consider reading Jonathan Neville's and James Lucas's well researched book "By Means of the Urim an Thummin. " As attorneys, they carefully and critically examine the sources that claim Stone in the Hat showing that not only are these claims unreliable but directly counter what Joseph Smith and Oliver testified about solely using the Urim an Thummin in BOM translation. Evidence also proves that the seer stone and the U&T and seer stone are not the same as some historians claim. Please also consider reading Neville's "The Lost City of Zarahemla" which also refutes MesoAmerica geography using sound research that extend beyond the Times and Seasons articles that MesoAmerica advocates rely on. Evidence shows that a well intended but rogue actor Benjamin Winchester, was the author of the articles and not Joseph Smith. Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery made it clear that BOM took place in what has become known of the Heartland. Jonathan has asked BOM Central to sit with him and do side by side comparison of heartland vs MesoAmerica evidence and BOM Central refuses. Why? What is BOM Central afraid of? Let's also do a side by of Stone in the hat vs U&T. Please also consider reading the works of James Hannah Stoddard of the Joseph Smith Foundation who not only refute the idea that JS dabbled in magic as a prepartory gospel as claimed by Richard Bushman in Rough Stone Rolling but the idea that past church leaders lied about and sugar coated our church history. Their Books are titled "Faith Crisis, We were not Betrayed" and "Behind Closed Doors". These books restored my faith not only of the prophet. Joseph Smith, but the Restoration of the Church of Jesus Chirst of Latter Day Saints.
ОтветитьTo me the church just seems like a fantasy story that a lot of people like to live. I don’t have time to read all this material about some theology that has no concrete value on my life. I’m happy I people find peace in this stuff, but I wish people would respect my decision not to be a part of the church. I left the church, but members won’t let me live my own life.
Ответить"I have no desire to open that can of worms" - could not agree more. When you have lived a life in sin and darkness and found your way back your just dont have a desire to even dip your toe back into it. ❤
ОтветитьAn angel called Moroni tells an illiterate con man, with forty-some wives, some as young as fourteen, about golden plates written in a non-existant form of Egyptian he must translate using a magical stone inside a hat that tells the story of two lost tribes from the middle east that somehow came to north America and evolved into native Americans who died while in jail in a gunfight while in custody for burning down a newspaper office ... need I go on ? How can anyone believe such bullshit.
ОтветитьCome on. It's not real.