Undercover in Turkmenistan | Full Documentary | TRACKS

Undercover in Turkmenistan | Full Documentary | TRACKS

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C L - 15.10.2023 12:35

This is a wonderful documentary.... bravo. .

Nursultan Tuljakbaj
Nursultan Tuljakbaj - 05.10.2023 00:00

I would have never believed this if I wouldn't have seen this. Now I know where Sacha baron Cohen got all his ideas from for the movie the dictator 😂

Anton Kobzev
Anton Kobzev - 17.09.2023 15:01

The narrator's speech was filled with so much ignorance that I had to stop watching after just 40 seconds. What's even more frustrating is how confidently this ignorance was expressed.

Stefania C
Stefania C - 08.09.2023 07:16

This looks like a movie and your commentary is precious British humor. I laughed so hard even though I am sure that was not your intent.

sakura hoor
sakura hoor - 02.09.2023 14:59

Best documentary hands down 🙌 this needs more views

Matt333 - 18.08.2023 00:11

My dad traveled to Ashgabat as a guest of the leader & his hotel room was bugged, camera’s memory card removed by secret service, and calls listened to.

M.M.M. - 14.08.2023 12:44

How come you know Polish songs? It was pretty awesome to see a Brit sing a song from my country ❤

Ndung'u Gitahi
Ndung'u Gitahi - 02.08.2023 10:17

FYI. Gaddafi was no dictator as the western media likes to depict him. He provided his people with way more than the western societies enjoy. Free education, medical, housing etc

AdamantiumBladeComicsCollectibles - 28.07.2023 11:25

Well, if a sitting US president could get gasoline down to $0.02/gal he would get re-elected for a second term with a 100% likelihood lol. I think you are being a bit naive, did you get to visit any slums where his people don't have sewage or fresh water? Probably not. Wouldn't be included on the "guided tour" for a stag part. You said it plainly yourself...barely any get in and no one gets out. That sums it up.

Welfare Leech
Welfare Leech - 23.07.2023 16:30

that famous picture of him smiling with his hand on his face. kinda looks like Dean Martin .

Burly North
Burly North - 18.07.2023 19:22


Juan Silva
Juan Silva - 13.07.2023 04:57

no i dont see drug adictio homeless and this guy keeps thalking it down yyyyyyyyyyy?

Juan Silva
Juan Silva - 13.07.2023 04:51

they probably afraid of strangers sabotaging their economy llike the west did to iraq

Juan Silva
Juan Silva - 13.07.2023 04:42

we all know that makeup is made of daed animal fat and its most likly not good

cetin Amsterdam
cetin Amsterdam - 11.07.2023 18:07

His holy book was global hit highlighted clearly on a map 😀

Mick Douglas
Mick Douglas - 09.07.2023 17:07

What an ignorant comment labelling Colonel Gadaffi as a tyrant. The man who pledged that his own parents won't be housed before every one in his country had a home. The man who gave his people free health care and education, 5,000 dinar for every child born. 50,000 dinar on a couple,s wedding day. Free energy and the discovery of primary water. Oh and he was going to take Libya off the petro dollar and unite Africa with a gold backed Dinar. We know what happened next don't we? Turkmenistan by the way is hiding another civilisation and technology. It is not a dictatorship. Their leader is merely a puppet installed to mask its true history.

683 210
683 210 - 09.07.2023 07:23

Less derision and more insight, please.

Pyong Yangproject
Pyong Yangproject - 03.07.2023 07:11

Very Nice and well done I'm a big fan of Turkmanbashy 😂 gonna look for his book I have a good idea what the content will be Qadafi has a similar book 😂

Dzoni Bravo_Bg
Dzoni Bravo_Bg - 30.06.2023 07:18

Man. Never talk in hotel rooms. Basics 😌

Taylor B
Taylor B - 30.06.2023 04:13

Turkmenistan has the largest natural gas deposits in the world. Recently, they transferred power to the new President who is the son of the previous president. Right around this time, the US started producing satellite imagery of methane leaking in enormous amounts from Turkmenistan. Now, the US is in talks with the new president to come into Turkmenistan and help “plug” these gas leaks. Why does the US always seem to find a reason to go into the countries with the largest gas and oil reserves? Now they can use climate change as an excuse to regulate Turkmenistan.

cinnaminson 06
cinnaminson 06 - 30.06.2023 01:53

They are trying to protect themselves from Israeli aggression. I don't blame them for taking these measures.

Phil Be
Phil Be - 22.06.2023 18:22

Biden= Turkmenbashi

Michael Ramone
Michael Ramone - 22.06.2023 07:52

This turkman has some serious god complex

Ranjit Tyagi
Ranjit Tyagi - 21.06.2023 02:40

It's a beautiful country. Was proudly the Turkmen SSR within the USSR. Those who love laid back places and good, unspoilt nature may consider going to Turkmenistan 🇹🇲

midnitefreakin - 21.06.2023 02:30

I am still not convinced with its comparison with North Korea. They are a Islamic country with no mosque shown, peopele seem happy, not scared like north korea. Their decision of no war with anyone is commendable, this one, America Russia and other countries should learn.

Balkan Mode
Balkan Mode - 19.06.2023 04:51

It seems like Turkmenbashi imitated Ataturk. One difference is Turkmenbasi had his picture on the vodka bottle while Ataturk’s picture was on a raki (the anise seed stuff) bottle (put on it after his death from consuming too much of it).

Marcella Eady
Marcella Eady - 18.06.2023 22:00

It isn't nice to set up a citizen to talk negatively about his dictator knowing he will be killed if he said something negative. They aren't going to help him.

Collins O'Connor
Collins O'Connor - 18.06.2023 12:52

Undercover in Nazi Ukraine

Samaila Ibrahim
Samaila Ibrahim - 17.06.2023 14:32

U dont mention Gaddafi among dictators for he is not

CB - 09.06.2023 23:59

I almost want to go live there...

glen gal
glen gal - 09.06.2023 01:02

First time to hear this country

Libertyjack1 - 08.06.2023 17:02

They have something going when it comes to making things out of marble. While North Americans are busy making Sparta out of cookie-cutter buildings, these people are making buildings to last the Ages. The President will be looked at with mixed reviews in history, while ours will be known for squandering their progressive societies with petty grievances and pompous overvaluation of personal importance.

Raziax - 08.06.2023 11:26

This country's ideals make me smile. They're unorthodox sure, but they're doing something right. Live and let live. This country is harmless and beautiful.

REV B Buddhi Visuddhi
REV B Buddhi Visuddhi - 24.05.2023 09:56

They like their President
water electricity free
petrol almost next to nothing what else do people need
just let them manage their tradition they do not need Western over consumption and destructive policies with moral values

Sander Eitner von Eiteriz
Sander Eitner von Eiteriz - 21.05.2023 13:24

The Russians did not set the pit of hell by accident on fire. It was done on purpose as a gag that got completely out of hand. Too much vodka and too much pseudo typical macho behaviour of the worst kind like many drunk male Russians suffer from. I spoke to a refugee of Turkmenistan who said the many predominantly Russian males are drunk 24/7, are racists to the core, are scared of the West and behave like drunken beasts once they are out of Russia, like they do when on holidays in Turkey f.e. In that country they are the most despised and hated off all tourists. So......I tend to believe that refugee.

Michael Flanagan
Michael Flanagan - 15.05.2023 22:49

The narrator has a fabulous dry sense of humour.
He should have a series on mainstream TV

Mr. Cph
Mr. Cph - 15.05.2023 10:18

Doctor: “The lab-results came back and show that you are HIV Turkmanbashi”.

Magz B
Magz B - 11.05.2023 23:57

It's always men isn't it. And they surround themselves with bricks. Men are the bricks that build fortresses for the powerful.

BobZmuda - 14.04.2023 15:12

Your sound guy is called Mic?

Will Russell
Will Russell - 14.04.2023 04:25

Amazing how these people, when repeating state propaganda, have the same look as the people that knock on your door on Saturday morning, sorry, I meant Turkmenbaturday.

sasali joon
sasali joon - 27.03.2023 02:48

I think it's very rich that Western journalists take mockery on the Turkmenistan way of life without understanding of history , the backgrounds and geography of land . Who says we have to look at every society by that Western democracy linse. Maybe Turkmenbashi is the best thing that happened to these people. A safe Muslim country neighbour to Muslim fanatics countries

Peter Putnam
Peter Putnam - 20.03.2023 01:59

This video had me laughing right from the start, you'd think I'd been watching a Dave Chappelle video or something. That goofy smile of dear leader, cracks me up. Bravo to you guys for spilling the beans. Ohh and also is the dear leader Turkmenbasy, still alive? I certainly hope not

aravindan - 18.03.2023 19:27

Women living better than in other Islamic countries

Irakli Shurgaia
Irakli Shurgaia - 04.02.2023 05:43

Ok but , England national anthem name is god save the queen and now king 😂
