The Indo-European Connection

The Indo-European Connection


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Canadian - 07.10.2023 18:42

Here is a fun fact in Persian gav is cow now in Persian we have no W so make V to W gaw sounds more like cow and G and K sounds are close to make so something changes during that time

Asur Dev
Asur Dev - 03.10.2023 23:29

Number 8 eight : armenian „uth“, german „acht“, hindi „ath“, french „huit“, albanian „tetë“, greek „οκτώ“, swedish „åtta“, italian „otto“, spanich „ocho“ etc ))

Monolingual Beta
Monolingual Beta - 01.10.2023 08:01

In the russian language:
"Дверь, Dv'er' " - "Door"
"Дрёма, Dr'ema" - A sleepy person - "Dream"
"Дристать, Dr'istat' " - A very vulrag form of "to shit" - "Dirt"
"Ты, Ti" - "Thou"
"Мне, Mn'e" - "Me"

TheMrBuGyZ - 28.09.2023 20:36

I got preaty interested with word work. Lithuanian language still have vord "vergas" which means slave and I think it is related.

Pouyan Bakhshi
Pouyan Bakhshi - 27.09.2023 00:22

The verb carry/to bear in persian is pronounced (bordan بردن( or tree in Persian has two words (derakht/daar)

Léo🇮🇷 - 25.09.2023 15:21

Persian - Iran 🇮🇷

M - 24.09.2023 03:28

est in spanish, ist in german, is in english and ast in persian are the same

King Of World
King Of World - 22.09.2023 19:13

Что бы там не было, это доказывает что этот язык привел человека к вершине пишевой цепи. И благодаря ему мы создали цивилизацию

Zzz - 22.09.2023 11:32

I am from India and i love ❤❤❤canada❤❤❤❤

Saltech - 22.09.2023 07:56

I am always very fond of indo-european studies. Did you know that the word "hammer" originated with the Indo-European word *kamy, meaning "stone"? That shows how freakin ancient that word is.
Also, the word "daughter" in English is "duhitar" in Sanskrit and in proto indoeuropean originally meant "milkmaid". I can imagine a grumpy teenage daughter going out with her buckets at dawn to milk the family cow in the steppes of eastern Ukraine.

Slow knife
Slow knife - 17.09.2023 20:23

Man i wish my fellow Pakistanis were interested in our ancient history and our roots 😢

Alistair McElwee
Alistair McElwee - 17.09.2023 17:50

So, not only did English have "the Great Vowel Shift" but also so did Proto Indo-European...

Nawinawk - 17.09.2023 05:40

Nice week video and work my paul, my partner🥂🥂🥂🫂💙🍻🍻🍻🕊️🕊️🕊️🎁🎊🎈

Hestia Familia
Hestia Familia - 31.08.2023 16:57

So if I speak with accent and make my own writings using my prefered style esp if I do mixed the words and use slangs to meme, without realizing it I was inventing or making my own language? this made me want to write a lot of shit n stuff, translate and make a fanfiction about something or just make parody of it for fun and alter it and leave them buried near me so the future archeologist would be confused, If I have more descendant and could leave lot of child who would speak their mother tongue with this unique language as a family tradition, I may be able to achieve to create and continue the path to make more branch of languages, idk im just imagining things

Ali Khanzadi
Ali Khanzadi - 29.08.2023 11:16

In Farsi/Persian and I think most of European languages, negative form of verbs/words have “n” in them.

Pacco Enzo
Pacco Enzo - 26.08.2023 21:45


Greg Bakalyan
Greg Bakalyan - 26.08.2023 05:04

Hello Paul, my name is Greg Bakalyan. I have always been intrigued about languages countries and origins of languages. There has been ask about Basque language connection to Armenian language. Can you expedite a little bit more on that subject?

Chris Edwards
Chris Edwards - 21.08.2023 03:20

"indo european"......because god forbid you say Aryan

Althea Mantes
Althea Mantes - 20.08.2023 10:43


f r
f r - 19.08.2023 15:29

It all makes perfect sense. It's like concentric circles out of north Africa where humans first evolved.
Egypt is closest and hence first civilization and then Greeks and then it went to central Asian steppes and then to Iran and eventually to India and China and so on. Obviously Indians came from either the original African tribes in South India as they snaked their way across to Australia eventually and North Indians came from these central Asian Steppe people who brought their culture, horses and language to the vast plains of North India and became the new Indians and Pakistanis etc. Sanskrit came from these older languages they spoke and their descendants wrote the vedas, which isn't a holy book, but more like their Wikipedia.

TabularLion - 18.08.2023 19:15

This video should have been longer 😭😭

Maximilian Gonzalez
Maximilian Gonzalez - 17.08.2023 23:35

I came and found this video because I was watching your video on Bulgarian and noticed that the word for "give" was very similar to the Spanish word "dar" and found that they do indeed share a common root. And that the Bulgarian word "mi" worked very similarly to the identical word "mi" in Spanish. I knew about PIE already but just wanted to see what other unexpected similarities still might be carrying over between languages that seem to have little to do with each other.

Matthew Lucas
Matthew Lucas - 17.08.2023 06:18

When did ancient Iranian and ancient Indian languages split?

trevor ochmonek
trevor ochmonek - 16.08.2023 23:21

The German word for tree is "Baum" which by the way is a cognate with the English word or verb "to beam" ... but recently I found out that the "tree"-cognate also remained in the German the words HolunDER and FlieDER which mean "elder" and "lilac".

Aaryan Bhatia
Aaryan Bhatia - 13.08.2023 23:13

How the what where why words in French and Hindi both start with 'k' most of the time makes wonder if that's an indo European thing

dochell - 13.08.2023 17:42

But because of muslim and British invasion only few speak Sanskrit in india now 😢

thinkpad20 - 13.08.2023 05:13

It was getting pretty dangerous when you had "kund" up there and were talking about how "d" is kinda like "t"... 😬

Victoria Dullick
Victoria Dullick - 12.08.2023 11:53

You are analyzing "bear" in great number of languages. What would you think of "meška" (female bear) or lokys (male) in Lithuanian language wich is considered as indoeuropean language with lots of Greek, Latin, then who knos what language..

blunderboy76 - 09.08.2023 22:17

Wow. I just found this channel, so helpful. Is there a video that tackles Sumerian/Akkadian and attempts to explain the Sumerian language isolate, and where it may have come from??

Just Ebru
Just Ebru - 07.08.2023 00:28

this is the most mind blowing video i've ever watched. i first noticed the similarities between the irish word 'dia' (literally one of three words i know in irish) and 'dieu' in french and well other latin languages so i was like "how can a celtic language and latin languages have such an important word in common" so i dug it up a bit and well im totally amazed... i love how fascinating those connections are

Crybabo - 06.08.2023 17:49

Its very obvious in Numbers. Take number 2 for example:

Farsi: Do
Italian: Due
English: Two

This goes for many other numbers and languages

Tigran Harutyunyan
Tigran Harutyunyan - 31.07.2023 14:52

English - Armenian
Father - hayr (հայր)
mother -mayr (մայր)
brother - eghbayr (եղբայր)
sister - quyr (քույր)
daughter - dustr (դուստր)
door - dur (դուռ)
cat - katu (կատու)
cow - kov (կով)
heart - sirt (սիրտ)
liver - lyard (լյարդ)
name - anun (անուն)
honey - meghr (մեղր)
tomb - tumb (թումբ)
star - astgh (աստղ), zard (զարդ)

Zarathustra - 31.07.2023 01:11

The old English work "Wyrcan" is the current Dutch/Flemish word: "werken", pronounced exactly like wyrcan... I love these little hints that language used to be more closely related once

Learn English With Jonathan
Learn English With Jonathan - 30.07.2023 21:23

After 1.6 million views and nearly 17,000 comments in six years, it must have already been said at least once that the apostrophe + S suffix in English and its associated phonemes is indeed a genitive case. All the same, let me say it once more.


Iran was not there before 1930- instead of Indo-Iranian it should be called as Indo- Persian from the language pt. of view

Byoo Byoo
Byoo Byoo - 25.07.2023 07:45

The germanic languages and Latin languanges have a lot of similar sound words. If you notice. Specially things related to Nature.

For example : Stern (DE) vs. Stella (IT) , Sonne (DE) vs. Sole (IT), Wasser (DE) vs. Acqua (IT), Fisch (DE) vs. Pesce (IT). The sounds are similar.

monte zamanyan
monte zamanyan - 23.07.2023 06:23

Interesting how he didn't say that Armenian preserved 7/8 of the cases of p.i.e. The only one dropped was the genitive case.

Carlos - 23.07.2023 01:58

I'm basque so I don't identify with this video (I'm joking)

Waqar Ahmad
Waqar Ahmad - 20.07.2023 11:59

Why don't somebody try to revive// revrse engineer PIE language, it would be a great workin linguistics. A phd thesis topic perhaps

Secularist - 17.07.2023 16:46

This concept is based ypon an assumption of PIE. And, there is no proof of it if was existing. Merely few vocabulary match do not make languages fall into a group. Vocabularies can be borrowed from one language to other. So, until PIE assumption is proved , this Indo European language theory is just a theory having no basis.

Mike Qaq
Mike Qaq - 16.07.2023 23:29

In Ukrainian similar word to English "to bear" is Ukrainian "beru" which means "i take" . For example
Ya beru -I take
Ty beresh -you take
Vy berete you take (plural)
My beremo we take
Braty to take
Sounds similar to old English

Spring Fine777
Spring Fine777 - 16.07.2023 18:48

Your scheme of distribution of Indo-European languages is a fiction. Tell me, please, if the Indo-European language migrated from Russia around the world, etc., and your diagram shows that it migrated towards Moscow. Tell me why the Finno-Ugric languages do not belong to the Indo-European language group? And we know that according to Russian archaeologists, only Finno-Ugric tribes lived in Russia until the 12th century.

Spring Fine777
Spring Fine777 - 16.07.2023 18:41

Is it okay that the Russian language has the same name of grammatical bases as the Bulgarian language? Nothing, the Russian language comes from the old Bulgarian language and has less in common with the Ukrainian and Belarusian languages than it has French and Spanish. The world accepted the theory of the Russians about the origin of their language from the Common Eastern Slavic. This is all a fiction of the Russians. This is a lie that the whole world has accepted!

Ancient_ Albania
Ancient_ Albania - 11.07.2023 00:14

Ancient Greece were Albanians 🇦🇱 PROOF ——> Hellene = Yll Hene = Star Moon Albania = Yll Banoj = Star Dwellers Illyrian = Yll Rri Un = I’m a Star Dwellers Pellasgian = Pi Yllis Qe Jan = R From The Stars Olympian = Ylli Mbi Han = Star above Moon Aphrodite = Afer Dita = Near Day / Dawn Athena = Yll Ti E Hena = Star You And Moon Venus Aphrodite = Vjen Afer Dites = Comes before the Day Approaches Juno Junon = Je Non/Ju Non = You Are Mother Parthenon = Part e Jon = Our First Ancestors. Artemis = Ardht e Mi = My Predecessors. Hera = Je Ra = You Have Fallen Heracles = Je Ra Ka Ylli = You fall from the stars Achilles = Ai Qiellis / Ai Ka Ylli = From Sky/Stars Angel Engel Enki = En Qiell = In the Sky Rhea = Reja = Clouds Zeus = Zot = God Triton = Driton = Light Up Cronos = Kronoj = Create
Ares = Aj Rre = He Fights
Demeter = Dimer Ti = You are Winter Hestia = Vjesht Ti Je = You are Autumn Kore Persephone = Korrje Par Se E Bone / Punoj - The First Crops you Make / Work
Hades = Je Dhe = You are Soil/Land/Ground Poseidon = Posedon = Owns / Possessor
Apollo = Ai Pi Ylli = He is from the Star Apollonia = Ai Pi Yllis Une = He from the Stars Me Macedonia = Madhe Dhe Une = Great Land Me Acropolis = Aja ka Ra Pi Ylli= It Fell From the Star
Prometheus = Permi Dheut = Above Earth Ganymede = Qe Jeni Mi dhe = Above Earth U R Fates Moira = Fat Mira = Good Luck Nemesis = Nem e zez = Black Curse Eros Psyche = I Ra Psych - He enchanted her with the Evil Eye Neptune - Ne Jep Ty Ujin = We Give U Water Uranus = Uj Ran = Rain Jupiter = Je Pi Yje Ti = You are from the Stars Mars = Madh = Great Saturn = Zot Erdhen = The Gods Came Mercury = Mi Er Ky Rri = Above the Air You Dwell Hermes = Erdh Mi Er = Came from above the Air Amazon = Jam E Zoja = I’m a goddess Hecate Empusa = Hekja Ti Em Pushtaj = Remove it, It Has Possessed Me Nymphai = Ne Jemi Pi Ujis = We are from the Waters Nysiads = Nusja Ujit = Water Bride Druids = Druit = Wood / Woods Siren = Ze i Rren = The Voice That Lie Dragon = Dreq Jon = They Are Devils Kulshedra = Kuq Je Dreq = Red Dragon Charybdis = Kari Pidhi = Cock - Pussy Vampire = Dhom Pir = Drink with Teeth Daimon = Ndimon = Helpers Scylla = Se ka Sill Ujin = That Has Twirl The Water Echo = Je Zo = You are a Voice Medusa = Madhe Se Je = Great you Are Gorgon = Eger Goj / Eger Qe Jon / Wild Mouth /They are Wild Chiron = Sheron = Cures Agnodice = Aj Shnosh Diken = He Cures Someone Byzantine = Beson Ti/Besojn Ton = You/All Believe Basilica = Bes Yllis qe je = Star Faith you are Ocean = Uj Qe Jan = Water They Are Tricrania = Tri Kry Ni Je = Three Heads one you Trinicria = Tri Ni kry Je = Three but one Head Gemini = Qe jemi Ni = That we are one Legion = Ligji Jon = Our Law Religion = Ri Ligji Jon = Our New Law Troy = Troja Jon = Our Land Priam = Pari Jam = I’m The First Spartans = Spart Tan = Our First Ancesters Sparta = Shpata = Sword Pausanias = Pasunia = Wealth / The Rich Once Leonidas = Ylli Jon I dhes = Our Lord of the Land Bucephalus = Buker pi yllis = Beautiful Horse Monument = Mane Mend = Keep In Mind Museum = Mesojme = We Learn Library = Libra rri = The Books Stay Egyptian Gods Thoth = Zoti = God Seth = Sheh Ty = Sees You Anubis = Jan Pi Yje = They From The Stars Hapi = Ha Pi = Eat Drink Tefnet = Tjep Shnet = Gives You Health Nut = Nat = Night Khonsu = Ky Hona = He Is the Moon Sekhmet = Sheh Kijamet = Sees Doomsday Geb = Qe Jep = He Gives Maat = Mat/Madh = Measure/Great Bastet = Bes Te Ti = Believe in You Osiris = O Siri = Is The Eye Isis = Yllis ZiZ = Black Universe Amun Amon Amin Aman = Ylli Mi Han Tutankhamun = Zot Jan Ka ylli Mi Han = Gods Are From stars above The Moon Pyramide = Pi Yll Ra Mi Dhe = From the stars Fell on Earth YHWH = Je Havaja = You Are Heaven 🙏 TikTok Ancient_Albania — zwobhfxbcdtyyf

COCAINE420 - 08.07.2023 11:35

Fun fact: you can easily do something similar when using just West Germanic languages. For example, the th sounds turned into d and t sounds in German. If you apply that on the word "that", then you get "dat". This is already extremely similar to the German word "das", but you can get even closer by knowing that a lot of t sounds turned into an s sound in German. This way you get "das" which is written the exact same way as "das". The only difference is the pronounciation of the a. The English one is more "dæs"(kind of pronounced similar to the German word "des") while the German one is closer to "das" with the a pronounced like in "arm"("that" used to be a neuter gendered article like "das" is used today). You can very easily turn most of the germanic words(the ones most people use the most often) in English into their German equivalent and vice versa. By the way, the word "Deutschland" means "land of the people". "Deutsch" comes from the Old High German word thiutisk(which has the old english equivalent "þeodisc") which means "being of the people" or "belonging to the people"(in German that'd be "dem Volk angehörig" or "dem Volk gehören").

zakmer Zak
zakmer Zak - 06.07.2023 21:50

armenian բեռ - bher

Khalзd - 05.07.2023 18:19

Paul is so funny 😂❤

Yerutí Vázquez
Yerutí Vázquez - 04.07.2023 04:55

Great video! I wish it had dug a bit deeper into the phonological aspect apart from the sound shifts. I'm sure there are interesting phonological similarities in the family. You're awesome, Paul!
