There are actually 5 Roles in Overwatch 2 - Role Theory + Team Comps

There are actually 5 Roles in Overwatch 2 - Role Theory + Team Comps


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InfernoGames - 13.04.2023 02:41

This is an awesome video! well explained and good info! my only criticism for this is that for the support category, a lot of middle rank players are gonna be confused by Main support and Main healer because they're not the same. I think it would be really cool if you could make a follow up video explaining that difference because even though lucio is a main support, he's actually an off-healer not Main healer. Im sure you know but for anyone else reading the comment: main healer provides the bulk of the heals (think moira bap ana etc) whilst off healers still heal but most of their utility come from other abilities - Lucios speed, mercys damage boost, zen's discord. So if you explain that it would explain why double flex support works but not double main support.

ALSO please do a video on tempo and maps it would be really interesting !

p.s mayo sucks, ketchup supremacy!

xie - 20.11.2023 12:22

I belong to the unranked chaotic territory

Skyler - 20.11.2023 02:37

Wish my friends would grasp this concept, they think it doesn't matter what to play for dps which is what they play, theyll run the stupidest dps combo known to man, theyll see the healers die and wonder “how are they dying” i dont know MAYBE BECAUSE THE POCKETED ASHE ON THE LEFT SIDE FUCKING ONE AND TRACER ON THE RIGHT FUCKING THE OTHER, they dont care about helpung keep the supports alive, the enemy could have a winston, my friend could be on reaper, you know the tank kill and counter to said tank, hell instead of protecting his healing from winston hell dive the ana 200 feet away, get low to the ana, use wraith and come back, wonder where the healers are after they got fucked by the winston and had no prtection, but they also think main and flex on support is based off healing and not the heroes abilities themselves, i love playing lucio, if i was on pc id main him and only play kiriko when i get a support like frogger, eskay, fdgod, and any other lucio mains that aren't coming to mind, but they complain about healing output and dont like me even touching lucio, hell even a friend who has zero knowledge of the game claims lucio sucks, he doesn't suck you guys just want to feed and want a support who outputs a lot of healing so it doesn't feel like your feeding. the friend with no knowledge is a cassidy player, i heal him to full after he hits critical and gets to cover, i look over to my tank whos getting to about half health and needs healing, look back and he dies, what's he do? bitch that i'm not shoving my thumb up his ass to keep him alive, i play to learn and get better, they play to sweat and feed then bitch at the support comp they have. they can have the best ana or bap player know to man, never missing a shot, using ults perfectly, never dying, out healing the combined enemy supports total healing and having more kills then the whole team, but if the other is a lucio who is really good like fdgod all of a sudden they can't win, lucio is throwing, they aren't getting enough healing, they need a kiriko even though there is no form of anti healing on the other team, they only want healing numbers they don't want utility and i'm sick of it.

Volden - 15.11.2023 17:26

I have absolutely no aim (even with the bastion skill I can’t shoot a small enemy point-blank if he’s actively running)
in the end I play exclusively on characters less dependent on aim
just like that I decided on the characters
and how fun it is to hear the words “take another character, we need to kill Farah...” or something like that

Pedro Salvio
Pedro Salvio - 08.11.2023 23:50

Where can i get this list of comps?

OneShot - 02.11.2023 01:21

Man if I could just get these silver supports to understand the tank needs your beam remove it from the from the campers n help the only person trying to get the objective before it’s 99%

Noppa nolla
Noppa nolla - 25.10.2023 20:13

There are 36 heal comps and My team decides to play mercy lucio💀

keazus - 25.10.2023 20:00

Tracer is mayonnaise. Good to know

Jhea - 25.10.2023 16:02

Yeah, OG beta OW1 player here, GM and even dabbled in contenders. Main heal vs main support is entirely different, for example you said LW is a Flex support, this couldn't be more wrong. LW is a main support through and through, his healing is auto and the ONLY good support pairings for him is other flex supports making him naturally fall in line to main support. He doesn't do enough damage and his utility alone (a main support's key function) is why certain comps can be played with his team access to high ground and his pull. I appreciate the video, most of it was great info but the issue of people still getting main and flex support confused is baffling.

MeanAndPristine - 22.10.2023 23:24

Anytime I see a team play Ashe/Widow I instantly swap to Wrecking Ball. Glaring weakness there

Prestigini - 17.10.2023 19:51

How is Lucio main healer

T3HPR0F3550R - 15.10.2023 21:07

For people trying to get better, this guy is absolutely wrong, watched this with a top 500 friend of mine and he disagrees with almost everything this guy says

Miennai - 26.09.2023 14:41

If you're only definition of flex support is that their healing depends on aim, why I'd Zen under flex support? Or even Lifeweaver. His healing requires about as much aim as mercy.

Strawfairy_milk - 21.09.2023 20:14

I don’t really see the point in splitting supports by whether or not they aim. Would it not make more sense to split them by area heals or single target healing? Or by range, type of utility or damage even?

Jesting Flames
Jesting Flames - 28.08.2023 06:46

This video just confuses me at this point, because I have been screamed at so many times in low rank lobbies to swap to a main support while playing mercy or brig, and I sit there in confusion because I'm already playing one

TrapPolice - 25.08.2023 19:10

Sombra should be in exception

one tome plz
one tome plz - 23.08.2023 20:55

If you have a solider and cree that are putting lead down range yea great good luck hitting that Ana in the back tho keeping the 600 health tank alive you need an echo or genji or sombra toast the minimum distract the Ana for long enough for something to die

chris donelson
chris donelson - 21.08.2023 00:19

I don’t think that Lucio brig is bad I would argue that it is pretty good

Nate Bee
Nate Bee - 17.08.2023 03:21

Illari has both auto heal turret and beam heal close range, another hybrid or exception. I might argue closer to flex support

Silly Funny
Silly Funny - 16.08.2023 20:11

This video hit me with a counting problem in the first minute.

Angel Cake
Angel Cake - 16.08.2023 19:00

I think main heals vs main support can get a little confusing 😵‍💫 I’m used to thinking of support as “main heal” (focuses on doing large amounts of heals) and “off heal” (doesn’t do as much healing numbers but focuses more on utility) so it can be confusing for me!

edit: for example, the main heal vs off heal mindset makes it very obvious not to pair Lucio and mercy—both of them get more value off of their non-heal utility like speed boost and damage boost so it just doesn’t make sense to pair them since neither gets their main value from heals, they can get way more value doing something else so overall it won’t be enough healing if both of them play the hero the “correct” way

mkwsoxfan - 16.08.2023 17:38

My role theory (as someone not high enough rank to have meta matter) is this:

Supports don't typically want two no range/close range/no damage supports. Mercy/moiria is probably the worst offender, some comps with brig, or life weaver no apply. Basically if your supports have ZERO opportunities to finish off a critical health enemy it makes the strain on your team much harder. Sure moiria can orb and stuff but the healing creep has made it so random orb kills are not as common. Anything outside of 10 meters even if it has 5 hp just gets away that's a problem IMO. Equally Ill put 2 solo targeting healers into this group too, mercy/ana puts big strain on ana, zen/mercy, etc.

DPS you basically need one that can access high ground easily, without it your team gets rolled, sure your tank can swap to a high ground accessible tank but that changes the whole comp, there's many more DPS options that can do this without requiring 3-4 team swaps.

Tank is a free for all tbh, your supports should never expect 24/7 baby sitting but if like mentioned above you have 2 that do such low damage they can't ever defend themselves your comp is dead on arrival. Tank is mostly map dependent and less comp dependent IMO

Spoonie - 15.08.2023 22:03

This was really helpful, thank you.

Kaid Blick
Kaid Blick - 15.08.2023 12:01

As a support main since 2017 I don’t think zenyatta was ever viable to pair with lucio

Playstation . E
Playstation . E - 14.08.2023 03:55


4ardW0rKINGbarn1CAL - 12.08.2023 20:25

38 now

PixelArt01 - 09.08.2023 22:03

I don't know why Zen is considered flex support. His healing is automatic, not variable, and constant (like lucio, mercy, and brig, unlike ana, moira, and bap). He provides utility as the primary element of his value, his discord. His ult is a lot like Lucio's, defensive and countering enemy ults, unlike the flex supports' like Moira, Bap, and Ana.

Zen is a main support to me. It also doesn't make much sense why flex support players play him while main support players don't.

That One Guy
That One Guy - 06.08.2023 14:08

back in my day we had main tank and off tank

Tokitawa - 02.08.2023 12:03

It's called "Hitscan DPS" and "Projectile DPS" and it has been ,like this since day 1. Nice theory tho! 👏

AmmarZovko - 31.07.2023 14:32

I tought bro was gonna say: «welcome to the daily dose of internet»

Christian Emerson
Christian Emerson - 30.07.2023 07:04

You need LoS to heal with Brig, though, so she should be a flex support.

Jus - 30.07.2023 05:53

I was taught the main supports had their own metas, and that was a big difference between the two categories (Lucio and Brig were vital in goats and Mercy had the moth meta)

pfUdoR - 28.07.2023 21:14

Im confused, Zen heals kinda like Mercy or Brig packs, still he is a flex Support? He also doesnt pair well with Main Supports like Main Supports themself and like Mercy or Brig, u use the heal orb more as utility for ur Team to help them in a 1v1 (mostly ur DPS or the Flex Support that gets dove), not just bare healing like Ana, Bap or Moira etc.

Sam H
Sam H - 24.07.2023 06:16

I guess this is a great baseline but there are a lot more exceptions to be honest. I mean we see a lot more double flex supp in the league to a point where I think we need to redefine this. We see bap Ana, Moira Kiri , Bap Lucio, and a couple more. And we’re seeing a fuck ton of sombra with whatever dps at the moment

BagelJosher - 22.07.2023 05:37

This has got to be the worst video I think I’ve ever had the displeasure of sitting through. Mayo?? The best????!? No seriously great video love hearing people talk about overwatch!

Potato Skin
Potato Skin - 20.07.2023 08:00

Damn the tanks i feel bad

keawekeawekeawe - 19.07.2023 16:58

Both moira and ana have been and sometimes are still played by main supports. It's not common to see but it still happens. I'd still say those are exceptions because they are mainly flexible to who can play them.

Hulkcore - 19.07.2023 08:30

For supports, the terms Main and Flex come from pre-role lock when Mercy was OP and sometimes run as a solo support on pro comps. Mercy was your main support because she was strong enough that you were always going to have a Mercy. Your flex support literally flexed to other roles. For instance, early NYXL games sometimes had Jjonak on Roadhog for certain points (Junkertown A defense, for example), and then swap to Zen or another support for later parts of the map, or if they got countered.

When GOATS came, those Mercy players went over to Lucio and the Flex supports went to Moira, then Ana, and eventually Zen and Bap in that comp. Brig was usually played by a dps player, but with the introduction of role lock, she also got absorbed into the Main support pool.

Casriel Dreemur
Casriel Dreemur - 12.07.2023 15:44

Trying to explain the main and flex dps to someone and they keep calling bullshit on the reasoning but after a while, it’s all now down on why Mei is a flex dps.

victory win
victory win - 12.07.2023 09:46

your tellin me luc mercy and brig are main supp?

Chance - 30.06.2023 07:26

These support classifications don't make much sense to me. Feels kinda like a DPS take on supp...

Jim - 29.06.2023 23:51

If u put mayo on anything outside of a sandwich you're a sociopath

TGS - 28.06.2023 04:29

Maybe im insane but are you sure Lucio and Brig are Main Support while Ana, Bap, and Moira are flex?

Supreme - 22.06.2023 18:48

I love Lucio so with my bias i want to say he is not a Main support because support means "how you use your kit to assist the team in general to win" and not just healing.I get flak for playing Lucio alot and my teammates will never understand the micro decisions of speed boosting my tanks when we have the advancetage in a fight, wall running around OBJ and kiting to stall contest time if i am alone so they can respawn and catch up, rushing ahead of the team sometime to boop someone out of position or diving on the enemy support for a quick pick, these things can turn the game around without the need for an Ult. Lucio does so much for the team beyond just staying near everyone and passively heal them especially when you have a mercy or moira who is actually healing their soul out. I want to replace main supports Lucio and Brig with flexers Moira, Kiriko and Ana because if we are using healing as a bar to judge them from, they spend more time actively trying to heal their teammates as oppose to lucio and brig whose passive healing alllw them to be more creative and do other things like Dmg, boosting, sheilding, kiting and peeling for the team.

Im technically new to OW, made it to Diamond after 2 seasons of learning so i am open to discuss this.

Max Barker
Max Barker - 22.06.2023 08:20

Good video, but there’s definitely more to the roles than you explained. For example dive/poke/brawl. You can still divide heroes within individual roles into each category to pick what best fits it team. You can further classify them as defensive or offensive. Reinhardt doesn’t play the same role as wrecking ball, doesn’t play the same role as jq, who’s basically a third dps 😂

M lad
M lad - 20.06.2023 20:44

Saying moira healing requires aim yeah I call bs on that one 😂

lightning bolt ct
lightning bolt ct - 17.06.2023 09:52

Overwatch 1 players be like no it go damage, defense, tank, and support 2tanks 1damage 1defense 2support now that’s the overwatch am talking about

TurtleBot - 16.06.2023 09:49

Idk bout those main and flex support classifications. Ana Can pump out insane amounts of heals, as Can Moira, while lucio and mercy and most valuable for speed boost and damage amp respectively.

Trix - 14.06.2023 19:23

thought I clicked on a daily dose of internet video for a second
