Psychotherapist Gives His Opinion On The Red Pill Movement

Psychotherapist Gives His Opinion On The Red Pill Movement

Chris Williamson

2 года назад

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Dan Jacobs
Dan Jacobs - 18.10.2023 15:29

This the video just screams an inability to sympathise with normal guy problems. One guys got top 1 % genetics and could be in a relationship tomorrow if he so desired . The other is clearly happily married and successful 🤣

kellygreenii - 16.10.2023 16:12

Just no. He actually understands that Red Pill is just the “biopsychosocial” model of female sexuality and mating.

But then throws up all over himself in its application. One: Red Pill rage. Men are angry because when they finally understand RP they realize that they have been LIED to. By society. By women. They’ve been trying to win at checkers when the game is actually chess.

Two. As a result some men have chosen to act in their own interests and not in women’s interests. He is touting a feminine norm. That if you do not act in a manner that advances female reproductive interests ahead of your own…you are dysfunctional. Not necessarily.

Three: Adaptation to the current reality that marriage is a terrible investment for men. To the point that there is NOTHING to rationalize doing it as a man unless you want children.

Four: with each passing generation more and more is being demanded of men in relationship in return for less and less of value to us.

But these observation get labeled “misogyny”. Because the current culture declares that attempting to put ANY limits (even healthy ones) on a woman’s behavior is anti-woman…and that men need to shut up and do whatever women say…and be grateful for whatever (or how little) they are given in return.

…and if they are unwilling to submit to the bad behavior of women they are “toxic”, “misogynistic” or “insecure”.

When the truth is usually he just has healthy personal boundaries.

Greg van Paassen
Greg van Paassen - 16.10.2023 07:02

Let's see. About 7 million prime working age men in the US are not in the labor force or education, or the army or prison. The redpill stuff validates these men, tells them to improve their cardiovascular health and strength, their focus and motivation, and to be clear about their values. boundaries, and their self-respect. It opens them to the possibility of getting help for mental health issues. It does this in a way that those men will listen, and some of them act. This is bad? How well are conventional approaches reaching these men?

YoMamma.ismyDaddy - 15.10.2023 20:13

This started out kinda good, the going to church comment was a bit of a red flag lol but dang towards the end that guy was really universalizing women’s behavior saying they all ‘switch modes’ when they meet the right person and never let go. This is ridiculous, sure there’s many women that would be like that but there’s many that are not also, same with guys, it’s a case by case basis. Was surprised where he went with that bc it seemed insightful for most of the video

Mark U moeder
Mark U moeder - 15.10.2023 08:20

Being white is a burden at this point, it’s not a benefit at all in society, it’s like being the stereotypical oppressor (viewed by society) by default for no valid reason’s and at their own perspective if they would express or stand up for themselves towards other’s because of the school indoctrinations at least this is for me the issue, it just doesn’t feel right because of the continued punishment as a guy if i would stand up for myself at around 15-18 by teacher’s, they did a great job at damaging guy’s. It’s just a zero sum mindset condoned by society as long as they’re white males, this is my perspective throughout my life experience’s, all the while being born in a native white country, it’s like the world pushes the stereotype “slut” on beautiful blond haired white girls and i know for a fact that they’re going to be extinct soon at a rapidly pace out of envy by other girls
, it’s like the sisterhood picks on the most beautiful girl’s out of envy, zero sum mindset, they even could find manipulative way’s to make money out of them, I’m saddened to have kid’s, I can’t even protect them from this properly and I’ve never wanted that kind of life for them.

Silvio - 30.09.2023 22:49

Pra mim o homem gado é o homem que trabalha igual escravo, de segunda a sábado, durante 35 anos, na construção de sua família, enquanto sua esposa fica rebolando nas mandiocas dos Ricardãos, e além de levar muitos chifres e perder tudo que construiu para as esposas, é abandonado pelas esposa e por isso acaba ficando sozinho cheio de artrites artroses e hérnia de discos por razão de trabalhar muito para agradar as esposas.

HOSSEIN HJ - 27.09.2023 08:44

Move onto marriage groups? Why would you gamble all your wealth and the years you've worked and future on the whims of a woman

It's a massive gamble with great loss and so little reward, your wife could simply decide she doesn't like you anymore and then boom have of all you have plus child support and alimony is hers

Even a good woman will be temped by such offer

peterGnash - 25.09.2023 11:45

Chris' entire channel is about monetizing this though he does things with more substance. Anything that has to be said about the red pill's derailing into a bunch of toxic subdivisions has been said for time now. As soon as the modern woman is identified as a separate group and their toxicity is talked about, that's when we'll get clarity on all of this. But the mainstream voices are too afraid and anyone who isn't afraid, usually is an extremist. See Alex Jones. And ironically, just with Alex when someone has the tenacity to challenge status quo and last then you gotta at least hear them out. There's gonna be something in there of value otherwise they'd of died out.

hrh597788 - 21.09.2023 18:41

This dude is sketchy. The bio on his website is long on claims but short on specifics. He is not a psychologist. He doesn’t have a phd. He claims to have a Masters degree from a “private university.” From where? A correspondence course in Guadalajara? Who exactly were the “6 licensed clinicians” that he studied under and what exactly were their “4 different license types?” He claims that he is FORMERLY a licensed LMFT. Why formerly? Why would he allow his one legitimate credential to expire? Unless it was revoked for some reason. And what exactly is an “attachment specialist”? Literally anyone can hang up a shingle and claim to be a psychotherapist. Chris looks desperate for content. Unless he is more selective about the people he chooses to feature he will harm whatever credibility he has managed to earn.

Jack Harper
Jack Harper - 11.09.2023 13:06

As a MGTOW that has been divorced raped, I don’t believe that all women are bad, but is marriage worth the risk? No. You never truly know who a woman is until after you put a ring on her finger.

Rei Osoria
Rei Osoria - 07.09.2023 16:20

Wow imagine that .. commiserating with others experience and taking lessons

Ali Alrahahleh
Ali Alrahahleh - 06.09.2023 05:25

What about get someone from Red Bill on your podcast

Cosima Von Liebenau
Cosima Von Liebenau - 31.08.2023 08:09

So, the ‘good’ women are 22, virgins, and sitting at home with their cats and colouring books, virtuously waiting to be introduced to Mr Right? My mind is blown. This is still the narrative in 2023?

Guero305 - 11.07.2023 22:46

I find it a red flag when u got ppl generalizing the other half of the world population into a box. And using evolutionary psychology v loosely to convince ppl of these narratives

Eclectic8 - 09.07.2023 10:34

Hmm. Sure, I'm with the anti-nihilism and anti-mysogeny.
Mine was a case, as you describe, where she, uniquely, came from a history replete with drug use and partying. And y'all rubbed me the wrong way seeming to imply that her ending it after 5 years and 2 kids (her boy and our daughter) was inevitably about me failing as a father. I always had a great "relationship with the kids" (incl according to family and friends) and still do now they're grown. (It helped to have studied and worked as a young man as a preschool teacher and mental health/addiction counselor.) If anything, she seemed jealous. There was no decline BTW in my income, my physique nor my social connections.

watitduful - 02.07.2023 20:48

As far as evolutionary psychology goes, it’s purely theoretical as with many other forms of psychology and the like. It’s based more so on assumptions rather than actually getting concrete evidence to bear it out. The red pill spaces utilize this kind of stuff to the tee.

Talisi Kid
Talisi Kid - 18.06.2023 05:10

The real problem is the culture exchanged morality for money, power and hedonism. The modern culture of feminism/RP/sexual revolution/the pill/ social media/attention & validation seeking has ruined both females and males. A drastic rejection of this Sodom and Gomorrah and a return to traditional society with its strong insistence on moral behavior, is the only way forward.

Talisi Kid
Talisi Kid - 18.06.2023 05:02

Yep. Red pill is just the male counterpart to feminism. Both are extremes. Both are narcissistic. Both are evil and will destroy society by destroying the family unit that society is based on. As far the evolutionary biology stuff, it’s flawed. At least the way pop culture defines it. Humans are more than just hairless apes. We have higher levels of brain functions than that. And don’t forget the spiritual side of human nature. Humans are far more complicated than the lizard brain suggests. But we do need to keep that in mind. In western societies, there are no boundaries set to keep the lizard brain from dominating and lowering the people to mere animalistic behavior. People experience this as a decline in morals and a decrease in civility.

ModelJames13 - 17.06.2023 04:54

This is a load of bull. 🐄

Eric Wolfe
Eric Wolfe - 07.06.2023 06:33

Very cool. I need to watch the full episode now.

Vanessa Ambrose
Vanessa Ambrose - 01.06.2023 22:07

The problem with ''evolutionary psychology'' and ''biological imperatives'' is that people EVOLVE, and those pushing these ideas are stuck back in 20,000 BC. We are more than our genitals, folks. Being 55 yo, I've yet to meet a childless woman who regrets not having them and I'm sure I could find men who feel the same. There have always been lifelong bachelors and so called spinsters, which puts the lie to the whole idea of being primarily motivated by sex and reproduction. It's only been 3 generations since the pill and other changes have given people the opportunity to NOT marry and have kids.

jef - 29.05.2023 17:50

the problem is not we could the the thing is we should not.
the state gets involved and its to FFing risky🤣

TK - 15.05.2023 10:41

Among all of the other flaws in this discussion, underlying everything is the assumption that the end goal is and should be to get married.

Adrian Frank
Adrian Frank - 12.05.2023 01:04

This is some of the worst advice I’ve ever heard. A party girl doesn’t “switch off” that behavior. She’s had her ability to pair bond cauterized. And give that women file for divorce in that vast majority of instances, telling men “she’ll never let you go” is laughable. Smart men don’t get married. It’s hell on earth. It’s a living death. Trust me. DON’T DO IT!

Tony DecentBlackman
Tony DecentBlackman - 11.05.2023 12:09

This is such crap. Manosphere use statistics continually to back up what they say. If you're going to debunk the Manosphere, it would be useful to focus on their propositions and provide the evidence that contradict the propositions. What Red Pill means is debunking the dominant narratives women use to confuse men. Simple.

Metatron838 - 25.04.2023 10:59

Most men want to be little party boys and not spend time with there own children. I love spending time with my children = easy mode.

lotsosoul - 21.04.2023 09:09

I’m not deep red pilled, but this dude is classic beta blue pill.

JC Kennedy
JC Kennedy - 19.04.2023 23:04

They’re all old bald and never had genuine desire for them

It works for very very few

I'monit - 18.04.2023 02:24

I'm not red pill. I'm migtow. I'm single until the legal system self corrects. Which basically means I'm bachelor for life. I'm not gonna fall in love and have children to become a cash cow for some women that was never really all that into me to begin with.

Dave Rojas
Dave Rojas - 17.04.2023 01:21

While I agree that there are men who us the red pill ideologies to blame women for their problems. It's not what the Red Pill advocates as a solution.
It teaches men to understand female and male nature for what it is, accept that it's how we evolved as a species, use this knowledge to become more attractive to the opposite sex, to protect against a system that financially incentivises women to leave marriages, and to find meaning and purpose in a life where men have lost their place as protectors/ providers/ provisioners.

Blaze45 - 08.04.2023 11:35

This is completely off topic but I think I might need to talk to someone about my attachment issues. I'm starting to date this woman now who I believe truly cares for me but I'm actually scared af to make her my lady even though she has a bunch of green flags. Then I realized it's me. It's always been me. I feel like no woman could ever truly love me and that eventually she'll realize I'm not the one for her and leave. But then a woman who doesn't treat me right I fall madly in love with or become obsessed with and have no fear making them my lady but they don't want me. I think someone said it best, only want love if it's torture but true love is boring. That was kinda a mess of a statement I just left but anyone got any idea what's going on with me?

outsidethematrix - 06.04.2023 12:19

When women say "all men are rapists, kill them all" the world applauds them, gives them a larger platform, and they are soooo empowered.
When men say "women are like this, adjust accordingly", they get thrown to jail, ostracized, branded as being on the level of the german guy from the 30s.
That's the difference

Jerry Pepper
Jerry Pepper - 05.04.2023 14:18

This is not what I get from the red pill knowledge its more like this is the truths this is how it is accept it and be the best version of yourself

Philippe Van Dam
Philippe Van Dam - 05.04.2023 13:14

thank you!!!

DT - 03.04.2023 17:01

@chris Williamson the female forum you were looking for is female dating strategies which got booted off Reddit, awful place

James - 28.03.2023 23:39

Hey I think it would be fantastic to have Alexander Grace on the podcast - he is a red pill content creator but of the variety that talks about how to have happy fulfilling relationships based on evolutionary psychology.

Griffith the Chad
Griffith the Chad - 28.03.2023 12:29

I hate using this term but this therapist would be the perfect example of a blue piller.

bionic - 27.03.2023 09:27


Darren 'Roq'
Darren 'Roq' - 26.03.2023 20:44

The dude is pretty intelligent, but got quite a bit wrong with what a lot of the teachings are. Red pill has no motive other than exposing the truth. It's not about revenge against women.

shane smith
shane smith - 26.03.2023 09:40

Y’all contents golden, a lot of younger males need to hear y’all voice

Lyle Christensen
Lyle Christensen - 22.03.2023 10:19

There is no one on one relationship with todays woman. Every action, thought, and decision by 'independent' women must first seek approval and be filtered through their friends, family and even pop culture. Independent women? no such thing-they are a sick joke that I'll continue to have no part of as most women make damn sure to never get that close to loving and dedicating their true selves to a man. Nope-ain't happening in real life today, not in this culture.The first thing I look for is how strong those sisterhood bonds are.

Lyle Christensen
Lyle Christensen - 22.03.2023 09:58

Red pill or just frutrastion on how to interact with women? It seems like modern feminism boxes men into 'behaving' according to a womans standards of the sisterhood. For instance: if a man gifts a woman with even something minor then he is denounced as a simp. If the man opens a door out of good manners he is automatically frowned on. If a man moves on to his own comfort zone and going his way then he is labelled an incel for not chasing skirts. Then there's the law and pressure in grade and high schools to 'don't you dare to exhibit any toxic masculinity'. Behind all of this is the fact that women hold legal power to strip a man of his home, children, and future because he may have raisede his voice once or twice. You two speaking are not getting to the roots of the problems that drive many a good decent man to the red pill and mgtow. You speakers are full of pleasing the feminist agenda and not living in the real world.

Jo - 21.03.2023 15:58

Chris. You need to visit and live in Berlin.
A lot of what you think/believe about women will change. A LOT

Wolf - 21.03.2023 11:15

Making fun of those redpill men in a sarcastic way, portray a will to shame them rather than giving them an explanation on what's wrong!

Carolynn Gockel
Carolynn Gockel - 20.03.2023 04:52

Some Red Pill coaches do preach that you'll be able to keep a woman with their methods. But the methods they teach would have a healthy woman heading for the hills. They teach keeping your gf/wife insecure and to always make her feel like you could do better. A healthy woman will say, "Well, go do better then," and move on fast.

Ultimately, I think Red Pill gurus don't want men to improve--then they'll lose their views and $$$.

S G - 19.03.2023 02:31

It’s true that wives are just high level prostitutes. Your giving them half your shit.
