Chris Miller - The Future of Warfare | SRS #88

Chris Miller - The Future of Warfare | SRS #88

Shawn Ryan Show

7 месяцев назад

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@brandonnorris4602 - 06.02.2024 23:02

I was an opiate addict for a long time. Trying to stop drugs from coming into US is not the answer or solution. We need to get better and more affordable treatment in US. The best opiate treatment is ibogaine which you’ve talked about for TBI’s. Ibogaine is one of the most successful treatments for opiate addiction and it’s not even legal in US. This country doesn’t want addicts to get clean, if they did, the fix is there but just needs to be more affordable and accessible.

@cortsaviers3084 - 04.02.2024 21:31

I’m from a small town in Alaska and our local police are doing 60,000 pill busts of fentanyl. Hundreds of thousand of dollar busts in small town Alaska, I can’t even imagine what’s it’s doing at the border states.

@shphawk3525 - 04.02.2024 18:34

They decriminalized drugs here in Washington State. They changed it back. Drug use was literally everywhere in public. Needles and foil everywhere. OD's everywhere.

@Marr2sl - 04.02.2024 11:33


@briansanchez1060 - 03.02.2024 22:04

This is by far one of the most interesting interviews you have done! Don’t get me wrong I thoroughly enjoy all of t your interviews. They are the most real thing I have seen and I tell people daily about your channel.

Thank you for your service and starting this channel!

@2flowertwo537 - 02.02.2024 14:45

How to incentives taking out chem trails planes with defense equipment? That would be a good way to defend the land

@charlesl5226 - 02.02.2024 07:15

I’m all for the non profits helping our the community, but there are so many the “market” is flooded. Why do we need a non profit for each special unit and branch? Why can’t it just be all the sof non profits work together and all the straight leg infantry non profits work together?

@charlesl5226 - 02.02.2024 05:18

Legalizing drug would not solve the issue. Look at Amsterdam. Look at my state of oregon. It’s a mess and every type and schedule of drug is legal. It doesn’t work, it makes it worse. Yes weed is a gateway drug. Maybe not for the end user but for all the organizations, and those who fall into the trap of drug use when weed doesn’t cut it.

@morganplisken7271 - 29.01.2024 11:29

The high energy weapon would be in space collecting solar energy and channeling that energy from 50 collectors to 24 to 12 to 2 weapons that fire like a Pom Pom gun with a time of flight to target of 1.5 seconds.

@morganplisken7271 - 29.01.2024 10:41

Defense spending should be lazor weapons , because anytime a time of flight to target is 2 to 3 seconds it makes weapons with a time to target of over 10 seconds junk. A weapon on the moon shot at earth with a time to target 3 seconds or from a space station with time to splash 2 seconds this could hit ICBM’s before they even get close. That kind of energy requirement could only be collected outside earth atmosphere.

@bruce6961 - 29.01.2024 09:01

This guy posts your content without giving you credit

@cytokinestorm3074 - 27.01.2024 06:38

Legalizing drugs is a terrible idea. Heroin isn't something you wanna mess with it. You try it once and that could be it for you. There is a reason these drugs are illegal.

@MissKatyAllison - 26.01.2024 23:31

Dude! I enjoyed this three-part series with Chris Miller to the fullest! He totally reminds me of my dad, in the way he’s so cool, calm, collected, sarcastic, cynical, yet optimistic. Thank you for your service Chris and your totally RAD insight on so many intriguing subjects. It was bodacious to watch you throw the questions back & forth with Shawn. You’re like the ‘Keanu Reeves’ of US Gov’t, sir! 😊

@MillyRue - 25.01.2024 19:18

In my opinion we aren't living in CAPITALISM.. we are living in CORPORATISM.. the large corporations rule and shut out the small businesses. It use to be that every town had its own stores to support its citizens. You could go to bigger cities to buy what your town didn't have, but your towns businesses had everything needed to live.... grocery store, shoe store, clothing store, dime store etc.. now little towns are lucky if a thrift store survives!!!

@MillyRue - 25.01.2024 18:51

Why can't we do a probation period for the good immigrants that come to America the right way. Give them a probationary card to work for x amount of time.. maybe 5 years. If after that time they have become a functional part of the usa and been in no trouble then grant them citizenship. If they don't work, live off of welfare or been in trouble... send them back home.

@curtisvalle5141 - 25.01.2024 10:55

MIC builds what Govt tells them to build and pays them a flat amount for managing the program but also how well they perform. The more money a contractor manages the bigger the performance award fee is available. Obviously, the MIC tries to influence Govt procurements but the Govt has the final say. Contractors will not do anything the Govt will not pay for.

@sthildas4857 - 25.01.2024 02:50

The occupation of land perceived to be Russian, where Ukrainians have always lived, one might ask those residents who are being forced from where they live.

I teach computing to young children..aged 10.

Key is to teach kids to report to an adult if the children see anything inappropriate.

Good luck with the tech.

@wolloms - 24.01.2024 20:34

America doesnt need more foreign workers there are tons of real Founding Stock Americans working and looking for work. As a society we are over worked and underpaid dramatically and deserve ao much more. Theres no need for any kind of immigration, weve been flooded and it only benefits greedy oligarchs and bankers who have dial citizenship in israel. This bullshit about Americans thinking they are too good for certain jobs is just insulting, we will do it but not for the slave wages that 3rd worlders will do them for.

@wolloms - 24.01.2024 20:25

More young white men and women are being killed by Fentanyl every single year then any war we have fought. A huge percentage of the kids I grew up died before their 25th Bday because our town was absolutely flooded with opiates through the Sackler family and fent coming over the border and no one wants to do anything about it.

@CanadianTexaninLiguria - 23.01.2024 07:44

Dont believe the numbers from the Russians...

@CanadianTexaninLiguria - 23.01.2024 07:44

Dont believe the numbers from the Russians...

@davidpowell5294 - 23.01.2024 03:37

Shawn I could listen to Chris all day long what a great American he is & what a career he has had. Thank u Shawn for such great guest u have on.

@notgunnadoit7461 - 21.01.2024 20:24

I was under SouthCom back in 2001-02 in GTMO as an Investigator. We spent a shit ton of money down there! Oh also the Commander of SC sent out a MOU to CID instructing all agents CID, OSI and NCIS not to assist me in ANY and ALL internal affairs investigation. I know this because the First SGT CID showed me the MOU and informed me that they cannot assist me anymore.

@KCMOCLOUT - 21.01.2024 03:24

Anybody remember the like detox he endorsed way back i just remember him saying you would take a crazy dump lol

@DSofA - 20.01.2024 18:15

I disagree. Not all people who go into the National Guard, go in for college money. I know many guards who don’t have college degrees and never attended college in their lifetime. Some go in bc they like the balance in home life and solider duties and some people used the National Guard as a stepping stone for going full active duty bc the National Guard at one time was the only one that would accept people without a HS diploma. The National Guard used to have this program called GED Plus. Which was a 3 week training program that prepared guardsmen for the GED test as well as had some basic training like structure. I attended this program, passed the GED test and then from there was immediately ship off to basic, and then AIT from there… I think it’s important for everyone to know that Guardsmen, are absolutely real soldiers and go through the same training and at the same bases that active duty soldiers are trained. I was training right along side active duty and reservists. It’s also important to know that when shit hits the fan and a war pops off, the National Guard are among the first to be deployed. So please don’t minimize the importance and the commitment of the Guard. My uncle has been in the Guard for 28 years and been deployed twice in those 28 years. He almost went for a 3rd tour but suffered a severe shoulder injury before that and has since had surgery on that shoulder. He deserves the same respect and honor as any full active duty serviceman receives.

@andrewmeschter3205 - 19.01.2024 22:13

Take it easy dissing National Guard guys there Hi-Speed! A lot of us deployed to combat in Iraq and Afghanistan

@sheldondavenport416 - 18.01.2024 06:01

Idk why.... I dont like this guy, wayyy to shady for me!

@markberman6708 - 17.01.2024 17:41

Psyops is a Pillar of PsyWar, PsyWar is a Pillar of Spiritual Warfare, and, in the end, it is all about Spiritual Warfare. As I heard you talk with Chris about yesterday and with Jim before, once you understand that it is all about Spiritual Warfare you understand how the enemies of humanity seek to break down any person who they see as a threat. And to them anyone who might be an example to others, anyone who sheds light on any of the forms of vileness around us is a threat to them. Soul Eaters, consumers of the hearts, hopes, dreams of humanity, and freedom... they cannot survive the light of the Sun or the standing of a single soul.

One becomes many and many one's becomes millions and cannot be stopped... there are many Pillars of Warfare we need only pause and ponder to see them and then see where each of us can do our small part.

@josephspradlin8188 - 17.01.2024 06:03

There is alot of the national guard that do their jobs full time just like the active duty does. We're not all weekend warriors. The Air National Guard intelligence squadrons are 24/7. I believe that's where the leak came from. It's normal for a 21yo intel Air National Guardsman to have a TS and access to information classified as such.

@birdsiview6845 - 16.01.2024 21:03

You guys can’t be this dumb

@PaceFootball - 16.01.2024 15:04

Chris Miller - the more I listen to him the more I realize I had no idea about the most badass SOD in history

@ikofire1 - 16.01.2024 05:33

As incredible as this man is as a paragon of service and integrity he got awful slippery when talk of our motives Ukraine came up. SR didn’t look comfortable with that exchange..

@daleinwv - 15.01.2024 03:50

great show

@NordicTG - 15.01.2024 00:08

Chris Miller for Potus then, Amazing to hear his Story, than most of us dont hear or think about much.

@Maatdrummer1 - 14.01.2024 16:30

Guys, you are forgetting the giant, brainwashing corporate media that motivates opposition, including the apathy of Netflix anf TikTok. Fix that with the antitrust laws, and get them out of the way of what you start with.

Ответить - 13.01.2024 20:34

Hope Chris goes back with Trump administration. We need the right people to do and question the right things.

@Zach-yg1sc - 13.01.2024 19:28

We had a president that tried that it was Trump, Nancy Pelosi, and Chuck Schumer denied that Trump one of the border shut down because of fentanyl and they wouldn’t let us remember the famous meeting with the cameras and Nancy Pelosi. Chuck Schumer were crying like babies.

@okietrippin7108 - 13.01.2024 01:02

No wonder our govt is fked up. This guy sounds like a surfer dude hit in the head by his board to many times. Complete your thoughts!!!

@okietrippin7108 - 13.01.2024 00:20

BS! We need Trump back and the left hate our great nation.

@leonardoidsevinchi3361 - 12.01.2024 14:49

united states military doesnt have any recruits because they are dying from the drugs coming across the border and killing all of the kids. now they are talking about drafting…

@leonardoidsevinchi3361 - 12.01.2024 14:34

dont buy those supplements

Ответить - 11.01.2024 21:20

There’s plenty of us that never served in the military that will defend our home and land and would most certainly team up with vets to defend our country/state. Texas here. Count me in

@jvmor6275 - 11.01.2024 19:10

366 MILLION vids?!?! 1st thought: Who's the poor bastard who had to pull those up and count them? 2nd thought: who's tracking them back to the original IP's?

@gabesphoto - 10.01.2024 22:47

Great show guys. God Bless...!!!

@boutfetti415 - 10.01.2024 17:18

How is this interview now breaking the internet?

@pepsawyer491 - 10.01.2024 03:15


@iducatifan - 09.01.2024 08:10

