Halle Berry Is Heartbroken Because Of #OscarsSoWhite

Halle Berry Is Heartbroken Because Of #OscarsSoWhite


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@rafaelmoraes556 - 15.04.2016 03:08

Shes so great actress and smart!My idol!

@flipingboredcritic - 10.02.2016 11:45

White people... enough said.

@misshely5549 - 05.02.2016 02:12

black, white, red, green, purple, who cares! they are making this too big! Why always the same feeling of discrimination?

@theegg7520 - 04.02.2016 21:50

Revenant vs Fifty Shades of Black.

@dreamwarrior1276 - 04.02.2016 21:41

Isn't this bitch half white? Like our "black" president?

@dreamwarrior1276 - 04.02.2016 21:39

First world problems.

@FullMetalPower7 - 04.02.2016 19:06

and there is jennifer lewrence who plans her movie release date perfectly just to recieve an oscar nod

@PoulenGrimsley - 04.02.2016 19:04

And she won a Oscar for being a single mother who just lost her husband and son IN WHICH the only thing that could make her "feel good" was a odd donkey fuck session by Billy Bob. Epic movie.

@anony1984 - 04.02.2016 18:58

This aint nollywood.

well obviously hollywood is racist. american white propaganda will probably persist for the next 20 years but there is a reason for this but im not going into that.

@timeisup2030 - 04.02.2016 11:42

I just wish that instead of talking about it J.P.Smith would start an alternative award ceremony and her own studio. The guys that pick the awards just do not care.

@SlackersIndustry - 04.02.2016 10:00

Most movies from hollywood are garbage anyways.

@edwinarellano3883 - 04.02.2016 09:35

People of the internet please educate yourself whites who are non Hispanic or Latino make up 62.7% of the population yet minority representation is very low when it comes to everything else in American culture

@kaylarae8003 - 04.02.2016 08:17

I mean... right around 70% of Americans are white... so for 75% of the roles to be given to white people.. it just about makes sense. I DO think it's bs that there still hasn't been another person of color to win the award.. or to have even been nominated this time around, but to say that people of color are underrepresented in hollywood films, I feel like, is just bullshit, no?

@peytonharrell5204 - 04.02.2016 08:06

There have actually been more black people nominated than "should be" according the percent of blacks in America but sjws don't care about facts

@Blashbanderwit - 04.02.2016 08:04

I don't think I know any black folk that even watches the Oscars except maybe the ones that are in it. Sounds like Just another bogus ploy to draw more viewership. Black folk will get this bogus win since before this hashtag we didn't really give a Sh@t about the Oscars anyway

@TheLegendaryLinx - 04.02.2016 06:19

Who cares!!!!!! People starving in Africa all u care about is how much icing you have on your cake.

@Burnt_Alive - 04.02.2016 05:43

the oscars isn't a diversity checklist

stop complaining

@sandwich6286 - 04.02.2016 05:38

Cry me a river.

@gadorboy36 - 04.02.2016 05:37

it's official... I am a filthy no good racist because I kinda thought the women who found their dead babies washed up on the beach like trash was a little bit more HEARTBREAKING.... Sorry but you'll have to forgive me if I don't shed a tear for spoiled multi millionaires with world renowned fame and beauty who feel life is unfair due to their skin color...

@equilibriums7182 - 04.02.2016 05:35

People are starving in the world, yet let's all complain that some people don't get nominated for an award that doesn't matter.

@jestergodfield690 - 04.02.2016 05:34

There are plenty of "people of colour" in the movies of today! U JUST CAN'T SEE THEM :P

@andrewbinghamjr - 04.02.2016 04:45

I thought she was white. Is Jennifer Lopez white?

@criticalthinking5077 - 04.02.2016 04:28

How is winning the Oscars helping Black or White people overcome national/global poverty, economic inequality and other real issues? Why do we care about the psychological issues of wealthy individuals that need a statuette to validate their self-worth? Can we please focus on real life for a change, rather than reality TV...smh

@DanielLopez-xc4kl - 04.02.2016 04:06

but but but i thought hollywood was run by commie libtards?

@MrNisse-ef9by - 04.02.2016 04:05

And then people bitch about a black Captain America, or what color Jeezus really was. You yanks are like spoiled children with all the whining about how nothing's ever fair.

@mattthenewfie1 - 04.02.2016 04:00

the real question do you want to be recognized for good work or do you want to be pitted because of affirmative action?

@mistermood4164 - 04.02.2016 03:54

equal opportunity =/= equal outcome.

@ImCaveJohnson - 04.02.2016 03:50

Equality in opportunity or outcome? The problem with equal outcome is that race becomes a factor for situations that dontcall for it. Btw, who really gives a fuck about the oscars? Its always been subjective

@Sinaeb - 04.02.2016 03:45

It's sure that if the nominated films are almost all historical base about white people (I think, Idk, I just assume, I really don't care about the oscars, I just said that because of the Film Theory on how to win an Oscar), there won't be much black in there eh.

@ADOG51412 - 04.02.2016 03:43

The argument should be more minority diversity in terms of lead roles not just parts in movies.

@sinaloacosala1 - 04.02.2016 03:40

This is what the government wants for us to be divided.

@Manish00333 - 04.02.2016 03:39

Well, 77% of the US population is white

@avnipatel8768 - 04.02.2016 03:35

