Watch This Before Starting A GoHighLevel SaaS

Watch This Before Starting A GoHighLevel SaaS

Alex Heiden

8 месяцев назад

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@Paul-fk8qy - 28.01.2024 02:13

Everything hes telling me not to do, I want to do.

@somethirstyboi6722 - 04.01.2024 02:38

Genuine question: couldn't you just whitelabel GHL or any other whitelabel platform, and then sell their websites only (not the other small things like seo and website communication, etc.) and instead of charging $500 you could charge $1000 and if they wanted review automation for example, you could charge $1500? That would make a lot more money and you wouldn't need nearly as many clients.

@SlamDunk503 - 14.12.2023 22:09

Well isn't high level a good way of just making money and to pay your bills, And still build a real sass business on the side, At least you'll have recurring money coming in from high level,

@Gaberolledhistruck - 14.12.2023 20:01

I also agree with only 50% here. Yes, creating original software solutions is the way to go in most situations, but there is no reason you couldn't have a multiple 6 or even 7 figure business using a solution like Highlevel.

Allow me to explain.

First, Alex has a conflict of interest here because he offers solutions (software companies) that help you to create bespoke software... He has a strong bias and interest in saying what he's saying... I feel he could have been more transparent or approached this video differently in order to be 100% honest and unbiased.

Not trying to dis you, seriously, just saying it like I see it, Alex.

And he oversimplifies clicking a button and delivering a pre-made website to your customers, where anyone who'se built websites using templates knows that there is usually a lot more that goes into it than just clicking a button - as he says repeatedly...

Although I currently don't use Highlevel (no affiliate link to share... lol...) I feel that you could put as much effort into the software solution you provide your audience and charge way more than what he's suggesting... It even has a wordpress solution baked in so you could go either way and build a site with their templates or build on wordpress...

I'm going to go out on a limb here and even propose that Highlevel levels the playing field for the individual who is new to this space and who has a lower monthly budget for starting an online SaaS business or agency...

Just my two-cents. ;)

@albanmorel5544 - 05.12.2023 23:35

Best guy !

@shaficsakakini - 28.11.2023 07:30

hank you

@sunshinemodels1 - 01.11.2023 03:23

GHL is a funnel tool.. lol, who is trying to repackage a saas into another saas?

@EasyMerchMoney - 27.10.2023 00:40

They cut 40% of the website you will sell as a service. Also, you have to pay for the Mailgun, Twillo, Phone Call, etc despite the subscription. I think it's not that bad for the agency owners but if you want to do real SaaS business, High level is not the platform.

@gsw6065 - 20.10.2023 09:51

Um so? Sounds like a good idea to do that so you can get yourself to the next level

@saint_ofc - 19.10.2023 22:59

White-labeled SaaS companies, despite their role as resellers, offer significant value to acquirers through established market presence, customer relationships, cost efficiency, scalability, and expertise. Notably, some of these companies have achieved exits in the nine-figure range, underscoring their potential for substantial returns on investment and making them appealing acquisition targets. So yes, a successful SaaS company built on a platform like Go High Level is well-positioned for a significant exit.

@19kickboxer68 - 19.10.2023 12:01

Surprisingly you seem to fail to understand the business model and you claim the actual features of the software are a negative.
The idea is scaleability and yes it is marketing, That is what the software is about. Either as a pure SaaS, offering marketing tools or as a service with software features combined. It was designed for marketing agencies as a marketing platform and tool and that is still its target audience, whitelabelled or not.
Customers don't give a damn whether their website is a template or not as long as it generates customers. I have seen lots of multti thousand dollar websites that look fantastic but don't accomlish a thing when it comes to customer generation for the actual business. It is about understanding what a client needs and providing that value.
Personally, and like most people on GHL, I want a scaleable business and that means doing things efficiently and repeatably. The days of custom services are long behind me. Custom services neccessitate the need to constantly aquire new csutomers while GHL, as a SaaS, reduces that churn significantly and that is what SaaS is about from a business owner point of view. I thought you of all people should understand that.
GHL whitelabels also sell for silly multiples because it is a subscription model and that model has always had a high valuation.
I don't love everything about GHL but it does provide a scaleable, business opportunity that builds into a highly valuable saleable asset.

@gregorygiagnocavo6391 - 19.10.2023 06:09

I only 50% agree. If you can get 50 customers at 297 , that’s $12k/mo recurring basically forever.

@kaistone4771 - 19.10.2023 04:28

New Video Title: "This is why you shouldn't do Go High Level SAAS and pay for my stuff instead"

@JaredVoelp - 18.10.2023 21:56

Until bubble opens their sourcing up its just renting to use their platform. You don’t own the code.
