Flat Earth vs. Round Earth | Explorer

Flat Earth vs. Round Earth | Explorer

National Geographic

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National Geographic
National Geographic - 16.01.2019 20:08

For many years, people have clashed on whether the Earth is flat or round. What are your thoughts on this heated debate?

PILIngPINOy - 17.09.2023 07:50

Instead of arguing, why not the flat believers join to take in to the outer space and see for them selves?

Papi's Place
Papi's Place - 16.09.2023 17:09

these people are the products of failed contraceptives.

unknown - 16.09.2023 09:20

WATER what about water? no idea

Katelyn Cannon
Katelyn Cannon - 15.09.2023 07:50

You know...the farther away things travel...they disappear and you won't be able to see it from a certain distance. I'm not entirely convinced the earth us flat. I'm not entirely convinced it's round. I see both perspectives. Sometimes...O think it doesn't make sense that the earth is round because if you were to go over a curve, you'd be going down. I'm starting to think deeper into things and there are alot of possibilities.

maria g
maria g - 15.09.2023 03:20

You mean all the CGI photos of the perfectly round earth? When I saw the stripes on the boat test, why are the stripes held up by those on the boat? Also why can you see the island behind the boat just fine?

Adam E
Adam E - 14.09.2023 19:29

I'm just waiting for any flat-earther to use flat-earth science to predict what we'll observe in the sky next week, next month and next year.

Marcel van Vilsteren
Marcel van Vilsteren - 14.09.2023 08:38

I think skeptisism is perfect. Not taking anything for granted is the only way to keep notice things are going in the way of the truth and keep us from really bad things. Checking constantly is very good. I am glad that, doing that, I can firmly keep stating the earth is a sphere and we have to be careful with it.

It is a problem that distrust in the government, which in many occassions I really get, leads to these escalations in perceptions. As the founders of Flat earth thinking stated: Dont believe what you're told, check it with your own eyes, they seem to do the oposite.

Rony Asare Bediako
Rony Asare Bediako - 14.09.2023 06:29

I hate when they make it seem the Bible says it’s flat. Where in the Bible did it ever say that? Job explained how it’s a globe that hangs on nothing

Ryan Bangera
Ryan Bangera - 14.09.2023 04:27

"Thus saith the Lord, Heaven is my throne, and the earth is my footstool " Isaiah 66:1.

One can stand on a stool only when its flat not otherwise. God's Holy Word aint lying!

Baki S
Baki S - 13.09.2023 22:12

On such small distance on that lake, you can not see the curviture of earth

Wm Gusto
Wm Gusto - 13.09.2023 20:24

Scientist believe in Lucifer but Lucifer reads the Bible and why scientists don't read the Bible and why everybody still confused interesting

nick - 13.09.2023 01:47

“the earth is flat”- sun tzu

Simon Tuck
Simon Tuck - 12.09.2023 22:26

Just watched for 1 minute to see who's behind the video and what the goal is. Wake up, guys, question things, and do your research. Don't listen to the propaganda; they don't want you to know the truth. There's nothing wrong with using your brain. The earth is flat!

Lukas - 12.09.2023 19:13

Why are we only allowed to go to 3 or 4 miles in Antarctics edges?? I would truly like to know,What are they hiding????

Nathaniel Wilson
Nathaniel Wilson - 12.09.2023 05:03

Doesn’t matter who they are,they have a mental problem. It’s their illusion not ours. They can’t explain it scientifically so they wing it.

Nathaniel Wilson
Nathaniel Wilson - 12.09.2023 05:03

Doesn’t matter who they are,they have a mental problem. It’s their illusion not ours. They can’t explain it scientifically so they wing it.

Digital Pockets
Digital Pockets - 12.09.2023 00:27

You know the earth is flat, because of how much the thought of it hurts the people who need the government to tell them what to think and what to belive. Ironic that the same people who know that politicians and governments lie, don't believe that the same government would lie about space. They lied about Weapons of Mass Distruction. They lied about 9-11. They lied about JFK. They lied about Tupac. They lied about covid origins. they lied about Hunter Bidens laptop, and later admitted it was true. But, they would never lie about the shape of the earth

Digital Pockets
Digital Pockets - 12.09.2023 00:24

I like the fact that not one single person in the comments is proving flat earth wrong. All I see is them insulting flat earthers. NASA photos and video are not evidence of the earth being any shape. Evidence is something tangible. I need to go into our atmoshpere myself, to see what i need to see in order to know for sure. Thats exactly what science is.

Digital Pockets
Digital Pockets - 12.09.2023 00:13

I believe in science. A photo and video provided to me from a government organization is not proof. I need to see with my own eyes.

Jeff sparky Dunn
Jeff sparky Dunn - 11.09.2023 01:37

Show me a picture of the edge of flat earth, then we can talk.

Magnus Diridian
Magnus Diridian - 11.09.2023 01:14

Oh just circle Antarctica and be done with it

moonshroom13 - 11.09.2023 00:28

LOL... there`s Ankh Morpork!...

Beaner Schnitzel
Beaner Schnitzel - 10.09.2023 04:34

4 corners ain’t round

C Pre
C Pre - 10.09.2023 01:41

Just make a craft that can carry anyone to space were everyone can see for them self because no test on earth is going to convince no one because these days the way things are going you don't know what to believe anymore

its matt
its matt - 09.09.2023 20:01

I guess it brings people together

black elite
black elite - 09.09.2023 15:41

earth is flat actueally , read the quraan

Rakai Bonic
Rakai Bonic - 08.09.2023 16:25

Funny how the boat is in line with the people on shore 🤣🤣🤣🤣

G Kess
G Kess - 08.09.2023 06:41

Some of these nut jobs are just gullible and some of them are conmen.

Phillip Wright
Phillip Wright - 07.09.2023 23:11

Sea water carnt bend over a ball

Brenda Gilliland
Brenda Gilliland - 07.09.2023 18:21

Don't question the science! 😂😅🤣

Brenda Gilliland
Brenda Gilliland - 07.09.2023 18:20

You lost me at big bang

Akshay Shahare
Akshay Shahare - 07.09.2023 12:45

This ship experiment can happen but not on range of 6 km but at 400 km... At every 400 km earth surface curves... Thats why radar have limited range of 400 km

손상모 - 06.09.2023 13:03

Keep in mind that debate are for human beings.

Lisa Kuntzman
Lisa Kuntzman - 06.09.2023 10:34

That's it for sanity in our country

Deadmesiah - 05.09.2023 15:35

growing movement in california not america lol

Howard Moore
Howard Moore - 05.09.2023 06:30

Flerf derp still breathing, but only the most willfully ignorant remain.

Mad Mac
Mad Mac - 05.09.2023 06:24

It's not the shape you can't handle it's the LIE you won't believe.

razta dizasta
razta dizasta - 04.09.2023 23:04

Actualy the further it goes, the smaller it gets, not because of some curvature

Alt - 03.09.2023 21:40

What does the Earth being flat have you do with a person's existence mattering?

Rachael Desireé
Rachael Desireé - 03.09.2023 19:48

We don’t have photos of space or from space.. it’s proven to be CGI 🙄

Tim's Foyle
Tim's Foyle - 03.09.2023 11:58

Yeah, but.... nasa..... and...... atmospheric density..... and stuff.

Anthony willis
Anthony willis - 03.09.2023 03:34

The earth is flat

Murdabob - 03.09.2023 03:32

Repeat the same test but not in the lake .. try by walking ...

zip David
zip David - 02.09.2023 04:57

I've been saying that for over 20 years now

Manuel Marfo
Manuel Marfo - 01.09.2023 14:52

Lol..Flat earthers just want free ride to space.

369 G
369 G - 01.09.2023 08:27

El experimento es un FRAUDE, se puede ver el bote y el agua por detrás de la bandera a rayas (la cuál si bajo en la superficie), obviamente están manipulando la observación.
Podrian usar telescopios astronómicos ya que aquí están en juego los parámetros ópticos.

Franklin Egbuche
Franklin Egbuche - 01.09.2023 05:25

This is why America is where all dreams come true. Even if you have athe most stupid idea, once you promote it tenaciously in America, you can monetize that stupid idea.

Jan Gebhardt
Jan Gebhardt - 31.08.2023 15:19

Genesis 1:6
And God said, Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters.

Genesis 1:7
And God made the firmament, and divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament: and it was so.

Genesis 1:8
And God called the firmament Heaven. And the evening and the morning were the second day.

Genesis 1:14
And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years:

Genesis 1:15
Genesis 1:17
Genesis 1:20
Psalm 19:1
Ezekiel 1:22
Ezekiel 1:23
Ezekiel 1:25
Ezekiel 10:1
Daniel 12:3
