Bioware Finally Gives Up on SWTOR

Bioware Finally Gives Up on SWTOR


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@wallydogg4496 - 22.12.2023 00:25

For me this game died long ago. Won't touch this pile of cra-- ever since the great nerfing. (It got way too easy, and they decided to push people ahead to buy new stuff vs letting them just enjoy the game. I enjoyed the game when it first came out, but I guess too many people cried big sobby tears about how hard it was, (and it wasn't hard) so it got nerfed to hel-. Haven't played it since, so it hasn't actually been a good, challenging game for a long time. It was already dead; this is just the bullet to the head to prove it.

@keelfly - 20.12.2023 23:11

Ok clueless people. They just gave it to people who have proven they can keep dead games alive with minimal effort and some profit. What did you expect? I am surprised the game lasted that long. Consider this a favor. They could have shut it down.

@chriswilliams5534 - 20.12.2023 04:56

Put a fork it it…..

@roadsidebong6333 - 15.12.2023 05:27

I actually cheer when companies say development is over, because there will be no more nerfs and can finally stop relearning a class every 3 months. Woa its ultima online co maybe i will check it out then.

@TechnoWaffol - 14.12.2023 22:15

I joined a guild on 2018 that did raids, SWTOR eventually developed amazing end game content. Wish the game was more successful.

@otterman445 - 14.12.2023 20:04

Don't know if you mentioned this, but Bioware completely ruined Neverwinter Nights 1 and 2 by pulling support. When that happened multiplayer became impossible. How they were trusted for this long with a large community again was crazy. Selling a product with the main premise of massive multiplayer content should be a pledge to do no harm in the agreement IMO Update: I tried to enter a security code and failed. Now its blocked at that point. Tried to undo the code and no luck no response no fan based fix. My son is fairly tech minded and after listening to him I dumped it like a rock. I have no use for any company that has no use for me.

@inertiafantasm6316 - 13.12.2023 20:50

I'd love to work on SWTOR, where I strictly take on peoples request monthly...

@jtn81x - 06.12.2023 10:25

Ultima Online and Dark Age of Camelot are not exactly modern AAA games with hundreds of thousands of players. It's like hiring a NES developer to create the next Battlefield.
You won't see any new content except maybe in the cash shop.

@leonardceres9061 - 06.12.2023 07:09

Honestly I feel like if Bioware / EA pumped a little money into SWTOR and did some more advertising as well as active development of the game to improve the feel of the game and develop more story content adding onto the original class stories in a proper way with high quality voice acting and animations. I think that if they did this with proper media hype it would inject a whole new playerbase into the game.

@morrgash - 05.12.2023 12:48

RIP, It is time to get a new Star Wars MMO

@nathanbailey6231 - 28.11.2023 07:45

I always thought this game was a miss, but I don't believe that should be held against BioWare. They tried their damndest to make a compelling MMORPG set in the Star Wars universe, they had the prior chops to do so coming off the heels of KOTOR, but I think that ultimately, too much oversight and outside influence killed this game. I'd rather them have tried to innovate and failed than to never have tried at all. If creators never took chances, we wouldn't have WoW.

@Skylo25 - 27.11.2023 11:24

Hi Nixxiom! Was looking up online what was the health of the game at this point in time after watching some Star Wars movies, would love to replay this game because I think it's a great potential game but imo they never revealed it. For me, the clunkyness of this game is a deal breaker. For exemple, the way my character walks, the squarish animations, combat feels so bad especially with a lightsaber character. Do you know if they have any plans to make the game feel smoother primarily in animations? I hate playing a game feeling like we're still in the 90s... I mean, we're in 2023 and since initial launch, I feel like this game has frozen in time. I wouldn't care if they would put the game on ice for 2-3 years if need be and remake the whole game graphics, animations, smoothiness and get rid of the UGLY clunkyness. I feel like combat is a major part of that kind of game and the fact that it's so bad makes a lot of players not want to come back to it... I don't understand why there are not more people asking for this... And heck, I can't hear it's not possible, WoW is an older game and combat feels a hundred times better than this!

@michaellatta - 26.11.2023 11:17

I played swtor for years, through the hut cartel. But, stopped when I no longer had time for dailies and such.

@Veridiano02 - 26.11.2023 04:16

I don't know about SWTOR. I left the game a long time ago, a little bit before Onslaught, and I don't know how it's holding up. I know about the company, and if I were a SWTOR player, I wouldn't put money on the cartel market anymore. I mean, Broadsword aren't bad people, and it's curious that they took that game, but the fact they took it actually means something. But the future is always hard to predict, and good things happen, so who knows, time will tell, I guess.
Bioware, however, I can tell: Bioware IS dead. It's not dying, IT'S ACTUALLY DEAD ALREADY. It's a corpse, and EA will close it once the next Dragon Age launches, and it fails, because Dreadwolf is gonna fail, and it's gonna fail miserably. The game devolpment is the same disaster as Anthem, if not worse, the game is going nowhere and the next Mass Effect is nothing but a bunch of papers on a board, some ideas here, some assets there, but not much more. There's no work done on that yet despite what Bioware shows on N7 day. I doubt we'll ever see a new Mass Effect. Bioware is dead. They don't even have enough to keep SWTOR going, so instead of closing it, they transfer it.

@BoomyNation - 24.11.2023 22:08

As a content creator for swtor, and one of its well-known constructive critic's. I couldn't agree more with this and your last video on swtor. I will say that last 2 expacs we've gotten are more content patches than an actual traditional expansion. It's all about what happens with 8.0. Anyways, may my beard shine upon you, Nix. Love your content!

@RealmOfPlagues - 20.11.2023 00:46

I haven't been able to enjoy the SWTOR that I know and love since they removed the RPG elements and turned it into a level-scaled overly streamlined and bland MMO experience.

@nunyabidness8281 - 14.11.2023 08:13

I really liked swtor… i hope the servers stay up.. haven’t played jedi guardian yet

@user-br9et4de6p - 14.11.2023 04:06

My dream has always been to be able to create a group of my own companions in the same way you create your main character.

@McWaffles86 - 12.11.2023 03:37

Lol I just started playing …

@ivann7214 - 11.11.2023 15:38

I just got the survey from broadsword asking what I like and dislike about the game.

@FernandoDiaz-qp8nz - 11.11.2023 01:37

I'm disappointed cause I played this game since beta and I love bioware but I got to a point where I went back to wow cause I was boring after I finished every single story I hope they do something different this time

@mikefromct5415 - 08.11.2023 03:16

Never thought SWTOR was good really and i played it at launch, was ok , SWG was the real Star war mmo and was way better then SWTOR only thing SWTOR had was the writing and how the dialog was presented otherwise at launch you could not even fly a spaceship!

@magellan8232 - 08.11.2023 01:32

The game will get more content but it will be much more limited in size and will come at a slower pace. Broadsword is notorious for being mostly a maintenance studio but they do deliver content for some of their games.

I wouldnt expect massive overhauls or upgrades, simply small storylines and small DLC packs that will be either free or at a very affordable price.

@ajtame - 07.11.2023 01:43

Similar stuff happening to sto, layoffs there also.

@Hellfire4WD - 05.11.2023 12:55

Bioware has been visibly dying since Anthem. I'm not surprised they can't handle even a 12 year old game... Even if it's time to let go of it. There are a few other older games that have been completely re-done top to bottom to keep it going strong. Bioware is not one of those companies that can manage that, they - along with EA - have proven their gross incompetence over the last few years. Maybe the name used to mean something great... But teams are made up of people. And if you dilute the makeup of that team it will never be the same.

@chumbucket1313 - 04.11.2023 19:45

maybe those developers that got laid off will be picked up by broadsword.

@DrkMessiah - 04.11.2023 08:19

Game is not going anywhere still alive!

@pvw732 - 03.11.2023 17:59

As was said, Broadsword is for maintenance mode. Any updates that are done will be done with a much smaller team from... Bioware. With AI they could be doing a lot with companions and personalized stories and voices, but no one currently working on it has the imagination or resources to implement it. That's going to be for another rpg company to capitalize on.

@tonibaroni - 01.11.2023 20:45

Biggest MMO disappointment of all time. The game has been garbage since closed beta

@sandormatemiskei549 - 31.10.2023 08:38

it has been over since 3.0 my friend

@jjswigger8591 - 30.10.2023 12:40

i mean bro they used the same 3 maps for pvp for what 12 years? fucking disgusting

@teseutressoldi3972 - 30.10.2023 06:56

I remember playing this on the day, and comparing it to something like eating pop corn without salt. It was bland, not fun at all, and I abandoned my acc forever.

@serpent_zen5832 - 30.10.2023 06:16

We need a better Star Wars MMORPG. The wtf moment for me in swtor is lack of actual non-rails spaceflight in a STAR WARS game. I never understood why they chose to leave that out....SWG had JTL and although bare was amazing! Like having 2 games in one. I mean, imagine free form space flight and combat in a star wars game! Bioware goofed it up and I'm happy they're out.

@ricardo_1989 - 29.10.2023 21:21

imagine if we get SW galaxies 2 :)

@DMWolFGurL - 28.10.2023 04:35

Did you ever get your Barq's root beer, btw?

@DMWolFGurL - 28.10.2023 04:24

The one thing that SWTOR has in it's corner is that it's Star Wars content, a huge brand, where as Ultima and Dark Age of Camelot, don't really hold any weight, in popularity. How many people have heard of Ultima or Dark Age of Camelot? Well if you are a gamer, particularly a pc gamer, you have probably heard of them to some extent. But EVERYONE knows Star Wars. So if Broadsword can keep those two little games alive, I have no doubt that they will have no problem keeping SWTOR alive. My only concern is that is might be too big of a project for them.

@DMWolFGurL - 28.10.2023 04:17

I love that we still have a population of over 12M players.

@victorhughgo2376 - 27.10.2023 23:52

Uhboy, it's the deathknell. It's past it's expiration date anyway. It has to die to make way for a better Star Wars MMORPG game.

@matt4495 - 27.10.2023 02:05

if they didnt charge £10 a month for premium - -people will flock back

@SuperMeCrazy1 - 26.10.2023 22:44


@nyghtwyng - 26.10.2023 15:07

You are aware Bioware and Broadsword have been owned by EA for ages, right?

@conservativejoe - 25.10.2023 00:21

SWTOR died the day they put Transgender characters in the game.
It's been on life support since then.

@pewpscoop - 23.10.2023 18:38

knowing EA....they would have just ended it if it wasnt making they kinda just put it in a idle state by paying little to a very small dev team to keep it milk that last bit of cashflow they can get out of it...they dont care about the player base....i mean cmon its ea

@1meme985 - 23.10.2023 04:53

We might as well accept SWTOR is dead. Broadsword doesn't make any new content. They only do buffs, nerfs, and events for existing games.

SWTOR is going to die within the next two years.

@xaxandpan651 - 22.10.2023 18:41

yes swtor is over. i just had my account banned because i told someone he was a pedo for saying they have no issue pushing the lgtbq agenda on children. the swtor team were desperate to protect that person, while simultaniously trying to redirect their behavior by calling me a pedo and child abuser. you got some pedofile gooftroop of fktards working at swtor. they touch children and abuse their own. get off this game if you are against pedofiles.

@atlasblast2082 - 22.10.2023 14:36

Best mmo storyline

@culture_clash - 22.10.2023 07:08

Wow, I can't believe I missed when this news happened. Such a bummer. While I wouldn't say this means the game is flat-out DEAD now, which just isn't true, I do agree with everyone saying it means maintenance mode for SWTOR is upon us. If BioWare thought the game was worth the time and investment to keep developing new content for it past what's already being worked on, then obviously they wouldn't be handing the reigns to an entirely other company, these move just don't happen otherwise. WoW is in a very bad place these days, but you don't see Blizzard just giving developmental control to another company because there's still a sizeable playerbase. Obviously, the player numbers to make it worth it just aren't there, and haven't been for many years, which explains the highlighted comments of players talking about how the game has been neglected for a while now.

It's unfortunate, but Disney has done such a horrendously atrocious job with the IP, I'd say the majority of people are just apathetic toward Star Wars now, even if many of them don't want to admit it, I know I sure as hell am. I honestly just don't give a damn about it anymore, SWTOR is pretty much the only Star Wars thing I care to invest any of my time in, every show and movie that has been made since Disney bought the rights has been garbage, or started out decent and ended up becoming garbage, like The Mandalorian.

I wish the best for the game, but I just gotta be a realist here, I don't think Broadsword will do much aside from keeping the game online, and that's about it.

@spankyjeffro5320 - 22.10.2023 04:27

SW-TOR, NOT SWO-TOR! There is no O between W and T.
