How To Rank Up In Rocket League (Bronze - Supersonic Legend)

How To Rank Up In Rocket League (Bronze - Supersonic Legend)

Wayton Pilkin

3 года назад

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Ahmad_dz - 29.09.2023 22:13

i am silver and im really happy for your help;like opponent needs to score less than your team and defending;i learned few instructions of gold players and i learned more,THANK YOU !

🔥Lil’ CordFire🔥
🔥Lil’ CordFire🔥 - 26.09.2023 03:09

Thank you this helped me alot

taotv - 23.09.2023 15:41

Bro is acting like I dont have school(jk) but still I can't grind bc school

GetOffTheLawn - 11.09.2023 15:37

I only have about 25 hours in game and am on the verge of getting into Gold and I would say the tip about the back post defense has helped me more than any other. I come from a hockey background so I started playing near post like a hockey goalie before I saw that tip. Changed the game for me. The next best tip my son actually gave me (Im old lol) is to slow it down in some situations. You can sit back and just watch people over play and zoom by the ball. Sit back, defend, wait for a mistake, pounce.

UggaBugga - 11.09.2023 00:08

I have 293h in rocket league and I just got platinum

ana - 09.09.2023 22:11

Yo I was at silver and went to diamond😮

alan smithee
alan smithee - 06.09.2023 15:09

I'm silver and I kinda do that already (Which I guess is why I'm high silver).
I am still really bad at defence though, which is annoying because I'm bad at it but other people in silver almost never take a defensive position as you say, so I'm almost constantly forced into it. I guess the only way to learn is by doing though :)

Jesse Thomas
Jesse Thomas - 29.08.2023 01:45

How does one even get into bronze

DAVINCITORE DIVINO TT - 26.08.2023 21:33

Im bronze

Terrasea Mapping
Terrasea Mapping - 13.08.2023 22:52

i am silver and whatever i do i can’t get better (also i am better at defense than offense)

Lovro Gaming
Lovro Gaming - 13.08.2023 19:09

Pov: ur a 1s main watching this video:🤨😑

Yiqnni - 13.08.2023 03:00

In order to hit SSL, the true tip is to buy a titanium white fennec

Gamerboy Fadi
Gamerboy Fadi - 12.08.2023 13:17

wayton, i know your not going to even read this, but seriusly, im hardstuck in gold. i do everything you say, everything others say, but im still gold. idk how. i can fast arial high arial read ceiling shot air dribble and dribble and flicks and power shots, and my defense is even better than my offense. i 1vs1 my platinum 3 friend, and i destroyed him 18 - 0 , i have no idea why i am in gold. it feels like its not my fault, every game feels so easy and i win almost everything, my win percentage is 70% and im still stuck in gold 3. it feels like the only reason im in gold and not in diamond maybe is all because of luck, i have really bad luck, my family knows. i also rotate alwasy, i can even half flip, dash, and speed flip. i really hope you could help me to see what i am doing wrong. i have been playing for 5 months now.

pls. help. me

UggaBugga - 10.08.2023 14:33

so thats why rocket league is no longer fun after you get to champ the whole game becomes like irl sports having to learn rotations that make the game less fun doing mechanics is the fun part though so i guess it is a good idea to play with friends

FlashYuxn - 06.08.2023 21:53

I am 200 hours and stuck in silver 3 forever even though I'm better that my plat friends

FrostBoss - 06.08.2023 01:52

I'm gold 3 and I've had plat 2 before (I'm more of a 2v2 person so in ranked 2s) and my goal is to get to diamond because I've never got to diamond before and its really cool for me to actually be in diamond rank. Usually when i play while I'm a gold, i almost always play with plats and diamonds (me playing with diamonds is a lot more rare than playing with plats) and almost every time I'm in plat lobby but I'm just a gold.

when i try rotation, it doesn't really matter because my teammates never know how to CORRECTLY rotate.

i also don't understand what MMR really is, and i don't know how its used.

Thanks for the Awesome tutorial video! Keep up the great work Wayton! Love your Vids!

Oogway - 05.08.2023 19:39

Thanks dude, this video helped me to start air dribbling in Gold 1!

Schlaba - 04.08.2023 13:11

I am a platinum 3 and never use ball cam because I have used the normal cam for so long any routines or custom maps that you know that will help me use ball cam more please put in the comments.

MrrPenguin King
MrrPenguin King - 01.08.2023 20:39

I went straight to gold 2 cuz i just watched stuff and i have like 3 hours in the game

Kelsey Paget
Kelsey Paget - 31.07.2023 00:07

You talked bad about me that player that you said that you don’t want to end up like Was me😢

markuss - 18.07.2023 16:48

i hate how little info there is for improving in gc, it’s like people treat it as the god rank and to have any more goals you need coaching, thank you for not having that mindset

Brandon D
Brandon D - 13.07.2023 23:57

I can’t get out of platinum 3 🤦🏻‍♂️

Just a potato
Just a potato - 09.07.2023 01:12

i try to balance my mechanics and rotaitons in plat but i cant i dont have enough control on my car to balance my mechanics with rotations but i have taken really long brakes and when ive come back my rotations are always better but the car feels weird and im not sure why and how my rotations are better but learn from my mistakes and commit to rocket league unless you have exams or really important stuff to do take a brake and omeback but dont take longer than nescassary like me cause i formerly hard stuck silver and formerly hardstuck gold with way too little sessions am now a plat on the virge from going back into gold . after this very boring lecture (sorry) i have 1 phrase "get good at the game" actually i have another phrase "dont be a noob"

Ibrahim ALTabba
Ibrahim ALTabba - 04.07.2023 16:09

im noob im gold 3

RogatkaWR - 29.06.2023 06:23

As an ex-bronze, I can now confidently say that after swapping to using my laptops instead of my Xbox and using Bluetooth so that I can use my Xbox controller, I have gone up to Gold II. No clue how that helped, but it did.

metro fernandez
metro fernandez - 27.06.2023 07:33

Me who's in silver and can hit air dribbles with Wayton saying that golds should practice LOW AERIALS and I don't even have 40 hours

firedemon - 26.06.2023 02:29

John 3:16 “ For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. ”

firedemon - 26.06.2023 02:29

John 3:16 “ For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. ”

firedemon - 26.06.2023 02:29

John 3:16 “ For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. ”

Ryan Ali
Ryan Ali - 25.06.2023 02:45

i got put in gold in my placement matches then i played for about a month and i kept on getting worse and worse until i was in bronze 3 thats where i am now i keep missing open goals and because of that i keep getting scored on after missing it then the other team getting the ball and scoring on me while im not at my goal

the only times i can get goals are when i hit the corners and the ball slides infront of the goal and sometimes i even miss those when they are right infront of the goal and the opponent just scores on me cause im stuck in the goal and other times the opponent own goals i keep on missing the ball i know my controls im just garbage with them


Hxpe - 23.06.2023 18:26

Tysm i was hardstuck silver for three years and now im gold three

Rolf Mannen
Rolf Mannen - 23.06.2023 11:12

the only problem for me getting out of bronze are smurfs

H3X3R - 19.06.2023 20:14

You also don’t need to learn just about any advanced techniques to make it to purple rank either. Me and my friends got purple and none of us can air dribble well, let alone do any of the other sweaty shit. At least at that point the games still fun and doesn’t feel tryhard

cool_yt - 19.06.2023 15:00

bro what even is that shitty rl ripoff game

Rashid Ali
Rashid Ali - 15.06.2023 22:59

someone give me codes for advanced ball touch maps cuz im gold but my touches are crap 😢

Trinerity - 13.06.2023 19:08

"golds cant aerial" me: im in silver 2 and i can aerial 4/5

Hasvodka - 04.06.2023 02:17

I'm a bronze and I would say I'm almost a gold, yes I was self taught until I needed to aerial

Romade70 - 03.06.2023 21:17

I'm stuck on Platinum.

Next Bugha
Next Bugha - 31.05.2023 17:01

hey wayton just wondering if you could make another air dribble tutorial ive been trying for days on end and havent gotten better at them\

rosie-jayne maguire
rosie-jayne maguire - 23.05.2023 10:33

I’m silver

kawzvy - 21.05.2023 00:44

I’m champ and I need to work on my back post rotation, I so instinctively follow the play then I’m in an awkward position and I’m useless to the team, how to a break my bad habits easier?

Ela Y
Ela Y - 15.05.2023 21:21

I’m good and can’t go to Platin now I understand why I only focused on rotation and Defense I can’t do any mechanichs

julia salas venegas
julia salas venegas - 14.05.2023 23:27

I'm bronze and I can air dribble is that good.

remedial - 09.05.2023 17:41

getting SSL in 1s be different

Cai dgg
Cai dgg - 01.05.2023 16:20

Tysm i reached gold after this vid

Kristin Burnette
Kristin Burnette - 01.05.2023 05:50

I barely play and this vid helped so much

Ghoulz - 28.04.2023 07:23

I do plat 2v2 and I am food at defense and striker

Stefano Irimia
Stefano Irimia - 24.04.2023 13:16

Im silver and i defense more
