Mongols: Fall of Khwarezm - Battles of Parwan and Indus DOCUMENTARY

Mongols: Fall of Khwarezm - Battles of Parwan and Indus DOCUMENTARY

Kings and Generals

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@KingsandGenerals - 11.02.2018 09:13

Just don't kill the envoys, how hard can it be...

@SorenTheMagi - 12.12.2023 15:49

Even tho they were enemies,genghis respected jalaludin,when jalaludin threw himself into the river inorder to flee from the battle,mongol archers could kill him with ease but genghis ordered them not to shoot him and let him flee safely

@jimmyfarari3823 - 04.12.2023 06:40

Maybe the were not spy and maybe they actually were, you know chengiz khan is a conqueror. Wouldnt you be surprised for this act of generosity. Common guys please dont be all one sided. Also yes if this was not an espionage and it a very costly misunderstanding. But some accounts talk about Terken who had a lot of influence as she was always نوخود هراش. Meaning she puts her noise and the king and her were very close as she was the turc representative of Farsi Persia as it was Turc-persian khwarazmian empire. شاه محمد ۲ خوارزمیان .But all in all what if his act of kindness was actually an espionage move because persians colture is very hospitality oriented. So maybe it was actually an espionage spy because the army was ready already and also if the monguls onmy wanted oeace why did they keep going after they conquered khwarazmian but maybe shah muhammad was right they were really spies has anyone ever think of that.... but ok raping killing burning even the burning of history

Also there is more Jalaluddin khwarazm shah خوارزمشاه after repeatedly asking and begging Jalaluddin to kill her, and her children to kill them because if the monguls or Tartar as they said come to us it is very bad for all so he saved them from alife of raoe pain and humiliation and slavery so Jalaluddin kills her own family . Also because Jalaluddin's 8 year old son got killed by chengiz khan so then later he took his revenge Jalaluddin won against a rich indian merchant or not indian somwhere around there and with the money and being a brave king with republican of defeating Chengiz khan army once before so they can do it again they came full force defeating monguls three more times but what is the point after a drunken stuper his whole army gets wiped out..
He also went revengeful on Christians blaming them for not fighting and because they angered god i think in my opinion he had a lot of pain. Witnessing his 8 year old Son's execution by monguls then later being forced to kill your own family and then you tell me wouldn't you become crazy well I would😊

@TurkIranian-jc8mm - 20.11.2023 00:42

We are Turks 🐺

@sixshooter500 - 08.11.2023 16:24

"Don't give unnecessary offense" one of the rules of wisdom that have been wrote down more than once. The Shah brought it on himself.

@WorldsStrongestMongolEmpire - 26.10.2023 23:49

The Mongol Empire's conquest of the Khwarezm Empire seems to show how strong the Mongol Empire's military power was.

몽골제국의 이슬람 호라즘제국, 압바스제국 정복은 몽골제국이 얼마나 군사력이 강한지 보여주는것같습니다.

@m.haroonfarooqi - 23.10.2023 22:11

Tajiks ( Persians) defeated Mongols in Parwan

@khtodod - 14.10.2023 10:48

Some people seem to be very concerned about the fact that war in the 13th century killed so many people. But it is necessary to think that in the 21st century, in the compassionate modern age with advanced technology, 600,000 people lost their lives in the war between the two countries. Now the Jews are slaughtering the Palestinians. If the Mongols slaughtered 90% of the population of that city, how could they have a rebellion with 10,000 soldiers in a few years?

@user-bu3fy5sc8v - 07.10.2023 05:15

how stupid all of this begin .......

@user-yo2kg6df7m - 03.10.2023 08:17

The Mongols did NOT outnumber their enemies. Always they Mongols were outnumbers by their opponents. I have no idea why they do this.

@thoughty4257 - 07.09.2023 04:15

This is horrible...

@aaronmarco5333 - 27.08.2023 08:42

It is painful to me how all those thousands of descendans of the Greek-Macedonian living in Bactria were all slaughtered

@VinnieG- - 20.08.2023 20:34

"jochi negotiated to avoid property damage"
I don't think property damage matters after slaughtering 3 entire cities

@reyalcaraz6473 - 10.08.2023 16:08

The prince that escaped had the worst nightmares in his entire life.

@buzakchini - 09.08.2023 23:32

Proud of Afghanistan khwarazam ❤❤❤
Parwan is my City

@tonyreyes3780 - 05.08.2023 21:32

Why ya gotta break down my shitty wall?

@saeedjavidmalik9207 - 31.07.2023 14:56

The Persian brave price jalalidin khawarzmi deserve a hollywood movie

@hoslabara2703 - 12.07.2023 18:25

Bukhara city of Uzbek Turks.

@qwertynaughty3256 - 05.07.2023 18:17

Let's all take moment to focus on the fact that how big of a loser taht kuchlu guy was

@Haji51 - 25.06.2023 23:04

I am Afghan when I hear this I feel amazing pride.❤

@PATRICKK_BATEMAN - 24.06.2023 08:43

Khwarizm Disobeyed Their Own Sharia Law ||

@habibullah610able - 27.05.2023 23:10

Don't mess with Afghans eventually you will be destroyed

@TheKovosh - 25.05.2023 21:05

All these bloodshed was unnecessary.

@Opochtli - 15.05.2023 22:42

God bless America

@Amirww4 - 08.05.2023 13:16

Incorrect information, Afghanistan was found by British and Russian empires as a buffer zone in late 1800 to avoid clashes between the two empires and the time this battle took place there was no Afghanistan or afghan people

@mirzaabdulmoeed9168 - 17.04.2023 13:55

I highly appreciate Kings and Generals on using the term Indus Valley for Pakistan region accurately here. It is not as widely used as it should be and using "India" simply is inappropriate at this point.

@saifuddinqutuzkhorezmianwa7538 - 15.04.2023 22:30

thank you for the information about my ancestors . I am really proud of my ancestors who fought against invaders

@baronghede2365 - 03.04.2023 18:23

That guy who destroyed the mongal caravan was the most unluckiest person on earth Blessed Be.

@FranzBeckenbauer-po6kq - 26.03.2023 14:44

Samarkand wasn't the capital city. The capital city of Khwarem was Urgench

@baburkhanmansurkhanov266 - 08.02.2023 09:59

no matter how strange it is, Genghis Khan and Jalaluddin are considered to be people's favorite people in my country at the same time. I had classmates named Genghis, Jalaluddin and Temur.

@Cryme2face - 02.02.2023 08:35

There were two eras of Mongol army. First was the 100k strong that Chinggis Khan that had gathered after the unification of all Mongol clans in 1206. And the second is the army of later campaigns.
I will talk only about the first era.
Back then these soldiers grew up in a harsh environment ever since they were toddlers. Learned how to shoot an arrow and ride a horse in their baby ages. Their entire childhood and youth was surrounded by rival clans fighting against each other. Your brothers die in these fights. You will survive and reach adulthood if you are lucky enough. Only the strongest survived during rival clans eras. And finally, some guy named Chinggis Khan united all these people and made them into an one united army. And multiply that 100000 times. These people know nothing else other than survival and battles. Imagine fighting against these people (with one of the best strategist leading them). Can survive harsh environment, can go days with only dried meats, can cross a river with their horses. Never complain and never give up. This army laid waste on mainland China and Khwarazim empire.

And all Mongolians (from every era) respected Jalal-Ad-Din.

@bekqulxolliyev3482 - 27.01.2023 12:11

I am from Uzbekistan I am proud of jalal al din mangburni

@jferg0906 - 23.01.2023 22:52

Why did Western Xia not appear in the previous episode? The same region was labeled Western Liao in the previous episode, but in this episode it is Western Xia, and there is a new region to the west labeled Western Liao. I know I'm 4 years late, but could someone clarify? Thanks!

@legante17 - 23.01.2023 20:42

Sultan Jellaledin Meňburny 🇹🇲🇺🇿

@leiluam - 10.01.2023 05:37

That means mongols were unstoppable
Military tactics second to none

@iftixormahkamov - 08.01.2023 17:46

We have a glorious history that is worth bragging about♾☪☪uz

@pogo8050 - 22.12.2022 19:03

Genghis: let’s be friends
Khwarezmians: kill the envoys
Genghis: dude what?
Khwarezmians: what you gonna do kill? Kill 3/4ths of our populace, destroy all our major cities and use our civilians as pincushions for your advancing armies and to fill ditches with so you can push wartowers across?
Genghis: 🗿

@kallepikku4991 - 05.12.2022 03:13

Ain't nobody gonna comment the fact that the Persian ruler's name was Alladin? 😆

He might have been a great lover when he was still a street rat, but man oh man, he was incompetent to run the an empire. Dude literally became the king just in a single night of heat, coz crown princess Jasmine couldn't resist herself riding his magical "carpet".

@harshalmehta8281 - 27.11.2022 11:27

Amazing guts for a Prince to rise against a Juggernaut

@hazarhazara6704 - 03.11.2022 04:50

Fact : Hazara people are mixed of Khwarezmian and Mongols

@bondealikhan2674 - 22.10.2022 18:19

First man in the world who defeats with mongol with bravery
Jalal Uddin Khwarizmi

@kanidai9985 - 17.10.2022 22:56

kings father:I heard you struck my son
Commander: yes sir he killed the emmissary
Kings father: so what if hekilled some lowly emmissary
Commander: it was Genghis Khan's emmissary
Kings father: oh!

@Uzbekistanian001 - 15.10.2022 16:51

Jalaliddin counted as a national hero in Uzbekistan. We have his sculptures in Khwarazm region. Even if he was defeated, still he did his best to save our region. Still many people give the name of Jalaliddin to their children. Uzbek people have high level of respect to him, because he is our ancesstor!

@ahmedmaa4380 - 12.10.2022 03:23

Although the Khwarizmi empire was annihilated, It was almost the only to mount the most effective and determined resistance to the Mongols at the height of their rise!!

@Unknown___5 - 21.09.2022 15:24


@realmexusworld - 04.09.2022 03:11

During Mongols attacks there were no MUSLIMS Empires left only Mamluks Empire of Egypt was left which defeated Mongols it is said that If Sultan Qutuz of Mamluks Empire didn't had defeated Mongols then there would have been no MUSLIMS today Alive

@TonyqTNT - 02.09.2022 04:28

OK. So after the Mongol invasions who were the new populations and ethnicities that moved into the Persian areas after the Kwarzmanian Empire was destroyed???

@shahidyusafzai2061 - 06.08.2022 11:43

After loosing this battle islamic kingdom's falling to mongol Empire one by one for a long and hard time.

@soumanroy1387 - 06.08.2022 06:00

I just a funny video by some Muslim where it is told that shah was the only great king to defeat gengis khan 🤣🤣🤣
