Gaming History: Might and Magic Heroes 6 - „This is why piracy exists”

Gaming History: Might and Magic Heroes 6 - „This is why piracy exists”


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Balázs Fényes
Balázs Fényes - 25.11.2023 11:17

The conversion was so stupid, I liked going with archangels and archdevils side by side in HoMM3. Also every faction has some really good units so if i want some high elves in my army instead of whatever shitty shooters stronghold had, i could have it.

Ανδρέας Κωστόπουλος
Ανδρέας Κωστόπουλος - 19.11.2023 11:24

It's key to remember that Black Hole was Hungarian so that may explain the names

gyozo kudor
gyozo kudor - 23.10.2023 19:23

I don't know why they made creature recruitment global. It wasn't otherwise a bad game.

KaraokeHammick - 13.10.2023 20:42

6 fixed some of the pet peeves of the original games. One of them being, punishing you for exploring the map, taking your time, and another one is the town creature pools being decentralized. Older HOMM were also speed run games and many people gave up on them because they didn't understand you had to rush like mad in order to win, often skipping over major portions of the map.

Luchiop - 09.10.2023 16:53

this is the one I play with my non-gamer girlfriend. It´s boardgamey

Neskess - 25.07.2023 21:24

The biggest flaw of this game is ONLINE, you can't even play this without internet connection also Ubisoft does not maintain sh*t so yeah I wonder when will they pull the plug...

ppunion - 24.07.2023 22:32

The truly horrifying part of the Dynasty wasn't the always online BS... No no... It was the no resets BS.
If I want to start completely from scratch... I can't. Because my dynasty is leveled, which grants bonuses. Why wouldn't they include a reset button???

Haris Zah
Haris Zah - 30.06.2023 17:55

i have a question and i hope you answer. im trying to purchase this game in steam but when i add it in the cart it shows the gold edition. is the gold edition the same with just dlc? i need help

HisThoryk 2
HisThoryk 2 - 24.06.2023 06:26

I'm here just to say that you can't run Uplay/Ubisoft Connect anymore on Windows 7/8.1
DRM's are evil, when a game that can work on your machine is forced to not work anymore

???D - 06.06.2023 22:36

Remake old version first.

???D - 06.06.2023 22:34

I played Heroes and might 3,4 first. It's fun good for this time. But now Heroes might and magic 5 is me favorite 😍 ✨️ ❤
Gameplay Heroes, Enemies, History, and Music ❤

Sorry no speak London
Sorry no speak London - 27.05.2023 22:51

Seriously? In rromanian? You couldn`t do it in tiganeste-n plm? It had to be romanski huh...

MaMastoast - 27.05.2023 03:56

I really dislike the "skill tree" approach to heroes. Takes away a lot of the magic from leveling up and boils it down to predictable planning.

Kevin Tran
Kevin Tran - 02.05.2023 10:50

The fact that you are Romanian came as an amazing surprise to me because I've been watching some of your videos! I can't explain this feeling we have for seing people from our country, but I am proud!
Salutare din Iasi!

Ninakoru - 28.04.2023 00:52

Heh, this game killed the franchise for me. Was a buggy mess and my game got stuck in auto-combat and had to restart, and the DRM was always in the way with constant errors. What a way to nearly kill the franchise. Never bought an Ubisoft game again.

snowdawn - 12.04.2023 19:24

I just finished watching this video. What a shame and sad what happened to HOMM6. I agree with you man it could have been great. How I wish the rights to might and magic and HOMM goes to a better company and we get a great HOMM 8 game. I actually remember I was thinking of almost buying heroes 6 on steam a few years ago but saw reviews and back out.

Guido Sillaste
Guido Sillaste - 28.03.2023 18:23

These shit game making practises are taought in coding schools. They tell students that people like to have subscription hell holes and constant money grabs.

Dobyk - 23.03.2023 15:12

I've never played HOMM 3 but I've very fond memories of HOMM 5 (for me the best and only good 3D iteration so far) and in comparison HOMM 6.... looks.... so soulless and mediocre, incredibly dumbed down. The hero progression system of HOMM 5 was incredibly detailed and complex, with a myriad skills and an RNG element mitigated by your faction of choice. The creature designs in some cases were outstanding (looking at Academy, Dungeon and Sylvan) and the overall "vibes" are what make me go back to it every now and then. Unfortunately I can't get into HOMM 3 mostly because of the graphics but also the factions make little to no sense to me (the creatures themselves just look like they are randomly combined. I dunno, not for me).

HOMM 7 I thought was actually intriguing because 1. They tried to make the creature designs a bit more interesting and 2. It was an homage to HOMM 5, with Academy returning 3. They introduced the idea of alternative level 7 creatures which is brilliant and 4. You could see the devs really wanted to honor the series. In fact I really enjoyed looking at HOMM 7 updates but in the end it looks shit. I'm not sure Ubisoft will ever be able to make anything even close to HOMM 3 and will never recreate HOMM 5 (especially with the HOMM 5.5 mod which basically immortalized the game and ensured it will be played for decades). It's kind of sad because it's actually a good franchise, but oh well.... Time to reinstall HOMM 5 :D

SKiLLa - 20.03.2023 22:15

Play HoMM 5 Complete instead, the only decent 3D one.

Add the free v5.5 mod to upgrade it into a great game and worthy successor in the series. Fixed AI, Random Map Generator, Huge map support, Skillwheel, tons of upgraded textures and customization. Total game changer.

Malcolm Thorne
Malcolm Thorne - 22.01.2023 12:59

When the game demanded I create an account before even accessing it, I simply turned it off and returned it to the store.
I hate corporate shenanigans with a passion. And stuff like this is a massive red flag for corporate hijinks.

Not to mention that it just takes the fun out of gaming and makes it unnecessarily convoluted when they keep throwing obstacles in like this.
I don't want to jump through hoops to play games. I do that shit enough in my everyday life.

If they'd had an online service for multiplayer where you needed to create an account to play it, sure, I'd see the necessity in that.
But HOMM have always been and should always be a game you can just pop in and play right away.

I don't know if they changed the need to create an account later, but I never returned to the game.

As far as I'm concerned, HOMM's latest real installment was 4.
I could stretch it to 5 if I'm feeling charitable, but it kind of laid the foundation for the later crapshow to come.

Shecklesmack - 19.01.2023 17:23

Ubisoft didn’t handle this series the way it deserved. It was an early example of falsely assuming you can just own a popular franchise and act like it will do well despite using small, unknown studios to develop each game with no one from the original team involved (aside from Paul Romero’s incredible music). It’s almost like what makes a good game is the actual talent and vision of the developers rather than the actual franchise name magically making them good.

I know Heroes V was good, but I have to conclude that Ubisoft just got lucky that Nival were great. Everything from Heroes VI (including expansions) had their own separate unknown small studios working on them. By the time you get to Heroes VII it just feels like a soulless mobile game. Now you have series like Halo and Fable facing similar identity crises.

Srg Fkct
Srg Fkct - 19.01.2023 13:59

Thankfully, 3 and 5 are still good and available.

Also I wish you talked more about combat, cause its the only thing that seemed to be somewhat interesting in this mess.

U-TubeGuy - 17.01.2023 00:21

Felicitari pentru canal fratele meu!

Aidan Hodge
Aidan Hodge - 15.01.2023 04:38

Back when heroes 2 came out you knew about the tutorial because while it installed, at some point youd have to use the bathroom and find out about the tutorial as you read the manual. Back when game manuals were a girthy piece of literature.

Tudor Constantin Pop
Tudor Constantin Pop - 10.01.2023 15:31

SALUTARE ! Ma bucur sa vad romani cu canale de yt de gaming review :D. Multa bafta in continuare!

Elrohof - 30.11.2022 19:22

It's funny to me, because having been born in the late 90s, I remember playing HoMM 2 and 3 all the time with my uncles (a 10-15 year gap between us). I also played HoMM 5 with one of my uncles.

So it's a dear series to me, and you could say I grew up with it. But HoMM 6 gameplay really speaks to me. It is my favorite one out of those 4 games.
Yes, it's god awful that they removed the town screen and all that. But it's the first time I found joy in playing Inferno, thematically my favorite faction. But they also butchered the necro faction and nerfed necromancy and all that jazz, which sucks since they're a close second favorite of mine, tied with Dungeon which were surprisingly nice in this game.

And yes it sucks that they made it always online, account bound and everything. I hated it with Diablo 3, I will probably hate it with every game ever that does singleplayer.

All in all, I get the criticisms, I share a lot of them on my own, but to me this is the best game of the series. That said, I'll never forsake a chance to play 2 or 3 again.

Zlorfik - 20.11.2022 17:57

As someone who has first played heroes 3, then 5 and finally 6, I disagree with many of the arguments. First of all, Heroes 6 is the first game that does not do the exact same thing as the previous 5 games. Why make a new game that has the exact same functions as the games before? No, sequels need innovation. Heroes 6 brought innovation. Sure, it also brought things that are deplorable (drm, online feature, etc) but shaking up the game is the best they could have done. If you want the same game over and over, you dont need to play sequels. You can just settle for one and play that.

One of the absolute worst things in the heroes series was the use of the magic guilds to get random spells. RNG in a strategy game should be banned! Heroes 6 finally went for a proper skill tree, where you could plan ahead and not had to rely on RNG to get that spell to make it work. RNG is inherently imbalancing the game and makes it more frustrating than enjoyable.

The art style is the only one in the series that is easy on the eye. The factions are interesting and the units fun to play with.

You criticize the removal of additional resources but heroes games were never an economy simulator. Whether you need to hunt down 7 resources or 4 makes absolutely 0 difference.

Then you complain about names. Seriously? Thats so irrelevant i can't even begin to tell you how stupid it is to bring up.

You shit on the control zones, saying one can't raid. But that just tells me you have not actually played the game because there's literally a skill for raiding in there. You can also sabotage mines if you care more about disruption than helping yourself. Yes, it takes on a new format compared to previous games, but again, just because it is different doesn't make it bad. Want the same old game, play heroes 3.

Suzuki Egi
Suzuki Egi - 12.11.2022 03:36

I really wanted to like 6 but HoMM it was not. The lack of economic diversity, the number of artifacts that are useless, the need to push as fast as you can through all maps before neutrals grow too big to handle and the bastardised hero skills absolutely crushed the experience for me, that and ubisoft practices. Not to just crap on it because heroes 6 does have a few things going for it. I enjoyed the unit abilities and how they flowed with the combat. Chain lit and blizzard were broken and made armies obsolete with mid spell power. That and Necro got a much needed change in the units, Lamasu and the Spider Queen things (cannot recall what they are called off the top of my head, sorry) make them look great compared to previous HoMM titles.

HelloOnepiece - 25.10.2022 16:01

You should know about how ubisoft pulled the rug under the devs... the dev team were Heroes fans, and even invited the local heroes community to help out with the game.... but ubisoft just would not give them a dime or time... you know those small lackluster town screens in the original release? That was done devs using their own salaries outside of contract, Ubisoft originally wanted no town screens, like nothing

The devs went bankrupt after heroes 6

Equ1n0x88 - 13.10.2022 00:31

I actually really liked the zone, conversion and common creature pool mechanics of 6. I would usually play other heroes games mostly on small maps where 1, at most 3 heroes, would be viable, and now here the game style was pushed towards the only way I liked playing heroes.

Stanislav - 03.08.2022 16:33

I might be wrong, but HOMM V wasn't based on Warcraft 3, but on the Warhammer Fantasy.

Asger Wyrtz
Asger Wyrtz - 26.07.2022 13:32

Fuck ubisoft heroes 6/7 is shit Even heroes 5 is better than this.. it is so sad that homm series is dead and ubishit is not interested in the franchise anymore

itai solomon
itai solomon - 30.06.2022 21:24

7 was even warst...

Scorch - 06.06.2022 12:00

Ehh, I never understood that statement about HOMM5 borrowing art style from WCIII, which was coined by game journalists. The art was clearly inspired by old Warhammer FB miniatures, which, in their turn, were one of the sources of inspiration for Blizzard, but that is a different story.

Worker1 more-work
Worker1 more-work - 29.05.2022 22:35

they were moving into console games, this was designed for console controllers. "dumbed down" for 9 year olds.

drkmgic - 29.05.2022 13:31

Ughh I tried to get into heroes 3. I just could not . So sad.

Paweł Golański
Paweł Golański - 23.05.2022 00:25

They changed some things for better and more for worse. What a waste

Oishii Kudasai
Oishii Kudasai - 13.05.2022 07:28

Even if i wanted to play it, i cant even play it since they made it glitchy as fuck.

Ádám Mező
Ádám Mező - 29.03.2022 17:12

Great critique/summary, but i whould have loved a story summary as well. But i couldn't find any ^^'.....says a lot.

Gytis Pranskunas
Gytis Pranskunas - 21.03.2022 23:29

Might and Magic 5 trilogy, was peak of heroes games. everything that came after was downfall.

Piotr Karp
Piotr Karp - 15.03.2022 02:00

Oh you'll be hurt by HOMM7 so much man... it's ONLY HOMM game that I just toss. I gave up. I was mentally destroyed. That shit was like teenage fanfick storywise. It was clunky. 2 of 3 maps (in campaign) didn't work (castle and fortress one). It was just one big mod of HOMM6 graphic wise and it didn't even work. Mobile games are better than HOMM7.

TRez5000 - 11.03.2022 08:25

"The worst heroes game made so far"
This guy has obviously never played the 7th installment. That or he simply doesn't consider HOMM7 to be a videogame in any sense of the word. A view I would wholeheartedly agree with.

raduninhio - 08.03.2022 08:41

N-am știut că ești român. Să trăiești, doamne ajută!

Yigilante K.
Yigilante K. - 26.11.2021 03:37

I hope you guys continue with gaming history in the following months. This is one of my favourite shows at your channel.

Quincyslayer - 24.11.2021 11:37

I can't stop playing Might and Magic Heroes VI. I am having a lot of fun with it. I looked at Heroes 3 because everyone says its the best thing ever but I dont see it. Why play Heroes 3? What drew me into VI was the interwoven story.

jahahahaha - 16.11.2021 23:01

Just enjoy the classics. Ubisoft will never be able to make a game that comes close to measuring up to III (or even V), they'd probably sooner make a mobile version.

PC A - 26.06.2021 02:59

Man there's not that many Disciples videos out there, you should do one of these for the second game. Hell also the third, I didn't like it but hey, maybe it has some redeeming qualities in our days.

dreamfyre - 09.06.2021 16:29

When game designers stopped innovating and instead focused on making streamlined mediocrity. It’s like everyone tried being Blizzard without the polish(heck, Blizzard can’t even do Blizzard properly anymore, which is why we got Diablo 3 and HoTS). And it’s like they didn’t even believe in that shift themselves, and just went with the zeitgeist “Ok, I’m making a polished, accessible game now. I can work with that”.

And it’s not like older games had this super complexity either, like the OG Civ or HoMM. But they didn’t feel like they played themselves like games started to do in the 2010s. It’s like devs can’t make the distinction between a good, streamlined interface and the game itself anymore. Which leads to games being super shallow, too streamlined and almost self-playing.

Zdeno Charakter
Zdeno Charakter - 06.06.2021 18:33

heroes 6 is best.heroes 7 is rubish for chidren too easy
