The 6 Most OVERPOWERED Builds in Hades | Haelian

The 6 Most OVERPOWERED Builds in Hades | Haelian


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@iunary - 16.12.2023 00:20

why is your background some concrete bunker?

@alextompkins4041 - 29.11.2023 01:50

got a +500% damage special aspect of zeus shield run with return damage. I got like 300% off a heroic aphrodite that kept getting lucky with poms and then like 3 chaos boons that all boosted special. plus it was maxed aspect of zeus. it was the craziest build i ever got, cause i would toss out the shield and it would do like 200 on it's first attack and then just keep shredding anything nearby

@riicktann - 03.11.2023 15:08

i havent been playing the game that long, started when i had my xbox and it was on gamepass. now have it on my ps5. but athenas dash deflect is a staple for me. also love crystal beam obviously but festive fog is growing on me

@skaleras_ - 11.10.2023 20:56

My fun build now is poseidon aspect, zeus cast, artemis call or special, lightning rod and dash nova if you can get it

@gametheus1306 - 02.10.2023 13:05

My go-to easy build that got me through Extreme Measures Hades for the first time a couple days ago is Aspect of Zeus with Thunder Flourish. Once you have that, the rest of the build is somewhat flexible, but I really like to go with Artemis or Poseidon for attack, always splash dash, and if you get splitting bold or sea storm then you're set

@kamilslup7743 - 07.09.2023 14:26

I got one, it's the only way i beat hades with stygian sword as of now:

Auto attack
Swift strike
Drunken strike
Support fire
Pressure points because it works in every build ever

That sword is a chainsaw (aspect of zagreus would fit great here but i used nemesis because it's generally better)

@emilhaupt6473 - 30.08.2023 01:25

How does Hyper Delivery work with Beowulf cast? Is it that you need to dash right before you load the cast(s) or do you dash just before charging the rush?

@Brian-xe1gd - 21.08.2023 09:11

Ares: lmao

@jeezuhskriste5759 - 17.08.2023 17:46

It may not be very strong, but the coward build will always hold a special place in my heart. Stubborn Roots + Quick Favor + Artemis Call. Just run around the arena until you have god gauge, fire, repeat. First win I ever got.

@greyrifterrellik5837 - 12.08.2023 19:31

A truly nutty combo in my experience has to be an Aphrodite attack/Ares special Chiron aspect with curse of longing.

Especially when you have dire misfortune.

@milopack9610 - 31.07.2023 00:31

A fairly easy but high damage build i use a lot is: zag fists, splash dash, artemis attack, dionysus call and support fire from artemis.

@user-co9zi5iw7r - 29.07.2023 11:49

I heard about merciful end before I had beaten the game for the first time. I tried it and I got the dou boon on the first try is asphodel.

@jackfish297 - 29.07.2023 04:58

I found that buffing strike dmg on the shield was amazing early game just spam daah striks adding artimusis blessing to buff the size and dmg of the attack is a must from there its very free form on how to further buff the bkuld getting the posion daah blessing is great a doom curse on nirmal attacks wont hurt either or more posion dmg
The build works stupidly weel for just spam as you are near invunravke as your large attacks swat away projectiles and you move too much to get hit in meelee i one shot the first and second boos first second try with this biuld

@tamota6248 - 26.07.2023 18:02

If you hate dying, or even getting hit at all, here's a build for you. With the twin fists, if you max out the aspect of Zagreus to get 15% dodge chance, get Hermes' boon greater evasion which gives you 20% dodge chance, Get Hermes' keepsake which gives you 20% dodge, Athena's attack as well as her dash to deflect, some damage reduction and some healing boons, you have a 55% chance to not be hit, and will be unstoppable. If you grab some revenge boons along the way, even if you do get hit, your enemies instantly die.
Just slap on an Ares special and if you get lucky you can have the duo boon merciful end. Have fun not dying!

@17seanstrange17 - 17.07.2023 07:46

My first deathless clear was with aspect of Arthur the 1st time I used It does just too much damage

@collinhackett - 01.07.2023 02:01

This build is totally broken and if there was a PVP version of Hades where you could choose your boons it would win every time

@collinhackett - 01.07.2023 01:56

The invincible build it's not the fastest for speed runs but it is the most OP of anything especially for beginners/ beating the game especially if you combine the build with Artemis and Aphrodite, and also taking advantage of Thanatos, Boldie, and Eurydice

@collinhackett - 01.07.2023 01:55

There's also the invincible build where you use the mirror power ruthless reflex with shadow attack then combine it with the max malphon fists, the maxed plume of Hermes, &bouldie helper. You need to try to get the Athena divine strike/dash boons, holy shield boon, &also her legendary (if possible). Her bronze skin, blinding flash, &brilliant riposte all add to the build. You will need Hermes evasion, hypersprint or heal dash, and attack speed(for invincible purposes) or rush delivery if you can get a third. For chaos get strike, lunge, and ambush (also assault if you can get more). With Daedalus use rolling knuckle/ breaching cross combo, or colossus knuckle(invincible purposes), and concentrated knuckle (if possible to get three). You can beat the game maxed out on almost all heats basically completely invincible 😅

@liampurvis - 24.06.2023 00:18

Honestly triple strike spear posiedeon & dash was top dps for me anymore posiedeon buffs or dionysius combos was a great addition

@UncleHamsBasedOpinions - 28.05.2023 07:35

I just had a Gilgamesh/Merciful End run that started in Tartarus and it was so easy. I got all of the boons that you listed, it was just so crazy

@sylvaingoudreau7189 - 28.05.2023 07:33

My luckiest built with aeris: I had roquet deadalus upgrade then got unlucky for the second deadalus upgrade. Had poseidon on special with rupture, typhoon fury(take damage when slammed into barrier), second wave (do a second knock away) with the dual with zeus for extra damage. On the last lvl, I had the option to change one deadalus upgrade for 2 random and I got 3 special in rapid successions and the one with 5 missiles... everything just whent flying and blowing up... plenty of fun to watch.

@marestgondev - 15.05.2023 06:28

5 rocket launch with exagrifo and artemisa boost and you can win any run with 63 flames xd

@tigeruppercut3934 - 01.05.2023 16:22

Glad I found this channel. Late to the party but damn this game is addictive. 1 more run.

@ewanherbert3402 - 27.04.2023 15:40

The most amusingly busted build I ever got was when I got the sword upgrade that heals you each hit, coupled with the upgrade that makes you hit incredibly fast by holding down attack. My boons barely even mattered, I just waded into the enemies, held down attack and let the game play itself.

@baltazar8303 - 27.04.2023 00:54

The Waffle House Has Found Its New Host

@flowarius - 17.04.2023 13:16

Hello, thank you for these nice builds !
About Beowulf, did you try same build with Dyonysos + Demeter (and still a few artemis/poseidon) ? Because I think it's even more powerful ! Amazing synergy with demeter duo ang leg of demeter, because fog become rotating frozen (with still fog damage) + more froze explosion damage + explosion damage of frozen killed (leg) I really love it !!

@sesamekitten5724 - 14.04.2023 19:53

I just spammed Athena upgrades when I could just reflecting all dmg

@jayjayson9613 - 07.04.2023 05:48

It took me so long to clear the game after my first try but I just had clears with all weapons in the last 3 days. The best Gods I found was Artemis and Demeter, Artemis call at full power is amazing and as mentioned Deadly Strikes is very important. Athenas deflect is also good.

@CommanderWurstfinger - 08.03.2023 19:51

Hey Haelian, what i love about those videos is the simple fact, that you show icons and names for the boons. Not "just" a playthrough. This feels more like a quick and dirty guide, just what I need sometimes!

@wojciechwilimowski985 - 25.02.2023 21:06

I just escaped for the first time with Spear. Fast attack hammer, +40% range and damage hammer, Athena attack, Athena +75% backstab bonus, boiling blood +50%, privileged status +40% and Aphrodite call. I met Hades with 3 unspent Death Defiances and 300 hp, and I think I had 150 hp without dying once at the end of the fight. I deleted 50% of his health in phase 2 with maxed call. I suppose the real MVP was fully stacked Lambent Plume though along with Hermes +15% dodge

@loganatkins1171 - 07.02.2023 08:31

Most cracked build I ever had was the adamant rail using the missile launcher and spread shot upgrades. Turns the special into a cannon that fires 5 missiles straight forward. Combined it with the Zeus and Poseidon combo duos and it just melted everything. Took like 30 seconds to take down hades

@BoyKagome - 06.02.2023 08:16

Artemis Zues combo for home seeking, crit causing death balls.

@cheshireshadow518 - 04.02.2023 07:18

"..and realize you're playing a Zeus Call build instead" I hate how right this is BHGFBDHJGBFHJ Zeus is everywhere...he's EVERYWHERE

@olehendricks6160 - 02.02.2023 09:22

This is just my oppinion but the cast shot bow has some insane potential i think, i mean when loaded fully it consistently deals 1500 to 2000 Damage and if you get Hermes boon that cast drop out after 1.5 secs, you can play rather save and still destroy everything, it is not as op as theese ones but one nice thing is that you can get first boon aphrodites crush shot and have something for the early challanges. Furthermore it can still be upgraded by getting exit wounds and with exit wounds as the requirement you could even get her legendary granting extra casts which was huge. As for the dash, it just is athena dash because that is probably one of the best dashes and gives this build savety to run in and retrieve the casts

@wesleyjones4036 - 26.01.2023 17:19

for those of us who suck at the game aspect of zeus and ares doom on special work super well together. sure it doesnt melt everything instantly but you can switch off your brain since you can throw and have a shield, not to mention the fact its really good against shields

@odstarmor557 - 24.01.2023 10:51

The ultimate balance for op builds: RNG.

@fieryimmortal - 22.01.2023 02:36

I guess if biggest and fastest number is your idea of a best build, then that makes sense. It does help you with the timer heat level aswell.

@jak-jaydavis50 - 16.01.2023 13:04

My fave build is ramam bow with zeus special and relentless volley hammer

@expecttheunexpected8070 - 14.01.2023 12:21

Shiled that fire a piercing blow when you hold mouse key with Poseidon power on attacks(it applies on piercing blow too) can win with one hand..
Great for first run

@obesechicken13 - 13.01.2023 00:59

Wait why do +attack bonuses affect dash strikes sometimes? Is that a rule?

@TheEnderknight - 12.01.2023 18:56

Crystal beam wins all.

@ryanpang6478 - 06.01.2023 06:45

Thank you so much for this video! For the last past 2 weeks, I tried my best trying to complete the game and wasn't having much luck, until I copied your fist build and now I can finally say I have finished Hades! Can't wait for Hades 2 now :D

@lulhoofd1 - 04.01.2023 15:50

Zagreus fists with greater evasion and second wind gives 55 - 80% dodge chance. Add a lambent plume and the enemy just can't hit you. Not very difficult to set up and you can go for it along any other build so it isn't even that big a deal if you don't get both the boons.

@jannfredryckmatias3545 - 30.12.2022 12:25

Just tried the Rama Triple just now nad you are right, it was OP! Was confident enough to take on Charon with it albeit I'm still very inexperienced with it (and my fave weapon is Coronacht, too). Was only planning to try on Ares Special with it but lucky enough to find Triple Shot Hammer, too, as well as Artemis' Deadly Strike in Tartarus! I'm still a bit rusty on Rama but it really was very powerful especially when I combined Ares and Artemis on it!

@godofbleach5541 - 30.12.2022 12:23

I have a build that allows me to pull enemies towards me and push them away and cause an explosion after that... It was op because none of the enemies couldn't do anything they just sat there and watched me knock them around and was good against bosses aswell

@adammiciura5630 - 28.12.2022 17:39


@leftjabrighthook - 26.12.2022 07:37

How do you do builds? Last I played it’s all RNG. Click bait?

@techpriestemily - 19.12.2022 21:08

I'm glad Chiron at least got mentioned, Chiron Hangover is a bit silly.

@MrJimithee - 19.12.2022 16:35

You're a great loss to the auctioning trade
