Afghanistan (Full Documentary) USMC in Sangin 2010 - 2014

Afghanistan (Full Documentary) USMC in Sangin 2010 - 2014


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Jamie Bond
Jamie Bond - 06.10.2023 08:37

Bad ass, much respect for their bravery, !!!

Hlubtshaajtxujsa - 05.10.2023 20:56

Sir Charles Njonjo
Sir Charles Njonjo - 04.10.2023 12:41

STUPID WARS FOR STUPID PEOPLE I dare say 😀. Nobody should be this stupid or "emotionally" brainwashed that they would jump on a plane to go and fight another man's "war" because of some stupid corrupt politicians and business men who always have vested interest in it. But Hey, do you Fam. 😃

reason why some people join the army amazes me;
1. Money - which is never enough. I don't see them on Forbes 😜
2. Be a Hero - they have watched to many Hollywood and Bollywood films, i think. 😀
3. Action & Medals - where thier paid with; PTSD, PTD OR TTD and many more.

Arrie Cohen
Arrie Cohen - 27.09.2023 02:31

Really sad how when administration just gave it up like that

Anny Andrade
Anny Andrade - 19.09.2023 03:27

I want to see a war between the US and Russia.

Kay Sok
Kay Sok - 18.09.2023 11:16

very proud of you and thank you very much.

Mimbres Glassworks
Mimbres Glassworks - 16.09.2023 08:39

It's too bad the cameraman couldn't actually film what they were shooting at. To be fair I've only made it 15 minutes in before seeing enough...

USArmy Tanker137
USArmy Tanker137 - 16.09.2023 05:30

Was you a Bandit? One of the Units I was with, saw the insignia that looked similar to mine. 2003 to 2007 for me.

Olikipo Lavuna
Olikipo Lavuna - 11.09.2023 22:11

Afghanistanistans believed and defended their country in the Name of Allah and for sure they came out victorious their is a God in heaven if you believe

Olikipo Lavuna
Olikipo Lavuna - 11.09.2023 22:06

I hate this😢 what was the point of firing those live ammunitions to those innocent kids and mothers? America is just another monster

Yasir Gaming
Yasir Gaming - 11.09.2023 01:13

I am sure that you remember this, you will be afraid of the name of Afghanistan

High torr explore
High torr explore - 06.09.2023 16:02

What you talking about bro we whooped ass for 19 years then got let down for the last . Check your self . Make sure you good to go before commenting.

Minelab Gold Detective
Minelab Gold Detective - 04.09.2023 07:06

Lima Company, Matty use to play cod on Xbox with us. I was sad to hear he was shoot & killed. It was bullshit to not have proper air cover for these guys

joonan lim
joonan lim - 03.09.2023 14:04

제국주의 침략국가의 선봉 양키 해병대

Minelab Gold Detective
Minelab Gold Detective - 03.09.2023 13:03

I would have had eyes in the sky all the time to prevent them from planting them.

John Heigis
John Heigis - 03.09.2023 08:30

Well done.
Thanks, Marines.

John Heigis
John Heigis - 03.09.2023 08:13

Restore the "mustering"..
(Where they managed crucial issues, too.)
Use a neutral objective logistics liaison Matrix NGO.
For comprehensive contingencies-management capabilities.
For neighborhood incident management capabilities.
Since, "active and passive civil defense are integral to national security [democracy] posture."
As our secondary manual backup system.
So, to mirror up against, and manage, a republic.

John Heigis
John Heigis - 03.09.2023 08:13

Imagine... Nothing to do, but...
... Row, and talk... Row, and talk...!
As, a member of a Greek Fleet Trireme Crew...
Some guy asks, "demos - kratia"...??????

John Heigis
John Heigis - 03.09.2023 08:12

A project request... Imagine...
It's 1574...(?, Not exactly sure.).
You get your copy of the "Muster Law."
As issued by Queen Elizabeth I.
Shot herself in foot, mechanizing democracy?

Forced, to gather / muster...
... Frequently...
... Same time...
... Same place...
... Properly equipped...
... Fined, if: late, absent, or not properly equipped.

... For neighborhood incident management capabilities

... For comprehensive contingencies-management capabilities

... For "mustering" / gathering..
.. to resolve crucial Issues, too!

(Knowledge, education, training, experience, talent, skills, wisdom......).

(Food, water, shelter, shielding, medical, fire, waste, security, enforcers, logistics, liaison...

Minute Men, Women, Kids, Elders...
(So, each "Posting" was always filled, if "Primary" was sick, etc.)

In a 21st century context...
Through, a neutral objective logistics liaison Matrix non-profit NGO (Operations "Projects").

(Suffrage, Infrastructure, Environment, Education, Sciences, Technology, Admin, Social, Legal, Culture, Commerce, Economy, Republic, Security, Legislation, Logistics, Liaison.....

This could sure use your voices, and votes.
With it, we could start up, immediately!

We need younger Vets, who know the newer stuff.
We need them to give us basic Admin, and Ops.
A place to consolidate and coordinate resources.
We need former Staff and Officers, to build our SOP backbone, correctly!
While electing our best, from among our best, to do it!

As our secondary manual backup system.

Disaster and Emergency Services...-
... "Support, Systems, and Services."

For mitigation, preparedness, response, and recovery.
Throughout all Sectors: Public, Private, Government.

So "We..." can snuggle, with a "republic."
Through the buffer of an NGO.

Semper Fidelis...!...
Standing by...!...........

John Heigis
John Heigis - 03.09.2023 08:12

"Minute... Men... Women... Kids... Elders..."
Neighborhood incident management...
Comprehensive contingencies management...
"Mustering" to resolve crucial issues, too.
And, neighborhood incident management capabilities...
Thusly... Basic human survival stuff...
To bring "civil defense" back on line...
In a 21st century context...
Our secondary manual backup system.
From your CCMC behind a Desktop Icon.
... Where you have accounted voice and vote.
(Food, water, shelter, shielding, medical, health, fire, HazMats, Waste Disposable, republic, security, enforcers, S&R, liaison, logistics...)
(Voting/Suffrage, Infrastructure, Environment, Education, Republic, Security, Legislation, Laws, Justice, Culture, Administration, Social, Logistics, Liaison...
... For helping commerce, and governing...
... To mechanize and empower pure direct demos-kratia within a republic.
(Note to Greeks. Did I write that reasonable well? If not; correct me!).
... For managing emergencies...
... Like this one...???????????

... Mitigation / prevention
... Preparedness
... Response (planned, and appropriate.)
... Recovery

Throughout all Sectors...
... Public, Private, Government

By consolidating and coordinating resources...
... (Human, material, information, environmental...)

... A neutral / objective logistics / liaison Matrix non-profit NGO...
... (Operations [networking] Section)
... With the other NGO Sections, and our "Projects"
... (Admin, Personnel, Operations, Projects, Facilities, Tech, Finance, Memberships, Logistics, Liaison...

With "Issues" becoming "NGO Projects"...
... W/ Sub-Projects
... With Missions...
.... (Who, What, When, Where, Which, Why, How...)

About crucial issues.

It's the difference between...

..."civil defense" and "Civil Defense."

All are born into "civil defense."

... Dare I offer, all we millions of Vets -scattered throughout all neighborhoods - who could build us an excellent - honorable - SOP backbone, in our NGO.
... (Young Vets know the newer systems, and tactic.
... (Older Vets know support and strategy.

(Note: I ran Armories Ordnance Systems, in the Marines; but, I've never owned a firearm! Nor, do I care to be a member of a "militia", so a President can order me around, again. No thanks. However, I wouldn't mind us using the Swiss template, of "active and passive civil defense", since such ..."are integral to national security [democracy] posture." (OCD, 1961).

And, I've been deep in this craziness, for 60+ years. So, hear me out. It's the only path you have, for realy improving the human condition.

Hell! EMI/FEMA used my stuff, as a template.

Find Williams "Bill" Thomas, and tell him, I said, "HELP!" "I found it!"
.. He'll know what I mean.
(Former; MT State, DES Div. Director.)

Otherwise, many of my support-people have passed away, but have provided support letters.
... (Supervisory Special Agent Raymond James Dunn
... (Fvcc Instructor... Recommendation; publish 101/201 Text materials.

Folks, your welcome to all my research.
... I can WeTransfer.

I hope to get it posted, where anyone can access it...
... A place where we can keep it updated, as as our best copies.

There's a long hellish story behind it all...
... To shut me down.

Folks! This stuff belongs to you, anyway!

I'm just trying to get one of the talking-heads to listen.... Finally.

Enough, for now.
I'll edit, and add more, later.

(I'm just a broke, broken, worn out, old guy... Doin this, from a rotting old 20ft RV - where I'm not welcome - in my brother's back yard, with no water or sewage system. Hell! I used to be one of the guys, with a high security clearance, and a suit. I hope to leave this part of me, from what I have left, to give... To, my "Lady"... Liberty!).

From an old Marine...
Semper Fidelis...!...
Standing by........................... Still..........!....?.....

John Heigis
John Heigis - 03.09.2023 08:12

Son. What if I told you, there's a system, you young folks should develop, and use, to mechanize and empower pure direct demos-kratia within a republic, like ours.
I ain't joking. I'm betting, you could have us well on our way, within hours!
With respect!
Semper Fidelis...
Standing by...

John Heigis
John Heigis - 03.09.2023 08:11

Basic "R/NCB-C Warfare Recon" (i.e., HazMats...)
(Monitor, Detect, Contain, Extract, Neutralize...).
The professional way to battle, in this war.
To corner the virus. Make it live out it's cycle and die, while helping folks through it!
There is a system! But we must revive it!

John Heigis
John Heigis - 03.09.2023 08:10

Watch.... PBS.... "Half the Sky": "FET"... ( In Part II). And, "Meet John Doe" (Gary Cooper, Barbara Stanwick...).. A system that mixes those possibilities, as our secondary manual backup system.

John Heigis
John Heigis - 03.09.2023 08:10

The old time "musters" were where they resolved crucial issues, too. And, as a militia, were neighborhood incident management... comprehensive contingencies-management capabilities.

John Heigis
John Heigis - 03.09.2023 08:10

Note: "hostage population"... Versus..."active and passive civil defense are integral to national security [democratic] posture." To mechanize and empower pure/direct demos-kratia within a republic.

John Heigis
John Heigis - 03.09.2023 08:09

(Disaster and Emergency Services - Gov.) --- ( Support, Systems, and Services - our loophole Matrix NGO) for comprehensive contingencies-management capabilities... To mechanize and empower democracy.

John Heigis
John Heigis - 03.09.2023 08:08

Noting, "Honor Violations."
I wonder how the good Officers would feel, about a guy being forced to carry the blame and shame, for "superiors", for their dereliction of duty!
Especially, in relation to Navy - Marine Corps Armory / Ordnance Systems.
And, most of them retired, with promotions, pensions, and benefits.
While, the system deliberately covers their asses, and never wants to hear of it... Ever!
It's not something wanted, in news paper headlines.
I say, "Know your 'domestic' enemy."
I wager, you can sense my rage, 40+ yrs later... Now, try to imagine the sick feeling, deep in my guts... In my soul!
I even have a "confession" statement, from one Capt (Oh! Excuse me... "Major."
Hell! The Gunny was promoted, a year later, too.
While, my 4.9/4.9, and "Meritorious" promotions, dropped and disappeared!
Your Marine Corps brags of never leaving a man behind... This ain't true, for those of us in battles of a war against domestic enemies... Bad "Officers.". Lots of them, just in my experience!
Yes! I wonder what they'd have to say about it. What they'd do about it?
I had learned real quick, I had to be a professional, at what I did. I didn't appreciate being forced otherwise! The kind of stuff that gets one court martialed, for a long vacation touring places like a military prison, run by Marines... Or, a Brig, now run by Navy personnel, just after taking over from a Marine Barracks security / enforcer operation.
Let's just say, they wanted me hurt, on the way out the door; but, figure this, they said they let me keep my rank, because my records were too good.
Imagine, the only way to get it stopped, was to not be there doing it! They don't like that; especially, when they know who really controls the main gates... The way out...!
Besides that... Imagine doing military business, while being forced to use your own car, at your expense s... Too...
Hell. I never ever got billeted... Renting, so to have a place to live... After 3 or 4 nights in my car... Then, two weeks in a motel... Then, an apartment....
Then, the XO intercepted my call to the CO, to inform him, as he had ordered!
To this day, I still haven't gotten through.
(However, now days, I'm sure it's do to lack of my knowing how. Therefore, I ask, help me find him... 1stLt Hardwick, H&S Co. 2/5, 1stMar Div., 10/ 1977... The Batt CO has passed, but, I wonder if he kept a diary? He definitely would have noted our meeting.)

Now, imagine my stupidity, for remaining, Semper Fidelis!
Why does this make me want to vomit, and to turn away?

Damn it!
So much for justice!

John Heigis
John Heigis - 03.09.2023 08:05

"We...", who love life, responsible liberty, accountability, honor, no need for borders or boundaries, happiness, living the art of kindness, having voice and vote; and, serving our "duty", to set loose, every deadly beast within us, to keep it thus...!...??????
... (I.e., WW-2, Slavery, Ignorance, Fear...).!
"We...", has no borders or boundaries...!...????
"We..." only needs the correct system.
Thusly, a non-profit "matrix NGO" will be a good start.

Hear me out.
I happened upon the system...
... It used to be called "civil defense."
... Rebuild it, In a 21st century context.
Almost, over night.
...Semper Fidelis...!!!!....

John Heigis
John Heigis - 03.09.2023 06:42

Our loophole, through "their" front doors. Restore your true "active and passive civil defense" /comprehensive contingencies-management capabilities, in a 21st century context. Gigantic possibilities.
(Our "White Hat" personnel wont mind! I checked.)

And, I'm sure enough, I i can prove every drop.
From - 60+ yrs - wandering the tunnels btwn rabbit-holes (The FEMA/EMI versions, of R/NCB-C Warfare Recon... From nuke war MAD to "pollution."), I happened upon the exact loophole "We..." needs; but, (In my broke, broken, wore out, latter days, and tech ignorance.)... I can't get the talking heads to listen, and hear me out. If fact, this covers what KFA is hoping for. Please help me get connected, with any one of the MT fighters. I tried CBS, about 10 yrs ago, but they twisted it into nothingness. This is imperative. It's our wide open - bright blue skys - loophole... Right through "their" front doors... And, all the way down every snake's hole, too. This only needs be, in the hands of good, smart, educated, experienced professionals, like KFA, Popok, Ben, Harry... "armies" of good people! In fact, this system will end up drawing out our true - exact - numbers - on any crucial issue, through our secondary manual backup system... All are born "members"!.. In, demos-kratia... In a "republic" system... So, to get our individual voice and vote - quietly, or blatantly - injected back into the political processes... While, our system lays out all the info we need, on any crucial issues that directly affect us... And, the effect, thereafter... Assigned, as Projects, in our non-profit Matrix NGO... (Suffrage, food, water, shelter, shielding, medical, fire, security, enforcers, logistics, liaison...).
This system will give us a way to assess, and analyze all our "public servants / employees / personnel / representatives"... Facilities, Equipment, Supplies... Admin, Social, Tech, Political, Legal, Environmental, Econ / Commerce, and even, Culture...).

Oh! Too...
You are welcome to my research...
.. some still in latter working draft stage...
... history of active and passive civil defense systems...
... 101/201
..... Comprehensive contingencies-management capabilities
..... Neighborhood incident management capabilities...

While noting, our millions of Vets - scattered throughout all neighborhoods - who could build us an excellent, honorable - professional - SOP backbone in our non-profit Matrix NGO Sections...
... (Admin, Personnel, Sections, Operations, Projects, Facilities, Chapters, Tech, Finance, Memberships...)

With, access to those Sections, through a Desktop Icon.
Where, you can help us manage any crucial issues.
Where, we can gather, and process info, for finding truth - quick - on an crucial issues.
... (Suffrage, Infrastructure, Environment, Education, Republic, Social, Security, Legislation, Logistics, Liaison,

Through our NGO Sections, Oversight, and Projects...
... Projects, with Sub-Projects...
... With "Missions"...!
...(Who, What, When, Where, Which, Why, How...).

And, since life is the "game"... For instance...?
I propose putting a compartmented gaming platform, behind the Icon...
... With, hard questions, to pass through, into any NGO Section, so only our best gain access, where they help us choose the leadership, therein...!...?
... Where, they add more questions!

And, this is where kids can be involved, too....
... At every Grade level...
... With Internships...
... And, In-Service Learning...
... And, EOC training...
... And, helping us with Admin..

And, since this is probably to be structured, something like the Red Cross, Id recommend Her being our "Big Sister", and to lock in, for the long haul, to help us, help Her!
(Find frmr ARC Chpt. Dir. Connie Stein.).

Or, we can just continue...
... Looking back, for what just hit us...
... Rather than, ahead for what's coming at us - like loaded Freight Trains.

The option is to - at least - give this an honest attempt.

I figure, the numbers are in our favor!

In fact, in the world of "civil-defense", our Gov version -"Civil Defense" / DES - Disaster and Emergency Services - while including NGOs like ARC, S&R, etc., are only - at best - 3 to 5 percent of the total population, which includes all Department Heads, and their Staff, hiding in cozy Blast-Proof / Fallout Safe Bunkers... Far behind a Police Lines... With folks wondering - who is that person, behind that Badge number... Who was kind, and a professional...???... Or, who was having fun, using power of Gov position, for being a bully, ..???...

Damn it, I served, holding a high security clearance, during and after my time in the Corps.
Shouldn't that have earned me some time, to be heard, about this?
I guess not... Yet... Still...!
It makes me wonder, what the hell was it all worth... Absolutely nothing!
Embarrassing, and insulting!

While, I lost all I had worked for, because of it.
In fact, I could sure use some serious justice, too!

(All my best / supportive protection passed on, or disappeared into deep retirement. Maybe, we can find frmr FEMA - MT - DES Div. Dir. William "Bill" Thomas... Tell him, I said, "HELP...!!!..."

Why do I feel like a Squeeky-Toy...?

John Heigis
John Heigis - 03.09.2023 06:38

Such be the definition of...
Marine Grunt.
Semper Fidelis!

ياقو ت
ياقو ت - 31.08.2023 07:41


M.S. K.
M.S. K. - 29.08.2023 23:44

with all that tech and firepower, the US lost.

Numan Yousuf
Numan Yousuf - 29.08.2023 19:51

Salute afghan mujahideen for defeating worlds so called no. 1 army and forcing them to surrender...❤

Hector Lopez
Hector Lopez - 29.08.2023 10:11

This is why we westerners lost the war. Treating everyone onsight as criminal and up most suspicion. It was tiring for locals.

Bozkurt Karaca
Bozkurt Karaca - 27.08.2023 16:26

Zalim terörist Amerika

saeed ali
saeed ali - 26.08.2023 04:39

لماذا تقتلون الأطفال الأبرياء

Afghanistan Village Life(AVL)-4.8M
Afghanistan Village Life(AVL)-4.8M - 23.08.2023 05:20

Go to Ukraine and help them 😂😂

Afghanistan Village Life(AVL)-4.8M
Afghanistan Village Life(AVL)-4.8M - 23.08.2023 05:20

Go to Ukraine

ATN - 22.08.2023 00:02

Cowards go fight with Russia . You got meat without bone

B - K
B - K - 21.08.2023 15:48

All of this for nothing. Rip soldiers...

Samuel Garrod
Samuel Garrod - 21.08.2023 03:22

Enduring freedom? Bull shite.

Zarif Khan
Zarif Khan - 20.08.2023 23:06

I am afghan worked for british now i live in pakistan. Plesse give address are emil how to save. Thank you.

v1antbo - 20.08.2023 22:06

What a waste

Thys de Villiers
Thys de Villiers - 20.08.2023 20:28

These people are wasting amo, shooting at nothing

TheChicagoPartisian - 20.08.2023 00:23

their is no god but Allah & Muhammad is his last & final messenger .

The Bible has well over 50k confirmed errors in it ( google it )

While 80 % of the Quran has all ready been proven accurate & true by MODERN day science & Ai technology.

Hurt people, hurt people .
Your daddy had his Vietnam & now you do too.

If Islam wasn't the answer - we wouldn't have wasted 20 years of our blood & treasure fighting it - only to loose . Miserably .
