What Your Doctor Won't tell you about Saturated Fat ?

What Your Doctor Won't tell you about Saturated Fat ?

Doctor Mike Hansen

1 год назад

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Simon Peter Dalangpan
Simon Peter Dalangpan - 08.11.2023 23:07

If you eat healthy and exercise routinely you will DIE healthy 😂

Bugs Napoles
Bugs Napoles - 05.11.2023 06:03

Polyunsaturated (and a few monounsaturated) fats such as soybean oil, peanut oil, rapeseed oil, sunflower oil, safflower oil, corn oil etc are the ones that are really bad for your health. Unsaturated fats are the ones that go rancid (bad) fast as they have open carbon chains/bonds that oxidizes readily and fast. Saturated fats duch as coconut oil, palm oil, pork and beef lard do not have open carbon bonds/chains and do not go rancid easily unless contaminated by dirt and water. Seed oils (rapeseed, corn, sunflower, peanut, soybean etc) are the ones that turn rancid fast and into transfats specially when hydrogenated. HDL and LDL cholesterol does not impact your health for as long as the ratio of HDL to LDL stays balanced, meaning the HDL being higher than LDL in your system. As a matter of fact your body specially your brain is made up of cholesterol (HDL and LDL). Starve yourself of cholesterol and all sort of things can go wrong with your body. Eat a healthy fat diet.

BASS FREAK - 04.11.2023 00:57

Seed Oils are poison!
Never use them!

Warren G Bryson
Warren G Bryson - 31.10.2023 04:05

Hello Dr Mike Hanson. I've just watched your fascinating video. If your advice is adopted by your followers you may save many lives! My question concerns the Swedish study which revealed whole milk contained approximately 2.7% of trans fatty acids. Do you think this amount of trans fat negates the positive effects of butyric acid and pentadecanoic acid?

hank hill
hank hill - 31.10.2023 02:23

Dark sugarless chocolate has a lot of saturated fat

Jim W
Jim W - 27.10.2023 02:45

Why no mention of eggs??

WhatIsMisophonia - 27.10.2023 00:01

As incorrect as it is to presume all LDLs are bad, or all saturated fat is bad, it's also just as bad to presume even-chain saturated fats are flat out 'unhealthy' when the total system can effect how they are processed. There is of course the study on very long lived Okinawans who were eating tons of pork. Basically... This is all complicated.

colin howells
colin howells - 24.10.2023 11:38

You have a new subscriber sir.

Owen Klein
Owen Klein - 22.10.2023 00:01

I’m sorry but the, “heating oils past smoking point creates trans fat” is not true. Olive oil will only turn to trans point if repeatedly used and most home chefs don’t reuse oil.

Eddie Tea
Eddie Tea - 21.10.2023 03:33

excess glucose gets turned into fat too. what is he talking about focusing just on fructose. check out Dr. in the sugar conspiracy video. Lustig.

Lisa Thompson
Lisa Thompson - 20.10.2023 23:17

All I can say is I've been eating only Beef for the last 3 yrs and my numbers are super awesome! No more diabetes, no more high blood pressure, no more cholesterol issues, no more seizures, no more pain, Arthritis is completely controlled, so many things are so much better. I eat 120 to 150 grams of animal protein and 200 grams of animal fat only. Doctors still have their mouths on the floor trying to figure out how I manage to get out of taking all their poison. Just eat meat and you will become so healthy. Nice fatty cuts of meat only. Want to learn more about this look up Dr. Ken Berry, Dr. Shawn Baker, Dr. Kiltz, Dr. Anthony Chaffee. I followed Dr. Ken Berry and got my life back after the hospital sent me home to die.

Lars Nyström
Lars Nyström - 20.10.2023 14:45

The natural fats we used to eat were all good for us. Butter, lard, and olive oil.

The seed oils (or as the industry wants to call them, vegetable oils) are processed in too many industrial steps, finishing of with parfyming them. There's a lot of good stuff in the natural fats which are missing in these industrial products.

Remember, saturated fats can never become trans fats!

In my view, saturated fats are pretty neutral health-wise. That actually means they are good for us.

Polyunsaturated fats might lower LDL, that overrated indicator of cardivascular health, but it gets rancid and probably can become transfat when heated. Although not like when turned into margarin, of course. No, what wrong with it that it doesn't contain polyphenols, and such, which are good fo us, like extra Virgin olive oil does. And those things also protects the natural fats from degrading.

roshin varghese
roshin varghese - 19.10.2023 23:11

So red meat or nah?

Mike Paul
Mike Paul - 19.10.2023 01:57

Unfortunately - pretty mixed up messages here. You categorically state twice that polyunsaturated fats are healthier than saturated fats yet in support of saturated fats you quote two studies that showed when saturated fats were replaced with polyunsaturated fats that heart attacks and deaths went up. I think you need accept that polyunsaturated fats are NOT healthier than saturated fats. At least you reported on the study that was buried so THANK YOU for that.

Ed De
Ed De - 17.10.2023 21:16

So, what about Fat Free Dairy milk or Yogurt? And no added sugar----Is eating Fat Free Milk and Yogurt causing: a Neutral Effect , Improved Effect, or Negative Effect?

shekatagani - 13.10.2023 04:42

Keep Triglycerides low, Don't worry about LDLs being a little high, Unless you have already had a Heart Attack.

Appo - 12.10.2023 20:18

Saturated fats are way healthier for you than any other type, you've all been lied to.

Jugin Aspa
Jugin Aspa - 04.10.2023 04:13

is it safe to use coconut oil for frying? or heating coconut oil makes it bad like any other cooking oil?

P W - 02.10.2023 21:50

Is grass-fed beef and butter really better?

Ken Paul
Ken Paul - 30.09.2023 01:35

Interesting.... i would think that natural whole foods(plants) with very small amounts of saturated fat would be quite different than any processed foods (milks etc) or animal fat.

Coconut for example in its whole food state is not at all the same as coconut oil. It comes with fiber etc

Unique Monk
Unique Monk - 28.09.2023 20:58

Omega 6 is bad

Unique Monk
Unique Monk - 28.09.2023 20:57

Carnivore diet - I lost 42kg, stopped snoring, solved sleep apnea, bloods all perfect

Cholesterol ratios great

Eating fat and protein

Stop eating carbs and your body uses saturated fat for energy - fat melts away
Loads more energy

Thousands of testimonials of people with diabetes 2 for decades - cured within weeks

Food is key

Unique Monk
Unique Monk - 28.09.2023 20:53

Saturated fat is exactly what you should eat for energy - animal fat

Jolly - 26.09.2023 23:50

They did not published the study because it does not support big pharmas income

Donald Winston
Donald Winston - 26.09.2023 21:40

In the 1950's scientists studied cardiovascular disease by observing it in chimpanzees. They made the chimps get cardiovascular disease by feeding them large amounts of coconut oil. Many of the chimps developed major arterial blockage in as little as two years. LDL cholesterol is a REQUIREMENT for cardiovascular disease. Smoking, being overweight, diabetes, oxidation, and chronic inflammation exacerbate cardiovascular disease they do not CAUSE it. If LDL cholesterol is low enough you will n to develop cardiovascular disease no matter what. We've know that saturated fat is the principal reason why cardiovascular is the leading disease of over 70 years. In addition it has been proven beyond any doubt that polyunsaturated fats and monounsaturated fats like canola and olive oil are much much healthier than saturated fats. There are mountains of evidence for all of this.

Matt M
Matt M - 20.09.2023 17:05

I read more and more that there’s no indication that a high cholesterol levels is associated with bad health. To the contrary, it seems that a lot of studies indicate that lower cholesterol levels are worse for you, and increase all cause mortality rates.

Matt M
Matt M - 20.09.2023 17:04

This is what you eat high fat, high protein, no carbohydrates salt, water, meat, eggs, some veggies, very little fruit. Keep your blood sugar low, which keeps your insulin levels low you’ll be very healthy and happy you didn’t listen to the main stream health advice.

Matt M
Matt M - 20.09.2023 17:02

He won’t tell you anything about it because he has two weeks of training on nutrition in medical school, and he’s listening to the lobbyist and associations that are telling him what to say about nutrition, low fat, high carbohydrate, ridiculous diet!

Lucky Hanger 13
Lucky Hanger 13 - 19.09.2023 14:38

Heart disease is the number one killer today. In addition saturated fat causes insulin resistance according to peer reviewed published literature . I have a high fat meal and I have to fast the next day because if I so much as eat an apple my glucose shoots through the roof. I eat fat, even a little saturated fat. More than ~7% is shown to raise your LDL which is not a problem ..... until it is. That is the problem with just using markers. What is your medical specialty? It does not appear to be nutrition. You don't have to eliminate saturated fat but you should limit it. Even the Blue Zones eat an average of 5 servings of meat a month so it is definitely dose dependent. I believe Dr. Ansel Keys about saturated fat, his favorite diet was the Mediterranean diet which is not a low fat diet but it does minimize saturated fats. You should read the 7 Country study. On the other hand, pushing this has gotten you allot of subscribers. Do no harm, even if it takes 20+ years for the harm to be realized.

jrcollins - 17.09.2023 07:47

If the healthy saturated fats found in dairy only occur in small amounts and alongside the unhealthy saturated fats, then presumably the net health effects of eating dairy would still be negative.

Auxiliary - 15.09.2023 08:54

The video was ruined by silly noises throughout!

JoeyD913 - 14.09.2023 16:53

I'm not saying I am 100% against "some" saturated fat being okay in our diet, but regarding those studies, isn't it possible that the negative outcomes were due to the fact that they were substituting with corn and soybean oil? If you took those same studies and instead used a high quality EVOO, I don't think we would have seen the same results with heart attack/mortality risk rising. Curious about your thoughts on that...

KJ - 13.09.2023 22:03

Saturated fat is good from meats… clueless video.

bj morgan
bj morgan - 11.09.2023 07:19

I have been told to cut out saturated fat. I am on a statin. My cholesterol goes through the roof when I eat saturated fat. BUT I don't cut out carbs. I am now wondering if I cut out carbs, eat saturated fat and do a LDL particle size test what will it show. 🤔

некий Фелипин
некий Фелипин - 10.09.2023 06:28

Hello doctor, is it good to cook with pork fat? Many doctors are recommending it. I would like to know your opinion. thank you

Karl Schmied
Karl Schmied - 09.09.2023 12:11

I hate that deedledoodelydoo music and the optical chaos. It does not support my attention.

tutacat - 05.09.2023 12:44

Actually smoke point is useless in determining oxidation. Olive oil only oxidates at a higher rate at a temperature above the smoke point. Olive is actually more resistant to heat.

tutacat - 05.09.2023 12:37

Unsaturated fats aren't inherently bad. You need the right balance.

James - 04.09.2023 18:41

What are considered "Added sugars"? You mention that adults should not have more than 25g of "added sugars." Does this mean fruit, honey, or are you talking about table sugar?

Steph X
Steph X - 02.09.2023 18:00

Fiber (inuline and propionate) is converted into these saturated fatty acids tho. So you dont need to do dairy, you could eat fiber. Both work

Tran Nga
Tran Nga - 29.08.2023 09:45

my best Cardiologist told me do not do sat fat. I ask him trans fat, he said not good. Then what is trans fat, he said those fat from cake, cream, mayonnaise.... But he said canola oil is healthy oil. What about olive oil, he said good. egg is not good because too much cholesterol.. But I still eat egg and sat fat from animal fat and olive oil. No veggies oil, no seed oil, no sugar added food, no processed food and I feel good. I never see him for long time now. I feel better with low carb diet plus intermittent fasting. I try 16/8 TMAD. If you can do one meal a day for 3 months, get healthy then do two meal a day with 16/8, that is how to maintain your health.

GAMING WITH GOLEM - 17.08.2023 15:26

Sir It will be really great if you make another video about saturated fat by the letest research report...😊😊😊😊

Felix Da Kat
Felix Da Kat - 17.08.2023 07:57

Here is the hierarchy when it come to sources of fats and proteins for the proper human diet…..
Beef, pork, chicken, fish or anything under the sea.
Fats/oils ……
Beef tallow, Pig Lard, Real butter.
Everything other than this is inferior and foreign to the human body and the body responds with inflammation and a series of catastrophic effects over your life time.
That is why stroke and heart attack rates will continue to rise as they have been for decades.
Saturated fat is your friend not your enemy
once you become
“fat adapted” instead of being “carb adapted”which is what the majority of the population is. Goggle
“How to become fat adapted”and learn for yourself.

kuba kielbasa
kuba kielbasa - 16.08.2023 16:39

People had to dig up the Minnesota coronary study.

kuba kielbasa
kuba kielbasa - 16.08.2023 16:33

LDL isn't bad. Look at the minnesota coronary study. Unsaturated fats did decrease cholesterol, but increased overall mortality.

kuba kielbasa
kuba kielbasa - 16.08.2023 16:31

But at least the AHA didn't delete my comments.

kuba kielbasa
kuba kielbasa - 16.08.2023 16:27

I asked the AHA how we became so fat, is it because of trans fats and industrial seed oils. They ignored me.

Charlotte Barkley
Charlotte Barkley - 15.08.2023 23:51

I still have no idea what foods to eat or to avoid to reduce LDL

Wilson T
Wilson T - 14.08.2023 10:38

There is certainly no way that PUFA can be healthier than good saturated fats like the coconut.
