No-Dig Gardening for Beginners: Step-by-Step Guide with Cardboard and Compost

No-Dig Gardening for Beginners: Step-by-Step Guide with Cardboard and Compost

Charles Dowding

4 года назад

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Linda Sands
Linda Sands - 09.10.2023 14:53

I've been putting down a mixture of compost & fertilizer before the cardboard, as the soil is quite depleted. Then making a small hole in the cardboard where I put the plant. I cover this with more compost & a generous amount of mulch and then bird netting.
It's a bit different to your method but I'm building up the soil. I absolutely have to use netting. It holds down the mulch and covers the plants so the birds can't dig them up - which they do if there's no netting.

April - 09.10.2023 02:33

Can I use wooden shavings from my local timber merchants instead of prepackaged woodchip to mulch with after adding top soil as per your video

angus november
angus november - 08.10.2023 19:55

After watching this video a few times I'm finally making my own mini no dig bed. thank you Charles ❤

Nicola Cockett
Nicola Cockett - 04.10.2023 09:11

Oh I wish that I had known these things when I had my allotment years ago: we had couche grass and it was awful........

Chopsticks for legs
Chopsticks for legs - 03.10.2023 16:25

How do you feel about bokashi

Karen Y Hogan
Karen Y Hogan - 02.10.2023 21:08

We just bought property next door that is cleared and I want to try to grow a friendly renewing carbon garden bed...I live by the Ocean in Washington, State. Mostly forested lands but in our little city we have small garden beds. But I miss growing in nature with the natural effects of plant life from natural plants and detreating material. Thank you for this class for my growing, I am 76 going on 77 and been gardening since I was 11. Came from Farming families that settled this country.

Teri Power
Teri Power - 01.10.2023 19:12

What about sawdust in place of wood chip for paths…

Richard Wilson
Richard Wilson - 29.09.2023 20:31

It really does not work if you have mares tail or bindweed. Or deep taproots of nettles etc. tried this and it’s utter rubbish.

Miriam Palacios
Miriam Palacios - 26.09.2023 13:55

Greetings. I want to start a few beds follow-through no dig method. Question.....I have horse manure mixed with the ground soil and I wanted to mix that with equal parts ..planting soil
????? Would that be a good soil?

ML M - 25.09.2023 02:53

Thank you for showing how.easy it can be. I'm.currently struggling finding enough materials to.layer m6 lasagna garden. If I had all my compost ready this.would be ideal. By next year I'll be ready though. Thank you!

sally scanlan
sally scanlan - 24.09.2023 15:48

One of my favourite things to say to kids/adults is clean soil is the best to play in!
I lived in the heart of a big city, and loved taking my kids out to the countryside and let them get dirty and play. I know that smell of clean fresh dirt was so healthy! 💛
I love your vlogs thank you, now I live in the countryside and growing real food the no dig way thank you 💛

Carolyn Harper
Carolyn Harper - 22.09.2023 01:34

Thank you for this because we actually get to see how much compost is needed in order to to your planting.

Kody Monroe
Kody Monroe - 21.09.2023 16:23

Well done video thank you

Amba La Bamba
Amba La Bamba - 21.09.2023 04:35

A co ze ślimakami nagimi?
One rozmnażają się pod takimi kartonami,kamieniami i wszystkim co się da.

Kip Wylie
Kip Wylie - 19.09.2023 18:19

I'm just starting this project extensively preparing for Spring 2024 on a yard covered in weeds. I found that car auto-body shops have huge amounts of the best big sheets of clean cardboard

Нина Никулина
Нина Никулина - 18.09.2023 19:53

Ex scapegoat Powerful healer
Ex scapegoat Powerful healer - 17.09.2023 09:12

Trying my luck at sharing something you might not know, Charles.
The dandelion is completely edible.roots, leaves, younger are not chewy & flowers.
Off grid with Doug & Stacy.
Taught me that.

Michael Whaley
Michael Whaley - 15.09.2023 06:11

Interesting video, a couple of questions though : 1) Re potato growing, how do the roots grow down if they are on a bed of cardboard and 2, re using compost, other gardeners say that doing so just burns the plant roots.

sam sam
sam sam - 07.09.2023 22:42

Can we use black cow manure and compost on top of cardboard which i will put on 1 yr old raised garden bed. Thank you

BrainBuG1981 - 06.09.2023 13:07

Hello Charles, love your video's! I have two questions maybe you can answer. After a few years of waiting i finally got an allotment. A quite big one also i might say (320 m2). On 2 parts there is a lot of couch grass growing. Long white roots that go quite deep. Since i don't have acces to big amounts of compost at the moment i tried digging it out but as you mentioned that is nog working quite that well :)

Question one: Besides making your own i see you bring in external compost. Our city gives out free compost twice a year but it contains a lot of plastic and apparently (was in the news last year) also heavy metals, PFAS and other harmfull stuff. How do you check the quality of your compost?

Question two: In our allotment it's all old school diggers. They don't use cardboard in their compost coz they say the glue it contains is a chemical one. Plus it's made of recycled paper which also contains ink and other substances. How do you feel about that, since you use it a lot?

I'd love to be self sustaining, but can't make enough compost myself as of now.
Sorry.. lot of tekst..

Tom - 04.09.2023 14:57

Hey Charles, what type of boots are you wearing there? I’m looking for a more barefoot style gum boot and yours looks like they don’t have a heal which is a good thing 👍

Darlene Swetz
Darlene Swetz - 03.09.2023 07:04

My soil has no worms. Lots of cedar trees not sure what to do

SQUASH DUOS - 28.08.2023 02:33

Please show a no dig for a steep sloping back yard please! Thank you in advance!

Donna Vorce
Donna Vorce - 27.08.2023 20:21

Just try this. Once you get the hang of it you'll not want to go back. Start small.
For me the tricky part is getting clean mulch in enough quantity to do the job.
I get huge cardboard sheets FREE from body shops. (They get giant pieces shipped to them when they order car doors, tailgates, etc. )

Sylvia Wuttrich
Sylvia Wuttrich - 26.08.2023 12:23

Thank you for really demonstrating th why and how of no dig. I now feel a little foolish for digging my garden for so long.
The one bit of information I have been unable to find. How to deal with my very well dug 15 year old beds. I was thinking of walking on the soil to push it down but iam worried that I will do more harm. I have lots of worms which come for the sugar cane mulch we use to protect the soil. I am in southern Australia and have hot summer and cool winter.

Charlotte Laughton
Charlotte Laughton - 23.08.2023 22:34

Thank you for actually making a bed for us! If I’m planting a perennial bed do you just make the hole through the cardboard? I would not be planting seeds or small plants so the root ball will be larger

Liz Cirelli
Liz Cirelli - 23.08.2023 21:45

Hey Charles! Thank you so much for your wonderful channel - I find your videos so helpful and you are a delight :) I would love to get a no-dig veg garden going in a flat plot that's about 150m2, in Puglia, southern Italy. I'd like to make it as simple as possible, but we get some pretty heavy monsoon-like rain storms here and I was wondering...if the no dig plots don't have borders around them to contain the compost, won't the compost be washed away? Also, would borderless plots work if I wanted to put irrigation pipes in?

Stephanie Platt
Stephanie Platt - 21.08.2023 01:33

Keep in mind this is not organic .

Jinty C
Jinty C - 21.08.2023 00:51

Can i plant flowers rather than veg etc? thank you :)

Eddy - 15.08.2023 18:32

I’m so glad I met this channel. Super guy, immensely knowledgeable.

i8coolbeans B
i8coolbeans B - 15.08.2023 05:02

Great video !! Should I also add wood chips on seedlings planted like carrots, beets, and Scallions??

Vision 20/20
Vision 20/20 - 15.08.2023 00:10

Any advice on stopping morning glory from strangling my plants, please? Thank you.

Caroline Thord-Gray
Caroline Thord-Gray - 14.08.2023 19:43

my issue is dealing with kukuyu, kweek and knee high weeds, currently have it covered with black plastic to try get it down. Would it be better to cover it with green garden waste and then cardboard?

Joyce E
Joyce E - 11.08.2023 05:03

Thank you so much, Charles!

Kateřina Štruncová
Kateřina Štruncová - 10.08.2023 08:44

We have raised beds in our community garden. Would you say it is better not to use them?

Clare - 09.08.2023 21:57

Two words... Thank you 😊

RB S - 09.08.2023 21:28

Another Golden Video. Thank you.

spockgb27 - 09.08.2023 08:47

Just discovered you through Richard Vogues channel. As a thankyou, heres a little tip for getting up single weeds. Leave the trowel behind and use an old, 2 pronged meat fork. Works wonders. (y)

Tanner Matodes
Tanner Matodes - 07.08.2023 01:36

I stay in the city of Cape Town, I only have concrete outside my apartment. Would it be possible for me to lay cardboard down on concrete and do this?

He Bo
He Bo - 05.08.2023 11:13

will cardboard keep blackberries from coming back up?

george standen
george standen - 02.08.2023 21:05

Hi Charles! Your videos are great! A question - do you think you could put fresh wood chip over cardboard around plots? I have grass in between my beds and I would prefer not to! Thanks 😊

Susan Bedard
Susan Bedard - 31.07.2023 15:43

If I used cardboard and over top put a mulch of blk bark it's a attempt to get rid of my weenie grass. I would not plant anything this year. Grass needs a good watering to keep it looking good. Then mowing. TOOO MUCH, TOO MUCH. Guess I'm not a fan of mowing. Would this be good?

Jeanne Amato
Jeanne Amato - 31.07.2023 15:16


vintagelady - 28.07.2023 13:23

I would only use carpet for the paths & in areas where I'm making an ornamental garden. Carpet decomposes quite slowly & is definitely not food-safe, being full of chemicals & plastics, tho I suppose a jute rug might be OK. I had about 2000 square feet of carpet pulled up & cut in strips to place around the perimeter of my house---makes mowing much easier. It does sort of rot & tear eventually &, as I didn't put compost or wood chips over it, the weeds grew thru very quickly---it is more porous than cardboard. However, it was quite easy to pull them out. I am planning to use this method to kill weeds & make a flower garden---got to do something with all those Amazon boxes!

Ian Moore
Ian Moore - 23.07.2023 23:27

Hi Charles, thank you for your videos. I have a small garden allotment and I am hoping to use some land that has been neglected for years. I have cut back various brambles, nettles etc and have been contemplating what to do next. Do you think this approach would be suitable over cut back brambles etc? Or am I best to try another approach? Thank you so much.

Grace Akendo
Grace Akendo - 23.07.2023 08:51

Does anyone know if no dig works in areas with a lot of termites? The cardboards would be gone in 3 days where I live as they happen to be very aggressive.

Carroline Newton Isaac
Carroline Newton Isaac - 21.07.2023 02:27

I have a no dip organic garden. I’m bless

fiona mcormac
fiona mcormac - 20.07.2023 22:01

New to your channel Charles. I've had an allotment for a few years now .weeding is such a time consuming way ...i.will start small as I remove produce.i can..take the weeds out.. add card board .making my own compost.....I'm in north london..cheers..x

Shaz Soo
Shaz Soo - 18.07.2023 11:06

the unknown king charles :D

Naseer Omran
Naseer Omran - 13.07.2023 09:09

Im trying the no dig methode gardening for the first time this year with 2 layers of potatoes. Its a succes, they all came up, its an easy and effective methode safing me time, effort and space..!
