girl in red - we fell in love in october (Lyrics)

girl in red - we fell in love in october (Lyrics)

Dan Music

1 год назад

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leelixwa - 23.09.2023 16:11

This is one of the Best song I've ever heard in my whole life

Crazy hamster
Crazy hamster - 23.09.2023 03:13

We fell in love in September 4th and broke up in September 20 XD (we stayed as friends and 2 days later it was his birthday)

Kenza Fdhila
Kenza Fdhila - 22.09.2023 22:41

Ashmiha - 21.09.2023 21:37

We fell in love in September .

Pink Troopers
Pink Troopers - 20.09.2023 23:29

Like this so I can always remember this song 💓

0ILxveYou0 - 20.09.2023 21:07

my ex gf wrote a version of this song where it described us,I still have it to this day,it's well kept,and when I feel sad I re-read it,and it brings me so much happiness to finally be able to hear this song without bursting into tears
the "at least I know I am here to stay" and "you will be my world" are literally the best lyrics for me,
we met a random day online,and never saw each other in real life,but when I met her I was deadly sick,I didn't have much chance to get through the sickness,and my mental state wasn't helping it,but thanks to her I made it through,I stopped smoking,I stopped drinking,stopped cutting for a long time,and for a month or so,everything was fine,but one day I went to the hospital for a check-up,then they announced my pregnancy,I don't remember exactly when or how they knew it,but I remember checking every single think I could to make sure it was real.
I didn't want a baby,I always wanted one but not now,I "was" just too young and my life wasn't great to have a child,but as soon as they realized it it was too late,I couldn't abort,so I "had" to keep the baby,and my ex helped me to get along with myself through this hard part,and about a month later,she met one of my online friends (that I considered as a sister),and then one week later,she announced that she fell in love with her.
I tried as hard as I could to be fine,to tell her it was alright,that I wished them the best,but deep inside I know that I'll never get over it.
They both are the reason I'm still alive at that time,the reason I can still smile,but they "betrayed" me,and I'll never get over it because I know that my ex was the woman I loved the most in the entire world.
Now,I'm 8months pregnant and the baby will be born in less than four weeks.
Even though I wish them the best,I secretly hoped I could raise this baby with my ex,but two days ago,she told me,words for words : "I didn't "leave" you for her
I thought that everything became impossible"
and that broke my heart even more,because before she told me she loved my friend,I tried my best to still talk to her,but my mental state was just becoming lower and lower every single hour,and I knew that I never was the best girlfriend,not even the best friend,but I swear I tried my hardest to at least be a cool person,but that didn't work.
Now I'm gonna be a single mother,without anyone to talk to,and with suicidal thoughts.
Although,I know I shouldn't keep the baby if I'm suicidal,but now I don't think I could live without "it".
I feel like it's the only "thing" I could live for,and I'm so scared to loose "it".

Anyways,if you read all this,congrats and thanks 'cause that probably were the dumbest comment you've read in all your life lol

*Edit : yesterday night,she told me that she wrote kind of a small journal,and she showed me one text she wrote,and damn I never cried that much.
( :
Sweetheart, you know today I went to my friend's little sister's very last fair (useless info but tkt), idk why but I was really not well lol, silent on the way, not comfortable,yet I was ok with my friends, between us.
But by the time the kids got to the show, they turned on the music and started dancing.
And then I don't know why but all this life, all this joy that was moving, it made me think of you.
You might find it stupid or weird but at that moment, without realizing it, you made me happy, well above all you cured my anxiety attack lol, because all of a sudden I smiled (like really like an idiot in a vacuum but shush), I imagined you and me in the middle of the room, and you in my arms, I'm holding you tight kitten, alone, and it was so much so that my heart stopped tightening like that.
Yet 5 seconds ago I couldn't breathe.But there you were.
And I swear to you, I was cooking like a sticky maggot larva browned in the pan on its sliced spinach.
It was already 35°C there and all the crowd and this noise eh.
In short, I clung to you, because I know that we are far away but that even without your words I feel safe, so I know that in your arms I would still be infinitely safe.
I love dreaming that I'm in your arms so much when it's not at all the time to think about that (that way I blush in class yum) in fact it makes me even happier to get lost with you in my thoughts.
It happens to me so often that people ask me all the time why I smile without anything around me that could do that to me.
In the end I always answer the same thing: what surrounds me.
And if I were near you, what would surround me would be your arms. )

It's so cute,and brings me so much happiness to be able to read this,but as I finished reading it,I bursted into tears and had to wait hours to respond to her.
She's a blessing,an angel,the person you want to have in your life,she looks so innocent yet she seems able to help you with everything and anything,and for that I'll always thanks her.

*edit 2 : (more lol)
we kinda argued yersterday,she told me she wasn't fine,and when I asked her why,she told me she didn't wanted to talk,and that she was fine.
But since I didn't believe her,I told her to at least talk about it with someone,not even with me,just someone she trusted.
But she told me she needed to leave,no "good night" or "sleep well" or anything she says before leaving,just "anyways,gtg"
and that broke my heart,because I feel like I said the shittiest thing,and she might be mad about it
the last text I sent was 11hours ago,almost 12,and that might seem dramatic,but it scares me a lot
she haven't been online since,and didn't open any of my messages,and normally she answer at the second or maximul 5 to 7 hours later,and I'm not sure why,but I feel like there's really something wrong right now

*Edit 3 (omg I'm so sorry)
she finally answered after 23hours.
just to say "Now I'm fine".
I don't even know what to say,I know she's lying,and she told me twice that she wouldn't say if she was feeling bad
So now I just feel like a dumb bitch trying to act like nothing's wrong because I can't force her to say what's wrong,'cause she'll always find another lie to catch me in.
So yeah,I don't know what to do lol

Also,if you need to talk,I'm always here!

dilba (taylor's version)
dilba (taylor's version) - 20.09.2023 18:20

This song is feel like a great summer is end. Only thing you have is memories

Lxnz - 20.09.2023 11:36

i fell in love with my girlfriend literally on october and unexpectedly it was my bday too

Jaci silva Meire
Jaci silva Meire - 19.09.2023 22:04

Amo essa música! Muito incrível! 🇧🇷

Jaci silva Meire
Jaci silva Meire - 19.09.2023 22:04

Eu amo a vibe dessa música! 🇧🇷

F3ry🌟 - 19.09.2023 19:48

que buena canción boludo me a echó llorar

Adam Al
Adam Al - 17.09.2023 22:32

I have no girlfriend, and I don’t plan to have one because I’m of my faith. But this song is lit 🔥

Cherrell - 16.09.2023 23:42

met in september , immediately fell for him , got to October of 2019 and i knew i was inlove ❤

merelin juarez
merelin juarez - 16.09.2023 22:44

A boy dedicated this song to me cuz we met in October and now we’ve been together for a year🥹🥹❤️

Jessa who loves God
Jessa who loves God - 16.09.2023 10:06

Don't forget about God pls. God loves y'all very very much and He wants to SAVE You. But it's our choice to follow Him or not. Come to Him in faith and in full submission, before it's too late. God will fix you, you just gotta stay faithful and to have the will to be renewed. Let us love God, not just in words or feelings, but also in deeds.

Let's pray:
Dearest and most High and loving Heavenly Father, Let Your will be done, Your kingdom come, Your name be exalted. Help us Jehovah God to glorify You in all our ways. Help us God to worship You day and night. Thank You God for this day, for everything, for Your patience, for Your kindness, for Your goodness, For Your mercy, for Your love and for everything You've done. I acknowledge that I am a sinner and that I would like to ask You for forgiveness. I am aware that You sent Your OWN Son, Jesus Christ, a perfect lamb without sin or mistakes, to SUFFER for our sins. Jesus Christ, I accept You into my heart as my Lord and Savior. I repent. Thank You so much Jesus. And Jehovah, please fix us, heal us, help us, teach us, guide us, lead us, correct us, cleanse us, restore us, and renew us. I accept You into my life, Jehovah. I surrender and I subject to You. Make me Your disciple, Your child, Your servant, and Your slave. Thank You God for hearing my prayer. In JESUS' MIGHTY NAME I PRAY. Amen

Kylie S
Kylie S - 14.09.2023 08:18

I was all happy singing this just now, until i realized that my ex asked me out in october...ruined the whole damn mood fr 😭😭

stargirl - 14.09.2023 06:05

I miss 2019

Karma Sonam Dechen
Karma Sonam Dechen - 13.09.2023 11:02

I like you so much but u make me sooo sadd. Only u on my mind

Jazlyn - 13.09.2023 05:45

This song got me feeling mixed emotions I love it ❤

Total drama 🤭
Total drama 🤭 - 12.09.2023 07:51

We met during the start of October, I caught feeling at the start of December. I confused January he didn’t like me😢

Shaik Taham
Shaik Taham - 12.09.2023 07:25

I fell in love in October
Got rejected in November
Got in depression in december
Still has feelings in January
Lonely in February....

ruben López
ruben López - 11.09.2023 19:15


someone - 11.09.2023 14:44

He realized he had feeling for me on actober and confessed to me but I was confused I just wanted us to be good friends so I rejected him and now I am regretting it.Thought it would be best to reject him because normally teenage relationship doesn't last long and if we broke up we would no longer be friends but now even though we weren't in a relationship still things got messy and we stopped talking. Now I am realizing how much he loved he and I also had feeling for him

j - 11.09.2023 00:10

i liked him for 3 years when he suddenly started liking me back in september. we talked all through october and started dating in november. now, we’ve lasted nearly an entire year, it passed by WAY too fast

Solarguy - 10.09.2023 17:03

As a guy with a very strong feminine side, this song really resonated with me. I shared it with my fiancee from 50 years ago. She likes it too!

Aryan B
Aryan B - 10.09.2023 15:08

Keep reminding of my this song 👇🏻

Zervos Dimitris
Zervos Dimitris - 10.09.2023 11:34

September... Close, but no.... Still love this song! ❤

Augusto Farrales
Augusto Farrales - 10.09.2023 10:47

we fell in love in october but suddenly in january admiring you from afar

Mr. Beet
Mr. Beet - 10.09.2023 04:24

This song reminds me of the feeling of people telling me no matter how much girls break my heart, there’s that one out there for me and will enjoy me for me

Kade._luvvPlays - 09.09.2023 12:26

this but i dont have a crush on her and we met in september😃

SONIA Herrera
SONIA Herrera - 08.09.2023 02:18


Tasnim Jahan
Tasnim Jahan - 07.09.2023 23:43

fell in love in October
and also lost him in October

Nfl clips
Nfl clips - 06.09.2023 23:47

I wish

RaeRae - 06.09.2023 05:41

We didn't fall inlove in October I fell in love on November but this song will always remind me of him this is gonna be so hard to forget him.. but I'm doing this for our own good I need to learn how to change myself and get rid of my burden I carry and hope that eventually we'll fall in love again we just need time... I hope he can forgive me for what I did.. I'm gonna learn my past mistakes... I broke up with my darling today just hope it'll get better for us one day.. ❤️‍🩹

Birb_Boi - 04.09.2023 21:37

we fell in love in April…

DaddyLongLegs - 04.09.2023 17:29

We fell in love in October and fell out of it in January hoping for this year tho 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽

lddyyyhhh - 02.09.2023 11:43

i fell inlove in october
thats why
i love fall
looking at your smile
admiring from afar

Dave Grohl is Beautiful
Dave Grohl is Beautiful - 01.09.2023 22:24

Bitches born in October are Beautiful. 👍🏼

fannykurt - 01.09.2023 12:46

This song ackkk😭💗

I'm here
I'm here - 01.09.2023 05:17

We just got together💕 me and my girl best friend


Khaliifah Daniel Aqasyah Muhammad (Northbrooks)
Khaliifah Daniel Aqasyah Muhammad (Northbrooks) - 31.08.2023 10:20

This song remind me of my ex😔

Prince's Ray
Prince's Ray - 28.08.2023 09:04

My girl >3

tier o rest
tier o rest - 26.08.2023 11:59


Mary Anne Barcelon
Mary Anne Barcelon - 26.08.2023 11:06


Samira Alnasser
Samira Alnasser - 23.08.2023 19:39

we can’t stop putting this song❤❤

Amala vaidya
Amala vaidya - 23.08.2023 15:43

Beautiful SONG

—ᴀʟᴛʜᴇᴀxʟᴏᴍʟ 𖤐 !!
—ᴀʟᴛʜᴇᴀxʟᴏᴍʟ 𖤐 !! - 23.08.2023 14:53

The best song ever for this year of mine. I love it !! 🦋

This song will forever remain my favorite. 💗
