新疆維吾爾人:中國,我的孩子在哪裏?- BBC News 中文

新疆維吾爾人:中國,我的孩子在哪裏?- BBC News 中文

BBC News 中文

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tmp 2006
tmp 2006 - 05.11.2023 07:47


neige - 01.11.2023 13:30


Xu Su
Xu Su - 01.11.2023 05:50


Mahmut Korkmazer
Mahmut Korkmazer - 30.10.2023 22:06


台巴子弯弯loser - 27.10.2023 12:37


醉今朝 - 24.10.2023 09:44


Qx2710 - 15.10.2023 19:44


习近平 - 14.10.2023 20:26


pei - 10.10.2023 00:26


Sky Lee
Sky Lee - 09.10.2023 08:43

基本都是暴恐和民族分裂分子 不值得同情 中国很仁慈了

tesla gisele
tesla gisele - 08.10.2023 01:44

I have lived in China for more than 20 years. No other country's government can treat ethnic minorities with the same patience and care as the Chinese government. Especially the preferential treatment policy is the envy of many Han people.

程耀暄 - 04.10.2023 21:03


包子 - 02.10.2023 16:30


Xing in China
Xing in China - 02.10.2023 06:22

严厉谴责英格兰殖民者对苏格兰和北爱尔兰的残酷殖民统治,以及英格兰殖民者在苏格兰和北爱尔兰犯下 的种族屠杀罪行,希望英格兰当局不要干涉苏格兰人民和北爱尔兰人民和平表达意见的权利

두찌 - 30.09.2023 17:22


Saturn Ring
Saturn Ring - 29.09.2023 07:49

演员请就位!!!哈哈哈。英国国籍白送我 都不要。希望你们多收这些洋奴,汉奸,垃圾。我们不留。

Ha zhi tao
Ha zhi tao - 21.09.2023 12:37

Hello, everyone! My name is Ha Zhitao, and I am of Hui ethnicity. I come from a traditional Muslim family and I am considered the first Muslim family in HUI China. My ancestors held high positions in the Qing Dynasty, including serving as military strategists and achieving top martial honors. Emperor Qian long even praised my family. My mother also comes from a traditional Muslim family, and for over 700 years, our family has had intermarriages with Muslims.
However, since 2018, China has restricted the practice of Islam, labeling it as an evil cult and associating Muslims worldwide with terrorism. My mother and I were born in Tianjin but have lived in Beijing for a long time. My mother repeatedly requested a passport to fulfill her pilgrimage to Mecca, but instead of processing her request, the authorities issued and enforced restrictive orders on both of us. These orders required us to report to the police and government officials, engage in self-reflection at specified locations, and could last from two weeks to one month. During this time, we were not allowed to work and were taught communist ideology while being pressured to renounce religious beliefs.
My mother, born in 1952, was unjustly detained for ten months from February 10, 2022. She was 70 years old at the time, and she, too, suffered mistreatment. She was imprisoned multiple times due to her devotion to Islam, as was I. I have evidence to support all these claims, including audio recordings, videos, and official documents.
I personally visited Usman Xinjiang and witnessed the Chinese Communist Party's oppression, such as promoting communism and praising President Xi Jinping within mosques. The Chinese government is accused of massacring 300,000 Uighurs in 2009, and under Chen Quanguo's leadership, nearly a million more Uyghurs were killed. Western reports on Xinjiang are already quite conservative; the situation is far worse than what they depict.
It's crucial to recognize that the Chinese Communist Party is atheistic, and its members do not acknowledge the existence of God. After the release of Falun Gong practitioners, they have the freedom to apply for passports and enjoy unrestricted liberties. However, the Chinese government classifies Falun Gong as an evil cult. What, then, is the government's stance on Islam? I urge Muslims worldwide, especially Arabs, to contemplate this.
My mother was 70 years old, never harmed anyone, and was exceptionally kind. The Chinese government labeled her as a terrorist and a threat to the nation. The circumstances of her death remain unclear. All of these events occurred in Beijing in 2023.
The Chinese government is promoting a positive image of Xinjiang and opposing Western reports. But is it genuine? The Chinese government is hostile to Islam and aims to become powerful, seize oil resources, and control our economy. In recent years, Sino-American relations have deteriorated, and the Chinese government views the United States as an enemy. They seek to rally Arabs and Muslims worldwide against the West. Can we allow ourselves to be used by the Chinese government?
If China successfully retakes Taiwan and becomes a global superpower, will they stop oppressing Arabs and Muslims worldwide? We, as Muslims, lack a strong military force. Have you not seen the fate of the Uighurs and Hui people? Have you not seen my family's tragedy? I've never been one to tell stories; everything I say is backed by evidence.
I believe that China and the United States cannot coexist peacefully in the long term. China is a political powerhouse, while the United States is an economic and military powerhouse. Politics require time and space, and in a prolonged stalemate, the United States will ultimately lose. We have a historical example from 80 years ago when the Chinese Communist Party defeated Chiang Kai-shek. President Biden, you can inquire about how the Communist Party managed to win. If the United States fails, Islam and Muslims worldwide will face slaughter.
Some may ask on what basis I make these claims. I say to the world, first, I have evidence, and second, I am well-versed in Chinese culture. I have studied Chinese culture for decades and have knowledge of Chinese history, including the various schools of thought during the Warring States period, such as Confucianism, Legalism, School of Diplomacy, School of Military, and Mohism. I also have some knowledge of the history of the Communist Party.
However, I come from a traditional Muslim family, and I am Hui. I understand that the core of Chinese culture is based on loyalty and filial piety. Many Muslims have betrayed their religion and grown closer to the Chinese government. What will be your fate if you betray your religion and your people? Can Chinese culture accommodate those who are disloyal? Remember, in China, being unfilial is synonymous with being disloyal.
Many people are swayed by economic gains and betray their religion and ethnicity. Once the Chinese government no longer needs them, they will be killed because they have shown a willingness to betray their beliefs for money. With the exception of the Han ethnic group, all other ethnicities in the world are minorities in China. The Chinese government cannot tolerate Uighurs, Hui, Tibetans, etc. They have different skin colors, dietary habits, and beliefs than the Chinese. When the Chinese government becomes powerful, can we survive?
I repeat, I have evidence to support my claims, and I have a deep understanding of Chinese culture and history. I welcome discussions with friends from around the world. In particular, I would like the opportunity to debate with China's Foreign Minister Wang Yi, the master of deception, to determine whether he, as a Communist Party member, understands his own culture or if I, as a Muslim, understand Chinese culture better.

朱澍翰 - 18.09.2023 19:00

Come to China and see by yourself, what BBC eported is not completely true.

Wd Z
Wd Z - 18.09.2023 17:48


Alexander Joy
Alexander Joy - 18.09.2023 16:52

