Dirty Driving In Gran Turismo 7 Has Reached Epidemic Levels (Here's Why)

Dirty Driving In Gran Turismo 7 Has Reached Epidemic Levels (Here's Why)


1 год назад

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Max - 10.09.2023 08:28

🤔 This video is ten months old. If Kimi hasnt been booted by now, then tell me who has been? He has been featured on every major GT7 platform and yet here he is alive and well in the present day 😕

CrabbySchadow - 10.09.2023 03:26

Id say they should have both the iracing damage model and incident system. That'll make them think otherwise

Nicolas Celis
Nicolas Celis - 01.09.2023 00:36

Here Kimi obviously goes off track and shorts some turns in order to gain seconds against people in front so he catches up quickly while those cars in front are actually racing within white lines. So a good penalty, and I've seen this in other racing games, is just reduce the speed of players who cut corners, it's like 2 or 3 seconds where the dirty driver goes slower than the rest of the lobby. But a game allowing the player to technically create a shorter track to gain time is quite ridiculous.

Master Mirror
Master Mirror - 30.08.2023 14:44

Lmao what a sad little man that Kimi dude is. Holy crap. Even him potentially being a child, it shouldn't be possible, at least in that mode, to drive like that and not receive any sort of punishment.

I hate people who are like this. It's just so pathetic. Imagine how sad of a person you are if the only way you get your dose of fun out of a game is by ruining the experience for others.

Kimi isn't any better than some douchebag aimbotting in an FPS game. Ruins the fun for everyone who wants to play fair.

ROSEsimRACING - 30.08.2023 04:00

I think someone needs to find out who he actually is and release his address and or phone number! 100 bucks says it would stop immediately if he knew people knew where he lived!

ROSEsimRACING - 30.08.2023 03:57

Its so sad but it has everything to do with young generations of kids being spoon fed their whole life and never told no and these kids are absolutely disgusting and by far the WORST generation of ALL TIME! Look at all the cheating that goes on console nowadays! And the sad thing is they will brag like it was them and actually think they are good! Its so pathetic. If we ever go to war and this younger generation has to be relyed on we are completely screwed. If tou are reading this and you are young like 25 and younger, just know you absolutely suck at life!

ADM BOUNCE - 14.08.2023 18:37

It's kimmis dad's fault! If he didn't bum him daily he wouldn't be so angry 😂

Shaun Summers
Shaun Summers - 02.08.2023 20:37

Came up against a French racer this week….brake checking, side swiping, punting etc etc…..only penalty he got….track limits 0.5secs. The penalty system is a joke!

Dominique Dow
Dominique Dow - 01.08.2023 16:44

I’m a reasonably racer, if I accidentally punt you off, I’ll wait for you to rejoin track and take your position ahead of me, but when I’m punted off, the other drivers just continue on like nothing happened.

GD Pelmennaya
GD Pelmennaya - 22.07.2023 01:48

In this scenario, if I see someone just punting everybody else off the track, I'll wait for a straight and just fully send them into the shadow realm, then just casually continue racing. If someone intentionally punted many people and me, sending me to last place, I will punt them and haunt them for the rest of the race, completely annihilating them. Sadly, to play online, you need ps plus, which I don't have.

Jericho Stevens
Jericho Stevens - 20.07.2023 02:23

they only get a 3 second penalty for ramming you into the grass in a corner... which will cost you the entire race...
I think I'm just going to sell the playstation 5 and go with iracing...

Jorge Pinto
Jorge Pinto - 11.07.2023 11:49

By now all drivers should just leave the lobby the moment you see Kimi V name. Let him race alone

NURBUGRING RACER - 09.07.2023 06:10

Gt sport is a better

Seth Louden
Seth Louden - 07.07.2023 06:29

Kimi is fast too I wish I could be that fast so sad

Kevlar - 30.06.2023 05:50

They could easily sort players like this out. After 10 reports you should get a 1 day ban increasing from their they have the ability to do this it’s just they choose not too

ulgn1964 - 26.06.2023 18:58

Never playing online so no problem for me.

nightmax1000 - 23.06.2023 23:15

For me, the worst part about dirty driving is that it’s a lose-lose for the victim.

If you quit: negative rating and a 10-20 min wait until the next race

If you stay: penalty and/or losing the race and negative rating in most cases

Random 1273
Random 1273 - 10.06.2023 18:31

The penalty system it’s the worse they clearly push me off the track with a big crash and don’t get penalized, i barely hit them to return the favor and I get 4 sec penalty

That Other Bloke
That Other Bloke - 07.06.2023 10:01

Just smash the w@nker everytime you see him.

haisthuilu - 01.06.2023 14:00

nail this kimi at wans

sushilager - 28.05.2023 07:27

polyphony digital need to be sued a collective lawsuit from lets say 10 000 player

MapleLoopCat - 17.05.2023 03:36

If people want to do dirty driving do it with eachother on their own lobbies

Riccardo44 - 11.05.2023 11:59

Bro, i raced with Kimi Velocini, i knew that he was dirty so I pushed him off the track and I won the race, this is the only method to win with dirty drivers

xzysyndrome - 03.05.2023 10:42

Cry me a river. Drink a beer everytime this Chad says "Dirty Driver" Then log on...and let the fun begin. At the end of the day...it is a video game...not your personal proving ground,

ATB614 - 26.04.2023 03:02

Super late comment and probably already made. But you can get bans in iRacing and it's a paid service too.

Mike - 19.04.2023 22:59

A complete master class by kimi here. This was hilarious. Well played from kimi I see nothing wrong with this. No penalties. If you can’t beat ‘em, join em. Literally kimi ran an incredible race. Ez win

ZOANOM - 11.04.2023 22:07

Absolutely miserable trying to rise into better driver ratings.

Antonio Smith
Antonio Smith - 09.04.2023 05:55

How come we are not able to report dirty racers anymore???

Roli Rivelino
Roli Rivelino - 08.04.2023 10:33

You're right Kireth, I grew up in an era of streakers, it used to happen all the time at the cricket and pretty regularly at the football. Then the TV stations had a "no show" policy and nowadays you don't really see it. Take away their oxygen and they'll disappear.

Sabrewulf Metalhead Gaming
Sabrewulf Metalhead Gaming - 01.04.2023 04:12

Great your addressing this. But very few people will come across this guy. The reason nobody is going sport, is because day 1 of your sport mode opening:

1. Open sport watch fair play video
2. Choose a daily can be up to 15 mins wait
3. Practice the lap, probably take a rental to start just to up your fair play ranking SR
4. Finally get a race
5. Get it completely ruined by others immediately.

This kimi is one guy.. at the absolute lowest level as a starter, every single car is bashing you up, spinning you off. Don't get me wrong i like a good race and strong position chasing. What I'm talking about is the entire online community just aiming and bashing ppl off the road for fun. Your right, I work hard, come home, want to race. I'm older. 3 things that will sort this:

1. Make a Demolition Derby mode for idiots.
2. Make a kick system. All others to vote cheaters off. Always worked in the past.
3. Make age based servers. I will guarantee you this is a child and teenage thing. Just make it so you can create your own servers based on age linked to your psn account with a bank account.

I'm not pulling punches. I don't care. You can be nice to that kimi, appeal to his better nature. It won't work, he don't care. He doesn't have a better nature. He never will, and now he's famous you think he gonna stop ? No chance pal. I don't care if he's paid for the game, get him banned online. He still has single player. Everyone else paid good money for this too, let's not forget that.

I can guarantee, like me, that new guys (and I don't mean new to gt series I'm 50 years old and been on gt since original PlayStation) (actually I go back to sinclair zx81) going to gt7 sport, returning fans, hoping this absolute train wreck that is gt online (since it went online years ago) hoping this nonsense is fixed, find it's worse than ever before. These guys jumping on sport in gt7 after first race are going to dump this game or go back to gt sport.

Like the joke goes on PC games 'what's the best COD game?'

Answer: all the previous cod's except the latest one, cos all the idiots have jumped ship to that, leaving the old game to be played by good gamers'

Unless Sony sort this, it's dead in the water...

Big-Muff-Pi - 29.03.2023 13:31

This sort of thing is why I don't play on line any more and won't be buying any more GT games. Dirty driving ruins the game and when it's not fun any more, why play? PD clearly don't care or they'd invest some time in producing a working penalty system that doesn't, for example, penalise people for being rammed off.

MIRRORIMAGEWORLD - 28.03.2023 06:25

He's Spanish, the other worst drivers are from Brazil...

Leo Dalkey
Leo Dalkey - 24.03.2023 07:47

I did a deep forest gr3 14 laps and it was a nightmare. Every corner from p5 all the way to last. I was killing last week but the track was much wider at maggiore reverse. I could actually let these preemies shake hands with Barry R. and win podiums doing nothing but landing a clean race.

Rengar2503 The Snowman
Rengar2503 The Snowman - 24.03.2023 01:53

Why is he not getting penalties? I get penalties just from slight bumping on someone during a normal racing for position sometimes.

Simon John Wright
Simon John Wright - 22.03.2023 14:05

A way to fix it is to have Reputation S only lobbies.

Simon John Wright
Simon John Wright - 22.03.2023 13:58

Haha love the livery. Em, if she is in the lobby can't you just leave the lobby?

Adam Dickerson
Adam Dickerson - 20.03.2023 23:18

I respect your honor and dignity Kireth and I think the game need to be stricter on this kind of driving.. I some wants to play like that just go into a player match lobby that is only driving around acting stupid anyway.. but if they want to play for real then play for real

Frank - 13.03.2023 00:54

You cant deny how skilled he is, to get to the best lobbies, then remain at the top of them while ramming everyone and slowing yourself down but still winning is hilarious haha.

Omar don't scare
Omar don't scare - 21.02.2023 04:38

This is a very typical thing in the lower levels I can't do a race without being punted or spun out. The Canadians are the worst and the Brazilians blame the americans.

Gillinghamgus - 21.02.2023 04:29

This is why I no longer play any racing games I've been done with it for 5 years I refuse to play with clowns.

Cristián Paris
Cristián Paris - 20.02.2023 19:05

Where is the penalty system? FFS, it seems to me that it was better back in 2019 on GT Sport.

Ted Malmgren
Ted Malmgren - 09.02.2023 19:05

I’d like to know where he lives and knock him out

The Rayven
The Rayven - 31.01.2023 10:05

I believe the penalties should be similar to real life racing... First they offense, drive thru... Second offense, a 5 second penalty... Third offense, a 10 second penalty... Any offenses after the third, you get parked for the rest of the race, suspended for a set number of races, and fined...

If dirty drivers get parked and fined enough, MAYBE they will learn and stop doing it...

Trump Lost LOL
Trump Lost LOL - 17.01.2023 09:08

They should start using some AIs to weed out these dirty drivers. Group the dirty drivers into the same lobby. Let them kill each other and have their own fun.

kamiel buize
kamiel buize - 31.12.2022 14:21

Maybe in real life he is a complet loser, a meaningless wurm.

Captivateitmedia - 31.12.2022 10:53

I think that after every game that happens, that the system shows all racers cars/user names to either select or not select their icons, which in turn, would inform some sort of system in truisms database, that …per say, 9 of 20 people selected a specific user, a clip of that users replay of the race gets assessed and at that point, they get banned for at minimum. A month..blocking them from joining other online lobbies, I dunno, just trying to figure out some system that allows bad dirty drivers be kicked out for a long while, and if they do it over again once they get to play again, after the 30 day block, then if it happens again, then boot them for 6 months, then a year and then directly 2 years… more punishment needs to be set in place… it’s like at a job at a company, 2 strikes and your gone…and that’s that…:) Great vid. And sad to see as always, one bad apple spoil the bunch.

consumer of stuff
consumer of stuff - 30.12.2022 03:45

I stopped playing GT7 months ago. There is no penalty system! It does not exist! I spent just over a year on GTS getting good. I managed to creep my way into the A+, then I bought GT7 and it was fine. The penalty system was strict but it worked to deter rammers and cheaters from doing what they do. Then they nurfed it to oblivion over a couple of updates to the system now where it's completely absent. I will not race on GT7 until I know I can race in a fair field of participants who are willing to act sportingly.
