Early ROH is in my eyes on par with 90s All Japan
ОтветитьSounds like someone's butthurt about Impact wrestling We need more Adam
ОтветитьLove the review, sorry to say tho I fuckin hate the filter you put on this video. It’s like watching it with 3D glasses on
ОтветитьFun fact, the "ugly af" OG ROH logo was designed by a young Joaquin Wilde
Ответитьthe pool of talent ROH had through it's history is amazing, great video guys
ОтветитьThe round-robin matches the first one also the feud Daniel Bryan vs Nigel McGuinness I was only able to find three of the matches 2 in its entirety and one clips I believe one of them was a draw but still a lot of fun to watch
ОтветитьCM Punk versus Joe was also good but could only find clips of the matches
ОтветитьOh, thank you very much for this video, Tempest!!!
ОтветитьCan feel the passion in Tempest’s voice when he’s talking about pro wrestling. Love the work brother 💙
ОтветитьYou should do the same for NxT, at least part 1. If they have a rise again, you can do part 2^^
ОтветитьYes they had great music. But good luck hearing it on those recordings
ОтветитьGreat content Temest
ОтветитьLoved this overview! I wished I'd known about RoH back in it's prime, during the WWE Cene/Batisa/Orton era I was bored to tears. Still looking back and being able to watch it now, it'd been a treat and I look forward to seeing what AEW has in store for it's next chapter.
ОтветитьI miss the wrestling channel on Sky. That’s where I first watched ROH, Japanese wrestling and shoot interviews.
ОтветитьWhat is that song played in the outro of the video? I can't place it at all
ОтветитьBecoming more and more of a Tempest fan....great content.
ОтветитьI kind of want is dislike this video just for how bad person ragged on TNA. Fudge it.
ОтветитьRing of Honor was the birthplace of so many great stars that we have today that I hope they would continue to build the stars of tomorrow.
ОтветитьWhy should we feel guilty about passion?
ОтветитьGreat video. You were a little too hard on TNA in this but great part 1 nonetheless.
TNA in the same period ( 2003-2008) had literally the best wrestling years known to the industry of any profession
Daniel Bryan looks like a boy scout, that would kick your ass, for calling him a boy scout.
ОтветитьMinor correction, but ROH had a PPV and Video On-Demand deal in 2007.
ОтветитьTNA fanboys still defending it 2 decades later...
ОтветитьEarly roh dvds are what got me back into wrestling. I would argue roh changed the business more than any indy ever including ecw
ОтветитьKind of harsh on TNA, but around 08 was their peak too. But I get it, TNA had a lot of misses.
ОтветитьCan we seriously consider renaming tempest as the dark horse of wrestletalk? Amazing voice over work man, entertaining as hell
ОтветитьWhat's with the unneeded shots at TNA? Will the IWC always be butthurt that TNA was bigger and more successful that ROH?
ОтветитьVery very great content
ОтветитьThe next one better come out tomorrow
ОтветитьI wasn’t watching wrestling at the time of ROH birth, I only know about it from watching it from a historical perspective, and lately by the talent who’ve turned up on Impact or AEW. Yet it set such a foundation for the wrestling style that drew me back in in London 2017
ОтветитьAEW should run ROH as it's own entity if they are going to hire their talent, it's already too stacked in there so many wrestlers are just in Dark or Elevation without nothing to do really... I know, ROH released their talent right after they went under so they weren't in the package so to speak and can do whatever they want, but IF they will hire them
ОтветитьCan I have storts entertainment, but actually entertaining? Like LU? No? Okay.
ОтветитьReally enjoyed part 1 and can’t wait for part 2 🥰
ОтветитьThe last time I watched an ROH match this same guy kept coming out and was in three different storylines. All I remember was that he dressed like a complete need and he wore glasses with tape in the middle of them. He didn't seem like someone who would be a wrestler. It was nothing like I ever saw in ROH before and I didn't like it.
It sort of reminded me of when ECW used to bring dolls in the ring as part of a faction. It was all very strange just as was ROH the last time I saw it.
Don't get me wrong I know ROH produced many great wrestlers. I know Rollins and Cesaro were among many who wrestled there.
Just blatantly stealing cultaholic’s stuff now huh
ОтветитьWhat is the best way to watch the first 5-10 years of ROH?
ОтветитьRoh was Broadway, WWE was Hollywood
ОтветитьI've always loved how ROH is one of the few wrestling companies not to feature the word wrestling in its name
ОтветитьWhat is the story with the final music from a coming of age 80s movie?
ОтветитьIt's kinda funny how when you actually think about it. How while TNA and ROH never reached that WCW levels of success of being #2 company. they both paved the way to the company that ultimately did, AEW.
ОтветитьSince Tempest is Canadian, I'd like to point out that in the beginning days of RoH, and the model they used, gave a rebirth of Indie (some say Backyard) Wrestling in Eastern Canada. Canada has a history of wrestling, but lacked the "Indie circuit" that the USA has. Most were located in Western Canada due to the popularity of Calgary's famous family. The RoH model and popularity inspired Eastern Canada to step up. While Toronto was famous for Sully's Gym, which pumped out Talent such as Edge and Christian and Trish Stratus, not many were able to go that route due to costs, Edge himself won free training through an essay contest. Similar to RoH, once these little feds started making money from ticket sales and DVD sales, they imported more talent to attract more fans to shows... Some even went of to WWE afterwards such as The Highlanders who cut their teeth in GLCW, PWA and NSPW for example... Probably not the best example due to their short tenure, but an example I'm personally familiar with. Imagine for a moment having a work visa to do wrestling shows, but due to the small 'circuit" barely making enough to survive on, not to mention the lack of schools to train at. Like RoH, there have been ups and downs, but compared to the time when Edge and Christian started in the 90's there are quite a few more opportunities and avenues to wrestle and train. Heck, Serena Deeb, had a seminar and show at "Santino Marella's" Kombat Arts on the weekend of April 9th. Why is this so long and why did I write it? Think of it as a "Love letter" to Tempest and those at PartsFUNknown for their love of wrestling and RoH.
ОтветитьROH was a reincarnation of ECW while TNA was WCW 2000 ROH made it possible for most of ECWs fanbase to flock to this new company
ОтветитьWhy does it look like this video is entirely in 3D
ОтветитьI can't believe the RF stuff was sooo overlooked here, because there is more drama to talk about.
ОтветитьDude, what have you got against iMPACT?
ОтветитьYou should do one on MLW
ОтветитьI remember going to an ROH show when I was 17. Didn't know ANY of the wrestlers ahead time bc all I knew was WWE. It took that ONE SHOW and I was HOOKED. I started getting ROH dvds wherever I could find them. I went from not wanting to go to the show bc I didn't know the wrestlers, to LOVING their product! Long live ROH
ОтветитьPart 1 the beginning? You're not slick bro 😂😂😂