Most Unbeatable Horror Movies

Most Unbeatable Horror Movies


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@richardcraig599 - 22.12.2023 17:00

The alien in the thing. All it takes is for it to get to the ocean then all life on earth is doomed

@fliper2011 - 20.12.2023 10:50

The scene with the reflection of the plane crossing stifler’s head was foreshadowing his death. Just noticed with your vid.

@MICHAELTUMANGDAY - 19.12.2023 18:35

Any monster that has a physical body can be killed by weapons.

@nicoleluther38 - 17.12.2023 14:26

Final destination is actually meant to be unbeatable. In the first movie some characters live but as the franchise goes on,all characters die no matter what.

@agllo317 - 12.12.2023 07:37

Theres no true way to survive the final destination movies. Even in the last one, they rnd up in the plane ride from the first one!!! So it all circles back

@almightyswizz - 12.12.2023 07:26

The ritual was an amazing haunting movie, the monster is so unconventional it gave me several nightmares

@agarfa6762 - 11.11.2023 23:00

best channel

@greghuffman3061 - 26.10.2023 02:06

guide dang it

@Emil_Stoltz - 03.10.2023 19:37

The way the monster in Bird Box gets people to look at it is so stupid. Oh, my mother or my best friend tells me to look at at it? Fuck them, bro. They can look all they want, but I don't want to die. As if someone close to you telling you to look at a creature that you know makes you kill yourself is going to make you look at it. I don't care if the president of the fucking United States told me look at it, you can miss me with that shit

@natachuuu - 13.09.2023 08:24

i really didn;t think this was going to svare me so i wenmt in full screen mode and now I regret it

@ikuvera - 12.09.2023 15:03

I love this guys voice

@ethancooper4154 - 11.09.2023 19:53

I like Matpat's analysis of Bird Box claiming that it's the rapture

@brudibeutel5413 - 03.09.2023 20:35

I just watched "it follows" and my idea to beat it.. Which wouldn't really beat it but makes you not die from it.. Fly to the other side of the world, have intercourse with someone there. Tell that person to do the same, maybe to come to your country or a neighbouring country to have intercourse there. Then fly back to your home. The person you gave the course to flies somewhere on the otehr side of the world, has intercourse there, tells the next person to do the same, etc etc.
So. Now the whatever it is has to walk slowly across the world to get to the last person. The person might evade it for a couple hours, days, weeks, months or even years but lets say the person gets killed then. Now it has to walk around half the world again to get to the next person on its list. When it eventually gets that person it has to walk half the world again.
Should you ever see it again it means everyone after you died but.. Repeat. Get a plane to a distant country and just do what you did years or decades ago.

For example. The distance between New York (USA) and Manila (Philippines) is 13,689 km. Lets say it walks for 1 kilometre every 10 minutes. That means to get from New York to Manilla it would take it 130,689 minutes or 90.75 days. That is 12,96 weeks but lets just say 13 weeks. Even if the person in Manilla doesn't give the course to another person you have 26 weeks to think about what you want to do. Or you could say every 14 weeks (Or more frequent to make sure) you return to Manilla to have intercourse with another person just to make sure, just in case it is already after you again.

@ahuman6901 - 27.08.2023 02:21

I’m glad someone else really liked the ritual!

@brettsmith5903 - 25.08.2023 15:23

It follows would be easy as hell to beat with bestiality. You just fuck a Canadian goose before they migrate. That monster would never fucking catch it.

@octopusguy5648 - 23.08.2023 03:03

The whole thing about The Ritual is that there is cell service... they could have just called when they got lost. They never even checked for cell service, just said it didn't exist

@lauren9004 - 15.08.2023 11:27


@doinmypart7417 - 13.08.2023 07:26

Bird Box was a reimagining of The Happening.

@Motionlesscapture - 11.08.2023 21:31

It follows is literally the snail, do you also get millions of dollars with the ghost?

@Jigadie96 - 09.08.2023 15:03

SMILE is also unbeatable if it spreads to you. There is almost no way to survive it and even to find out how to survive it you need to dig through classified police records. You will die from it if you don't pass the trauma onto somebody else.

@wes5619 - 08.08.2023 16:20

Cabin in the woods you couldn't survive because either you die to prevent the old gods waking or you live and they awake and destroy everyone anyway lol.

@Boinkera - 05.08.2023 10:04

so bird box is just sco-096 on steriods

@xChikyx - 02.08.2023 10:27

cabin in the woods was SO bad

@noahfym4439 - 29.07.2023 14:09

Cant believe vivarium is not in this list

@KatarnandKanos - 29.07.2023 07:48

In Final Destination, Carter didn't decide to get his death over with and then change his mind; he didn't buy into the whole "Death following after them" theory yet and was trying to prove that he was in control of his fate by putting himself directly in a fatal situation and then stepping out of it unharmed... except that second part didn't work.

@doubleasdomain8143 - 21.07.2023 11:58

For the it follows one, just become a prostitute, or have fun activity with one

@deadinthedaylight142 - 30.06.2023 05:45

Lmao when that guy flew out of the window I lol'd so hard. I was like hehe there he goes. This is why you don't trust big metal birds.

@fancykingkirby - 29.06.2023 16:17

Ultimate "It follows" survival guide: play Genshin Impact

@charlesmayfield1307 - 18.06.2023 16:32

If I got the disease from it follows, I think the most sensible thing to do is find a hooker to sleep with, seems weird but they are probably gonna quickly pass it on and whenever that next person dies, the hooker is probably gonna pass it on again before getting killed, saving me for at least until the hooker dies or retires

@eternalapostle851 - 16.06.2023 09:35

The entity from the movie “Smile” was portrayed to be unbeatable too.

@Alex1r - 16.06.2023 03:22

bro the biker from nope literally had no way of turning around and facing away from the alien because all of his limbs were broken like he was just screwed

@gotland3219 - 12.06.2023 15:22

The ritual is so good i tried to spread the word but everyone kept saying it's bad idk why

@JayBigDadyCy - 09.06.2023 20:45

Completely agree that The Ritual is underated. Great movie. Very atmospheric and tense.

@oliviertoublanc9146 - 31.05.2023 12:06

For Final Destination, you said that we only learn the necessary information only years later, but you seem to forget how the last movie ends. (No spoil)

@Arizzas - 25.05.2023 08:00

In The Ritual, the being has to manually expand the forest itself, right? Doesn't that mean if you distract it long enough, you can reach the edge of the forest and escape? I've never seen the movie but the way it was worded gave me that idea.

@siobhannicolson5566 - 22.05.2023 10:06

tbf the most recent movie in the final destination franchise is (spoilers)

a prequel to the first movie, and its not like the cast of the fifth movie were alive to inform alex and crew that they had to k!ll someone to get off deaths list. doylist explanation is that when the first movie was made, the fifth movie wasnt even a concept.

@howlowl6220 - 19.05.2023 22:09

Damn the monster in birdbox was so ugly that anyone who looked had to off themselves 💀

@cheche7068 - 08.05.2023 01:33

Hit Start dont give up on the channel make more how to beat videos

@nunyabisness1979 - 07.05.2023 06:28

actually for the most part all these are winnable. bird box: thermal goggles. cabin in the woods: slowly poisoning the subterranean gods. it fallows: trap it in cement. the ritual: burn the whole damn forest to the ground. final destination: we're all gonna die someday just sit back and hope it's quick.

@courierz9451 - 26.04.2023 22:08

I dont think there was a way to beat the final destination. The guy who give them the info ends up changing the method in a dif movie, and iirc both times they successfully pull it off and it doesn't work

@green_wire - 13.04.2023 14:51

The Endless can't be beaten!

@pleasuremeplsdaddy - 23.02.2023 03:50

Literally Just watched it follows and the ritual. In my opinion, it follows is a good movie, but cheesy. And the ritual is also very good but a little slow in the first half of the movie. Overall you should watch both.

@CyberBeep_kenshi - 03.02.2023 12:31

Cabin is hilarious

But really, they succeeded beating them worldwide, and almost in the cabin as well.

@domireil3677 - 02.02.2023 05:27

It follows would be pretty easy I reckon. Either lock its physical presence somewhere it can't get away from (trick it and encase it in concrete maybe?), or live on a nomadic basis, taking turns of living in places that are far away from each other (think Japan/Europe/America). If all else fails, give it to a prostitute early in the night - by the time she's finished working, there'll be a queue of 4-5 guys waiting, and they might very well have paid another one in the meantime. The monster won't be able to keep up with killing all her customers and the people those sleep with. Not the best solution from an ethics POV, but still effective.

@shaneglass3576 - 01.02.2023 06:49

Ain’t no way he said it follows is unbeatable 😂😂

@octopusscarecrow6848 - 31.01.2023 23:57

I'd like to think that they were Eldritch horrors that we could not comprehend and so we immediately went to killing ourselves.

As to why it does not show up on camera, because us the viewer, just as the actors in the film cannot comprehend it, neither could we.

Which is why later on in the movie some people are in a way doing the will of those evil beings, almost like a religion or a practice of sorts.

@therealcalminecrafter250 - 30.01.2023 14:25

I thought saw would be up

@AlisheR.. - 29.01.2023 19:46

So bird box entity is kind of scp 096 but you kill your self instead of scp killing u

@IstanaghVlandis - 29.01.2023 13:32

Bird Box survival = Flame and Void (The Oneness)
Final Destination Survival = Wherewithal/preparation (situational awareness)
Cabin in the Woods Survival = Guerilla warfare/bushcraft tactics
It Follows Survival = capture and exercise/purify the undead ghost. (Burying the current possessed person in hollowed ground alive is an easy win...though sloppy and immoral)
The Ritual Survival = Challenge the monster to single combat for rulership of the domain and kill it. (it has clearly created a demi plane as the rest of the world would notice a forest that grows ever larger by huge strides daily or shrinks in the same manner).

There is no monster or being that cannot be defeated, everything has a weakness or vulnerability. Omnipotence and Omniscience are possessed only by God. If an enemy is anything short of omnipotent and Omniscient simultaneously then they can be defeated.
