Sgt. Hammer A - Z | Heroes of the Storm (HotS) Gameplay

Sgt. Hammer A - Z | Heroes of the Storm (HotS) Gameplay


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@pjenner79 - 16.12.2023 16:33

This is still one of my favorite characters.. came back to play just for this character

@TheHorzabora - 06.11.2023 08:13

I looooooove that Hammer skin :-)

The problem with the Spider Mine build is it just feels like the antithesis of what I want Sgt Hammer to be - which is a huge gun with loads of damage.

I can see how it fits with the Siege/emplacement theme - but the Spider Mines are a bike thing and it just… doesn’t feel right.

It can be hi-larious when the enemy meet your mines - like Falstad did, and I can’t deny the macro PVE aspect of the build though! Just… more boom-boom?

@benjaminlear1619 - 01.09.2023 01:43

Mine build is always what I used to play years ago. This new multiple exploding mine talent just makes me want to play again.

@MrMacMan23 - 30.08.2023 06:34

That realization was really funny

@dicksonZero - 26.08.2023 07:50

So that's Siege tank maxing out on the "Siege" damage part. Even merc camps contribute to siege, so, he is just doing his job great taking the camps

@TehBacca - 25.08.2023 04:14

If you want to see another person play the mine build, watch FanHots he does it every now and then, one of his favorites for Hammer.👍

@razenburn - 17.08.2023 15:26

This game just made an old idea of mine resurface.
A vulture rider character who specialises in taking camps and being super zooms.
Thanks, now I gotta look in my "notes on things that'll never happen" folder and sigh.

@tanookiboy80 - 04.08.2023 15:31

I really love the idea of this character, switching from mobile to stationary

@somesassybrat305 - 24.07.2023 17:13

Loved the mine spec, especially with melee heavy teams as the enemy. The bane of your mines is overwatch characters though, since most of them autoattack them and destroy them pretty fast if they use attack move.

@sunshui6114 - 28.01.2023 02:40

It's even more fun when you put it on the volskaya tracks. Just a constantly revolving mines of death

@jackmann9660 - 09.09.2022 06:04

Uther evaporated dude

@ShaggyDerp - 16.08.2022 00:54

I might be the 2% that plays her... in lvl103 on Hammer and play the mines often specially versus teams with characters like kel thuzad when you cant stand around much or a varian that dives you... mines with the armor reduction is so satisfying agains tanks 🥳🧡

@NazgulGnome - 02.07.2022 03:28

High win rate plus low popularity means small sample size and inaccurate data

@aboodbyxapn8332 - 16.06.2022 01:36

The natural counter of sgt hammer is nova, butcher and stitches, that's the issue

@heraldvanyel1321 - 21.04.2022 19:23

Love to see someone else using the build I run on Hammer its so much fun and I get so much toxic comments when I run it lol 😆

@arthusii3024 - 21.04.2022 10:44

I wanna see this build on hanamura....

@Tor-Erik - 21.03.2022 13:47

Come to think of it... compare to all the large characters in Heroes of the Storm, Stg Hammer is actually quite tiny. Because she is fighting inside a tank, not out of it...kinda? Well she is somewhat during siege-mode.

@TruePirateKing12 - 27.02.2022 17:42

My god I have to try this build on hammer. That looks amazing.

@PinkMist36 - 21.02.2022 20:19

Mind tanking heroes like butcher morales and hammer require a specific mindset to really excel. You have to know everyone on a-posing team is saving cds to nuke u. Soooo play around it and recognize is something I have to constantly tell myself to do

@battlericky17 - 21.02.2022 18:40

Love these videos man

@ericchu3925 - 21.02.2022 17:19

I remember I had so much fun with mine build when it had a talent that add a push to enemy it hits. not alot ... but it mess them up so bad.. lol

@orclipse1903 - 17.02.2022 19:43

Played in QM
Played in full party
Bad quide.
: )
P.S. Hammer 70% on EU in ranked, diamond 2.

@budokai5904 - 14.02.2022 04:00

Love the content Pally!

@Piggyandsilly - 13.02.2022 02:12

wow i really need to try this build! looks so fun ♥

@jasonthompson9595 - 12.02.2022 06:47

its been 7 days and nexus is full of mine build hammers already

@fatferby9875 - 11.02.2022 03:56

I used to play hammer without using siege mode. They crippled her racecar build so bad I still hit E to siege mode because I don't know what happened

@AciDD00M - 08.02.2022 23:08

Hammer is such a strange character, her selling point is staying in siege mode dealing high damage at range, but there are so many characters that punish you for standing still that her main strength turns into her biggest weakness. That being said, an unattended hammer will melt your base in no time. She honestly needs more talent and maybe even ability revamps for her main strength to be viable. Hover siege mode comes too little too late, you are either already losing or crushing your opponent. Maybe a talent that lets you remain is siege for a second or two when you activate thrusters. A quick reposition skill or talent would come a long way.

@savevsdeath - 07.02.2022 00:43


@user-et3xn2jm1u - 07.02.2022 00:28

I love Pally's controversial HotS builds. Like Force Wall Tassadar, or Gust Falstad. No-one used those talents except Pally... until they did !

@Brick.CYN.Weather - 06.02.2022 22:11

Merc camp Hammer is nuts

@sagacity1071 - 06.02.2022 18:41

"Even the devs are sleeping on this"

What devs?

@ricoarmstrong7440 - 06.02.2022 14:06

I remember in one of the other A - Z when you said you had to prepare for Srgt Hammers.

Great Progress.

@Dramalama456 - 06.02.2022 13:25

i love it pally i cant get enough of ur merc camp taking. ur vibe about it is soothing i dont want to stop watching u do it.

@Alkerae - 06.02.2022 12:24

I expected a sad video of how bad it feels to play one of my favorite characters in the game, and instead I learned that she can also do one of my favorite jobs in the game. Neat!

@jessexaadus5782 - 06.02.2022 08:05

Hey Pally, i've been struggling with headaches, bitterness, and headaches, and you genuinly melted away my bad attitude and relinquished my headache. you are such a gift to this world, funny positive, caring, optomistic, joyful, honest, intelligent, helpful, and a good heart.

@ikkiville - 06.02.2022 05:32

As a Hammer main I'm almost saddened that you are sharing my go to build to the world. It always felt like my little secret. <3 Though I prefer the Malstrom rounds at one.

@IrvSauce - 06.02.2022 03:14

Me before this video: "There is absolutely no way Pally is going to try to justify making this one about taking camps too"

He can't keep getting away with this

@doolterjr3318 - 06.02.2022 01:54

Absolutely love your content pally, always keeping positive and happy, even inspiring me to drop some bad habits and things. You're such a great content creator and you really deserve more attention then you get considering all the things you and your community have done. Wish I can tune into your streams more but my schedule is wack.

Also Blastoise when?

@sylvias1546 - 06.02.2022 01:45

This looks so much fun! Hats off to your team as well 👌

@wraithflaire1639 - 05.02.2022 23:23

I knew of hammers wave clear for years.

@wraithflaire1639 - 05.02.2022 23:18

Finally pally I've been waiting years for you to notice the benefits of the napalm strike. As you have discovered it has amazing utility. It has good wave clear, it's has good old fashion constant damage, is great for zoning, good for covering retreats and last but not least provides Sgt Hammer with the ability to utilize poke damage.

@bboysmalltown666 - 05.02.2022 22:18

Mines galore

@tasty_boy1905 - 05.02.2022 20:09

Okay for sure the most I laughed in some time at Pally vid. SO DAM GOOD PALLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

@noobgravelgal - 05.02.2022 18:57

Pally! The whole video I was screaming at you to click the lightwell lol! Kudos to that Anduin player as there was a lightwell down whenever someone got low.
