Detransitioning: She Regrets Transitioning From Female to Male

Detransitioning: She Regrets Transitioning From Female to Male

Dr. Phil

1 год назад

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NeeNee B.
NeeNee B. - 16.10.2023 11:05

I wish they would find a way to reverse what the testosterone does to a woman's voice smh

Kamye Price
Kamye Price - 16.10.2023 01:56

My personal perspective is that transgenderism started in media like the little mermaid and that this phenomenon is the culmination of imbalanced masculine and feminine energies and unintegrated shadows. It’s the literal embodiment of the shadow marrying the anima or animus and I don’t support it. I think it’s polluting humanity and individuals and it’s enabling temporary body dysmorphia and confusion about gender roles bc of misguided social movements. We are not our thoughts or our feelings and I personally think it’s abusive to enable them just because we want to be nice and not challenge their insecurities and go along w the status quo of a degenerating culture. I won’t pretend to accept it or walk on egg shells around it. Young people are the products of their environment. The war on masculinity helped create this incredible imbalance.

Janet Smith
Janet Smith - 15.10.2023 10:19




MtGox - 15.10.2023 05:34

it looks like a guy pretending to be a woman who's pretending to be a guy 😵‍💫🤕

felix121984 - 15.10.2023 05:14

God will be pleased !

ps kima
ps kima - 15.10.2023 02:35

Im trans and im happy with my transition but yes i feel sorry for kids who transition earlier and realised later it was a wrong decision. Kids please stay away from permanent thing unless you are not sure

Sho Sho
Sho Sho - 15.10.2023 02:33

Is she stuck with the Male voice.

Zoe Muller
Zoe Muller - 15.10.2023 02:30

No wonder she regrets. Females are better than males in some ways

Dannah Walter
Dannah Walter - 15.10.2023 01:58

I’ve wanted a breast reduction for 30 years to help with back pain and can’t get it.

noahmeme2 - 14.10.2023 22:49

I see she's a dead space fan with the maker tattoo on her neck.

Nicole Calhoun
Nicole Calhoun - 14.10.2023 21:20

Why would you feed the dysphoria ??? Would you let an anorexic person starve ??? Or someone who’s addicted to plastic surgery thr drs won’t operate on them so why are we trancing people

모택동관짝 비석치기달인
모택동관짝 비석치기달인 - 14.10.2023 19:50

몸은 남자인데…
마인드는 여자니까 그래.

그리고 남자의 삶은 여자의 삶보다 쉽지않지. 알파메일 아닌이상 관심받기 힘들어. 잘나지 못한것들은 고독과 외로움으로 가지고 살아간다…

Flechette - 14.10.2023 15:54

F to M transpeople have 40x as normal suicide rates. This is a mental health problem.

Flechette - 14.10.2023 15:52

Testosterone is a controlled substance. The FDA states that it is illegal for athletes to get it just for sports...but evidently teenagers can just ask for it is they claim to be "gender dysphoric". Hand it out like candy!

Hilda Yoin
Hilda Yoin - 14.10.2023 15:24

I only see and hear a man speaking

Hilda Yoin
Hilda Yoin - 14.10.2023 15:23

What a confused world. May God help us

old school death metal rules
old school death metal rules - 14.10.2023 13:14

even though you transitioned to male you still looked feminine.

Fernando cb
Fernando cb - 14.10.2023 00:12

That's why I left the democratic party, they make us, the minorities, believe that they care about our well-being, even if we are self-destructing, on drugs, sexual transition, etc., the only thing they want is our votes, no. our future. I have learned that if I really care about human beings, I will tell people and try to make them understand what and when we can hurt ourselves. A good parent sets limits for us and does not allow us to do what, in their love and care, they do not want that in the future could hurt us and make our lives miserable. A good human, should be like a good Parent.

xJustMay🩷 - 13.10.2023 17:05

But now she looks like a mtf transwoman... The voice can never go back to a woman voice..

Jean-Rene' - 13.10.2023 11:37

Lovely woman; very attractive, the platinum hair! ~ So glad she did-not self-mutilate! Vandalize herself, influenced by the vile Radical Left. --- But seems the hormone-treatment affected her voice. Otherwise, I hope she is doing well.

Though she should not support the "Trans"-activists (which is not what she said), because they are anti-binary man & woman, anti-marriage, and worst of all --- anti-God, so against His beautiful human-Design of FAMILY.

Perhaps one could say, its an assault on the Maker's Sovereignty. 👫

Vytautas Mitchell Plestys
Vytautas Mitchell Plestys - 13.10.2023 06:56

Instead of treating mental health ilness, these days they immediately give you hormones rather then going to therapist. Suicide rates skyrocket after they transition not before

Nicolee - 13.10.2023 04:57

This girl is fricken beautiful😮 how could you? But God bless that you are comfortable now. Beautiful lady ❤❤❤🎉🎉🎉

Dat Man
Dat Man - 13.10.2023 00:20

Wow she’s beautiful too what a shame

Helga Weber
Helga Weber - 12.10.2023 02:27

Another lucrative business...

Karina Lam
Karina Lam - 12.10.2023 00:22

And actually she is one of a real beautiful woman walking around… embracing her blessings

Rocket & Groot
Rocket & Groot - 11.10.2023 23:47

ngl she fooled me
Looked like a dude in those photos

Jacqueline Moore
Jacqueline Moore - 11.10.2023 14:55

She’s beautiful

Holy Joking Advice
Holy Joking Advice - 11.10.2023 08:19

Poor kid just mutilated by the system. At least she looks beautiful

Hi - 11.10.2023 03:14

as a trans supporter, detransitioners dont be afraid to speak all sides of the story need to be told your not any less important and people who are questioning you can be a girl and prefer to look sound and act more masculine and boys can be feminine and not be trans. also if your under 18 don't get surgery or hormones too risky.

Megadriver - 10.10.2023 21:45

This beautiful woman is a hero for speaking the truth. It takes a lot of guts to speak about stuff like this and even more guts to stand up against the aggressive trans community that is only interested in pushing their agenda.

Jonny Watts
Jonny Watts - 10.10.2023 11:51

These doctors should be put in jail!

YOEY - 10.10.2023 10:24

I wouldve thought its a man to woman

DOMINIC Schoenheit
DOMINIC Schoenheit - 10.10.2023 03:50

What a brave woman

Andrew - 10.10.2023 02:24

"I support the trans community... I also support medical responsibility." Sounds good to me. I'm trans and have been on testosterone for a decade. Big medical decisions of any kind, especially for minors, require in-depth discussion with professionals.

G. W. Hampton
G. W. Hampton - 08.10.2023 23:00

That type of parent doesn't want to wait and allow their child to see a fair minded therapist.. they want to be PART OF THE FAD!! GET THE TRANS ATTENTION!! THEY ARE OLD AND HAVE NO MAGIC TO THEIR FUTURES SO THEY PUT IT ON THEIR CHILDREN. I DATED A TRANSMAN AND HAVE A SPECIAL FONDNESS FOR FTM'S so I'm not transphobic but I am TOTALLY against taking children and distorting their futures for the pathology of the parents.

Rusty - 08.10.2023 18:26

It is so hard to get an MRI for obvious physical impairment.

My Secret Place
My Secret Place - 08.10.2023 08:09

This wig is embarrassing

Linda - 08.10.2023 08:02

I support the transgender community as well but it shouldn't be as easy as 1,2,3 to get something done. I don't know if this is the same thing but I'm gonna throw it out there. It's like me going to the doctor and saying I have anxiety (I actually do but bear with me) but my doctor just listens to what I have to say but doesn't diagnose me and then that day I get put on a medication. That is reckless and dangerous. If doctors and PP is just throwing around medications and hormones and puberty blockers all willy nilly then they should have their licenses provoked. It's not professional and it's doing way more harm than good. Also, Ryan here self diagnosed herself. She wasn't officially diagnosed and was already put on testosterone and got approved for a mastectomy just like that. Do better, doctors!!!!

Amanda Crumpton
Amanda Crumpton - 08.10.2023 04:02

I can’t even get my damn fibro medication approved and pay 1800 a month for family insurance 😂😂 they get all this under insurance?!

Candy - 08.10.2023 01:17

Wow can't believe they just approved everything so fast 😮

Zo Rama
Zo Rama - 07.10.2023 23:08

She is so pretty...too bad she made the wrong choice but too good she is back to who she is....

K D - 07.10.2023 17:54

This is going to be the next generation

Eli R.Torres
Eli R.Torres - 07.10.2023 10:30

For teen boys is different the hormones castrate you chemically and you can never get hard or aroused and you can't go back the changes are permanent. This just came out about Michael Jackson that he was castrated to preserve his looks and voice.

DKG - 07.10.2023 05:23

Some of these young girls have dysphoria because of misogyny and more misogyny is not going to solve anything.

Rachel Herena
Rachel Herena - 07.10.2023 04:39

That’s a choice he chose to be a women he was born a men he’s a boy

American Advocate (LATINO)
American Advocate (LATINO) - 07.10.2023 01:52

No wrong way to be a woman. Tough or girly you're still a woman. She is beautiful

Tiff's Journey
Tiff's Journey - 06.10.2023 17:25

I have a feeling there are gonna be a lot of regrets in the future with a lot of people.

Diann G
Diann G - 06.10.2023 05:15

We love you for discussing the truth

Erlinda C Garza
Erlinda C Garza - 06.10.2023 02:57

She has a voice like Miley Cyrus.

D Gonz
D Gonz - 06.10.2023 00:55

Who really believes this 20 years ago. Even for those who believe in evolution there is nothing that evolves so quickly if this is evolving and progressing. There's nothing in this that would equal in any scientific medical or mathematical way. In a 20 to 30 year. People have gone from just wanted to be accepted to mutilating their bodies. Then within the last 10 years what a coincidence how the politics of lined up with it that this has become a defining line in society. Read up on Marxism and communism and you will see the tactic used by the then they're media and politics to manipulate and divide the people. I feel sorry for these kids I feel sorry for those who've gone through this no judgment here. Those with different identity issues should take their time to figure those things out. But the government the media big-money players Pharma$$$, is taking big advantage of these people. See Common Sense whatever you want to label yourself as don't do this to your own body you'll regret it
