কিভাবে একটি Perfect Fiverr Gig  তৈরি করবেন ?

কিভাবে একটি Perfect Fiverr Gig তৈরি করবেন ?

Amader Freelancing

54 года назад

76 Просмотров

This is Sobuj Rana owner of the "Tech Planer" Youtube channel.

It is in Bengali though:- You know, "Tech Planer" is a very well famous "Tech information" channel in Bangladesh. It's mainly famous for all make money online, Online earning tips and tricks, and every tech update information. Also, you know they are very hospitable and peaceful.
I am really proud to be the instructor of my "Tech Planer" channel and my "viewers".

Refer to my website for blogs + podcasts that are in English: https://techplaner.com

আমাদের সঙ্গে থাকুন
Our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/techplaner
Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/techplaner
Twitter: https://twitter.com/techplaner
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/techplaner

#Tech_bangla_news #Tech #bdtech #techplaner #Technology #Outsourcing #Fiverr


#freelancer_sobuj #fany_video #news #education #outsourcing #online_tips #Freelancing #islamic_was #bangla_natok #FS_Tech #Freelancing_success_&_Technology
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@labonnorahman8057 - 16.07.2021 10:27

