Learning Jiu-Jitsu Online...Better Than Live Training?

Learning Jiu-Jitsu Online...Better Than Live Training?

Kama Jiu-Jitsu

4 года назад

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@sasuke20989 - 07.10.2020 22:20

First :)

@keepmoving1185 - 07.10.2020 22:43

Hello from Oregon, can you do a video to stay motivated? I’m 100% online and without the social aspect it’s been really hard to be consistent. Thanks and blessings

@deadhourgaming - 08.10.2020 01:34

Hello, I do have a question for ya or really some advice. There are no self defence Jiu-Jitsu schools in my area at all. So is it worth it for me to learn Jiu-Jitsu at all even if they don’t focus on self defence and they are more of a sport school. Cause there is a Japanese jujitsu school that is self defence strictly and that does sparring. Could you please help me out.

@jaredcartlidge8099 - 08.10.2020 19:13

Do you have the ability online to find people in the same area who are working through the curriculum? Like if I'm in northern Oklahoma is it possible yo look through the memberships to see who in my area I could train with? This would be a great tool so we can find people to train with

@geematt321 - 08.10.2020 23:31

Ryron & Rener Gracie have mastered online training. Gracie University is the truth !!

@stevenguzman6257 - 09.10.2020 04:22

I am a KJJ member and plan on using the online portion while deployed on a Europe rotation! I already got a training partnered lined up in my company, and we are both super excited we won't fall behind while conducting the Nation's business.👍😁

@SammyLrza - 10.10.2020 12:58

Hi from India
So do you do gradings for higher belts as well for those following your modules?

@eltorito1011 - 12.10.2020 06:10

Kama Jiu-Jitsu needs to come to the Rio Grande Valley!

@hydrpx4484 - 25.12.2020 15:36

only thing you well get from online is the names of the moves.

@Polentaccio - 07.02.2021 05:27

Sounds to me like this is best suited to people who are already part of a club ( so they can test what they learn) or someone who has some buddies to roll with and working through the program who doesn't care about rank. As someone who likes to supplement their main art with a solid ground game, I think this program would be great. Rank on the street means nothing anyway. You aren't usually going to be fighting a brown belt in BJJ but more than likely some ass who thinks he is tough or who lost it on you. I can't see how anyone would be able to test for more than blue this way but hey, there are people that might surprise you.

@Owl-of-Minerva - 27.09.2021 19:31

Black panther productions videos is the way to go! Wallid Ismael, Ze Mario, Carlson Gracie Jr. Etc. The original video learning tools (Does anyone reading this remember black panther productions? Damn I am old)

@ttvlogs1594 - 06.01.2022 04:25

Is it like a live zoom call when you do it or what

@ismail79628 - 11.02.2022 03:00

Nothing better than real face to face training. Online is bull shit. Whatever techniques you practice with your partner that stays in your head and muscle memory. Watching Online video doesn't stay in your head

@TrishCanyon8 - 25.05.2023 22:06

I do really love watching this channel. Thank you for great videos. I'm a student elsewhere and as such utilize their online videos in addition to going to classes. What I want to say is, I'm suprised and delighted about online learning of jiu-jitsu. I believe it really works.

@Dojodogs915 - 09.08.2023 21:13

The online program doesnt seem to work
