Easy Hotend Benchmark for FAST PRINTING Profiles

Easy Hotend Benchmark for FAST PRINTING Profiles

CNC Kitchen

2 года назад

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@frantzs1077 - 25.11.2023 10:43

I don't feel comfortable changing gcode in flow test generator for BamboLab X1C. Is there any code or example for X1C?

@officer_baitlyn - 16.11.2023 13:41

i just love this channel

@apaxvi - 15.11.2023 03:35

But how to use web tool or set up for delta printer?

@aleatza - 09.11.2023 19:03

Can be used with nozzle of different diameters? I want to test my 0.6 CHT nozzle.

@SynthaPak - 29.08.2023 01:41

Love it! being able to change the nozzle diameter and it change the height quickly would be a great addition, i am doing some testing with a 1mm nozzle and am having to do a lot of manual manipulation to get the blobs to come out correctly.

@sohailb108 - 23.08.2023 20:58

Thank you. I learned a lot by this video.

@markbooth3066 - 22.08.2023 15:01

So Jerk in 3d printing is not the same as classical mechatronic jerk/jolt?

I would expect jerk/jolt to be rate of acceleration (the 3rd derivative of distance) i.e jerk as mm/s^3 compared to speed in mm/s or acceleration in mm/s^2. But the M205 documentation suggests that the units for jerk are mm/s, so I would be interested to understand how this 'speed' relates to this parameter called 'jerk'.

This reminds me of the situation with conveyor systems, where often acceleration is specified in seconds, as in the fixed time it takes to accelerate to the desired speed. It's very confusing and can result in constant velocity moves being difficult to plan for.

@Art_Of_Sound - 19.07.2023 01:49

Deine Videos sind immer großartig! Im not sure how to get attention for the online hotend flow page...but please put an option for deltas in the gcode. I have a lot of (large) printers and for the majority of my printing, I still prefer the delta!

@blindside_o0 - 10.07.2023 03:26

I was just about to use your "How fast can your hotend print?" video since I finally have the scale and a Revo Six in my Prusa MK3S+ with MMU2S. Thank you for having this automated process as I too can be rather lazy

@aracon9721 - 25.06.2023 17:14

So I compare the blobs to the weight of a 200mm long filament sample, right?

@EnchiladaBro - 11.06.2023 21:15

If you can make a web tool for this, can you make a excel sheet with the priper set up so i can actually see a graph like you did? I dont get jow people are getting graphs and visual representations. Its frustrating. Tool is useless at this point.

@sebscharpf - 30.04.2023 11:25

I tried the tool today, the only problem:
My hotend needs a ZOffset, so I tried to add my start Gcode as I usually do when using Gcode not created by my slicer (where is the only possibility to set. Z Offset).
But I f***ed up my bed surface again, because somewhere in the Gcode created by the Excel tool, it tells it to ignore my G92... Or I'm just bad at writing Gcode by hand...

Can you please add an Option for setting a Z Offset?

Danke dir Stefan, das ist wirklich geil was du so für die 3D Druck Community machst.

Grüße, Sebastian aus 88267 Vogt

@jimdaug - 29.04.2023 00:42

I may have missed something obvious or it's in a different video, but how are you calculating the flow rate? Are you taking the area of the filament and multiplying by length and then timing how long it takes to extrude? Or do you get that value from the feedrate in the gcode?

Would weighing a piece of raw filament of a known length and weighing the blob made of the same length give you the same flow number or at least an under extrusion percentage?

@DesislavLesov - 03.04.2023 12:46

I really wished this tool was available for Delta printers. Great work!

@synocate5602 - 19.03.2023 23:50

Wish your webapp could do deltas

@tablatronix - 04.03.2023 20:09

Where are these default profiles, I have nothing like this in cura 5

@jefersono1971 - 23.02.2023 17:53

Your test is very good and precise. Thank you. However this is for a constant flow what doesn't happen 100% of the time during prints. My reults show 10mm3/s, but, while printing vertt fast it has a pick of 20mm3/s without under extrusion for 1 or 2 seconds - with my Titan stock! You would better test it again in real prints! I'm using Klipper at Tronxy X5SA Pro , PETG 230C.

@beybiyon - 07.02.2023 03:59

Amazing video... Luv it man!!!

@MrDBT85 - 04.02.2023 03:19

So In a bid to see how one would do on my Ender 3 Pro I spent the whopping £3 and had one delivered. It looked just like the one in the video, only it came assembled. I installed it into the Biqu H2 and was quite surprised to find it did not fare as well as the original nozzle. My scales only do 0.1g resolution, but 8mm3/s to 14mm3/s all came in at 0.7g on the original, though the last couple were visually smaller the scale couldn't show me the difference. On the high flow nozzle it had dropped to 0.6g at just 10mm3/s and only dropped off more at 14 and above. My conclusion is that the nozzle is just far too loose in the hot end (there's a LOT of wobble until it hits the heat brake) and so it's suffering from a lack of heat transfer. I only have CPU paste to hand which can't handle the temperatures required and I have no desire right now to buy some Boron Nitride paste to improve the contact between the nozzle and the hot end, for now it shall live in the drawer.

@fleebertreatise1063 - 11.01.2023 21:10

There is so much info in this video. New to 3D printing (but have watched some videos here and there) and it gives me a lot of ideas of how to test. Thanks dude

@gavintownsend6125 - 23.12.2022 02:56

can turn off gapfill by setting its speed to 0 to save a lil extra time aswell

@WoodmanFFM - 12.12.2022 16:18

How about support for delta printers?

@gbspikyfish - 11.12.2022 23:06

Very useful tool - many thanks. I have found one oddity; which is that on my Ender-3 V2 (with Jyers firmware) the hotend is set to 0C while the last blob is still printing (as if it's reading ahead in the gcode).

@6sixsix - 01.12.2022 20:55

Do you have some code for Klipper? This G code looks like it is only for Marlin.

@wrxsubaru02 - 26.11.2022 23:30

Did you ever make a web based calibration tool that generates gcode? I am looking for an easy way to accomplish this test sort of like how the linear advance gcode generator works. Edit: I ended up finding one. Thanks for nothing.

@livewiya - 18.11.2022 04:03

I think the greatest pearl of wisdom here is determine the flow rate of the part, then adjust temp. I generally default temp based on material, but give a lot of thought to adjusting speed based on the needs of the print job. Definitely plan to switch my order of operations here.

@EDreyer - 27.10.2022 11:53

Thanks, I am about to print mine on a CR6 SE! Recently noticed that the color of filament requires some changes. I want to fine tune my Prusa Slice profiles for my filament colors.

@qpalzmsk1986 - 24.09.2022 02:18

The best feature I found on Marlin firmware is linear advance. You can easily dial in a filament with one to two test pattern.

@tomwalsh6402 - 14.09.2022 04:22


@tamasgulyas984 - 02.09.2022 20:22

Why don't you simply graph the filament fed speed vs the actual speed? You request 10mm/s feeding speed from the extruder and it should be 10mm/s.
Above a certain speed the measured one should break down. There is your max pressure for a given filament.
This measurement would be instantenous and exact. Am I missing something?
I would guess the filament travel speed/distance could be measured with an optical mouse sensor or worst case with a mouse wheel.

@TecSanento - 26.08.2022 17:03

I tried your tool on my ender 3 but the direct extruder is skipping on every of the samples - this cant give accurate results, cant it ?

@vapecatt - 21.08.2022 23:23

What about strength

@randomdamian - 19.08.2022 11:48

One missing info in the test is how much should the blobs weight...
So my logic... is the volume of the 200x1.75mm filament * 1.25g /cm³ = 2.4g so the blob should be 2.4g... is my math wrong?

@randomdamian - 19.08.2022 03:45

Me wondering why I have gaps between lines...
Ender 3
Bi Metal Heatbreak
Dual Gear Extruder

I print 100mm/s 0.6 nozzle 0.4 layer with 3000 acceleration... it sometimes pushed like 37mm³ of filament... it makes not fully sense why I need flow rate at 150% to make it somehow OK...
I'm happy that this test exists!

@DiomedesDominguez - 20.07.2022 17:21

Nice, now I can truly setup my revo six configs for every filament I regular use.

@jinsun9546 - 21.06.2022 12:56

When the first layer is uneven, there will be blockage at the beginning of extrusion, which will affect the accuracy of the flow.
It is recommended to quickly raise the Z-axis to 2mm at the beginning of the discharge, and then slowly raise the Z-axis。

@ZeroAltera - 03.06.2022 22:41

Does anyone know if there is a way to make cura print at a constant flow rate? It would be interesting to see how a part prints by setting the flow rate versus travel speeds.

@BorisH2000UK - 02.05.2022 01:10

Great tool, many thanks Stefan. Can I use it with different nozzle sizes, e.g. 0.6mm? I could not find nozzle size parameter in the spreadsheet.

@Kyrazlan - 26.04.2022 06:35

Man. You're a huge wealth of knowledge and explaining an analytical approach to tuning. Never stop.

@stanleyjbarr - 25.04.2022 18:03

Let me start by saying this is great work! However, I tried running this on my Ender 3 with the CR Touch mounted. When my Ender tried to print the second column the CR touch crashed into the blobs on the first column. It would be great if you add have a variable that allows you to account for the X-width from the edge of a CRtouch, part cooler, or ... to the tip of the nozzle. I'm going to try adjusting "Temperature spacing" and see if that works.

@wilmercb - 23.04.2022 23:33

Hi Stefan. I'm ready to buy a 3D printer and I decided going with Prusa. I know both the Mini and MK3 are great, but even though I'm new to this, the fact the MK3 is a direct extruder would be a better choice, correct? or should I save the extra money and buy the Mini? Thanks for any feedback.

@dougshellusn - 23.04.2022 03:54

How does this compare to the old Maker Muse faster printing video settings. I have been using them for about a year

@jonnyrco - 21.04.2022 20:30

any news on the webapp?

@craftsman4874 - 20.04.2022 19:05

I would love to see the carbon fiber PC Blend

@octo3dmax591 - 20.04.2022 08:55

Hello, variable speed, mean to say that is possible to give command "User defined speed" Like 1 to 100 slices at 30 MM, Next 200 slices at 40 MM and next 100 slices at 50MM ? I have total 400 slices in a particular print.
