The Unbearable Lightness of Being a Nazi (2008)

The Unbearable Lightness of Being a Nazi (2008)

Journeyman Pictures

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digital discharge
digital discharge - 14.09.2023 09:35

Look of forced laughter and glee .

arvdr - 13.09.2023 22:42

Im just waiting for the video called "the unbearable lightness of being an American . "

D Schmitz
D Schmitz - 12.09.2023 13:48

The girls in each photo look different, there is zero proof that rhese girls did the jobs you claim they did.

D Schmitz
D Schmitz - 12.09.2023 13:45

Could you also make a video about the evil american pilots, who dropped the nuclear bombs and celebrated the killing of millions afterward, devoid of any remorse. The usa is so good in fingerpointing, without taking responsibility for own horrendous deeds-

D Schmitz
D Schmitz - 12.09.2023 13:42

total nonsense, the killing was top secret, nobody of the workers was allowed to know about the killing, this even was discussed in the Nurnberg trials

Robin Cowley
Robin Cowley - 11.09.2023 10:22

Humans are capable of terrible things..never under estimate a person..sad but true..

bolitffe kuracsss di
bolitffe kuracsss di - 08.09.2023 16:36

nazis shouldnt have attacked soviets and no one would take smile from their face.

Blewitt - 08.09.2023 06:29

Who believes the Jews?

spiros giannoysas
spiros giannoysas - 04.09.2023 14:38

Μπασταρδη στην κόλαση να πάτε

Alexander Hua
Alexander Hua - 31.08.2023 10:36

Truly evil!! Million and millions are put in the gas chambers yet they are laughing and having a great time. That's sickening!

Mr Random
Mr Random - 31.08.2023 07:25

That were the horrible crime being done by the NAZIS on Jews but now the same jews are doing the same with Palestinian
So no difference between NAZIS and Zionist mother fu*ker both are killers

Kimo Andrews
Kimo Andrews - 28.08.2023 03:25

America chose the correct side of this war. The Nazi sympathizers who pollute YT comment sections are deplorable.

Phabb Letty
Phabb Letty - 27.08.2023 19:14

They were saving the earth from the KZ mafia.... fake jews

KhuKuRiKhu KhuKuRiKhu
KhuKuRiKhu KhuKuRiKhu - 27.08.2023 10:27


bini - 26.08.2023 05:16

devils in disguise 😢 may they rest in hell. how can humanity inflict so much pain on humanity! their smiles in the picture's hide their sadistic ture nature's. rest in peace to the beautiful Jews that suffered in pain upon pain from these devils. cannot call them human. I myself am Muslim and for myself this is so saddening as compassion empathy is human knows no barriers or religion.

fred garvin
fred garvin - 25.08.2023 06:14

not taking sides on the israeli palestinian conflict but I saw an interview with a young palestinian man and when asked how can your side possibly justify killing children in a suicide bombing? and he just shrugged and said these little children will one day grow up to be israeli oppressors and he said he lost his house because of the israeli's. So to him it was perfectly fine to kill young children because of what their parents had done to him. Twisted logic. I mean if they had these camps for POW's but decided they were too difficult to take care of, and after all they were the enemy so they murdered hundreds of thousands of POW's in them, that I could understand somewhat, a struggle during a war with your enemy, but to kill women and children and old people who were no threat to anybody? especially the children, pure insanity yet they were convinced it was the right thing to do. Those women probably did not want to know what was going on, it was distant to them, I'm just doing my job as a clerk...

SkyWalker - 19.08.2023 12:56

Holocaust is pure evil.

Red5Wormy - 19.08.2023 08:13

They thought that they were untouchable that's why they were so care free, but little did they know they were following a man that would would eventually get them all executed. In the end they chose to be monters.

First Name
First Name - 19.08.2023 04:59

I am at a loss with how people are! I just don't want to share this planet with the majority of people!

Steve Carroll
Steve Carroll - 18.08.2023 23:33

It's good to enjoy your work.

J K - 17.08.2023 22:36

Now look at the jews not even 100 years later and what they've done to the Palestinians. Wild you can go through such atrocities and then turn around and begin commiting your own. Humans are a strange animal.

萩原耕介 - 15.08.2023 11:51

Oh! I'm sorry that I couldn't understand with reporting languages, but I would feel their deepest sorrow on their expression veryvery much, my heart was torn by grief. we should have an earnest wish that there are no war on the earth forever.

Mr Cat
Mr Cat - 15.08.2023 04:08

Muslims do the same

Cat - 13.08.2023 02:01

How do you sleep at night believing in shit like that! You have mental issues! No, you don't sleep at night, you come out at night, German cucaracha. Peculiar how certain race of humans are named after and likened to a vile thing. Its intentional!

Cat - 13.08.2023 01:55

Smiling faces, they lie, they don't tell the truth! There is a song on that. Those pictures, i saw and felt no warmth on those supposedly happy faces. I saw a group of psychopath narcissist who are soul less who was putting on an act of being human. But they are not. Just posers and pretenders. Think about it, what kind of joy can they truly have in their hearts knowing what they do there. Thats a macabre!

Olsi Gerdani
Olsi Gerdani - 12.08.2023 23:27

Isn't better to say that human beings are yet in the stage of "" "educated animals"?
You need persistence,effort and hard,disciplined work not to succumb in the mud where the rest of society already is,transcending human conditions isn't easy and that's why the current state of mankind is like "modern civilization"

dp productions' toys
dp productions' toys - 11.08.2023 14:28

It started with Cain. Genesis Chapter Four.

Mary Freeman
Mary Freeman - 11.08.2023 11:00

Truly free speech of all citizens is how you keep this from happening.

Kevin Mcgrath
Kevin Mcgrath - 11.08.2023 05:27

Shows that we all have the capacity to become allied to mass murder…also that we can all be targeted for it depending on the vagaries of politics

eldar rissman
eldar rissman - 11.08.2023 04:22

I am guessing by the summer of 1944, most knew it probably would be there "last summer of leisure" before either the Soviets or Western armies took over Germany, so they really indulged, and even allowed pictures. Common saying on the Eastern Front was "enjoy the rest of the war" -- as any German knew what would be coming after they lost.

Jimmy Jaime
Jimmy Jaime - 10.08.2023 18:25

They saw it as serving their country,just like how Americans killed Vietnamese people,because they saw it as serving their country.or how Vietnamese killed Americans and saw it as serving their country. All murderers are devils in the flesh!

Raffi Boy
Raffi Boy - 10.08.2023 08:55

These photos of the workers of the camp … evidence how powerful manipulation is .. w.e their reasoning was this is the definition of Evil .. and the weaponry that manipulation really is .. the power of a word

raymond jensen
raymond jensen - 09.08.2023 14:45

The monsters are still around us..., and in us..., we just can't give them power. Never forget.

Steve Stone
Steve Stone - 09.08.2023 11:15

What is obviously , and consciously omitted in these 'comments' is the total denial of Allied atrocities deliberately targeting purely civilian population centers in Germany AND Japan in what was at that time described as 'Terror Bombing' by both the American and British forces to supposedly force the civilian population to turn against their rulers . That idiotic and false premise was used over and over in the cruel extermination of hundreds of thousands of innocent women ,children and elderly who had absolutely no power to change the political landscape anymore than citizens do today ,yet we as victors have the luxury and convenience to turn a blind eye to OUR own war crimes by either feigning ignorance of the fact , ignoring it , wallowing in duplicitous hypocrisy ,or claiming it was "necessary" . That way of rationalizing is not only crude and vulgar but puts the Propagator into the same category of the evil that is being fought against . There was a time when a degree of honor among emerging Civilizations precluded involving Civilians in the combat between belligerents , particularly in European conflicts until they watched the Union General Tecumseh Sherman lay waste to the Confederate civil infrastructure burning as he went to destroy Atlanta ......thereby the "new paradigm" born and raised in our Civil War let the vicious 'Cat out of the bag 'never to be put back in . The next time you hear the RIDICULOUS term "American Exceptionalism " if you're honest you 'll pause and reflect on the piles of burning civilians in Hamburg , in Dresden , in Frankfort , in Berlin , in Tokyo , and try your best not to forget .......Hiroshima and Nagasaki and rationalize that they were just evil Japs and Nazi 's , and when you've climaxed from this orgy of delusion you can also wonder WHY would two supposed Christian Nations ..... the US and England with the most evil monster of them all Joseph STALIN whom it was commonly known to have Murdered over Ten Million Ukrainians in the 1930's ,not to mention hundreds of thousands of Russians under his Bolshevist / Communist regime years before the outbreak of WW2 ..??? So yes the Germans did a lot of evil , however the fetid pool of evil did not withhold it's filthy sustenance as the "Allies" drank from it likewise and through victory got to 'write their drunken version of History '......and Stalin and Mao ,and Ho Che Minh were given free rein to advance their bloody terror . Before any of you condemn me ,you should know I speak from the position of truth through first hand experience , gained the hard way in the final large scale war of Indo-China .....Vietnam 1967-1968 in both Ground and Aerial combat and yes the enemy fell by my actions , but never did I deliberately target Civilian men ,women ,children or the elderly I can write my own History and sleep well .

UW Huskies
UW Huskies - 08.08.2023 22:52

Listening to this makes me sick! 😡

Mary Swann
Mary Swann - 08.08.2023 19:48

White supremacy is the root I think. American Indigenous people were almost wiped out. Beware of people that push that idealism

Mary Swann
Mary Swann - 08.08.2023 17:13

I don’t understand how people can blame certain people .Very scarey how these comments are. Some leaders did not have many of their own go to jail, did not have their followers try to overthrow an election, etc. if Obama had said it was ok to grab p****, their side would have ran him out of town and lynched him. Afraid that this can happen again indeed. I wonder how much white supremacy plays into all this. God save us.

Antona Furies
Antona Furies - 07.08.2023 20:27

you are these monsters to all other species

Shijoe Joseph
Shijoe Joseph - 07.08.2023 17:47

It seems history is set to repeat herself.

Γιάννης Βακουφτσής
Γιάννης Βακουφτσής - 06.08.2023 19:29

If you think that these women laughing at the Auschwitz personnel camp were evil, then you probably don't know anything about the society you live in.

Howland Crowe
Howland Crowe - 06.08.2023 17:58

The thing that really hammers the point home is the kill rate. Among modern genocides, it was the pace of murder that made the Holocaust unique. At the height of Operation Reinhard during one 92-day period, 14,000 Jews were being murdered per day.

The people in these photographs were complicit in murdering thousands of human beings every 24 hours. It was very efficient. And they were able to smile and have fun because they probably put some physical or emotional distance from their victims. Everything from propaganda depicting Jews as rats to the act of shaving their heads and tattooing numbers instead of names on their arms was designed to dehumanize them as much as possible.

It's easier to kill someone when you can view them as non-human, as an alien or an animal to be put down.

Cobra_Mindset  ᛋᛋ  ☠️
Cobra_Mindset ᛋᛋ ☠️ - 06.08.2023 06:29

Good old days when the SS were existed.

celedonio jimenez
celedonio jimenez - 06.08.2023 00:49

Oberflächliche und geirrte Geschichte, langwelig noch hinzu.

The Umer
The Umer - 05.08.2023 19:02

Just as the world glances past the atrocities of Israel on the Palestinians, so did the Nazis pass off their own atrocities on the Jewish people as normal.

מיכאל זיידמן
מיכאל זיידמן - 05.08.2023 17:12

The germans a nation of low lives

Deborah Harris
Deborah Harris - 05.08.2023 06:00

My cousin's ex wife was the daughter of SS he was an accountant. Before my mother died I found a photo on her table of him talking to my mother when he visited his daughter here. I asked her about the photo and told her about his past. I had never met him so I trust my mother's judgement, she was a good judge of character and I was interested to know her thoughts on him seeing as though they were of similar age same era, the Great Depression and WW2, however polar opposites. She said he was a lovely man and very interesting to talk to. His daughter beautiful woman too. Amazing what a uniform and ideology can do. The truth of WW2 not told Churchill gets too much praise IMO.

Raymnd StannSki
Raymnd StannSki - 05.08.2023 00:20

Similar To 2023 Democrats as Biden and ill Gov Pritzker allocating money to pay for abortions to whom ever wants to kill the un born baby's....

J - 04.08.2023 23:19

Os 👃 são mestres da metinra

catherine ciccone
catherine ciccone - 03.08.2023 14:11

We do not care!

Bastic - 03.08.2023 01:01

Germans seem like real life ghosts, horror movie characters, expect they're not
