$18000 for a Coding Bootcamp to FINALLY land a job after 6 MONTHS!

$18000 for a Coding Bootcamp to FINALLY land a job after 6 MONTHS!

Dorian Develops

2 года назад

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Dorian Develops
Dorian Develops - 05.11.2021 19:44

What are your thoughts on coding bootcamps? Let me know in the comments!

Shiv Vaghela
Shiv Vaghela - 21.09.2023 14:07

Can i get a job without cs degree

Tuli Kinikini
Tuli Kinikini - 11.09.2023 20:46

I’ve been doing this for a year… constantly applying and nothing. But I won’t give up. Keep grinding y’all

Ajalan Brown
Ajalan Brown - 19.05.2023 21:42

i went to a bootcamp, did projects and leetcode, hackerrank.. everything got my first job . Was pretty easy and i got bored quickly got my second job learned a bunch but realized there was a-lot i didn't know. started college for CS got my 3rd job and now i can not imagine how tf i made it as a junior , enjoy the journey peeps and do better than AJ

Agmon Blynkos
Agmon Blynkos - 04.05.2023 16:14

tbh i find udemy courses much better in this regard. A good example are courses from andrei neagoie or jonas schmedtmann, those are really long and cover from fundamentals to really advanced topics in just one course. You can call them a bootcamp in itself just a lesser version of it, and a lot more affordable

Adeeb Ogaili
Adeeb Ogaili - 25.04.2023 06:02

So she got 40 interviews in 6 months, which means she was interviewed every 4.5 days. That's actually not bad. It just means that she wasn't dling well on those interviews.

Travis Slayton
Travis Slayton - 05.02.2023 01:48

Great now I’m wondering if Practicum bootcamp is even worth the loan debt 😤. Recommendations?

Dylan - 01.02.2023 04:04

I honestly believe this whole "self-taught" financial freedom bullcrap is pointless, some people need the structure a bootcamp or degree can give (a degree also teaches more in depth fundamentals think of a degree as the difference between a mechanic and a mechanical engineer and you'll understand why degrees are just as important) I reccomend bootcamps for those that want to go all in but dont have the time or motivation for self taught, also self taught will take so much longer, believe me, if you value your time bootcamps are worth it, just do the research to find a company that practices what they preach, and learn from real developers in the bootcamp, mine had a cs degree graduate, self taught, and bootcamp graduate all teaching the class and they all believed in the bootcamp so let's not assume they're all scams. Please

Hayden Kerns
Hayden Kerns - 04.01.2023 20:12

I hate gurus, they’re liars and thief’s. All guru videos should be banned.

Carlos Keglevich
Carlos Keglevich - 04.01.2023 11:23

I finished my bootcamp in Data Analyst in Germany in September of 2022. I applied to about a 100+ jobs and get rejected. I found out that certain markets are really difficult to enter, specifically in Germany. I made courses in Udemy because the bootcamp was not helpful at all. It is almost 5 months after the bootcamp and I have no job at all. 😢

Norbs - 27.12.2022 01:54

Yeah this is so true. My coding bootcamp advertised I could get a job in 3 months when in reality it took a year for me to get hired finally at a 60k contract position. During that 1 year span I still had to work part-time at my other job, study Algorithms and data structures, build side projects, and volunteer my programming services to gain software development experience. 😅

Eddie Ortiz
Eddie Ortiz - 06.12.2022 02:06

I wanna thank you for your honesty man. I enjoy your videos and they're really helping me. We half similar backgrounds and your a real encouragement thanks for taking the time to make these videos.

Mario Meza
Mario Meza - 01.11.2022 22:48

I would go to a bootcamp if it was like 2-5 thousand dollars. But 15-30 thousand is waaaaaay to much.

Ayana, at Thrive & Be Whole
Ayana, at Thrive & Be Whole - 29.10.2022 18:54

Thank you for this! I think it's great that you think that the self-taught route is best. I was a teacher for plus years, and I'm currently in a software development boot camp that is really good. It's 8 and 1/2 months,with Woz-U The reason I love a boot camp, or at least one that is going to be helpful, is because in order to learn a new skill, most of us need guidance, the structure, people to ask questions to and bounce issues off of. If I had been left to my own devices, I would have quit months ago, when it got difficult. But being able to have tutors and support has been instrumental for me personally. Most people when learning a new skill, need these things in place to overcome their own Self Doubt, and to help them learn.

abrahan neyra
abrahan neyra - 19.10.2022 20:10

now I have serious doubts on trying Microverse or becoming a self-taught programmer

Fresh Choice
Fresh Choice - 25.09.2022 22:31

I kind of agree with this video, but my experience was different. I did the bootcamp in one day and got a job the day after. A total of two days to go from unemployed to making $180k + bonus at Facebook.

JD Soteldo
JD Soteldo - 18.09.2022 07:58

bro if you get rejected by 350 companies you may not be a good developer honestly 😂

MapleJokerRofl - 16.09.2022 17:39

6 months is not that bad for only 16 weeks tbh.. there’s people self learning that can’t get a job after 2 years. But idk, I hate programming. I only know about my friends which are 3 that self taught themselves and only 2 god jobs after all that times

Thomas1573 - 15.09.2022 04:47

I got a 4 year computer science degree. It took me nearly 6 months to get a well paying software engineering position after college. I had a personal portfolio and was grinding LeetCode/Algo Expert daily for about 3 months after graduation. I was admittedly doing other activities for money at the time and not applying for jobs that frequently. Eventually I landed 3 offers and a sign on bonus for 2 of the offers. I had around 15 rejections after college before getting my first offer. It can definitely be a struggle to land that first position bootcamp, college, or self taught. Just hang in there anyone trying because you can make it. Word of advice though - learn a lot about data structures. At least at my job I use tree structures, queues, recursion, and dictionary/hash maps on an almost daily basis. I say this because my college degree did not teach much about implementing these topics and most of the projects in college did not require them. Luckily Leet Code, Algo Expert, and other services do teach about writing solutions with topics like these though. Also learn about databases as that topic comes up more than you may think.

Unlisted - 06.08.2022 05:54

40 interviews says she needs to work on soft skills.

David Medina
David Medina - 06.07.2022 05:37

besides free coding websites what coding websites other than bootcamps would you recommend ?

King King
King King - 23.06.2022 20:17

my man

Adjetey Sowah
Adjetey Sowah - 15.06.2022 15:58

I also think that most boot camp grads who are able to find a job easily also have some sort of degree. I haven't seen many talk about getting an entry level job with just a certificate. I'm really thinking of attending a boot camp and I'm really grateful for this video 🙏. Kudos

chinchi42 - 07.06.2022 23:45

At the moment I go to a bootcamp because I like coding. I did some coding some years ago during my study in physics. But at the moment, I would like to be more creative in creating webpages or apps because I just like it. My goal is not to get a high paying job, that would be an additional nice to have, instead I just like tech stuff and coding and would like to work in this area. I know that I have to improve my portfolio and that I am only at the beginning.

Lets Do It Fitness, LLC
Lets Do It Fitness, LLC - 27.05.2022 20:57

What is the purpose of a boot camp? Self taught is free or get a certificate.

JustCrazyWorld - 23.05.2022 01:23

In my country 1y development job earn 10k$ its so sad to live here... that's what it is

Alper Kaya
Alper Kaya - 08.05.2022 17:13

Finally... I have found someone doesn't sell dreams

Antonio Lewis
Antonio Lewis - 25.04.2022 18:44

40 interviews are amazing, sounds like she had some fright or interview skills trouble, don’t blame the boot camp

John Nguyen
John Nguyen - 13.04.2022 22:19

im still an undergraduate, l applied more than 300 internship applications during Spring 2021 and Spring 2022 (2nd - 3rd year student), got about a dozen interviews, and only one offer. Gotta say it was a pain journey but as long as you dont give up, you can do it

yuichichi - 05.04.2022 07:11

Everyone is different in terms of their self discipline level, if she took 6 months after bootcamp to land a job, it probably would have taken her a year if she self-taught.

João Textor
João Textor - 31.03.2022 05:15

Loving your videos. My instagram is showing a lot of ads on bootcamps the last few days and I was about to get one of those. I'm thinking of changing my career. I have a degree on software development way back (graduated 14 years ago) and after some time without getting a job (1 year sort of) I got a bachelor's degree in Law. Now I'm thinking about going back to software development (even started a course on Data analysis and machine learning) because I want to move out of my country and it's almost impossible to practice law outside of here (I'm Brazilian and can't stand the politics here anymore). Problem is I earn good money with my current job, more than 95% of other people, but still can't think in raising a child in this fu**ked up country (thinking of Canada btw)

Oedhel Setren
Oedhel Setren - 30.03.2022 15:49

Bootcamps are for intermediate steps, not beginning or end steps. I think too many people are desperate for what they view as easy income that they aren't using common sense. In many of these instances, if you can afford these boot camps, you can afford a real degree. Use your brain.

At the end of the day, we all see the ridiculous hype that goes into the educational side of tech. My best advice is to start with free information, do a programming jam, and see where you are lacking. Rinse, lather, and repeat a few times. After doing that a few times, you'll see where you need more formalized education. That's when I go to coursera, edx, or linkedin learning. All three are inexpensive comparatively and look great on a resume. I effectively simulated a college degree this way for years.

Haniff Wilson Finance
Haniff Wilson Finance - 29.03.2022 23:03

Almost 400 rejections! Dang... thick skin! 😊😊

xSkysplitter777 - 23.03.2022 06:46

My brother got a bachelor's in aerospace engineering from Penn State and thought himself how to code and got a job coding without any prior experience in New Jersey right away. He was 21 at the time and fresh out of college.

J S - 21.03.2022 10:09

Shit 18,000 dollars crap value for your money, wasted

J S - 21.03.2022 10:08

How do you get a mentor? When you not in a big city

Chinny B
Chinny B - 20.03.2022 23:08

Ehh, it can vary. I went to a reputable bootcamp for data visualization, and many have found jobs through it. I'm breaking into a new field so six months is probably what it will take me honestly. Anyways, we shouldn't shoot down all bootcamps because there are very good ones, you just need to find a great one and speak with people who've been through one.

Zeth Abney
Zeth Abney - 19.03.2022 16:26

I’m attending Flatiron School right now for Data Science, ask me anything.

Aghilan Nathan
Aghilan Nathan - 19.03.2022 10:40

Lol 18K for a Bootcamp. For 23K USD approximately in Canada you can get CS degrees from decent schools.

Jon Watte
Jon Watte - 19.03.2022 05:11

The thing that matters the most for getting that job is ability to quickly analyze questions and problems, and develop accurate solutions.

You have to actually enjoy the work to be good at this. If your brain doesn't reward you for doing this extremely abstract, technical work, just doing a bootcamp won't fix that.

Yeet - 18.03.2022 03:59

For anyone out there with experience in boot camps, is there any major differences between independent camps and college affiliated boot camps? Or does it just depend on the specific program? I’m thinking of going to UCI’s program

AntonStunts - 17.03.2022 23:35

for 18k you can get a personal teacher that will teach you 24/7 anything you want on Fiverr or Upwork lol...

KDGOD - 17.03.2022 00:06

I literally had this realization today…

issvor - 16.03.2022 21:11

A friend of mine did HackReactor and got a job with 2 months of finishing it. Some people are lucky, some get shafted. Because he got a job, I damn near pulled the trigger, then I did my research and realized it's basically equivalent to being self taught, the only difference is you have a mentor from the bootcamp

Marie Drapalova
Marie Drapalova - 16.03.2022 18:57

Lol,,, ppl that go to Stanford and do CS still have to LC. In software we all have to hussle!

Cole Heideman
Cole Heideman - 16.03.2022 09:22

For 18k not finding a job is fucking bullshit, straight up. I mean I have a degree and my job opportunities still suck, but I studied philosophy, without any naiveté that I would get some wonderful job after. I studied what I loved. A boot camp sells based on the premise that it's getting you job ready- anything less is a rip off, plain and simple.

Mr. Berry
Mr. Berry - 16.03.2022 07:48

$18k for a bootcamp is still better than $40k for undergraduate degree. Even worse with $80k debt for a Master's degree. All 3 educational programs still leave a graduate with an average of 6 months to find a job.

What is left out in the selling pitch is that tech companies have hiring seasons. Most between January to March.

Neil Lynam
Neil Lynam - 16.03.2022 03:56

Same with trading courses, avoid

Alberto Huerta
Alberto Huerta - 15.03.2022 18:17

I’m graduating from Fullstack academy in 3 weeks.

When I tell you how delusional my peers are.. oof. My school was paid for. I understand I will be spending months afterwards preparing a portfolio. We have built maybe 3 projects that still need work before placing them on my website. This is more than a 16-24week commitment.
