#58 HOW MUCH DID WE PAY?? | Italian Stone House Renovation Project

#58 HOW MUCH DID WE PAY?? | Italian Stone House Renovation Project


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Rejane Medeiros
Rejane Medeiros - 08.10.2023 16:31

A minha conclusão foi que vale muito a pena o esforço da restauração, o lugar é paradisíaco, a casa está ficando linda e confortável. Parabéns. Saudações do Brasil 🇧🇷

ruhlworth - 08.10.2023 06:24

My wife and I live in a California town that was settled by Italians in the early 1900’s.
In 1977 we bought an old Italian home built in 1921 by an Italian stone mason. House was built with hollow tile with stucco on outside and plaster inside. My father and I completely remodeled everything . The house was abandoned and in bad shape.
We did the same work that you did !!
You folks did s wonderful job !! You have
A beautiful home with a beautiful view !!
Congratulations. !!! Enjoy your home !!!
Dave from California.

quemasteda - 04.10.2023 23:22

Yo estoy a punto de rehabilitar mi casa. Pero si no estoy confundida por desgracia en España no funciona así. Aquí los ayuntamientos suelen ofrecer también ayudas pero pueden tardar en llegar hasta un año. Por lo que es bastante angustiosa una espera tan larga para recuperar algo de lo invertido.

giovanni de Petris
giovanni de Petris - 03.10.2023 13:44

God bless you for loving my country so much

Pier _f
Pier _f - 30.09.2023 16:01

A very big thank you to all the Italian taxpayers who have actually paid your renovation.

Otto Matic
Otto Matic - 30.09.2023 15:46

Looking at the macro & the micro, all of the hoops that are thrown into one's lives by "governments" (people). COVID didn't drive up prices, lockdowns, by governments (people) killed economies.

Artem Velychko
Artem Velychko - 29.09.2023 21:18

sono architetto, ho comprato anch'io una casa in montagna e vi ammiro. punto

Federico Rognone
Federico Rognone - 28.09.2023 23:07

Mi sembra tanto la spesa per l'antisismico.... comunque complimenti per la,scelta di vita!

Ale Massa66
Ale Massa66 - 28.09.2023 22:58

M'aspettavo aveste speso molto meno.... 180K, seppur con 90K recuperati, sono tantissimi.

İbrahim yaşar Kıyıcı
İbrahim yaşar Kıyıcı - 28.09.2023 10:07

Bonjour, tout d'abord, je voudrais vous féliciter. Dans mon pays, ces choses se produisent plus souvent qu’on ne le pense. Parce qu’il y a des dépenses qu’on ne peut pas calculer et oublier. Vous n'avez pas mentionné la taille du terrain. Allez-vous cultiver la terre ? Allez-vous construire une varenda autour de votre maison ? Bonne chance, salutations.

Max - 27.09.2023 14:15

Why should be a wooden last longer than PVC? I believe the contrary is correct.
To last 50 years it need to be oak or similar wood which is far more expensenive than PVC.
The prise also depends on the U-value. It should be about 0.8-0.9 nowadays.
Maybe wood is nice for an old house but surely not better.

Cristina Bargellini
Cristina Bargellini - 27.09.2023 11:37

bravissimi! non avete spiegato come avete risolto con la fornitura di luce e acqua che dicevate ad inizio video fosse assente.

Andrea Rossi
Andrea Rossi - 27.09.2023 01:10

Sono ammirato dalle vostre capacità e dal bellissimo lavoro che siete riusciti a realizzare, complimenti e grazie per il video che mi ha dato la possibilità di capire come poter realizzare alcune cose che vorrei fare

Alcimar Luiz Callegari
Alcimar Luiz Callegari - 26.09.2023 03:11

How much land came with the house? Quanta terra avete comprato insieme alla casa?

Brenda Summers
Brenda Summers - 24.09.2023 09:04

Is there a danger of termites, other insects or mice eating the hemp? I live in Missouri USA and termites are a danger eating the wood structures in our homes.

Belinda Bean
Belinda Bean - 21.09.2023 23:01

For your cost, you will have an energy efficient, comfortable, and beautiful home with stunning views. I think that’s a bargain. And, your experience renovating this house should help you both with your careers.

mario bigi
mario bigi - 21.09.2023 12:32

Grazie al governo 5 stelle……

Peppe Kite
Peppe Kite - 17.09.2023 22:05

La solita storia all'Italiana. Avete dovuto pagare pure per la sicurezza sul luogo di lavoro e si vede che il responsabile era andato a pescare perché gli operai erano praticamente in mutande sul tetto a lavorare.
Avete avuto fortuna....un po' più tardi e sareste rimasti impantanati nel casino totale che è avvenuto poi per i vari bonus e che ha penalizzato tanta brava gente come voi ma con pochi soldi a disposizione.
Italia....un paese per ricchi.

Younes Tahiri
Younes Tahiri - 15.09.2023 03:44


RedMeat - 14.09.2023 22:30

So Italy gave you a 100.000€-present. Best way to renovate a house! Well done! If you know, you know 😉

MrEarthsong - 14.09.2023 16:10

Very impressive and the information shared is extremely helpful. You all are amazing and looking forward to see the full transformation. Merci Grazie!

Esther Kort
Esther Kort - 13.09.2023 10:00

Thank you for your inspiring work and enthusiasm. Your work fixed my plan to renovate all my wooden windows on my own next year. I’ve done this before but I thought about giving this project to a craftsman. Now I’ll take it in my own hands and I’ll appreciate the time of preparing and the final result. Thank you and keep up going. What a beautiful home.

Carla Gallo
Carla Gallo - 12.09.2023 08:54

Grazie per questo video. Avete fatto quello che avrei voluto fare io, esattamente. Vi auguro una bella vita, piena di amore in questa casa.

Joanna Gierszewska
Joanna Gierszewska - 10.09.2023 22:02

potevate comprare anche per 25.000

Wasim Al Imam
Wasim Al Imam - 09.09.2023 15:09

Amazing work ......I would love to have same if you can propose me something around you guys 😀

Sette Design
Sette Design - 09.09.2023 02:04

Bel lavoro
I love that you used the natural materials to help the building breath. Cheers, Natalie

Phil B
Phil B - 08.09.2023 23:31

Thanks for the inspiration.
What language do you speak to each other? and what language will your children speak? 😉

Rick Holladay
Rick Holladay - 08.09.2023 18:22

Is the hemp wool hard to source?

Rick Holladay
Rick Holladay - 08.09.2023 18:21

Love your project. We bought an old roof tile factory in Germany (2700m2). And renovated. We bought it at an auction for 180k€! We also had no money to renovate. It is a long story. Your prices sound very good, especially during Covid. Yes, it is small by US sizes but not tiny in Europe. And that view… reminded us of our project. We live back in the US now. Keep going, you will not regret it.

RICHARD MORKOS - 08.09.2023 00:00

The total cost of 90,000 euro (because of the credits) is great!!!! you both did very good. I finished building my tiny house in July 2023 and it cost me CAD 500,000. I only have one question; knowing that I love stone houses, and you were also looking for stone house, why you covered most of the interior stone instead of leaving it to its original look? Thank you for your interesting videos.

Asnat Hazan
Asnat Hazan - 05.09.2023 10:20

Bonjour, belle vidéo, belle vie. Cette procédure de crédit existe-t-elle aujourd'hui

Maxwell Wellmax
Maxwell Wellmax - 05.09.2023 03:58

I heard her talking in Italian then he spoke french lol kinda did a doubletake, thought they were both Italians.

Francesco s
Francesco s - 05.09.2023 01:04

gran bel progetto, soprattutto coi costi che ci sono adesso per le ristrutturazioni e i materiali!

Miranda Morgan
Miranda Morgan - 04.09.2023 15:52

We are also renovating a stone ruin but in France. This video is really helpful, thank you! You have a done a wonderful job :)

Birgit Riff
Birgit Riff - 04.09.2023 08:27

Very beautiful!

Pierre Lataillade
Pierre Lataillade - 04.09.2023 07:20

hello grazie per aver dedicato del tempo a condividere la tua esperienza nella tua casa.... Spero che tu sia felice...

United kingdom
United kingdom - 04.09.2023 04:26

Well done

Katerina Patiniotis
Katerina Patiniotis - 03.09.2023 19:21

I can imagine the plumbing, landscaping, bathroom and kitchen costs including the appliances, heating and cooling systems, 😳😱!!! You might need to install solar energy panels as well... depending on the Italian regulations for housing energy efficiency...or are there any government benefits for solar energy panel installation and purchasing.

Katerina Patiniotis
Katerina Patiniotis - 03.09.2023 19:14

I'm an interior designer snd i understand the importance of the homeowners working within their budget. I think the windows were way too expensive I would say overpriced..for a small house 🏡. Are they double or triple glazed or treated for sound proofing, heat and cooling? These things alone can affect the cost of the windows. But in the long run the energy costs will be reduced significantly.

Tracy O’Shea
Tracy O’Shea - 01.09.2023 04:39

I’m so happy to see this sympathetic renovation, allowing the character of the house to represent its history and its environment. The house is becoming a beautiful home for a wonderful couple. Three years of hard work and dedication is admirable. Well Done you will have a wonderful life there.

Mauro Tivolesi
Mauro Tivolesi - 31.08.2023 15:30

Giá 180 ma non avete acqua, gas e elettrocitá ancora.

Flow Rider
Flow Rider - 31.08.2023 01:26

Merci beaucoup! Bon chance! ❤🇨🇦

Lorenzo Zana
Lorenzo Zana - 30.08.2023 20:13

Great work: The view looks stunning. I am looking forward to what you are going to do with the land around a "terrazze"... guess was a vineyard before. For people that are looking at the point of the government credits, it has been stopped at the moment for the same reason that was explained in the video. People are not spending their own money, but it is payed by the government through taxes. All is good other than the part that, since it is not their own money, people care less if the cost is inflated. It was made to boost the building economies and renovate old building that totally need a renewal for security (sismic areas: This area is more sismic just on paper, since the risk here is pretty insignificant (I don't recall ever deadly eartquakes in the area) respect to other areas in Italy) while giving also a more eco-friendly structure (needed also in order to follow Euro regulations). But, if this drives a consistent price inflation in renovation work. Hopefully some rule and price will be put in place and the bonus will be restored.

Martina P De Lange
Martina P De Lange - 29.08.2023 08:33

Bravo! Beautiful work by all considerations. ❤ it!

Massy Biagio
Massy Biagio - 28.08.2023 16:47

Cmq a 44 k euro te l'ha regalata pure se la cosa non ci fosse stata

Mike Corcoran
Mike Corcoran - 27.08.2023 16:47

Your building a grand home for very little costs but your time and labor are worth more than the $$$$. Love what you are doing and showing others what is possible. I wish you both success, happiness and a lifetime of joy.

Love from India
Love from India - 27.08.2023 03:58

Working for an NGO and then without having much money you guys moved australia to earn and then coming back with savings and finding a home within budget then renovating it with mostly economical things.

You both are pure inpiration material, Please accept my salute.
Namate from Bharat 🙏🏻

Le Dogue
Le Dogue - 26.08.2023 10:59

Hello, que de chemin parcouru depuis les débuts quand on revoit les images, les sommes investies me semblent raisonnables, je pense que vous avez mener votre barque avec intelligence pour l'aspect financier et courage pour les travaux effectués personnellement. Hé oui les huisseries ça coûtent chères, mais elles semblent magnifiques et comme vous l'avez précisé, c'est un investissement sur le long terme.
Encore beaucoup de courage pour la suite des travaux !

Gleichgewicht - 26.08.2023 06:13

für mich kommt auch nur noch Italien für den Kauf eines Hause in frage. es war sehr interessant, und ist wirklich sehr schön geworden. Respekt!
