108 Rare and Bizarre Media Types

108 Rare and Bizarre Media Types

The 8-Bit Guy

4 года назад

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@911axe - 16.03.2025 10:00

Remember notching those 500 kb floppy discs on the opposite side of the factory notches so they could be turned over essentially doubling your storage.

@JibunnoKage-YouTube-Channel - 14.03.2025 20:33

Many of the WORM media was used from the late 90s until even now, for disaster recovery archival... however, as we have now learned ALL MEDIA even optimal de-laminates over time. So no media we have, HDDs, SSDs tape, etc. do not degrade over time. Iron Mountain discovered that typical enterprise tape and even hard drives fail over 4 to 9 years just sitting on a self. DVDs break down in less than 10 years for example as well. So your library of CDs that are 20 years old, they are generating more errors over time, which most the human ear cannot perceive given the error correcting codes most modern players and computer based software players now include by default.

@JibunnoKage-YouTube-Channel - 14.03.2025 20:25

How many trillions of electrons cried out in shock as the floppies were ripped from their dust shields. LOL

@JibunnoKage-YouTube-Channel - 14.03.2025 20:15

The Sony SD1 cassettes are still used to day in specific use cases... for example... Cartridge used in the SONY DMS-24 automated tape library system installed at CERN in 1995 and still in use by the NA49 experiment.

@meaziemmcglobal8737 - 14.03.2025 08:48

Looks like cinema 🎦 formats

@tros_725 - 12.03.2025 16:39

You should get some Cartrivision tapes!

@10gbe - 12.03.2025 13:08

One error. SACD are still made to this day as are DSD releases and they are clearly better than CD.

@earthbaseone1657 - 10.03.2025 23:30

Im gonna save this to a zip disk.

@ELDS-Church - 10.03.2025 06:11

I use to copy flex disc could get a movie for 2 dollars

@setcoviello - 10.03.2025 05:53

I feel ancient, some of this media is in my attic!

@ChanderMathur-d6s - 08.03.2025 22:34

Vrign every other rare type of midea🤡 vs chad sony sd-1 and dds-4 and video flopy disk and hd dvd and adat and vhd and shaped cds 😎

@alazzurra - 06.03.2025 14:31

I was waiting for the Universal Media Disc for the SONY PSP. 😊

@BansheeBunny - 04.03.2025 16:11

No 20MB Bernoulli disk?

@stephanbugaj5432 - 01.03.2025 11:46

IRS was a record label best known for discovering REM (and being run by The Police’s manager / drummers’ brother).

D1 tape was used for video mastering and broadcast.

@stephanbugaj5432 - 01.03.2025 11:44

IRS was a record label best known for discovering REM (and being run by The Police’s manager / drummers’ brother).

D1 tape was used for video mastering and broadcast.

@yungcoco_6804 - 25.02.2025 13:36

Please handle your Vinyl Properly😥

@thekiwiclipper1113 - 22.02.2025 14:04

I remember quite a few of these media formats. Particularly the HDDVD.

@Battledongus - 21.02.2025 00:45

This was great! So interesting seeing so many storage forms I'd never heard of! The huge disks and tapes looked like props!

@asn413 - 19.02.2025 22:35

i think you may be able to look up the patents of the ones later in the program.

@unarmed_jester97 - 19.02.2025 21:04

Sata ssd or flash drive. He should have put a micro drive and compact flash cards in there I would have loved to see that

@Antony_09 - 15.02.2025 13:38

i think the first playstation 3s could play video cds or super audio cds

@kobil316SH - 09.02.2025 01:25


@MinutemanOutdoors - 02.02.2025 09:30

My mother worked with reel to reel all day in one room and it was data to be posted overnight to Houston, or Michoud, or Canaveral, or Huntsville...If you havent guessed she worked in data logistics (a very long dead job posting) at Stennis Space Center back in the late 60s-early 70s. Data sent from NASA facilities would come in on reel to reel, or some giant cassettes, they had to be fed into a computer most probably originally built in the 50s and upgraded over time. Then later she would have to actually cut and splice magnetic tape with data precisely into readable reels, make sure that processed correctly through a homer simpson nuclear console looking contraption into a new tape reel...and then post it off to the corresponding office. I always thought that was the coolest shit.

@mrk131324 - 01.02.2025 22:24

How about those drives that used Tesa tapes as storage (Scotch tapes for the US folks)?

@alexanderulyev4651 - 01.02.2025 21:40

Man, this intro is legendary

@thecamocampaindude5167 - 31.01.2025 04:09

Hey i need new tapes for my cam corder where can i buy some

@Sykinetik - 29.01.2025 19:32

On a quick fast watch - One I didn’t see was the Bernoulli disks - interesting format I used once. 😂

@PancakeAndRiley - 29.01.2025 15:08

Another format is removable hard drive platters, like the Syquest EZ135. I think the Xerox Alto used something similar.

@muskatmusic3927 - 28.01.2025 09:39

Man, you've made an amazing collection

@nikolasic5390 - 27.01.2025 17:13

What is the intro soundtrack?

@ray-gun8377 - 27.01.2025 07:48

Game cube mini disc is a silly one

@dickcheney6 - 22.01.2025 14:53

A man said he wanted to sell me his grandma's phone. I wasn't sure how to explain that he was holding a record player.

@deejaydiabolic - 21.01.2025 02:42

The OG's will remember Zork.

@peanutbutterdijonnaise - 17.01.2025 09:14

I’m always wondering what tape TV’s Frank is holding up in one of the intro sequences to MST3k. I think I saw one of them here? 🤔

@robertlasiter9856 - 17.01.2025 04:33

Floptical is such a good name

@stephaniebri5837 - 16.01.2025 20:15

you forgot Video CD, Movie CD and CDi DV just fyi ;

@M10000 - 16.01.2025 15:46

I didn't see VHS-C or Super VHS-C tapes, which are my format.

@davidbard7240 - 16.01.2025 07:59

The umatic tapes found a second life in digital audio transfers, typically at CD mastering labs, so that IRS records tape could be music videos, or could be an audio master.

Some of the early (~1984-85) digital samplers used 2.8” “quick discks”, so that TEC could be one of those. I believe they were also used in some of the last standalone word processors.

Great window into the past, thanks!

@leekail5536 - 14.01.2025 13:05

video 8 taps in the UK when you got your home recorded there was a video 8 club that you could get films on to buy from Sony they were the same price as VHS so not only for Air lines

@jasonwebb7978 - 13.01.2025 15:16

Punch cards were used as far back as the early 1800's for controlling weaving looms.

@muckspreader1able - 12.01.2025 21:35

What about mini disc my favourite 😂
