Why Argentina Is Doomed to Fail Over and Over Again

Why Argentina Is Doomed to Fail Over and Over Again

Economics Explained

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Solo se que no se nada
Solo se que no se nada - 26.11.2023 22:23

Resume: Socialism.

Eduardo Murúa
Eduardo Murúa - 26.11.2023 22:16

Yeah, I wonder why some colonized countries fail...

Mora Mastronardi
Mora Mastronardi - 26.11.2023 21:49


camarón - 26.11.2023 21:17

It’s interesting and sad to me how Argentina always seem to chose the worst president. Look at Milei he’s a walking red flag and I understand they want a change and get over the crisis But they’re basically letting a man with very psychopath tendencies win.. he’s gonna destroy then from the inside

camarón - 26.11.2023 21:17

It’s interesting and sad to me how Argentina always seem to chose the worst president. Look at Milei he’s a walking red flag and I understand they want a change and get over the crisis But they’re basically letting a man with very psychopath tendencies win.. he’s gonna destroy then from the inside

Nicholas Polinski
Nicholas Polinski - 26.11.2023 20:55

An English made video talking about what’s best for Argentina haha
Absolutely crazy, don’t know what are you talking about, really.

Mauricio Gugliotti
Mauricio Gugliotti - 26.11.2023 19:11

hello! I am Argebtino and the explanation of why Argentina has not fully established itself as a world power, being one of the largest countries in its territory and having an immense amount of resources and natural wealth! The answer is easy: like so many Latin American countries (and other underdeveloped continents) "the world powers" mainly the US AND EUROPE. THEY NEED RESOURCE RICH COUNTRIES TO EXPLOIT AND MAINTAIN THEIR LEVEL OF EXCESSIVE CONSUMPTION AND THEIR LIVING STANDARDS. AND THEY ARE IN CHARGE OF CONSTANTLY SABOTTING THE ECONOMIES AND CONSTANTLY INFLUENCE THESE COUNTRIES TO BRAKE AND FINANCE THEM BY PUTTING THEM IN A CIRCLE OF ETERNAL DEBT. Thanks to this, the US AND EUROPE (DOES IT WITH AFRICA) live off the exploitation of other countries. SIMPLE! Now you have Milei, a new puppet of the Yankee empire (far-right politician) supported by Trump!! it is understood? 😢

hola! soy Argebtino y la explicacion de porque argentina no se termina de afianzar cómo una potencia mundial, siendo de los paises mas grandes en teritorio y tebiendo una inmensa cantidad de recursos y riquesas naturales! La respuesta es fácil: como tantos paises latinoamericanos (y de otros continentes subdesarrollados) "las potencias mundiales" prinxipalemte EEUU Y EUROPA. NECESITAN PAISES RICOS EN RECURSOS PARA EXPLOTAR Y MANTENER SU NIVEL DE CONSUMO EXCESIVO Y SUS ESTÁNDARES DE VIDA. Y SE ENCARGAR DE SABOTEAR CONSTANTE LAS ECONOMIAS E INFLUYEN CONSTANTEMENTE PARA QUEBRAR ESTOS PAISES Y FINANCIARLOS METIENDOLOS EN UN CIRCULO SE DEUDA ETERNA. Gracias a esto EEUU Y EUROPA ( LO HACE CON AFRICA) viven de la explotacion de otros paises. SIMPLE!
Ahora tenelos a Milei un nuevo titere del imperio Yanquee (politico de ultra derecha) apoyado por Trump!! se entiende?

Alex K.
Alex K. - 26.11.2023 18:48

Argentina just elected Tommy Vercetti as President, so I guess the cycle will continue.

Manuel Villar
Manuel Villar - 26.11.2023 09:34

talk about Argentina problems without talking about the Goverment mass grown and his massive taxes' is BULLSHIT,
Argentina has very HIGH taxes, and Goverment companies should dissapear , lots of lazy people, they need private companies to generate work

rottenrat - 26.11.2023 09:16

milei is the only one who can save them

Joaquin El Conquistador robles
Joaquin El Conquistador robles - 26.11.2023 07:09

Hace poco se hicieron las elecciones presidenciales y ganó un presidente liberarl que quiere el libre mercado eso es algo muy bueno permitira que la economia crezca y se desarrolle ademas de bajar impuestos y privatizar la industria asi ya el gobierno no podra meter sus manos en negocios de otros lo que ocasionará que esos negocios o industrias compitan y se desarrollen.

ezzze7 - 26.11.2023 06:36

Ojalá comience un gran cambio ahora con Milei

theKBsessions - 26.11.2023 06:10

Argentina es un pais de resentidos

ElUniversoDeFacu - 26.11.2023 05:30

Podemos ser lo mejor, como tambien lo peoooor con la mismaaaa facilidaaaaaad

Teresa Mèxico
Teresa Mèxico - 26.11.2023 05:13

Argentina and Japan, the difference could be because of their governments (as a major factor)? Argentina's governments have being irresponsible in balancing the country budget and corruption is not a minor factor as well.

ferswww - 26.11.2023 05:08

Its easy to switch politicians and presidents, but the people is very hard, it has to change a full mindset to set argentina great again.

Larry Burford
Larry Burford - 26.11.2023 03:53

The newly elected president sure talks a good game (close the central bank, switch to the US dollar, "F*CK the mo-fo CCP", etc,)
(he's a potty mouth for sure)
I wonder if he can actually pull it off
The people seem to think he can (he won by ten points)
I hope they are right

Lenin Linares
Lenin Linares - 26.11.2023 02:34

'The State produces nothing, only the Private Sector creates wealth' ✍Javier Milei✍

Lucas - 26.11.2023 02:32

Finally we have a good president here. I hope he do the things he say he will.

Dualkey - 26.11.2023 01:02

Pretty good video, I'm from Argentina and it's true that people don't want to change the lifestyle that they have had since always. The "good" thing is that younger generations are starting to pay attention to the economy and trying to get involved. The new President soon to assume has promised to do this harsh changes that will affect people lifestyle, but that are necessary to improve. Your title feels a little harsh to our people that are still trying to do the best to improve the situation, but I still appreciate the point of view, great video thanks for taking the time to investigate

Ezequiel Arrieta
Ezequiel Arrieta - 25.11.2023 23:50

I'm not your mate, buddy!

Pamela Asencio
Pamela Asencio - 25.11.2023 22:58

Al inicio salen las torres del Paine, eso está en Chile, no en Argentina.

Damian Pereira
Damian Pereira - 25.11.2023 21:58

There is enough money and resources in the country, we don't need austerity, we need politicians that will defend our resources and make whoever wants to extract them pay their worth. If we nationalized Lithium mines, keep our petrol/gas working, and keep improving the service sector, we can realistically pull ahead. We have excellent programmers for example. Austerity is not necessary for the middle class, taxing the rich would be enough.

Nick Milo
Nick Milo - 25.11.2023 21:57

Problem right now Here is that a huge part of the population have become lazy and literally live from the governments money, and the government keeps adding more and more taxes to those who do have jobs and businesses.
The politicians live like royalty and toss the crums to the low class to keep them happy, shile the middle class struggles to reach the end of the month without going broke.

Argentvs - 25.11.2023 21:50

German immigration to Argentina started in 1864. German arrivals post WWII was meaningless statistically. And mostly were sailors not Nazis like the propaganda myth the anglos push. Most Nazis lived happy lives in the US, by hundreds of times more people went there under the US government deliberate intention.

MadThrasher213 - 25.11.2023 20:15

Greetings, found this in my feed. Milei won. Please do this video again in 1/2 years.

Tamifer lopez
Tamifer lopez - 25.11.2023 20:04

Soy Argentina y quiero subtitulos en español :(

juan - 25.11.2023 19:14

la respuesta es facil. intereses extranjeros y politicos que reciben beneficios personal por entregar el pais a gente poderosa de afura.
mientras sigan habiendo vende patrias van a seguir existiendo las crisis

3am_ - 25.11.2023 19:09

After all this we still hold up. What you’re not telling is that when Argentina was one of the richest countries a century ago, 90% of the population was poor, that wealth was very concentrated in a few families.

Nayla Vaz
Nayla Vaz - 25.11.2023 19:03

Thanks from Argentina 💀😀

Tatu Hammer
Tatu Hammer - 25.11.2023 18:48

Don't Worry ppl, Javier Milei and his ideals are gonna make us great once again.
Viva la libertad CARAJO! ✊🦁

Otávio Ferreira
Otávio Ferreira - 25.11.2023 18:33

Man, I'm from Brazil and saw more than a fair share of madman politics.
In the 1980's and early 90's we had some terrible times economically. You say the words "Bresser plan", "Collor plan", "summer plan" and other "plans" you cause ptsd in anyone 50 and above.
But if there was one thing that Brazil did it right was, in 1992-93, assembling the best team of economists they could find and give them full support to develop an economic plan.
Our former president, Fernando Henrique Cardoso (known as FHC) was a sociologist but was appointed as the minister of economy. Before that he was a long time senator for our biggest state, São Paulo. He asked for full support of the president that appointed him (Itamar Franco), assembled a team of economists and told them: you're the biggest economical masterminds of the country. Make a good plan to beat hyperinflation and stabilize the currency. If you do so, I will convince the congress to pass your measures.
This was his pass to be elected president. The "Real plan" was the last in a longline of failed plans, was the one that stuck.
We've taken hard hits, but we never came close again to what was back in the 80's and early 90's, or to where Argentina has been for a long time.
More than the extreme proposals of Javier Milei, Argentina needs someone with that willingness. Let the economists do their job and support their ideas. I'm pretty sure Argentina has, in it's academic institutions, economists discussing possible solutions everyday.
Here in Brazil those times were likely the greatest times of academic production in economy, and many of the most productive scholars were assembled to do one of the greatest feats in our history

DarKnight - 25.11.2023 17:13

"Argentina is the most unstable economy anywhere in the world"

Cubans: 💀

ivaniuk123 - 25.11.2023 16:36

Lets see the answer to its economic demise is communis, the massive corruption... communism. The solution to them making a comeback is giving up communism.

MrAres martines
MrAres martines - 25.11.2023 14:17

Translation: The problem is Peronism

brentsrx7 - 25.11.2023 11:22

Its almost like socialism doesn't ever work. It never works, yet the left is stronger, and more woke than ever.

Lala Montana
Lala Montana - 25.11.2023 09:03

Hello , I'm american Argentinean raised. The ppintvyou lost in this video that is pretty accurate. Is that the las loan wasn't legal ( the congress of Argentina didn't approve the Loan till a year after ) and Macri didn't put that money in the country . Nobody knows where all this money is ( but we can guess )

Bani Grisson
Bani Grisson - 25.11.2023 08:59

We just voted to implement all the measures you proposed. This'll be interesting!

jellyfish - 25.11.2023 08:37

viva la libertad carajo!!

Francisco Liguori
Francisco Liguori - 25.11.2023 07:04

Cuanto comentario mala leche.

The_smallest_frog_wizard - 25.11.2023 06:41

Sip, no nos estamos muriendo de hamber, ha,ha,ha .... I'm lucky to have a house! I'm lucky I don't live in Rosario! ... we aren't in war, we are in crisis as you've said, but crisis, is not a mere steps away from inner social conflicts..

Lalu - 25.11.2023 01:18

The problem of our country is corruption… as simple (and sad) as that… any good idea is doomed to fail when everything will be stolen from the people…

Dodo Lord
Dodo Lord - 25.11.2023 01:14

Sadly, there's no real hope for Argentina. This country is doomed to be an eternally mediocre rollercoaster of economical instability.

brian sparda
brian sparda - 25.11.2023 01:09

surrender is for the weak

gaspar bachmann
gaspar bachmann - 25.11.2023 00:27

See ya in a year b

elfrankeetoo - 25.11.2023 00:23

good video

Debbie Martin
Debbie Martin - 25.11.2023 00:05

Debs husband says one thing is certain. Argentina was definitely failing under socialism.
