Hey everyone, it’s Rye here! Have you ever wanted to go all out and splurge on yourself? I recently did an online shopping haul worth $350!! There have been some items I’ve been eyeing and wanting to try and I finally decided to just go for it!
☆〜 This Review is for the Arden Cove Anti-Theft Waterproof Crossbody purse I ordered which retails for $129 - $133 USD on their website and Amazon.
☆〜 I’ll be uploading more videos of my haul soon (I’m still waiting on some items to arrive).
☆〜Please enjoy my first public upload! Please also don’t mind some of my editing mistakes and random side comments (I have ADHD and it be like that sometimes) ! If you have any constructive suggestions, or if you have an Arden Cove purse please leave a comment below!
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