The Blob: How the civil service beat Boris

The Blob: How the civil service beat Boris

The Telegraph

2 года назад

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Aiman Alam
Aiman Alam - 06.09.2023 10:44

time to rewatch Yes, Minister

John - 09.07.2023 08:17

I hate civil servants. They recruited 120,000 of them for brexit and pandemic. The tories want to get rid of 30,000 of them but they then go on strike. They are empire building nonjobbers. Jobs created by the left to get people to vote for them. Being part of the state they all vote socialist.

G T - 23.04.2023 12:15

Gosh, it's worse than I thought!

Sala - 22.10.2022 16:25

What a load of bs, conservative policies have been pushing through even when there’s backlash from the civil service. An that’s why the country is in the state it is…..nice try trying to blame others for the failure of the government but wouldn’t expect anything different from the telegraph lol

Edward Aveyard
Edward Aveyard - 04.10.2022 01:15

This video is a disgrace. It's a conspiracy theory. I shall never buy a copy of the Telegraph after hearing this hate-filled nonsense.

Ben - 05.08.2022 00:34

Good god, what utter Tory nonsense!

Tony Tate
Tony Tate - 04.08.2022 20:48

RUBBISH! Typical telegraph LIES.

Jenny GW
Jenny GW - 27.07.2022 11:37

Great report.

Thavaseelan Narayanan
Thavaseelan Narayanan - 02.06.2022 00:03

The civil servant look like a secrets state that is running country rather than the politician.

sds1943 - 31.05.2022 23:55

If Boris = Trump+ Barluscony, then TT = Fox Media. If an Asian man, born and bred in Britain says he experienced no overt or covert racism, then he is either plain stupid or is deliberately lying and for the female civil servant to claim this, she is incredibly naïve and living in la la land. With UKIPisation and Farragisation of Conservative movement since 2010, low grade racism has been re-legitimised in British political and social discourse and media like the The Telegraph have championed this.

esiotrot55 - 29.05.2022 17:47

One has only to look at the record of the House of Lords over the years (available on the Parliament website) where they have voted 'not content' on clauses in Government bills. There are significantly less government defeats when Labour have been in power, rather than Conservatives. Just in the last session, Peers fought tooth and nail against the Borders, Police, and Elections Bills, making wrecking amendments that if they became part of the final versions would have made them virtually toothless. In the current session, I can see the Rights Bill suffering similarly - despite Article 8 of the ECHR being misused under the Human Rights Act, to allow the 'right to a family life' needing urgent reform. Currently this article has been widened so much by the judiciary through case law it has led to some quite perverse decisions.

Ventura2050 - 29.05.2022 15:40

This is really astonishingly biased and doesn´t mention any other explanations for the failures of the tory party which might have something to do with tory politics.

M Mlas
M Mlas - 29.05.2022 02:05

More civil service bashing from the people who elect Tories and are unable to blame the actual party in power. Always have to blame a 25 year old pen pusher.

melanie - 28.05.2022 23:22

I think ALL UK media outlets should have a blanket ban on Harry & Meghan for the next couple of weeks to make a statement, and out of respect for the Queen. What better way of showing love and support for the service she’s devoted to our country. Focus on her only. Make it all about her, as it should be. Show her that we, as a country are all behind her. Let’s get patriot! PLEASE! 🙏🏼👑🇬🇧

Al - 28.05.2022 23:05

It's worth saying here that research has shown that a govement only needs a tax take of around 15% GDP to run a country far more efficiently than ours is today. This is evidenced from experience in Asia particularly Singapore, and organisation manpower studies carried out for running an army which parallels running a country. Our tax take is currently running at around 45% GDP, so we know we are wasting around 30% of the nation's resources every year through misallocation of resources by the Civil service. What we should be doing is investing that money for the population in a wealth fund like Finland has done to support our futures, then there would be plenty of money for everyone.

Mystero - 28.05.2022 22:32

To be fair to the telegraph, they have to choose a new boogeyman now they can’t blame all this on the EU.

Toby Mercer
Toby Mercer - 28.05.2022 10:39

I work for NICE and 'the blob' doesn't exist there. I think that's because the official tasks we're given give our lives sufficient meaning. I can imagine that the purpose of other government departments isn't so well defined, so that vaccume gets filled with other things.

JamesJohannes - 28.05.2022 09:31

Civil servants just like to eat junk food on office tables. That is their job.

R.D. Hamel
R.D. Hamel - 28.05.2022 07:15

Johnson is a crapulous slob with no purpose in the world other than Johnson.

They left wine and vomit to be mopped up by cleaning staff. They mocked security staff who tried to get them to break up the bunga parties.They laughed about getting away with it.

He needs to go. He is disgusting.

Cyber Punk
Cyber Punk - 28.05.2022 07:03

Fire the blob. It is unelected.

Alec Norton
Alec Norton - 28.05.2022 05:22

Great expose. But only really scratches the surface unfortunately. These people are evil.

Tired Man
Tired Man - 28.05.2022 03:10

Very true - the Conservative party received a mandate from the former "Red Wall" constituencies to implement Brexit and stem immigration, but currently it is nigh on impossible to repatriate a failed "asylum seeker" due to the funding of legal fees by groups like the Joseph Rowntree Foundation. We were given a talk about Critical Race Theory being approved by "American Academia" in a "Race Programme Event" even though the Conservative Party - voted by the electorate - has voiced its disapproval of this activity, which openly has the intention of dismantling our civilisation . "Unconscious Bias" training was called out in Parliament - but never fear! It was swiftly replaced with "Subconscious Bias Training". I have tried to raise objections to this insanity but was shouted down and slandered. Whichever way things move, worse is to come,

SJ T - 28.05.2022 02:53

I'm most interested to know when Boris gets beaten by a bat.

D C - 28.05.2022 01:34

An 80 seat majority completely squandered by a bunch of hopeless 3rd rate Conservative in name only Politicians. Never Again.

Elizabeth Mackenzie
Elizabeth Mackenzie - 28.05.2022 01:20

We know all this but it is the first time someone has set it out and published it. Well done DT.

D C - 28.05.2022 01:16

Unusual for the Telegraph to allow comments , Johnson is an utter failure as PM it's time he was kicked out.

Julie Oxtoby
Julie Oxtoby - 28.05.2022 01:14

If a 80 strong majority of Conservtatives cannot sort the blob out?? Boris is missing so many things like this his carelessness is breath taking he could do so much for the country i've lost my hope in him someone with a real sense of the country could do so much,

Stephen Jones
Stephen Jones - 28.05.2022 01:07

Is this government a useless shower of clowns?

No, it is the Civil Service who are wrong.

Andrew Cadman
Andrew Cadman - 28.05.2022 00:37

As with most things, the rot set in with Tony Blair. We must repeal the Equalities Act and let charities revert to their proper function of being entirely supported by private donations. Fake charities are a major problem.

N O - 27.05.2022 23:46

So it’s not Boris’s fault it’s the civil service. Tories press try to obfuscate the calamitous failures of a corrupt, incompetent and malicious toxic new brand of Torism. How predictable and very sad!

Sam Harrison
Sam Harrison - 27.05.2022 22:30

This is kind of hilarious. Micheal Gove and his ilk are just as horrifically incompetant as they appear to be. Id expect them to believe in a civil service conspiracy, it sounds like the theory of this piece is that Tony Blairs expansion of education put too many poor people in the civil service, and consequantly the world is biased against conservatives. The world is still run by rich people, there is no conspiracy against those a-holes in government, they cant get anything done because theyre impotent. They represent next to no-one, and no-one wants their changes.

julian shepherd
julian shepherd - 27.05.2022 21:22

The Civil Service warned that the Poll Tax would be a shambles.
And stop quoting yes Minister. Its satire. A deliberate exaggeration to make a point not a effing documentary.

julian shepherd
julian shepherd - 27.05.2022 21:19

Whining about civil servants doesn't explain the shambles that is Brexit.
No one stopped Brexit, it has no plan except fantasy machines that replace borders.

Dave Leddy
Dave Leddy - 27.05.2022 21:18

What a load of tory bilge

Rasengangstarr - 27.05.2022 20:54

So the Civil Service is the only thing stopping us sliding even deeper into Little Englander Fascism? Up the Civil Service!

MrDavidht - 27.05.2022 20:48

I was seconded into an MoD office for 2 years, the civil servants were very ordinary and work shy. Their manager was spending office time working on his investment portfolio and setting up a property company. I thought them wholly unprofessional, totally vindicated by the goings on in number 10.

K Philo
K Philo - 27.05.2022 20:18

If they follow CRT/CSJ they are de facto biased.

Oscar Hoyle
Oscar Hoyle - 27.05.2022 19:56

What in god's name is this ridiculous pile of bullshit? The telegraph should be fined for posting fake news in this level.

cizlerable - 27.05.2022 19:51

Some oppinions on what is progress are wrong. There is no upside to Brexit that weighs up to the downside. A civil service is about what is correct. How does society work optimally. The problem is not the Blob. The problem is the politician.

Jim - 27.05.2022 19:32

Really labour is the one held back by civil service really. The establishment literly planned a coup against the Wilson. Blair said he had scares on his back
