How To Get Over A Breakup - Andrew Tate Motivation

How To Get Over A Breakup - Andrew Tate Motivation

Project U Motivation

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@jasonlarsen5739 - 15.12.2023 03:45

Woman pogo right onto the next time of break up if there were to be a firing squad decision she had to pick between new dude or you, you're getting capped...

@jimsmit3700 - 06.12.2023 15:33

30 years of marriage gone to the drain a marriage of living in luxury where i gave the woman anything but she still left and im 52 but we still keep going and it does get easier

@frankwoods135 - 06.12.2023 03:09

And I remembered this from last year

@frankwoods135 - 06.12.2023 03:09

She broke up with me...

@CuriousHorizonTV - 04.12.2023 18:58

We have one life and we deserve to live it in the best way possible. Invest time, energy and attention in yourself as you would for the person you love most in the world. Remember, that dreams without goals are just dreams. Without commitment, you never start. Without consistency, you never finish. Dream big! Do whatever you feel passinate about. Do whatever you love. Don't chase other people's dreams. And try to have fun in the meantime as you pursue your goals!

@pugilistking5606 - 04.12.2023 04:09


@laaroussitouile6604 - 28.11.2023 07:35

I loved her like I have never loved any girl before. I gave her everything I could possibly give and cared for her deeply. Now, almost 2 months of no contact and I still think of her and I miss her deeply but I will never reach out to her. My dignity as a man, my self worth and everything I stand for are far more important to me than the pain her loss has caused. I wish her the best of luck. Life goes on. November 2023.

@everythingtemporary0736 - 27.11.2023 15:01

Can’t keep going anymore….someone help

@West1010 - 24.11.2023 18:31

Almost 2 weeks of no contact after a breakup. Still woke up sweating and only slept 2 hours last night & 5 the night before. I know I'm in her mind, but She's sleeping soundly guarenteed because she doesn't care & stays distracted.

@JohnSmith-wo7ns - 23.11.2023 19:18

Hurts just as much when you're older, she wanted and needed more money. She obviously didn't love me as much as I'd hoped.

@Shaedan12 - 23.11.2023 10:20

Please Hit me Up in 3 years and comment to remind me where i was imma turn into a beast 😂😂

November 23, 2023

@akanick3l471 - 16.11.2023 06:40

For me, it starts today….see y’all in six months

@mazikomijoya7304 - 15.11.2023 02:06

She left me for a kid bro wtf

@peregrine991 - 14.11.2023 08:19

She exposed my inferior masculinity. I think she wanted someone who was more direct and manly. I tried as hard as I could but I’m done. I’m letting go. I’m only going to focus on myself for the next 30. And focus on being honest and strong for myself first. God is good. I’ll rely on only God and take this one life that I’ve been given to make the best of myself. I’m ready.

@umerijaz5615 - 11.11.2023 19:51

I wonder do these cheating women ever get what they deserve?

@kingprimeknight7569 - 09.11.2023 20:54

Im sad. Im heart broken asf guys💯. I cried. I blew up her phone. I literally poured my heart n feelings out after the break up and guess what.... ONE EAR OUT THE OTHER🗣️❗️💯.

Once she's done she's done n it hurts yes but thanks to Andrew im over here just confident and happy im free. Bc now I can care about me. Build myself to be the best version of myself. Use this pain n hurt as a weapon to be successful 💯💪🏾. Im gonna be respected by my actions. When im sad I will not show that im sad. I will not cry. Ion care💯. I do but I gotta put my mind to not caring bc at the end of the day she's one girl out of billions.

I've been with her for 8 years. Our longest break up was 4 months n that was 2019. We've been on and off. For 8 years so im one of them stupid guys who tried n wouldn't let go. Im almost 3 weeks strong being single n focusing on me.

Im so grateful god shown me I was a dickhead 💀❗️💯💪🏾

@traviss7740 - 06.11.2023 16:20

Tate is the perfect example of how hypomania can actually manifest into real material success. The fact he can recall a memory and it will keep him up for days says it all. Pretty amazing that he can stay in that state for as long as he has though. I always ebb and flow through it.

@olgicavlajcic - 02.11.2023 17:15

Tate opened my eyes.

@gavinasbury - 31.10.2023 19:33

Just here to commiserate with the bros. Wife left me. 2 kids. Feeling this pain and trying to realign it to for good. Stay strong brothers

@LadyDestinee - 31.10.2023 10:57

I made sure she had everything she needed and she left anyway, this is so not fair

@beaner2189 - 31.10.2023 09:15

My girlfriend came out as asexual and said I did everything right and she never wants a relationship. I was willing to sacrifice sex and everything but that still wasn’t enough because she “didn’t feel like that would be sustainable for me”. No matter what I did in this past year never would’ve changed the end result of my relationship. There’s nothing I can work on to be better with girls just have to have patience to find one that is worth my time. Life is unfair, sometimes no matter what you will lose. It’s just part of being a man and those things will even make you stronger. It’s just sad that I can no longer feel secure in anything because I always have to expect the unexpected.

@_CaN_dy_ - 30.10.2023 11:33

Anyone Else broken Here...💔

@Dr.Waters-to8sv - 23.10.2023 01:14

Thank u

@jasondr78 - 19.10.2023 07:31

If you did all that you can do and that person chooses to walk away from you, LET THEM WALK and you keep moving with your head held high. Don’t look back. I am where you are now. 7 years, engaged and did everything for her just to be thrown out like trash. F-it. It’s all about me again. Just as it should be all about YOU. do yourself, take pride in yourself and live great.

@jahimguzman - 15.10.2023 14:57

I recently lost my 3 yr relationship.

She made sure that i thought i was the bad guy before she left and i spent 4 weeks overthinking my mistakes until i came to the realization that she was a bitter b*tch all the relationship and never did anything for me.

Thinking of it as me getting back my freedom and stop simping, living for someones else's sake its what finally made me forget about the pain.

Man, do girls with stupid neon hair color get under your skin and you dont notice.

@scissor2549 - 13.10.2023 23:50

This comment section is full of Man's tears and I love it😂

@mrwickairsoft6345 - 11.10.2023 23:43

I did everything for my girlfriend I was honest positive. I made her feel confident about herself, and in the end when things were getting worse, I told her how I felt things didn’t work out and I left.

@relat5776 - 08.10.2023 16:51

I train my dog , going into the woods. Read books , write my story, do exercise,..what else? Thx tate

@cjp5690 - 07.10.2023 19:28

I initiated it and she actually left this time…to go from having a close friend you talk to everyday all day to zero is tough. Relationship became toxic….
I haven’t felt that good in 10 years when it comes to love…but I’ve lost my self.
I should be happy now I have all the freedom in the world. Focus on self everything you need will follow

@aiohto7884 - 05.10.2023 15:17

Just broke up with her. I gave everything I could in the relationship, but it was too toxic. Gonna leave a comment here so that in the future when someone likes I will be reminded of how far I have came.

@thesubstance7714 - 05.10.2023 12:10

And this.. this is why I admire this man.

@dark_avalon_ - 03.10.2023 19:57

She left me and after i became successful she wants to come back…but i rejected her and now she is blackmailing me..what should I do??

@Youtuber-lv6eh - 02.10.2023 15:27

She doesnt care

@neildrew9276 - 30.09.2023 18:45

‘Brakeup’ in the thumb nail, says it all.

@yellowflash2754 - 30.09.2023 09:04

Dated this girl for about 4 months. We basically compressed years into months. It was the most perfect, amazing, beautiful relationship ever. It felt like we were meant for each other and God Himself put us together, but due to work reasons she has to be away for a few months. Hasnt been replying as much, the love she showed through text isnt there anymore, you can tell the effort isnt there anymore. I know i probably lost her already, and i can only blame myself really. For not being the kind of man that can provide and has built a world that the woman can come into. So know im in trw learning as much as i can so i can prevent something like that from happening ever again.

@ishaqkhana - 27.09.2023 06:28


@dedykurniyanto6349 - 24.09.2023 21:03

5years project here
See u at 25 sept 2028

@user-tp8kb6fe5f - 22.09.2023 04:57

I had a gf for 6 years. 1 month ago she left me. She tried to left me like 3 times but we always ended up “together”. Sad part is that we never actually did something and most probably I was the one who should do something to change it. But no, she ended the things now. I’ve never felt something like that, I’ve never thought I’d be in situations like that. I realised my mistakes and asked her a lot of times to give me another chance. We had a conversation lately that made me realise the garbage I am to her. She isn’t dating a new guy but she is surely a lot of steps ahead of me. Listening to guys like Andrew made me realise that to fell anxious and scared and blabla isn’t going to change something. I swear I never thought we would end up like this I thought she is the most divine and good person I knew. But now I’m realising she isn’t that human anymore. She isn’t affected by feeling and most important by my feelings. She just doesn’t care at this moment. Best thing I could do is to forget her, to work out as much as I can and to focus on myself. I literally tried everything to make her realise I’m a better person and I’m the guy. She laughed and made me feel awkward. Thank you Tate for these words I hope me and everybody else in this situation can make the best out of ourselves. There is God and he surely want us to be the best version of ourselfs and we aren’t meant to be sad and depressive over a woman. Thank you for the upload. Better times ahead. Amen.

@Trevor-ut6jm - 20.09.2023 22:53

Me and my wife separated several years ago after she cheated on me with several man at the time I was a fool to give her second chance as I had kids with her it was more toxic and corruptive to when I finally walked away I went went to pick my kids and she said to me can we talk I think I've made a mistake I said to her I know you have and now you have to live with it 10 years is now passed now and I've met a beautiful lady and married again and never been happier

@zoltszolts5632 - 20.09.2023 00:51

I agree, but it's still much easier to make these videos when you're not in the moment of pain. Much easier said then done. I'm traumatised and it's been months.

@nasdrio - 17.09.2023 15:03

too simple you put most of your words to your money and status but women need much more than that unless u pick golddiggers

@Archer2312 - 16.09.2023 03:11

My relationship was only 6 months...
A lot of things happened by the time we broke up. My parents got caught up en influenced me that she was bad.
She never really spoke about things that mattered to her.
When i broke up with her, it was for my own good.
Half yr later i send her a point on insta.
9-10 months later since i did that: she send one back and send me to the depths of hell. Told me she found someone better.
And that while i only worried about her, even when i was hurt. Even recently before she send me that, i was willing to say sorry to her if we ever would speak again. But that all faded away the second she send me that laat message. Since i've gotten out of that relationship I've tried to find the better version of me. I made steps after i completely broke mentally. And yet...
Here i am having a panic attack after that message. Why? Idk apparently i was still somehow emotionally attached to her. I've gone through a lot the last years and it all stapeled up till I've reached my limit...

@ABHI.S.P - 15.09.2023 20:34

U cant win her , than u are failure to get more girls

@brandonsaunders6580 - 14.09.2023 18:50

Imagine giving a shit a girl, get a hobby lol.

@petermorrissey3698 - 14.09.2023 13:44

Aw man, I am broken right now, I've only heard 1 min 15 seconds and already I am like, yes! Yes! This will never happen to me again. With the heart break and then instant blocking me ,she just motivated me to become the beast inside, that I needed to come out. And I'll make sure she sees me again in a years time looking fantastic with the world in the palm of my hand.

@allencrabbs5650 - 13.09.2023 19:28

Not all of us have u'r money. Alot of us live in the real world where u'r future wife walks away. Someone u gave EVERYTHING of u'r self. Someone u loved MORE .. than anyone u EVER been with. Someone u would do ANYTHING for. A person that u were BOTH connected and seemed to have all the same likes. And they walk away. I can't treat a women to 5 star hotels or put her on my jet. I live in the real world. And her leaving NEVER .. goes away

@pwnagenuss - 13.09.2023 07:48

This guys never worked hard. Try working 10 hours a day doing 20k steps
