5 Math Skills Every Programmer Needs

5 Math Skills Every Programmer Needs

Sahil & Sarra

1 год назад

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@thedevincicode - 02.01.2024 14:45

This is extremely helpful, Thank you ! 😊

@R_Yasha - 02.01.2024 13:24

One thing about this video I have to say I don’t agree with, as an engineer student, engineers ARE NOT ALWAYS good at math, and I’m speaking from experience, math is nothing more than a language, so it can be taught even though you’re not native or fluent in it; but besides that, I do agree with all the rest you said here.

@BinarySounds - 01.01.2024 22:39

99% of programming jobs won't require any complex math. I have only ever encountered complex math in robotics and AI.

@katehouse4451 - 30.12.2023 19:23

I like the way you script the video. It has good logic structure and it is easy to follow.

@Montyburn - 28.12.2023 09:47

Thank you very much <3

@piotrwszoek9387 - 25.12.2023 13:15

What a great condensed video!

@shauryaaher1579 - 25.12.2023 11:18

It's literally 10th to 12th grade basic math.

@rrahool - 25.12.2023 10:10

Man, your voice was not like the one nowadays you pretend to be. From your videos I learned a lot previously. Why the presentation of your speech needs to be scary, robotic and lethargic at the same time? Why not a happy and smiling face with strongly motivated look and feel? It seems like that you are presenting news in a news channel about some scary and dangerous criminal activities happened last night.

You are an Engineer of Google, the dream company of million like us, and also you are an ex-IITian. You should and must present in an inspirational way and energetically, so that the contents can be enjoyed more happily and the viewers get easy interaction to the topics.

I strongly support your contents but you need to work on the way you look at the camera and the presentation of your voice and also on your smiling, inspired face.

@iham1313 - 24.12.2023 10:37

Never needed to calc nested for loops; but for interviews it might be useful … learning to measure performance and optimisation is more important.

@Swordancer333 - 23.12.2023 11:51

The more I look how this guy explain why math is required for a software developer job, the more im convinced it isn't that much. 😂 This was some kind of zoombie mode there bro.

@puzzler4972 - 23.12.2023 04:43

My vote for most used of the 5 is modulus (from my experience). The remainder is so useful in many algorithms and solves many problems.

@jeffsaffron5647 - 23.12.2023 03:49

No you don't need any of this.

@ZashD.WaterLaw - 22.12.2023 21:02

I dont know if this video is made this way but i expected the requisites of maths to be more complex, if this video is true then lol im set for the maths part ive done very good level of problem practice on these topics

@RipleySawzen - 21.12.2023 09:24

I really wish they'd stop teaching log(N) in Big-O. Log(N) is always going to be lower than an arbitrary constant. There's probably not a problem in existence where it is a concern.

@ololh4xx - 20.12.2023 17:44

Neither are math skills necessary for the job nor should anyone attend coding interviews / tests during applications for a *JOB*. Almost all of the jobs / employers which try to test applicants are actually really shitty jobs, if they're viable at all. There are multiple reasons for that.
Also : you dont even need to go to college in order to become a "programmer". In fact, you can be a DEVELOPER without going to college - and a pretty good one, too if you want! You can also earn a (very) decent salary and live a stable, nice life.
Literally all of the assumptions and claims about this job (including most of the ones in this video) are utterly wrong.

@ShadowXardas - 20.12.2023 00:01

That two minute intro just to get to the point was brutal dude. You repeated yourself at least seven times. Huge waste of time.

@alvinlepik5265 - 19.12.2023 19:11

And category theory for all of us FP psychos :)

@moe583 - 19.12.2023 10:31


@vdragoon3444 - 19.12.2023 06:44

what da frick isa math?

@fenfire3824 - 18.12.2023 21:09

Do you actually "need" all that complex math? In my company, i honestly never needed my math skills. 🤣 I mean, calculating stuff like time complexity isn't really difficult.
You don't need to be "good" at maths. I mean, you shouldn't be dumb i guess. But it is mostly very simple maths you actually need in most programming jobs.
I mean, you shouldn't be a morron. If someone would ask me stupid math questions in a job interview i wouldn't even want to work there. I would feel disrespected.
You don't need a universary degree to use log, modula or factorial... this is all schools stuff. At least in germany. Can't speak for other countries.

@dbasalo - 18.12.2023 19:45

What is this guy talking about? I've been a software developer for 30 years for several companies and I've never had to use math at the level it's been described in this video. I learnt all he's talking about in college, but nowadays there's libraries that optimize all these algorithms. There's no need to reinvent the wheel.

@eone199 - 18.12.2023 18:49

you will apply your REAL math skill when you try to design something beyond only just software (for example robots)...math is also very useful when you want to apply it in models

@alphalunamare - 18.12.2023 18:46

Capitalism means that Business and Defense employ Sociloogists 'and geographer's rather than computer Scientist's. Those higher degree numpties get more monet for spending longer fixing rheir bugs. A Software Engineer is but a Coal Miner in this day's World.. Do something better with your life than subject to yourself to lower pay in an industry you are better at but your social skills just don't fit. There are more ass licker's in Software than ass holes in politics ... choose your career carefully.

@tiriana2 - 18.12.2023 18:08

I would suggest adding propositional logic to this list.

There's a frequent misunderstanding I've noticed among programmers: confusing mathematical operations with logical operators. People often mix up multiplication with conjunction (AND) and addition with disjunction (OR), thinking they work in the same way. For instance, while in arithmetic -3 + -5 is analogous to -1 * (3 + 5), this analogy doesn't hold true in logic. A common mistake is to think !three OR !five is equivalent to !(three OR five), when in reality, it aligns with !(three AND five) according to De Morgan's Laws. It's important to understand these distinctions in propositional logic for effective problem-solving in programming.

@Lleanlleawrg - 18.12.2023 14:37

Lmao, the intro where you talk about engineers and you have Elon and Bezos there.

@menninkainen8830 - 18.12.2023 03:38

This should be the level of mathematics you understand when you start learning engineering. Then you can start to actually learn some maths and engineering.

@rongarza9488 - 18.12.2023 03:03

Do let this comment scare you off: if you don't have an advanced degree you are going nowhere. But don't take my word for it, go to a job board and enter AI Intern. They want Masters or Ph.D. and prefer someone with years of experience. So what does "Intern" mean?

@Job.khabar - 16.12.2023 16:26

i gone slept while listening your slowly voice. then i again start listening this video very carefully and ultimately got knowledgable and motivated.

@roboticbrain2027 - 16.12.2023 14:30

I've never seen any mathematician use base 10 log! It's always base e because it makes so many problems so much simpler. Log base 10 is really only useful if you're dealing with decimal numbers and want to write them down more succinctly. For anything else you're better off using Pi, e, and primes as "Atoms".

@majesticjester1 - 16.12.2023 12:50

the only skills programmers need now is ChatGPT

@basicguy5785 - 16.12.2023 11:15

As I see it, most programming jobs only require basic math skills. When those skills are needed they are mostly related to algorithm construction. And talking about algorithms, 99% of the time it will be simple for loops. Of course it depends on what what you work with, but for typical front and backend stuff, I think I'm correct. I'm an experienced developer that suck at math. I couldn't for the life of me tell you what a logarithmic or factorial expression is without looking it up. Despite of this I've still had a successful and relatively high earning career.

@TheJollyRogerPirate - 15.12.2023 23:17

I suck at math yet I’ve been THE lead developer on multiple software engineering teams, and now I’m on an enablement team that helps enterprise development teams when they get stuck. Math has little to do with programmatic logic. It does come in handy sometime but it’s grossly overrated. What surprises me is how many developers and software engineers should not be near a computer. Seriously at a bare minimum I feel like you should know what “ping” and “nslookup” do

@betospopovich7816 - 14.12.2023 18:39

Pretty basic math tho

@RajinderYadav - 14.12.2023 07:28

All you need to know is BEDMAS

@Windowsinside - 13.12.2023 08:49

Thank you so much for your videos, you help me a lot to look and move forward with coding!

@spincolor - 12.12.2023 09:39

Depends what sort of programmer you are. If you're just doing web/gui programming, then you don't need any math skills. The more interesting programming jobs are where you need to do data science, create algorithms, run simulations etc. That's when you need math.

@Warghoul76 - 11.12.2023 03:51

Thinking ai will solve my math problems

@martinmccoy2735 - 10.12.2023 07:49

Does a person have to be good with common core math? I had a short class on it but had personal events happen that I had to drop out before I got a grip on it but I have always been good with math, college algebra (really need a refresher being its been 25 years since I had the class and never had a job that I utilized it for).

@Blobby_Hill - 09.12.2023 23:46


@mannykhan7752 - 09.12.2023 05:50

Youve got aanly gace but when you start soeaking, man I couldnt help laugh at that girly voice.

@FrankieGoestoBollywood - 05.12.2023 17:41

Mr. High-School-Level mathematician, there must be an unfortunate error in your calculations, which apparently escaped both you and your employer: for, say, N=5, N*log(5)≈11.6096, which alone should have alerted you to a possible error. This can further be verified by manually calculating the number of iterations in the loop: for N=5, it's 15.
Wishing you many happy adventures in math!

@gyurxi551 - 04.12.2023 00:26

I graduated in math. It is an old bad habit that you have to be able to understand mathematics for programming, I've never did. Research has shown that musical knowledge is also worth more.

@yobynn660 - 03.12.2023 13:31

you just make it complicated, when you actually write the code and simply log the output and you can easily see the pattern. 🤔

@rmraovich - 02.12.2023 16:56

So primative operators such as % modulus and the Math.pow() in JavaScript stop people from getting jobs at Google? No, there are not enough jobs to give out... thats the real reason, so keep reading books until you're dead and keep wondering why you can't get a job as a software engineer! :D lol...

@SomeUserNameBlahBlah - 28.11.2023 20:15

Wouldn't the first one be N log(N)? Since j is 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, ...

@gooseinshoes4673 - 28.11.2023 07:40

Huge thanks for some info m8t, even as a CS student this is often overlooked at

@fernandodominguez4522 - 27.11.2023 21:01


@cd5266 - 27.11.2023 19:32

im in my second years in computer engineering, math is the most important topic in my baccalauréat
