The Rise and Fall of the Wim Hof Empire

The Rise and Fall of the Wim Hof Empire

Scott Carney

1 год назад

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amie smith
amie smith - 23.11.2023 16:53

You’re not supposed to do the breath work in or near water. That’s the basic and first rule.

Travis Wildchild
Travis Wildchild - 23.11.2023 06:46

Why did he do it in a pool that's not smart that's very dumb a tub or something similar to a tub is used so you don't drown 😂.

Rodney Shackelford
Rodney Shackelford - 23.11.2023 04:12

Everything I've read about the Wim Hof method states that the breathing techniques and water immersion must always be separated. It was stated that mixing the two can result in death. This was very explicit in his method. Anything can kill you. Weightlifting incorrectly can kill you. This video seems biased.

Brigitte Pitt
Brigitte Pitt - 22.11.2023 22:41

Wow! Interesting turnabout! Thanks for undercover in the history and background of wim and his teaching and as well as sharing your shifting pov.

Luther Dean
Luther Dean - 22.11.2023 16:36


tarik hamdou
tarik hamdou - 22.11.2023 16:19

lol he tells you not to do it in the water dummy

Jonny B. Good
Jonny B. Good - 22.11.2023 16:05

There is an easy solution for the shallow water blackout. Is is used by freedivers for decades. Never submerge alone. Always bring a buddy. Whenever one is doing the practice, the other one is staying obove the surfice taking care.

Adventures On Wheels
Adventures On Wheels - 22.11.2023 10:59

What’s the point? I got lost between blaming WH of people who had unfortunately died pushing their very own limits, and using everything Scott knew about whatever he saw and heard through his own experiences and used to point out and make him responsible for every death happened.
Basically you focus on the exception of the process (Is there something pristine and collateral effect free?). Yet, common sense is an individual decision, wether you want to take it or not, or even use it.
I find your “opinion” even worst than the entire point you force to build. In other words, I understand that your justification is super cheap and low. A documentary about driving bicycles must be done urgently because it could kill you and even worst: cause other people to be injured and potentially cause deaths. Emphasizing the fact that if you ride it, could be beneficial to your health, but you could die in the process and affect others.

john - 22.11.2023 07:34

Wim hof is amazing

Dave Aldous
Dave Aldous - 22.11.2023 04:13

I thought this was obvious from the start. Most of what he says is verbal diarrhea. Just fragments of ideas all stringed together. But somehow he got to this remarkable ability to stay alive and function in very cold water

Trade Prevision
Trade Prevision - 21.11.2023 22:16

From the start Wim story is about hidding from suffering in cold, in booze, in lies AND fighting to repair himself and the world, at the same time.
Take what he has to give, in a responsible way. Your vid helps doing that, my humble advise make It in 10 min and out of love. Thank you BOTH.

Evangelos Leventelis
Evangelos Leventelis - 21.11.2023 22:10

13 deaths in let's say 15 years are not many. It is obvious that you try to hit him wherever you can, talking about the relationship with his children or if his son practices the method.
If you had stayed to the drowning issues you would sound more honest but you want to invalidate his personality and cancel.

Zakk-GG MoonyHam
Zakk-GG MoonyHam - 21.11.2023 14:58


14th Lord Of Decay
14th Lord Of Decay - 21.11.2023 12:39

You are one small brain 😂

Nucks - 21.11.2023 11:46

The wim hof empire is going from strength to strength. He's helped me tranform my breathing and health. Thanls Wim

Dan WU
Dan WU - 21.11.2023 00:57

maybe some read this or not, but you are having some points against Wim, Wim's challenge is now a @spriritual Ego@ same as your is @ambition@

John - 20.11.2023 23:36

😂😂😂😂hobunder water and hold your breath until you die... America is the land of OZ. Yeah blame Wim Hof you put a knife in the light socket lol😅

Mark Owen
Mark Owen - 20.11.2023 22:25

Simple... He warns against this.. the end

Holyman - 20.11.2023 13:29

People are responsible for their own actions, Wim isn’t to blame if some idiot hyperventilates in a pool and drowns.

Henk Verhaeren
Henk Verhaeren - 20.11.2023 12:53

Everybody dies. Wim Hof bringes life to the world.

Rich Van Every
Rich Van Every - 20.11.2023 09:36

This is pathetic propaganda - Being stupid is not excuse to put blame on another.

Diary Of A Dead Tattooist
Diary Of A Dead Tattooist - 19.11.2023 23:39

Same old same old. So people ignore instruction and do so at their own risk. Full stop. All about the money. 🤔

Sam - 19.11.2023 20:48

Scott Carney is probably one of the dumbest human beings alive today

Patriot8x2 - 19.11.2023 19:11

Western Medicine that has done so much harm through Rockefeller oil derivative medicine for profit off course they will criticize one man who showed people how to heal themselves.
They don't talk about millions he helped.
In my country it's ancient tradition to go into ice water and known healing remedy as many others.
Western Medicine is good for emergency surgeries and that's it.

METUS - 19.11.2023 13:17

Now it's visible to all why you "have been friends". It's disgusting to turn attention to yourself with someone's achivements and finding imperfections on the base of simple misunderstanding of his teaching. Everyone knows not to get in the water alone, everyone knows the risk of hyperventilation. You're made a film to your own doom, hope people have much more understanding and will read between the lines.

John Burke
John Burke - 19.11.2023 12:57

Moan moan moan ,try and replicate an amazing athletes methods and come a cropper and blame the “ ice man” not the stupidity of the person who’s actions created the problems , we live in an instant gratification “ Blame culture “ now , where people who’s lives are basically actionless in comparison to our “ hunter gatherer” fore fathers , office panzies trying to stoicly self harm themselves without taking baby steps 1st , mental toughness is the total opposite to what these morons think it is , “ let’s all go to Iceland with bob the CEO to show what salt strength we have !!!” You all make me sick to be honest

PIL - 19.11.2023 03:51

Boo hoo.....u push limits u take risks. Wim hof method decreases boer effect on rbc's. U have to be careful with all practi es

Matthew Adams
Matthew Adams - 19.11.2023 01:46

This is fishy. 3 mins in and all it has talked about is people taking the risk of breathing in the cold that Wim advises against over and over again.

Nicholas Giannasi
Nicholas Giannasi - 19.11.2023 00:01

Wim is mad. Never thought he wasn’t. But he constantly says “don’t do what I do” & “don’t do in water”
We should all trust and feel our own bodies.
This video is pretty gay. I’m not hear to stick up for Wim, but we do need more people like Wim who will push the boundaries to show human potential.
This video is exactly aligned with this fragile and sick humanity that is suffering.
Scott talking about vaccines and Covid shows his true colours.
Sorry but this video did nothing for me.
I’ve known people who have been a part of his organisation who say it’s not the best and his son is too business oriented.
But I don’t like trying to pull Wim down for the sake of it. You’re meant to be his friend.

Who knows what he went through after his wife died. He has said he was suicidal at that time. His story is still inspirational to many. And he has a great relationship with his first 4 children (now adults).

duga monn
duga monn - 18.11.2023 23:46

Many people are stupid and do things wrong. You could tell them to eat Broccholi because it's healthy and some would manage to die of it.
Someone always dies of something.

Milan Macesic
Milan Macesic - 18.11.2023 20:18

Nice try, Mr.Carney!

minke pilat
minke pilat - 18.11.2023 15:09

You are evil,.

Cor - 18.11.2023 11:48

The only doubt that people could have about Wim Hof’s story is the fact that the mother of his four children committed suicide. When there ‘s suicide involved, it means always unhealthy life conditions, stress, trauma, a cry for help that is not met. If he abandoned his children for ten years, maybe he wasn’t that good partner he pretended to be. I never saw Wim Hof as a victim of the suicide of his wife. But even if he is a narcissist, his trainings helped a lot of people to survive. So the spirit of his dead wife at the end is living through him.

ThaTurdBurglar - 18.11.2023 10:28

Someone once sued McDonald's because the coffee they ordered burned them 🤷‍♂️

TheGerogero - 17.11.2023 21:39

Raising up stoicism and Nietzsche, carte blanche, as the philosophical prototype of Wim Hof is cute.

Kudos, however, for this level of investigative journalism. I can now also make sense of some strange experiences I had trying out the method years ago.

But Wim's right on the conspiracies, unfortunately.

Buster - 17.11.2023 20:38

All I know is that Wim Hof method has completely changed my life and destroyed the MS disease and I have no symptoms of MS anymore. I thank God for his information.

Buster - 17.11.2023 18:57

Wim Hof has proven that his method is good. Stop the lying.

Stephen Carlton
Stephen Carlton - 17.11.2023 18:34

every Wim Hof content I have seen he says DONT do the breathing technique in water

Yves Baggi
Yves Baggi - 17.11.2023 10:25

Interesting. I never knew he suggested hyperventilating in water.

Any lifegard training teaches you to recognise people who are playing this game.
The problem is one could regularly hold his breath for 2 minutes. BUt one time thez could pass out after 20s.
Then the rest of the party don't start being concerned after 2min even later. By that time he'll have been out of oxigen for 2min or more.

Angelo (A-Lo) Marchelletta
Angelo (A-Lo) Marchelletta - 17.11.2023 04:43

So what does his family life have to do with peoples safety? He did NOT compare himself to Jesus man this video is full of character assassination and conjecture. He has healed sooo many people including myself and 4 people died (which is tragic) but you harp on that? Seriously how many videos have you done about drinking and driving, medical malpractice, over eating etc... This isn't about saving lives it's about dragging someones name through the mud.

Gina fromCologne
Gina fromCologne - 17.11.2023 00:16

I only heard of the Wim Hof techique recently and all I know so far, it's about breathing exercises and exposure to cold, and I watched a short video of an asthma patient who doesn't need his spray anymore.
Your warnings are surely important, also your explanation on why it is so dangerous to use the breathing techniques in the water, but would you still recommend to look into his method to improve my lung function as an asthma patient? I hate the cold though. :/

Mr nobodyss
Mr nobodyss - 16.11.2023 21:17

No one respect traitor

Gabriel Jones
Gabriel Jones - 16.11.2023 14:30

Caveat emptor applies to beliefs and acquisitions that preceded any purchases. Informed consent- decisions should be a part of intake for the participation of any protocol

dogpoop123 - 16.11.2023 13:14


Hank Chinaski
Hank Chinaski - 16.11.2023 08:31


Roger Ramjet
Roger Ramjet - 16.11.2023 01:39

I was wondering how long it would take the Satanic big pharma cartel to fund a hit piece against Wim. They stand to lose many billions of dollars when people start curing themselves.

Debbie Kimber
Debbie Kimber - 16.11.2023 00:30

Just started to watch this and very quickly came to the conclusion that it appears to me that you have a personal problem with Wim! Everyone is flawed in one or another. Get over it. Stopped watching.
