Britney and Kevin: Chaotic is an American reality television series created and directed by Anthony E. Zuiker. Starring pop singer Britney Spears and her then-husband Kevin Federline, the five-episode series aired on UPN from May 17 to June 14, 2005. The series chronicles the couple's relationship from their courtship, engagement and wedding.
Now I hate this series, and I'll never watch it again, and I know it's everywhere on YouTube, you know how videos get deleted all the time, so I'm gonna leave them here just in case. The case being you wanna watch this as a new fan (take a long bath after) (& nobody else who is in their right mind or a fan would watch this) and don't wanna purchase the DVD, then you can come back here. Make sure to subscribe so you can find the series easily!
Anyways, enjoy hehe.
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Instagram: @curiousforh3r
© 2005 The Biggest Mistake Of Britney's Life, a division of Kevin Federline.