Doug's World Tour Gold Pay Dirt Review # 20, Whiskey Dick's Gold Pay Dirt At Ebay

Doug's World Tour Gold Pay Dirt Review # 20, Whiskey Dick's Gold Pay Dirt At Ebay

Dougs WorldTour

55 лет назад

211 Просмотров

Hello gold panning enthusiasts !
You have found our 20th gold pay dirt review video and we couldn't be happier. We are planning a Summer of several dozen reviews to make you aware of the do's and don'ts of buying gold bags online.
We are strictly a small group of hobbyists living here in the Southern Nevada and Northern Arizona area with the desire to get out and find great panning spots for our own enjoyment and now for you to enjoy as well. If you think that you would enjoy doing some mining and panning at home, I strongly encourage it. This may be the most enjoyable hobby that I have ever participated in. I'm hooked for life!
Today's # 20 video is a review of a 2.5 oz bag of paydirt sent to us from an ebay seller Whiskey Dicks. The description said the following on ebay.

"Whiskey Dick's Premium Paydirt!

Gold nugget guaranteed in every bag - malachite, topaz, fluorite and other rare stones will be found in your pan as well. ( we did not receive a gold nugget in our bag ) We do not recommend this paydirt for this reason :(

2.5 oz of panning dirt extracted from our private Colorado claim and packaged for you to pan out.

We are happy to make these folks our 20th bag of pay dirt that we reviewed.
Sit back, enjoy the show and we will see you on the next one with real live panning in our indoor studio here in AZ as it is well over 100 already and it is only the second week of June 2020. We are glad you found us, kindly subscribe, click the bell for notifications and send us any pay dirt that you might have for review. Our address and other info is listed below.
Send anything to us here at, Doug Bale Enterprises, 1000 Hwy 95, Ste "C" Bullhead City AZ 86429

For quality mining supplies, we have picked out the very best deals for the mining consumer, lots of starting sets as well as gold pay dirt for you to have fun with at home.

We are now offering our own line of gold pay dirt.

For quality mining supply's, we have picked out the very best deals for the mining consumer, lots of starting sets as well as gold pay dirt for you to have fun with at home.

This is the scale that I use in my videos. There are others but for 20.00, why keep shopping? Mine has lasted a year and is still going strong.

Here is a great starter set for pans, tweezers and a snuffer bottle. I started with a very similar set.

If you're ready to jump in to recovering the fine gold with a sluice, this is a great starter set.

Join our Patreon program to keep us on the road continuing to bring you the quality videos that you deserve to see. :)


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