Sharing the Road with Cyclists - Road Safety Authority Ireland

Sharing the Road with Cyclists - Road Safety Authority Ireland

RSA Ireland

1 десятилетие назад

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Cyclists are entitled to road space as much as cars, vans, goods vehicles or indeed any other vehicle on the road. This commercial aims to educate drivers on sharing the roads safely with cyclists, and motorists' responsibility to cyclists as vulnerable road users.

Ultimately, we are asking motorists to be respectful of cyclists and mindful of how they use the road. We all share the road, and if we're considerate of each other, we'll see fewer needless accidents and deaths.


#Cyclists #cycling #road_safety #road_safety_authority #ireland #driving #road #driving_education
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@rowbo_7749 - 06.07.2022 16:44

What if I don’t respect them

@rocon86 - 23.10.2016 21:49

I just think it's crazy allowing inexperienced people on bicycles onto the road. A 12 year old who never sat a driving test, doesn't know the rules of the road and doesn't pay tax or insurance, is totally fine. This can also apply to adults and it's an absolute disgrace. How on earth would a cyclist be entitled to be on the road? I seen 2 non-national children cycling down the street on the 1 bike on the wrong side of the street and neither wearing a helmet. If I knocked them cyclists down by accident, they can claim off my insurance. If them cyclists hit into my car and it's not my fault, they can still claim off my insurance. The car drivers are always in the wrong even though WE are paying and there's nothing for us to rightly claim off for damage. Introduce a bicycle licence to prove they've an understanding of the basic rules of the road and charge them tax and insurance if they want to be on the road, or else stick to the nature trails and parks.

@cherokeeschill - 08.03.2015 03:32

"Cyclists are entitled to road space as much as cars, vans, goods vehicles or indeed any other vehicle on the road. This commercial aims to educate drivers on sharing the roads safely with cyclists, and motorists' responsibility to cyclists as vulnerable road users."
This would explain the increase in cycling in Ireland. Education, Legislation, Infrastructure. 

@domran35 - 06.09.2014 03:57

Lots of cyclists about now

@ajomarichard7414 - 06.09.2014 01:44

Nice ride

@augnkn93043 - 27.04.2014 02:22

Good video, uk should copy it.

@EveryTongueShallTell - 26.10.2013 05:40

How can you hate on cyclists when in Dublin there are too many cars around? Have a look at the estates on Christmas Eve, nearly every house has more than one car. The actual space a cyclist takes up on the road is nothing compared to another car. Some motorists think that it is all cyclists getting in the way, at the same time, cyclists sometimes have to come out of the lane onto the road cause of cars parked in the bicycle lane, and sometimes, cyclists don't even get a lane, but never complain

@RSAIreland - 07.08.2013 19:40

On left turns watch out for cyclists and mopeds close to the kerb in front of you or coming up on your left. Do not overtake a cyclist as you approach a junction if you are turning left as the cyclist (possibly unaware of your intentions) might be continuing straight ahead.

@RSAIreland - 07.08.2013 19:40

Hi Rory, Firstly, vehicles do not have an automatic right of way on the road. The overriding rule is in all circumstances to proceed with caution. All drivers turning left must watch out for cyclists and motorcyclists going ahead, or turning and should only change direction when it is safe to do so. (cntd)

@JollySelfRighteous - 12.07.2013 00:49

Driving doesn't give you much exercise at all... However the suggestion that drivers are all fat and unhealthy is a stupid one... Remember without drivers we would all start to die in large numbers.. #DRIVERS

@hogo1 - 19.05.2013 11:15

the guys face at :25 represent my feelings about cyclist on the road

@04smallmj - 29.03.2013 18:46

Nice, but what's with all the helmets and hi-viz?

@7ehrawk - 27.03.2013 22:19

With your first hand experience, you are obviously someone who would recognize a descent into lunacy.

@maikaahl - 27.03.2013 20:57

I don't want to be treated like another vehicle because a careless tailgating for me approaches a lethal outcome, for another driver it is a minor nuisance. Drivers need to be told, in fact yelled at, that a cyclist in the middle of the lane has every right to be there and if anything is a courteous signal warning that it is not safe to overtake. Other myths that needs exploding is the "should be in the cycle lane" and "road tax".

@Moikee64 - 27.03.2013 19:14

Luckily you're not in charge... and with your idiotic, self-righteous views, we're all glad you're not. Your arguments are so invalid without any consideration for the lifestyle or needs of a cyclist. Do some research and grow up.

@Moikee64 - 27.03.2013 19:12

I am glad that they mentioned (and demonstrated) how much room to leave when overtaking, since most drivers leave bare minimum to scrape past. Treat us as if you're overtaking another vehicle!

@maikaahl - 27.03.2013 17:46

An educational video isn't complete without explaining explicitly that cyclists have good reason to occupy the whole lane even as a soloist for their and others safety.

@7ehrawk - 27.03.2013 04:40

For you it might not be an "essential form of transport". But for a lot of people it is. A lot of people do rely on cycling for their day to day needs. Cycling allows them to get to work quickly. Keeps them fit. Gives them some endorphin's, due to it being a generally enjoyable way to get around. Oh and its easily affordable. #BIKES RUN ON FAT AND SAVE YOU MONEY, CARS RUN ON MONEY AND MAKE YOU FAT

@7ehrawk - 27.03.2013 03:54

Drivers slow cyclists down = FACT

@7ehrawk - 27.03.2013 02:39

Put every one of those cyclist in their own car. Then talk to me about traffic congestion. Cyclists don't cause congestion. If it takes someone 20 minutes to cycle to work in the morning. Or 2 hours in a car, does that not tell you something?

@PSNragglefraggle1 - 27.03.2013 00:23

So going over the speed limit & driving up the price of our usustainable fuel is saving billions?! Have you seen London congestion?!

@7ehrawk - 26.03.2013 22:50

Well, if you are going to go that route. Why not restrict cars to 20mph. Think how many lives would be saved! #PONIES&ICECREAM

@graffitijunkiejfk - 26.03.2013 19:10

Could do with a bit more of this...

@tristenenn - 26.03.2013 18:26

you wouldn't happen to be australian by any chance?

@2_Wheeled_Wolf - 26.03.2013 02:39

Perhaps you like to make an apology for that libellous remark! I do stop at red lights everytime! Cyclists are allowed in the middle of the road, more so if busy due to drivers not giving space when passing & I look behind me often as I have to watch out for inconsiderate drivers and give more consideration to drivers than I get from them! So it is NOT all cyclists, if anything its a handful & I see more dangerous drivers on the roads than cyclists.

@fastbug66 - 26.03.2013 01:40

There.. Not difficult is it motorists?

@MyBestSiteEver - 22.03.2013 20:33

Great video! Also agree with Jake McGuinness-video should address all road users.

@markcaver1 - 20.03.2013 23:57

& see next video....!

@markcaver1 - 20.03.2013 23:56

& when was the last time a cyclist killed a car/truck driver?? !!
