Never Complain About Your Bad Calf Genetics Again

Never Complain About Your Bad Calf Genetics Again

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@rocketsurgeon1746 - 28.09.2022 17:00

He needs to stretch more... that's definitely it :)

@matthewadams4097 - 28.09.2022 17:16

I'm pretty similar except my upper body is also very small

@lilyeeezyyyy - 03.10.2022 03:21

bro I think he must have some sort of condition or sum

@rubbingmikelitoris - 12.10.2022 11:13

My legs are literally worse man...I've had skinny calves my whole life at some point I stopped wearing shorts

@dann_mrtins - 12.10.2022 15:57

My calves are like his 😭😭

@Leodachef1 - 14.10.2022 14:35

With the words of Maggusch Rüühhl:Musch de Wade bruddal treniere. Hohe gewischt sonst wechst da nix.

@shinitai5242 - 14.10.2022 22:16

My calves are skinnier. For the time being. Was born with bilateral clubbed feet. I think it has something to do with my diagnosis of bcf. Im gonna get monster calves or become crippled trying

@starzz7221 - 27.10.2022 12:08

Jon jones taking notes

@thebaddestogre-3698 - 29.10.2022 06:35

i bet he could throw some serious kicks.

@nckklung - 11.11.2022 22:28

And he has horrible ILS

@kameran6199 - 16.11.2022 11:06

I work out my calf’s, and burn the, out before I work out my legs

@ikanberapi2189 - 22.11.2022 18:20

the Genetic skipped leg day

hopefully arm Genetic not gonna skip Arm Day

@dogstar5572 - 24.11.2022 20:18

My skinny calf muscles give me bad balance, especially after a few drinks.

@impostor4665 - 04.12.2022 02:13


@donahrahkoonem - 05.12.2022 07:01

i have the strongest calves in my gym. i can do sets up to 8 plates. thats as much as the machine can hold lol. standing, i did i think 14. but i do not do standing too often, because you are putting too much weight on your spine. anyways, a guy in my gym sees me doing sets, and said to himself, i want to do that. it took him 7 months, he is already doing 7 plates for i think he got 8 reps. first up, if you do go that heavy, use a belt, and wrap your legs TO THE MACHINE. i have had the machine top rip off, and you flip backwards. second time i almost broke my back. make sure you stretch as well. and just do calves 2-3 times a week.

@MrMadagascar7 - 17.12.2022 19:43

best thing i did was change the way i walk to feet straight. went to barefoot shoes and started strengthening feet, tibialis and then sled, jumps when appropriate.

@vps4468 - 03.01.2023 17:59

Bro has gru legs

@burkebaby - 06.01.2023 09:22

I admire Derek for his ability to make 11-minutes long interesting video about the fact that someone has small calves

@SamsonBiggz - 13.01.2023 01:50

Bet he doesn't really train calves though. Probably been doing 4 sets of calf raise a week for his entire life and thinkin "damn i must just have bad genetics." Sorry bro but If you can walk normal during the day when you're not at the gym then you ain't training calves hard enough.

@cybertar - 14.01.2023 17:43

Derek the type of guy to verbally say the name of this emoji while reading this comment:🏞

@Faith_in_Chaos - 18.01.2023 22:13

“Forbidden broomsticks” I am fucking dying 😂

@shadowcat314 - 01.02.2023 04:55

This is why you don't skip leg day.

@greg2141 - 06.02.2023 22:14

Imagine purposely making your calves small and your body huge as a social media strategy lol

@ethentrevanion3404 - 13.02.2023 10:18

Steep Hill sprints help with calfs a lot

@chrisking6695 - 14.02.2023 20:22

I literally have calves like this. And it’s a major contributor to my bdd.

@tezzytez_1 - 21.02.2023 20:58

His calves aren’t even terrible it’s his ankles that make them look smaller than what they are. Just gotta wear longer socks tbh

@lluisfargaslopez9603 - 24.02.2023 14:10

I have outstanding leg genetics but at the cost of fat. Even when i was competing in trithlon i had like the biggest quads and calves in the whole team. We were doing 12-17 hours of cardio a week and dieting and i just kept adding mass to the legs and upper body- I was leaner than i am now today doing chalistenics but there was no way i could be lean like the other guys. I had outstanding times in swim and bike but runing didn't let me go in to the pro +21 territory- then the pandemics and a cerebral tumour came and here i am now, working as an engineer while having not normal legs.
P.d: i took advantage of my body participating in "human towers" look for "castellers" if oyu are coming to Barcelona-

@gromswowguide7927 - 02.03.2023 14:31

Depending on how you see it, this could just be a guy with great genetics for all other parts than his calves, alot of dudes have calves like this, it's just the stark contrast of this guy having alot of muscle all other places that makes his calves look small on him.

@sumner1879 - 15.03.2023 17:47

I am 6' 2 and have pretty good calves, I believe it's partially genetics and the fact that I bounce my knees constantly as my ADHD tic (think double kick on a bass drum) so my calves are just constantly being used

@waamaagaming1287 - 18.03.2023 01:12

My calves are even smaller…

@mastersplinter666 - 25.03.2023 20:32

I have the same issue but I'm five foot six.
It's the tibia bone which is just thinner and less dense then normal. Look at Jon Jones. Same thing.
Thinner than average knees and tibia which effects the calves.

@badengua4290 - 30.03.2023 23:55

That's me I'm skinny and my calves look like that I feel cursed

@jordonbeer9236 - 12.04.2023 15:54

I have terrible calf’s, to the point I smashed loads of tren. Worked volume, worked the stretch, worked strength. Spent hour session on calves, trained them 3/4 times a week, hill sprints, running everything.

And finally, fuck all happened 😂 still shit

@thekinghash - 18.04.2023 06:05

Meanwhile asians have boulder calves straight from the womb 😂

@micvili7527 - 20.06.2023 09:10

"The forbiden broom sticks" had me dying 😂

@zenithbhandari3174 - 21.06.2023 15:40

i have also same calves genetics

@Mmariovega - 02.07.2023 05:06

Go lower on squats even if you need to hold onto poles for assistance to get extra low that really helped me as well as maxing out incline on a treadmill aaaand jumping do everything in high reps and find a way to make it easier if body weight is to hard for high reps jumping pullups help to but do it in the privacyof tour home so you dont end up on the internet 😉

@heavyj2134 - 04.08.2023 07:24

So interesting. I've got big juicy calves, but my chest doesn't grow. Not sure, would I trade? LOL. I built my calves in my twenties. It turns out I have really nice calf genetics, but I found doing calf raises using pause sets in deep ankle flexion with deep breathing and diaphragm squeezing would force blood into the calf muscle and would result in an amazing pump, and loads of gains. That's my secret. Now I don't train them much, I don't have to, but I get compliments every once in a while. They might be my best body part. That's not a flex, this is not important. LOL.

@IdontspeakBro. - 24.08.2023 05:54

Ballerinas male and female have huge calves. Be a Ballerina 🩰

@ronaldwilliams9635 - 03.09.2023 21:37

Some men have legs like a woman.

@WildKat25 - 26.09.2023 18:44

For a female, I have really thick and muscular calves. Not because I work out, I have flat feet and the mechanical structure of my feet to my knees causes my calf muscles to over-compensate in order to maintain my balance.

@joegomez5463 - 30.10.2023 19:12

As someone who values jump height, and speed over looks, I'm jealous of this guy's calve insertions tbh.

@diaz5621 - 03.11.2023 20:53

Another example is heavy lifter larry wheels ,who recently competed for classic physique..that guys lifts around 700lb dead lifts..but with low insertion calves..his calves looks literally like tooth picks..with his 6'1",270 body weight calves are mere 17"..

@drygordspellweaver8761 - 10.12.2023 11:28

He doesn’t train them. It’s a gimmick. Daily stimulation would grow even those

@BlackForesterTeamFreiburg - 27.12.2023 18:04

i canmot say what works for other people but i realised that i need to go to failture by every bodypart.. and calves were painful befor reaching this point.. so i searched for effectfull weights and the most stretching movements and it worked for me well..

@asvardfjelstad5095 - 16.02.2024 14:56

Walking in barefoot shoes works insanely well. It’s not pretty and they’re ugly but after a year or so of consistent use the difference is pretty wild.
Something I also noticed immediately the first time I went to the states is that most people had really under developed calves. I attributed this to Americans being significantly more sedentary. They never walk anywhere! In Europe we walk around all the time for long stretches. A light day for me is around 12,000 steps. Think that might also be something to consider

@Turd_Burglar804 - 05.04.2024 04:13

Dude has buttcheeks on his chest and broomsticks for calves. I suddenly feel a little better about myself.

@adamvictor9124 - 28.04.2024 03:55

My brother had some problem when he was younger of walking toe heavy. He got charley horses on his calves and the doctor gave him something to fix how he walked. Today he walks around with boulder sized calves and he doesn't even work out.

@markjermaine71 - 08.05.2024 03:45

Upper body only work out ☺️ I focused on calf muscles ...they have eXploded with my work out.
